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April 30, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-30

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SA TUTtAY, APRIL 30, 1932

Published every morning except Monday during the University
)Fear by the Board in Control, of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or -not otherwise
eredited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann .Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.

(which was only one set) was good; the lighting
mediocre; the direction was average and the acting,
as a whole, was fair. Acting, seen analytically, di-
vides a play into those having the leads and those
supporting artists filling up the cast. A strong and
impressive leading character often pulls the acting
up to a high stage purely by his own talents, bal-
ancing a mediocre suporting cast while a good
suporting cast can elevate the value of the acting
by balancing a weak lead.
y There are two leading characters in this piece
but it rested upon the shoulders of one to raise the
acting ability of the whole. That one was Paul
Wermer, who, as Prince Sirki (Death in disguise)
really portrayed that character with most of the!

Every year about this time there
comes a week-end when highschool
girls from all over the state came
to Ann Arbor to look the place over.
We have appointed a staff of spe-
cial reporters for the occasion, and
by Sunday we should have a lot of
prize stories about the highschool


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Ofiices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
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MANAGING EDITOR finesse, power and intensity that Cassello put into
R1CIARD L. TOBIN him. I do not say all because there were flaws in
New* Rdltor............................ David M. Nichol
Ct Editor.................. .. Carl Frsythe his acting, as there are in all student talent, but he
Editorial Director ............................ Beach Conger, Jr. did give the correct portrait of his character as the
Sports Editor ..... . ................... Sheldon C.'Fullerton "taker of life" in a mortal role who becomes en-
Women's Editor..........................Margaret M. Thompson meshed in his own adventure, love. The heroine,
Assistant News Editor .......................... Robert L. Pierce
-_____ _ "Grazia" acted by Kilda Harris, was lacking in
NIGHT EDITORS strength and emotion and seemed inadequate to the
16.1and A. Goodma Jerry E. Rosenthal i ethereal depths which she requires.
Ki- sie*rt George A. Stauter The supporting cast, which I repeat was only fair
Sports Assistants on the whole, did have some outstanding qualities.'
brian W. Jones John W. Thomas Charles A. Sanfatnd Melvin Benstock's "Duke Lambert" was more than
mediRcreSand although he hasn't seemed to have'
Stanley W. Arnhceim Harold 1. KEute Tfon W. Pritchard totally escaped from his "Gremio" in "The Taming
Donald[ F. Blankertz John S. Mar hall Joseph Repihan of the Shrew" he gave to the audience a fine example
1.dward C. Campbel Roland Mtartin C. d art Schaaf o nEgihdk
TiFa Cnelan flel AlY r ItrackySw of an English duke placed in a position such as no
Rolbrt S. i)t'ulsch Albert U. N wman Parker Snyder other person had ever encountered. Dorothy Icove,
Fredi A. I idFrr I . lroiiie 1Pttit (GlenniiR. Winters
as "Alda" was another whose work touched a high
Miriam Carver Prudenr 1aFoster Margaret O'Brin ground. Her scene in the second act with Wermer
llcatrice Colins Alice Gilbert Beverly Stark
Louise raidalI rajecSManchester Alma Wadsworth was probably one of the best intimate pieces viewed
Elsie Felman Flizaleth Mann Josephine Woodhams on campus for the past few seasons and she left
BUSINESS STAFF little to be asked in the way of expression and emo-
Telephone 21214 tion. Jack Weissman, in the role of "Corrado" also
CIJARLE. S T. KL INE...................... BuiWA49s >1$041gei
NORIS P. JuiNsoN....................Assistant Manager gave a creditable showing.
Department Managers Sylvan Simon, who directed the production, was'
Advertising..................................Vernon Bishop not particularly meritorious in the part of the some-
Adverti-ingCSercts...........................Hyrrn C. edey time rejuvenated "Baron Cesara" and at times was
Publications. ......... ........ iliam Browna bit boring. His direction, however, was somewhat
Accounts............................ ichard, Strtemeit
women's Business Manager ...................... Ann W. Vernor better.-
Assistants On the whole, the play did not come near reach-
Orvil Aronson Arthur F'. Kohn Donald A. Johnson, II ing inspiring heights although it is a powerful thing
Gilbert .. Buraley Bernard Sehinacke Dean Turner and cannot help but impress one by its sheer beauty
Allen Clark Grafton W. Sharp Don Lyon
Robet Finn Bernard H. Good of style and strong motivation. It did; however.
Donna Becker Virginia McComb .lelen Spencer entertain and it did reach the stage of rewarded
]Maxine Fischgrund Caroline M osher Kathryn Spencer endeavor. It, perhaps, is a little beyond the average
Ann Gailmeyer I [den Olson IKathryn Stork .
Katherine Jackson elen Shsurde ('Fare USnger in the difficulty of effective production but one
Dorothy Laylin M\ay Seefried Mlary Elivabeth Watts cannot help but praise the Hillel players for at least
endeavoring to give Ann Arbor play goers a taste of
the best in modern drama and in that they suc-
NIGHT EDITOR-GEORGE A. STAUTER ceeded. The bad taste which one takes with him
from too many campus productions and the sugary
SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1932 sweet oral sense which one sometimes finds entirely
distasteful were lacking leaving only a healthy vigor
which is the thing which only the better campus
Newon D. Daker plays should leave.
Its second and last performance will be given to
SJnight, and is worth seeing.
(nr t hta rnnrh C

