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May 03, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-03

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VOL. XLII. No. 152. EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESryAY, MAY 3, 1932 WEATHER: Partly cloudy; sower s.



} }.
l 4

Fraternities Fight Ruin;

Will Protest Rushing Rules


ences have sufficient background so
that they could understand the
humor of the play, and so decided
to bring the well known author
here for a lecture tour with the
,hope that he would impress his un-
usual personality on the public.
His stilted and affected behavior,
his effeminacy, his departure from
reality were all a pose which he en-
joyed very much, it was indicated.
Also he was not unaware that these
actions on his part aided in the
sale of his works, Professor Camp-
bell said.
Wilde has wrilten. "the best;
modern comedy of manners that I
know of," Professor Campbell said.
His sense of the spirit of modern
comedy is not found in other writ-
ers, it was indicated.
Wilde's play, "The Importance of
Being ,Earnest," is being produced
by Play Production in Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre on May 4, 5, 6, and

New Plan Would Limit
Rule to Orientation
Week Next Year.
by Carl S. Forsythe

Kaufman Musical
Comedy Is Named
Pulitzer Winner
NEW YORK, May 2. - (IP) - The
catchy tunes and unbridled satire
of National politics of "Of Thee I
Sing" has made it the first musical
comedy ever to win the Pulitzer
prize for the best original Ameri-

P rents of Ntudents Will Have asked what he was in the United
Opportunity to See School States for, Wilde is reported to
in Operation, have replied 'to declare my own
The occasion of his visit here, ac-
Cap Night, athletic vents, the cording to Professor Campbell, was
Spring Games, banquets, lectures, the production of "Patience" by
dances, concerts, and exhibitions of Gilbert and, Sullivan, a take-off on
many kinds have been planned for the aesthetes of the period of Wilde
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of ianxrtiutha theAmduersa ere
this week as the University of
Michigan and Ann Arbor alike, pre-
pare to meet aluni returning for OEM CR TS
the second annual Spring Home-,
The program has been compiled1
to include all phases and depart-
ments of the University. Alumni
and parents of students are to be
given the opportunity of seeing the Roosevelt, Smith, Garner All
University operating under capacity Confident of 44 Ballots
Throughout Friday and Saturday, on Western Coast.
the University museum, considered-
to be the finest of its kind in the (y he Associael P.ress> I
'world, will be open for inspection. California's 44 votes in the Demo-
On the first floor will be displayed cratic national convention was the
paleontological specimens which big prize dangling before Franklin
will consist of fossils and animals. D. Roosevelt, Alfred E. Smith and
On the, mezzanine floor a special Speaker John Nance Garner in to-
exhibItion 'df Michigan birds and day's prsidetial primaries.
animals showing the species in their Smith picked up Rhode Island's
natural environmqnt has been ar_ 10 delegates in a convention yester-
ranged. On the fourth floor, will day, which also came out for repeal
be displayed Indian implements, or resubmission of prohibition, but
which will include baskets, instru. this delegation had been conceded
ments, garments, and weapons. the 1928 nommee and Roosevelt
At the sauie time the Architectur- workers were confident California
al School will stage an exhibition would add her 44 to the New York
of work in decorative design, draw- governor's present total of 279
Ing, ainting, architecture, model u Smith andd Garner forces were
ing, dec~raive glass, and 'frag- equally confident.
rngs d r gl, d - The 10 in Rhode Island boosted
The ph ysics department has pre- Smith's delegates to 46 to place him
(Coe ipued n Page 2) third in the running, 12 delegate
behind Sen. Lewis, of Illinois.
Beside, Rhode Island, Maryland
voters, in a presidential primary
selected delegates to state conven-
tions which, in turn, will name 19
irnP[ Republican and 16 Democratic
national delegates.
Delegates pledged to President
Hoover took a long lead over those
G s to be Held Friday and.supporting former Sen. Joseph I.
ames ey a France,. of Maryland, in the Re-
Saturday at River, ' publican primary. The Democrats
Ferry Field. already have been pledged to Gov.
Albert C. Ritchie. '
Organization of the under classes An Arkansas district meeting will
fort the annual Spring Games to'be name two Hoover delegates today
held Friday and Saturday will to complete the state's delegation of
begin tonight when the class of '34 15. The two brought the Hoover
meets at 7:30 o'clock 'in the assem- pledged and claimed delegates total
bly room of the Union to elect a to 703, with only 578 required for
captain. Rules for the, games will the nomination.
be explained to the class leader, Results in county Democratic
who will also appoint his assistants meetings in South Carolina yester-
for the affair, according t Joseph day indicated Roosevelt would be
F. Zias, chairman of the committe, an easy winner of the 18 delegates
in charge. to be selected there May 18.
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the
speech department will address the
rally, which will conclude' withaO
Election of the freshman captain
will take place tomorrow nigh
when T. Hawley Tapping, secretary
of the alumni association, will talk. ,
The yearlings will meet before each
day's activities before the Union, All Clases Will Assemble at
while the sophomores will gather at - 3:30 Tomorrow on
Waterman gymnasium.
With the canoe race d6finitely off Diagonal.
this year, only four points will be
awarded Friday, it was announced. Seniors from every college of the
One point each will be scored for University will assmble' at 3:30
.the two selected 50-man ts-of- o'clock tomorrow on the Diagonal
war and two for the class tug-of- for the annual Swingout ceremon-
war, which events are to be held ies, the first of the traditional
at 3:30 o'clock Friday at the Huron events symbolizing their gradua-
river.. tion.
rhe events scheduled for Satur- Wearing for the first time their
day to take dlace on south Ferry caps and gowns, they will form a
field will include the cane spree, the procession and make a complete
obstacle race, pillow fights, wand the circuit of the campus, finally gath-
hog-tying contest. The first three ering in Hill auditoriu-m where the
of these events will count two exercises will begin promptly at 4
points each, while the hog-tying o'clock.
event will score three. * Classes for graduating students
_____________will be dismissed at 3 o'clock so that
- - *... - - - sill mnvv ' +nrir 'ha ff'iri p Th~n-



