TTHE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1932 == - ___________________________________ ___ . ..;, , ALERA AGAIN DL Abolishing Oath to King Passes Second Hearing; Opposition Strong. JIN, Irish Pxee State, April; (P)--President Earnon de Val- bill to abolish the oath of ;iance to King George was' ly over what has ,been consid- its most formidLable hurdle. y. aging abitter battl& in the dail nn Friday night, th e president his Fianna Fall and Labor col- ues carried it on seond read- by a vote of '77 to"' 7'1, in the of bitter opposition. from for- President William T. Cosgravel's jorters. Ve propose to. get th 6 lgst let- of our legal rights," cle Valera ,ared shprtly before the vote taken. "If Britain is going to the Anglo-Irish treaty as a big k let her do it ir the face he whole world. If the British ernment attempts any reprisals will prove its pretec so of, co-1 ality amo'-g the natins of the monwealtl? to bo.a osh Ve are going to test Whether quality is a deceptive phrase or solid substance behind it. My in life is to defeat the British cy of dividing our people."' Support of Bill Weakening. 'here were rumors today that Labor party members were kening and might endanger the her progress of the bill by with!- wing; their essential support n the government, but Will ton, Labor leader, said after the e they would support the bill >ugh its subsequent stage. he opposition, which allowed measure to be adopted on first ling without a fight, massed all strength against it Friday. ne of the strongest attacks caie mi P. lMcGiligan, minister of ox- nal affairs and industry in the ner Cosgrave government. Agaiti i again he said: "Irish inde dence has been won alreads, some people are so foolish as to see it." u.i~s _ Daily Official Bulletin (CntintIed from Page 6) at 7:30 p.m., Monday, May 2, in Room 1139 N.S. Mr. Austin will, discuss water absorption and con-[ duction in trees and Mr. Berg will discuss transpiration in pines. Junior Research Club: Tuesday, May 3, 7:30 p.m., in Room 2082 N.S.' "Chemical Reactions in Liquid Steel," by Dr. John Chipman; and "Vascularization of the Neural Tube in the Mammal," by Dr. L. H. Strong. MVXr. Philip C. Nash, National Di- rector of the League of Nations Association, will speak on Tuesday, May 3, at 8:15 p.m., in Room 1025 A.H., on the subject "Our Interest in the Peace Machinery-Disarma- ment and the Far East." The public is invited. .Michigan Dames will meet Tues- day, May 3, at 8 p.m., in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. There will be second semester initiation and election of officers for next year. NOTICE! All Crew Members, Supervisors, Team Captains and Student sub- scription saspeople who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity for free scholarship's made possible hruhthe courtesy of the National 0agazine Publisher's again this year are requested to apply to the national organizer M. Anthony Steele, Jr., Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rica, stat- ing qualifications fully. WANT ADS PAY Members of Tuesday and Thur s- Woman's Rescarch Club: Dinner day Groups of the Dean's Luncheon: at League, Monday, May 2, at 6:15 There will be a joint meeting of p.m. Regular meeting follows. Mrs. the members of these two groups Donahue will speak on "Some Tuesday, May 3, at a luncheon at Physiological Affects of Noise." the Union. Faculty Women's Club: The Mon- day Evening Drama Section will hold the annual pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. Robert Hall, Barton Hills, May 2, at 6:30. Adelphi: Inter-party discussion upon a subject to be announced I during the open meeting at 7:30 Tuesday in Room 4203 A.H. The recipient of the annual Honor SAward will be voted upon in the, closed 'session. Sigma Xi: Active members and Associates are reminded of the Annual Banquet and Initiation in the ballroom of the League, Wed- nesday, May 4, at 6:30 p.m. Please do not fail to return the postal card sent in the official notice. Phib tpa Phi: Spring initiation and banquet wil be held at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, May 2, in the second floor