__________THE MICHIGAN DAILY ______ TUESDAY, MAY 3,1932 g - o ... . EI Ckle R': yyo 'a .7aa, . ute 3 tiff' n :'; Ofliio!a . il T in g,."- a ..., w2oI l~shreTurs- a 1"Hi e learned about women; 11from1 ri H l onI"Perio a vCiig.u- her,' 'trauslated into Span t .1 would to. tIIve h ewilrckI t adequately describe ethrof the thichapJ f LhTL_. u 1 o ;"hat two playlets to be presented by La"sTe.;py"Tieelcue r Sociedad Hispanica at 3.15 o'clock - ;> > ~CJLytIOTeou la tonight in the Laboratory ttre., ,, aleop"'. t& nahse oubiic b n'ez Sierra, is the title ofthe fct- of the two plays to be ursne oi;Sit ~ l hursday, by the club. It deals with ti i_ckle- 72 Ah 2 iin :ter;:y. All ness of the cousin of a youzngSpan - CSO C,..Pt eeaucd lard, Antonio. 'T'ragil" is translatd adty ' s "cfikle" in Engllish. k51 . staffantr - ! _I -1-- i'te eiclScol As Antonio thinks .Rosina is tic- U.~ iL~hat t.v .m J.., Von VVcU- who were initiate-! are .Allen M.~e ocosLrnotiko edy ehi fie Boyden, Jerome Cohn, Albert T.- Justina that women are mute, in e BegMitn ediwtz ndiiaL"Sin Palabaras," the' second play, (-Theogap ijeal Iand G otl c', yi .Bas.which is the work of the Quintero ..ra ij rf ,C. K arpnski brothers, Spanish playwrights. Liw~ give anillusrated 'p ure on Students from the College of The presentation of these two "iEariy,MP aps o-mrc, Thursday, Dental Surgery who were taken playlets breaks a four-year silence at 8 p.1,,nRom4T8N. into the organization are Noble M. of the Sociedad for the first time. I- - Schindler, Ferris G. Hedge, and __________Itorfiatenity auiEil Mcnbers: Michael J. M6.xian. Zpca eetingto conide deer- M embers of the College of Phar- !re rsh n acda, ay5 Macy who we're initiated are Cole- ~ P F[A+,7:30 o0c-°k, in the U~nion. man F. Flaskamp and JohnF Oneto. f fpf Sw a O C,,ii cI bes :Regu- The School of Education wasD I I rc a r eo eeting this noon. j represented by Josephine K. Kriser, U L ~ U__ Mildred R. Lasser, Ivalita Giascock, NIAUA IST' Charles M. Brown, Hamilton P. (Continued from Page 1) ATP',Tau Omega 16, h appa Easton, and Charlotte L. Etzold. Apitet fmnfo h I Ta ii2 Ket B aketofteScolliterary college and the nginearping DeltaFhi 14, Ph-iiKapp)a Sigman ?5, of Business Administration, and school to serve. on the Honor Guard Aha Kuoppa Lambda17, ?-' p); Vernon F. Hicks of the School of hv led enanucd rs~Nl2 FoetyadCnevto eeidents of the senior classes of the Dela Tai Delta , , ph Dlta i initiated.PA; Membrs f th Scool f MsicEducation school, the lBusin-ess .Adt-P 3 whomwere ofithaed arehobertf Mu.ic inistration school, the Medical The L L elta Chi 10, SgaAlnha whower intiaed re obet k ,school, and the architectural school Mu3. Crandell and Mary H. Munson. nI ae nonth1mntht r tLd apaEpsilon 9, TnKy Wai Paak Lei, and William R. represent their groups in the Honor Pa. Epsilon 5. BabctfteCleeo ~cie-Ga , etra.Clifz 6 et ure were also initiated. Malcolm R. Srirton, '322, appoint- Pi Lambdla Phi Ii,Alh Kappa eci the following architects* WiI - Pi10" 'Ford M assacre' Storys 1am R. Balbach. Wai. Paak Lei, Syl- Pal''i-'i 8, Ph i Ch i 4. vItrJ Stepnoski, and Lyle F. Phi Si .n a. Delta 11, iha C]'i. Befoe Soialst Cub Zsle. JuiusGouza, '32Ed, named Rho 0.j the following men from the,, Edu- Phi Si ;,ma Kappa 31, '1.,,ta Xi 13. The story of the "Ford Massacre" cation school : Hamilton Easton, BetaThtaPi r8, .Acrea wil be told at an open meeting of Frances Hazen, George Sarkozy, L A Dlta Rho i. ht Chi 0. the Michigan Socialist club Wed- Alexander Shaw, and II a r m o n F''Kpp Psi 1 ,Trin7 l 0. riesday night in the Union by Wolfe. Marie Sga, etritahirny,7,ogeHamoni'2Mappi4. MarcuaDtot tony ereHmmn.'2.anit 1 Kapalpha 1, Delt a Sigma I i ed Joseph Belsley, Luther Carpen- ter, Russell De~ong, Steven Dono- van, Moses Frohlick, .Lewis Graves, Harry Greenbaum, Eugene Hand, Curtis McDonnel, Robert McGilli- cuddy, Daniel Myers, and Winston Wreggitt, from the Medical School. Keith Hackett and Lawrence Hoe- bart Were, chosen from the Business .Administration school. a'Mi 5. SPRI NG SUITS All A1trations rat Cost r C. DOUKAS 1319 South University f DO-, ...°' INH ALE? 0 0 vital question so much avoided by other cigarettes? E VER since Lucky Strike created that special process for purify- ing fine tobacco and told the full ~facts about cigarette smoking- the industry has been in an up roar.. For Lucky Strike has dared to mention things that were con- side'red "taboo", in the. cigarette trade. You may have noticed a striking That's why it's all-important to be certain that your cigarette smoke is pure and clean--to be sure you don't inhale certain impuritiesI. Do you inhale? Lucky Strike has dared to raise this vital questio.n -for it gives you the protection you want. .. because certain im- tpurities concealed in even the finest, nildest tobacco leaves i a