National Scholastic Organization
Inducts Two Faculty Menbers
and 69 Students.
Seventy-one new members were
initiated into Phi Kappa Phi, the
national honorary scholastic socie-
ty, last night at the aminual dinner
of the organization which imas held
in the Michigan Union. . .
The presentation was made by
Prof. William H. faobbs, retiring
vice-president of the organization,
and Dr. C. S. Yoa um, retiring
president, gave initiates instrue-
tions as to the purpose of the
James Gives Address.
Professor Preston James, of the
geography department, gave the
.ddress of the evening. He spoke
>n The Meaning of Geography."
2eorge o. Poinar and Mary Helen
\Munson, both members of Phi
Kappa Phi, gave a musical selec-
The newly elected officers bf the
organization are Prof. William H. ,
Hobbs, president; Prof. H. B. Lewis,
vice-president; Prof. R.,S. Swinton,
secretary; J. C. Christensen, treas-
urer; and Prof. Preston James,
historian. Dr. Yoakum, and Dr.!
Stuart A. Courtis were elected to
the executive committee.
Faculty Members Initiated.
Members of all departments of
the University are eligible for the
antrance into Phi Kappa Phi. Fac-
ulty members who were initiated
last night are Prof. Harley H.
Bartlett and Prof. Charles F. Remer.
Students of the College ofiLiter-
ature, Science 'and the Arts who
were taken into the organization
are Williard L. Wilcox, Daniel R.
Thomas, Marwin R. Dodson, Albert
F. Sherry, Alton F. Reeves, Julius
C. Bernstein, Violet G. danberg,
Evelyn R. Labimski, Francis F.
Ro enbatim, Carolyn M. Cook, Sid-
ney H. Woolner, Nanette M. Dem-
bitz, and Helen B. Aulph.
Richard W. Loveland, Elizabeth
F. Osgood, Williari G. Fordon, Wil-i
bur A. Muehlig, Everett R. Shaw,
Aileen E. Henricson, Jean L. Mac-
Naughton, Harold F. Falls, Dorothy
Daniels, Ford W. Spikerman, Carl
H. Ducker, Julia W. Rogers, Doro-
thea L. Waterman, Juanita Weller,
Sarah B Bradley, Miriam L. Cort-
right, Ea V. Pascoe, Cile E. Miller,
(Continued on Page 2)
British Pilot is Held
After Long Grillingz
MIAMI, Fla., May 2.--(/P)-Capt.
W. ,N. Lancaster, former British
aviator and flying partner of Mrs.
J. M. Keith-Miller, Australian avia-
trix, was charged with first degree
mirder today for the death of Ha-
den Clarke, twenty-six-year-old au-
thor and her fiance, who was mys-
terously shot 11 days ago at her
home -here.
The murder charge climaxed 10
davs of investipmtion.