Yesterday we celebrated the
Sholi day from eleven o'clock
I classes by going to the Honors
Convocation in Hill Auditorium.
We went only because we want-
ed to see Artie Cross in his Ox-
ford robes. He was on the plat-
form but all he did was read
his program. He 'didn't laugh
at any of the jokes and he only
looked up once. It must be the
Spring weather is having a salu-
tary effect upon the campus build-
ings. The Romance Language Build-
ing is developing a swell set of
freckles on its turret and Angell'
Hall has a lot of sweat on its brow.
We hate to think of what might
happen to the Economics Building.
Some day we are going over there-
,and look around.
The Rolls photographer was sent
out to get a picture of Dr. Ruthven
in an every-day attitude, so that'
the students might get an idea of
our president's human side, and
here is what he got. This is a pic-
ture of Dr. Ruthven and a couple of
other fellows leaving the Union
Tap-room. Left to right: Dr. Ruth-
ven and a couple of other fellows.
Our good professors are near-
ly frantic trying to teach class-
es while the visiting school
teachers dash in and out from
one class to another. One might
think that a bunch of people
who specialize in teaching would
realize how hard it is to teach
a class with people getting up
leaving right in the middle of
it. lHmp!*

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ALTER LIPPMANN, following the recent
W defeat of Franklin Roosevelt in the Massa-
chusetts presidential primary and the practically
inconsequential victory of the New York governor
in Pennsylvania, stated in his column "Today and
Tomorrow" that the Democratic convention which
meets in June at Chicago will do well not to
nominate either Roosevelt or Smith.
To name either of these candidates would
prove more a handicap for the party than to select
a nonentity. Roosevelt is popular 'in the West
where he has not been so well known while in
the East where his policies and accomplishnents
are more than a little familiar he has met with
surprising opposition. Lippmann points out that
the Massachusetts defeat amply illustrates the fact
that the industrial and thickly populated East,
where Roosevelt is best known, does not want
him and would prefer someone else.
The Democratic party is a party of extremes,
it is a party which includes the most bigoted
reactionaries and rabid liberals; the dryest drys
and the wettest wets are contained within its fold
and to pick a presidential candidate who can satis-
fy all elements and receive their support is always
a delicate task. Roosevelt is a man who will prove
desirable to the West, which agrees with the
governor's talk on helping the struggling masses
while in the East, where his actions have spoken
louder than his verbal enunciations, he is not so
desirable. Smith, on the other hand, because of
various influences is only satisfactory to the great
metropolitan centers but curiously not desirable
to the industrialists nor the agricultural interests.
We agree with Mr. Lippmann in saying that
if the Democratic party is to win the election in
November, which it can do, it must not nominate
either man from New York. Such an. action would
only be another one of the notorious mistakes of
the Democrats when they might choose a man
like Newton D. Baker.
A ReviewI
by Jerry E. Rosenthal
When the Hillel players took it upon thmselves
two years ago to put on "Caponsacchi," a precedent
involving the production of unordinary works, which
include depth and a high degree of sympathy lack-
ing in most modern pieces, was established. In
keeping with this tradition the players last night
presented Cassello's intense fantasy to a crowded
Laboratory theatro with more than mediocre success.
To put on "Death Takes a Holiday" excellently
an excellent cast is an absolute necessity; to put
it on fairly well, a fair cast is required and to give
it poorly, it is not hard to surmise that a poor cast
can only do it this way. The aforementioned state-
ment is neither as obvious nor as general as it4
appears on the surface. The general run of modern
plays can be and are presented successfully (if any
are successful these days) with no more than medi-
ocre casts. Plays better than the general run require
more skilled players and unless these are supplied
the nlo is not sucessfu1 Ca1ssll's nlav is better I

There is no cinema situation quite so much fun as
having the leading lady go out to get the leading
man on a bet, which is one reason why "Misleading
pa v" ("is an 'e.(nterftainin ictuire Of e.irce if ne.