terrace and reception room of the Union. Members desir- ing to attend should notify the secretary, R. S. Swinton, at Room 308 Engineering Annex or Campus phone 649 for reservations. Phi Beta Kappa Initiation: The Initiation Ceremony for the mem- bers elected this year will be held on Monday, May 2, at 4:15 p.m., in the Chapel of the Michigan League. For the information of those who may have engagements at six that evening we wish to state that we hope to be through by five o'clock. Matters will be considerably expe- dited if some of the new members will present themselves a little in advance of the hour to sign the Chapter Roll Book as it is this which takes time. NOTICE LAUNDRY - Soft water. 21044. Towels free. Socks darned. 271c WANTED TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty. M. V. Hartsuff. 9087. 526c FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT-Furnished or unfurnished. 1324 Olivia. Avail- able June 1. 614c AN UNUSALLY desirable office for attorney, doctor, dentist, or engi- neer. Now available in First Na- tional Bank Bldg. For informa- tion call bank office. 560c COMPLETELY furnished apart- ment with private bath and shower for 3 or 4 adults. Also furnished apartment for two. Double and single room. Garage. Permanent rental or week-ends. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington St. 610c SEVEN Room modern house and garage. North of campus. $50 a month. Phone 21405. 612 FOR SALE BAUSCH LOMB BINOCULAR re- search microscope with Abbe con- denser. Call 9630. 609c REPOSSESSED CARS - Buy from Finance company for balance due. We sell all makes of new cars. Investigate. ASSOCIATED MOTOR SERVICES 311 W. Huron Phone 22001 235c I i No Seconds or Close-Outs BUY WITH CONFIDENCE SPALDING GOLF BALLS NEW SIZE AND WEIGHT Kro-Flite and Top-Flite Paintless - 3 for $2.00 NEW STOCK Golf Ball as low as 6 for $1.00 BOBBY JONES IRONS - $5.00 Each Steel Shafts - Wonderful Value A sensational New Model developed by Bobby Jones himself and autographed. BEGINNERS SET -4 Clubs and Bag--$4.75 Yi ,Dt Fury l' 'I 9 r a;i t, TENNIS BUY WITH CONFIDENCE RESTRINGING All work 4one in our own shop by expert restringers. Prices $3.00 to $8.00 Armour's strings used exclusively 2~ Spalding-Wright & Ditson-Bancroft- Lee-Models used by America's foremost tennis players. Tilden Top-Flite-Kro- Bat - Gold Star - Davis Cup - Winner. Excep ;onal Values $2.50 to $15.00 A wonderful Restring-Tilden Junior $5.00 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE at SPALPING-WRIGHT & DITSON-DUNLOP-PENNSYLVANJA SWte-3 for $1.00-RED Practice Tennis Balls-25c each ,t BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Geo, DetroitCeebration chigan Socialist club members join with Detroitworkers and eats in that city today for the ial May Day celebration. A. de will format' FerryHall and h to Grand Circus Park where ass meeting will be held. The ing will be addressed by vari- speakers of worker's organiza- A large delegation of the club other students from the Uni- ty are expecting to attend. A dre, 0 % I A m M W MEMM i i Tatu Beta Pi dinner meeting Tuesday, May 3, at 6:15 p.m., the lvicigan Union. on in SPOR T SHOP 711 N. University Ave. 902 S. State St. New, Second.-Rana, Rebijt, Smitr.Coz'ona, -Noseless, 14XS. s e tSt., An Arbor. + A 1 .+ % w ti Fr , ,. , re : " yp ;{ . .. 1 6 ..S' , ; {1, , , ?4 r ra 1 . . '! t s d ., .. ( .,t'r. ti.t t lyx1",iW t!s,! °..'+1' ^ .a-a r ). .'i,=: ,++L :': 4 # &,1'ir ' ':'+ 1 'r b READ THE DAIY CLASSIFIEDS Down Go Te 01Ce a Ogg o0 lk' BY ORDER OF THE COURT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF WOOLFOLK AND COMPANY, INCLUD- ING FIXTURES, MUST BE LIQUIDATED AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. t SCl- UITS $19.50 t270-Not.ingHiher Topcoats X19.5O and up g7u Ar. low ff a Ar Polo u, oats All Heavy OVERCOAT $19.50 TUXDO S $22.5 ALL NEW SPRING TIES only 95c-3 for $2.75 ALL SHIRTS $1.55-3 for $4.5C ALL NEW SPRING HOSE 50c HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET THAT QUALITY SUIT OR TOP-COAT AT A PRICE NEVER BEFORE EQUALED IN OUR FOURTEEN YEARS OF BUSINESS ON THE CAMPUS. LF.OA4" AW 'AN 0