Campus leaders and representa+ can play of the year.
tives of Michigan's general frater- Frankly terming the play award
nities will hold an emergency mass "Unusual," the advisory board gave
meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Thursdaythe $1,000 which accompanies it to
night at the Union to participate WiGog .Kuma nMn
a concentrated action to break up George S. Kaufman and Morrie
the present deferred rushing pro- the ook, and Ira Gershwin, the
grain which has brought- many of brother of George Gershwin, the
the houses virtually to the brink rcomposer, who wrote the lyrics.
of financial ruin. Ger. John J. Pershing's book,
A definite plan will be presented .JMy Experiences in the 'World
at that time fpr the approval of War," won the highest single award
the fraternities which, if approved, I of the 14. He was given the $2,000
will put the Interfraternity council prize for the best book of the year
on record as favoring deferred upon the history of the United
rushing during Orientation week States.
and a formal pledging ceremony at ParlS.B
the opening of th( third week of Pearl S. Bucks novel, "The Good
school, folowing two weeks of in- Earth,' which has been a best seller
tensive rushing. for months, won for her the $1,000
Will Call Special Meeting. prize for best novel published by an
If the plan is approved and pass- American author. Mrs. Buck, now
ed by the required number of hous- in Nanking, China, where her hus-
es will be turned over immediately band is a professe, based her book
to Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu- on life among the Chinese masses.
dents, who will be asked to call a Henry eI. Pringle, former New
special session of the Senate Coin- York newspaperman, who nqw
mittee on Student Affairs to pass writes biographical material for
upon the plan. magazines, won the $1,000 award
The special committee wlhich has for the best American biography,
drawn up the system consists of "Theodore Roosevelt."
student, faculty members, and "rhe Flowering Stone," by George
alumni. They stated last night that Dillon won the $1,000 prize for the
action must be taken immediately best volume of verse published dur-
unless the - houses desire to go ing the year by an American author.
through the same system again as
that which was inflicted upon them
The plan, formulated with theM
objective of getting freshmen into B Y SOCIALISTS
fraternities as soon .as possible
without interfering with Orienta- Vigorously denying that Coi-
tion week and at the least possible munist and Conservative Socialist
expense, is expected to meeet the factions threaten to split the Mich-
approval of the fraternities with igan Socialist club' the central
little or no opposition in view of committee of the organization yes-
p aicopl e filre f the a terday declared that the 'student
toplan and the inability of the houses socialists present a unified front in
to meet financial obligations under suport of their main objectives.
the pres ent situation. ~ot htaCmuitbo
Fraternities Must Codperate. ports that a Commumst bloc
The committee indicated 1 a st attempted to railroad through
night that the fraternities must several clauses in the recently
ndht t1g thefr atncernnitesaustadqpted constitution were branded
band tofgether at once and not. ar- as false last night by Samuel Ro-
gue oveA minor points of the plan mer, a member of the compittee.
if the system is to be changed be- The constitution as drawn up by
fore fall, The main objective, they a special body was accepted with
said, is get lack to a raore conser-
vative plan of pledging, one which only minor revisions, Romer said.
will not keep the fraternity men Though there was disagreement on
busy rushing all semester and one nmany points, no single faction was
busyush in all n se m te financial organized in support of, or opposi-
whichy oflinsu the fraternitiesl tion to, any classes in the docu-
sIt was understood last night that ment, he declared.
President Alexander G. Ruti en The club was almost unanimous
has taken an active interest and in approval of the preamble, and
that he has advised an alumni the general aims stated therein,
gthat he hassadvisehd sntaatmon. according to Rqmer. The preamble
group to consider the situation. !,vfstate that the students have ba d-

Honor Society Names
Five Junior Members
Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary
society of the medical school yes-
terday announced the election of
new mei bers; who will be.initiated
in cerembnies to be held at the Un-
ion on May 10.
The new members are Harold
Pliskow, Harry Swartz, Gerald J.
Woods, Stewart J. Smith and John
E. Williams.

ed together for their common good
and "for the reconstruction of a
society based on the production for
use and not for profit."
Romer pointed out that the so-
calists' constitution includes a na-
tional program as well as local ob-
The rumor of dissension within
the organization, Romer said, was
spread by an individual member of
the club afte a closed meeting anaI
represented only the opinion of a
single dissenting member.

Henderson Secures Two Broadway
Shows for Spring Dramatic Season

Two dramas which are at present
playing to Broadway audiences will
be given here at the annual drama-
tic season which opens May 23, Ac-
cording to Robert Henderson, who
yesterday announced that he had
received permission from Gilbert
Miller in New York to do Philip
Barry's "The Animal Kingdom" and
John Van Drutten's "There's Al-
ways Juliet."
Ann Arbor will be the first city
outside New York to see either of
these two shows, it was learned.
Geoffrey Kerr has been engaged to

* * *
University of California and wel
known for his work in a number o
films, Vail comes to Ann Arbor witl
a long record of leading roles.
Bernard Shaw's "Candida" wil
follow on May 27, with Patricia
Collinge and Robert Henderson do-
ing the lead roles. Henderson ha.
been in New York for the past yeas
working with Blanche Yurka anc
has come here to direct the festival
Martha Graham will present twc
dance recitals on June 2 and 3, it
was announced.
To Show "The Great Catherine"

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