UUU 1: al Clt Ltclllll JJA.. U.'.. V1''. ..JuJ. .3'.'11 .Jjl'.. he first call for tryout columns
is loking for a well ordered plot containing subject h alrady bor frut oks
and predicate, with rising and falling action, there like already borne fruit. It oks
are plenty of things to criticize, but then who cares tor like thn opepln ot. ere
about a plot. Claudette Colbert is an aristocratic is going to be plenty hat. Here
young lady who is bored with the old routine of is a paragraph written by Sammy
parties and things and strangely enough has an idea Jay. We thmk it is pretty darn
that she could be a great actress if given the chance. 1good, and will be something for
the rest of the tl youts to shoot
She makes a bet with a play producer that she can t Heret is:
get a certain South American Engineer to ask her at. Here it is:
to marry him. She snares him very prettily but he *
finds out about the trick and being a hot-headed Just how acute the marriage ver-
South American engineer he kidnaps her and spirits sus divorce problem has become,
her away in an auto-gyro, which happens to be no one seems to realize. As a mat-
standing in the front yard. The scene of action ter of fact Professor McKenzie of
then shifts to Mr. Engineer's lodge in the mountains the sociological faculty foresees theI
(The Andes) and great sport is had by all when possibility of divorces being more
Stuart Erwin, who is crazy enough to think he is numerous than marriages when the
Napoleon, get all involved with the game of cops n e x t census report reaches us.
end robbers that the enginer and his very beautiful When this statement first reached
prisoner are playing. Things go on and on for a us we were inclined to sneer andI
while and finally the lady's fiance, a newspaper laugh mockingly at the futility ofI
reporter, a couple of bootleggers, and a lot of other the intelligentsia's opinion. More
folks drop in and everything is cleared up. Then, to divorces than m a r r i a g e s! Bah!
round out the plot, the play-producer drifts in and ! Well we have been convinced that
admits that Claudette has won the bet. Stuart this is very likely and now we are
Eiwin is the big attraction. J.S.M. going to discharge our duty to pos-
terity and inform our public in the
true manner of journalistic genius.
It seems that Census takers and all
Health Education others of their ilk have a strange
means of compiling statistics. So.
if for the year of 1932 6,000,000 per-
AUTOINTOXICATION sons are married and 3,000,000 di-
Health Service vorced the year will show success-
The term autointoxication has come to have N ful marriages to the tune of 3,000,- 1
meaning to a considerable number of laymen. This 000; but, if 4,000,000 of the persons
has resulted from the fact that to some extent and married in 1931 are divorced in 1932
in some quarters, the medical profession has used the then divorces will be 1,000,000 more
term in referring to a supposed condition of body numerous than marriages. This is
poisoning resulting from the absorption of products the life of a Sociologist. They alsoI
of food and bacteria from the intestinal tract. The tell us that the old fashioned pool-
same general idea was expressed in a former day room is dying out, and that the
by the term "biliousness" for which many doses of game of dominoes is tough on the
unpleasant medicine were given unnecesarily, accord- fourth finger of the left hand.
ing to more modern opinion. Sammy Jay
The medical profession is thus largely to blame And thus we come to the end of.
for the fact that laymen have an exaggerated idea another day's toil. We are getting
of the importance of frequency and quantity of old, our beard is getting gray, and
bowel movement. The home training in respect to people on the street are saying
this has helped to establish the idea that any one of "There goes old Johnny Chuck.",
a long list of symptoms may result from even slight The time is approaching when
failures of movements to coincide with time inter- newer and younger blood will get
vals. Among the anxieties and apprehensions which into this column. As general Sher-j
frequently are expressed, headaches, feelings of dull- man once said, "The war is too
ness, and "coated tongues" are complaints. These much with us."

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Dr. Fisher
7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship.
Dr. Stair
Story sermon based on Hutchinson's
Cor. East University Ave. & Oakland
Rabbi Bernard Heller, Director
Philip Bernstein, Assistant to the
11:30 A. M.-International Broad-
cast Reception at the Foundation.
3:00 P. M.-An Exhibit. "Jews in
4:00 P. M.-Musicale led by Mr.
Harry Siegal.
8:00 P. M.-Open Forum. Miss
Josephine Stern will speak on

State and Huron Streets
F. W. Blakeman, Director
Sunday, May 1, 1932
Faculty-Student Discussion
8:15-10:15 A. M. Sunday
Women's League
Prof. McClusky and Prof. Slosson

Huron and Division Sta.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister
10:45 A. M.-"What Presbyterianism
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
trig. Professor Lowell J. Carr will
give "Reflections from the Spring
E. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
9:30 A. M.-Church School. Dr.
Albert J. Logan, Superintendent.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Mr. Sayles will speak. on "Inner
12 M.-Student study group at the
Guild House. Mr. Chapman.
5:30 P. M.-Student Friendship


(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty Sts.
C. A. Bratier, Pastor
Sunday, May 1, 1932
9:30 A. M.-Bible School.
9:00 A. M.-Preparatory Service.
9:30 A. M.-Lord's Supper in Ger-
10:45 A. M. - Morning Worship.
"The Raising of Lazarus."
2:30 P. M.-Convention of Men's
6:00 P. M.-Supper for students and
6:30 P. M.-Program by Student
Washington Street and 5th Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Bible School Lesson

evening, 7:30 P. M.,

each Friday
at the Foun-


P. M.-A debate on the value
foreign missions will be put on
a group of students.

symptoms can be explained better upon the basisj
of fixed ideas and fears than as a result of poisoning.
There is scientific evidence that mechanical dis-
tention of the lower bowel will produce the general
symptoms but there is little evidence that injuriousI
I subtancese aso arbed from reanined reidues.

m * x :
There was a lot of confusion
on Ferry Field yesterday after-
noon when the Interfraternity
Rasehal Lenaze arrived to nlav

South Fourth Avenue
Theodore R. Schmale, Pastor

409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. 'M.-Regular Morning

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