l1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r---- Published every morning except Monday during the University rear by the Board in Controa of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all newsdispatches credited to it or not otherwise eredited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant' Postmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices :Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Buiness, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Teephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN News Editor ................................... David M, Nichol C ..ty Editor ............................r........ Carl Forsythe EditorialDirector...........................Beach Conger, Ar. Sports Editor ........................ .. Sheldon C. Fullerton Women's Editor...................... Margaret M. Thompson Assistant News Editor........... ......Robert L. Pierce NIGHT 'EDITORS Frank B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis Rcland A. Goodman Jefry . Rosenthal 'Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter gastro-intestinal upsets; gastric ulcers; gall bladder and urinary disturbances;>conditions simulating ap- pendicitis; irritation of any mucous membrane of the body with its corresponding inflammation and -discharge; sinus trouble; insomnia; headache; mi- graine; certain cases of epilepsy; many cases of underweight and of tired feeling; differeht forms of pain; 'ome skin disorders; certain cases of be- havior problems or of nervousness; and of other conditions. It is known that the phenomena of human hyper- sensitiveness are of an hereditary nature. They are transmitted acording to Mendelian laws as a domi- nant characteristic. One does not inherit the specific disease; i. is only the tendency that is inherited. Any one in a family having symptoms of hay fever, or asthma in particular, is a potential case and should be studied. Human hypersensitiveness affects both sexes and has no special preference for any type of person, race or age group. / We know that this illness is progressive in the individual, becoming worse with the dears. For this reason it is of great importance that these cases be studied and treated early in life. It is precisely for this reason that the Health Service is carrying on the study of all potential cases of this trouble. This is preventive medicine, saving years of suffering. Since t e illness is progressive, by checking up these cases, s udying them, .and wisely advising them they can be not only held at the early stages, but put in better condition of health and efficiency of work. . - - - - . Ulltllll/ItltlJll'IIN71117131illFffff/////!Af/ STED OLL WILL THIS I RAIN NEVER PNTA lPER $ SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Brian W. Jones Stanley W. Arnheim Donald F. Blankertz dwar CCampbefl Thomas Connellan Robert S. Deutsch' Fred A. Huber Sports Assistants John W. Thomas REPORTERS Harold F. Klute )ohn S. Marshall Roland Martin H3enry Meyer Albert H. Newman > . Terome Pettit -Prudence Foster Alice Gilbert Frances Manchester Elizabeth Mann John W. Pritchard joseph Renihan C. Hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw Parker Snyder Glenn R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Beverly Stark Alma Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams Charles A. Sa'nford ....CEASE? It seems that about everytime we get a swell piece of news to put in this column some dope has to write a contribution that would choke a cow and "our space gets deleted ac- cordingly. What we are trying to say is, that there was a lot of con- fusion on South Ferry Field the other day when the Interfraternity baseball League swung into action. Some nasty fellow had changed all the numbers on the diamonds and had hidden the sign for diamond No. 10. Officials Were seriously con- sidering postponement of all games until order could be brought out of the chaos, but happily some fresh- man thought-of throwing away ALL the signs and starting with a clean slate. So you don't think t iats funny, do you? Well, thats because the story has lost its timeliness. Its all on account of that contribution. GET IN THE GAME! It has just occurred to the Rolls Editorial Board that there will be no one to write this Ifil- thy column next year. We have decided to begin'an elimination c6htest and pick the next edi- tor by a combination of a merit system and popular applause system. (The way they pick bathing beauty contest winners at Atlantic City). This is the first call for tryouts, and any- one interested in this type of ' work should communicate.with the Editor, Johnny Chuck, and then write up something suit- able for printing. Tryouts col- umns will be published from time to time in the near future. We hope that we can uncover some real talent. This paper needs some real talent. a * * 1R Miriam Carier Beatrice Collins Louise Crandall Elsie Feldman I E1DIIlRAIL CVMNBN I BUSINESS TAFF Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. KLINE ......................Business Manager NORRIS P. JOHNSON.................... Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising ........................ Vernon Bishop Advertising Contracts............... ....... ... Harry R. Begley Advertising Service ............................ Byron C. Vedder Publications ...................William T. Brown Accounts ..................... ../............Richard Stratemeir Women's Business Manager ...................... Ann W. Vernor Orvil Aronson Gilbert E. Burmley Allen Clark Robert Finn Donna Becker Maxine Nschgrund Ann Ga meyer Katherin6 Jackson Dorothy Laylin Assistants Arthur F. Kohn l3rnard Schnacke Grafton W. Sharp Virginia McCoinb Caroline Mosher Helen Olson Helen Schmude May Seefried Donald A. Johnson, II Dean Turner Don Lyon Bernard H. Good Helen Spencer Kathryn Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare Unxger Mary Elizabeth Watts NIGHTEDITOR-JERRY E. ROSENTHAL FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932 Press Freedom At Columbia NOW that the excitement and fuss over the recent Columbia episode has died down, and one may digest the many news dispatches con- cerning the affair, we are inclined to agree with our contemporary at Chicago, Mr. Ridenour, in that the question of expelling Reed Harris was Lot one of the freedom, of the press, but rather an abuse of that freedom in a search for publicity. The reinstatement and. immediate subsequent resignation of Mr. Harris points to this. Had the issue been solely one of freedom of the press, it would have been much more appropriate to have removed Mr. Harris from his editorial post, rather than expelled him from college. In the flurry of rioting, speech-making and confusion, the nmain issue was sidetracked, and apparently developed into a match between students, glad of an excuse to bolt classes, and members 'of the varsity club, who resented Harris' editorials on athle 's. Dean Hawkes stated thathe had offer d Harris an opportunity to prove his charges, but that the latter could not substantiate his attacks. Harris, on the other hand, charged that he was.being muzzled to prevent further exposures. The evi- dence given in newspaper accounts seems to favor, however, theadministrative authorities. Freedom of the press is a relative conception. Editor Harris appears to have abused what is ordinarily considered as freedom and was pun- ished for his own extension of that privilege. Had his charges been substantiated by facts, it is quite obvious that some sort of change or remedy would have been made in the fields he criticized. To date no stories in his organ show that food lirectors have been discharged or that football players have been expelled for accepting money in return for athletic services rendered. Had editor Harris' charges been proven, the situation would have been different. It does seem that he overstepped the bounds which are euphe- mestically labelled freedom of the press in his search for the sensational. Honest attempt to better community conditions by newspapers is a laudable undertaking. But not attacks based on rumor or gossip. F ~ ' Health Education HUMAN HYPERSENSITIVENESS Health Service There is a group of symptoms designated as human hypersensitiveness which occurs in a certain percentage of human beings. A person is said to be, hypersensitive when he reacts with characteristic symptoms to substances in amounts harmless to normal individuals. Hay fever, asthma, many cases of eczema, and certain forms of drug and food idio- syncrasy are included in this group of ,symptoms. It is generally stated that -about 14 per cent of humanity is affected, but from findings here, this number should be raised to about 25 per cent. Hay fever, asthma and many cases of eczema Were formerly thought to be different diseases, each with distinct cause, but there is now reason for judging. them to be different aspects of the same condition. In fact, there is a sequence of events, which can be roughly expressed as follows: Eczema in infancy; gastro-intestinal .disturbances in child- MORE POLITICS S (1(Ohio University Green and White). With election time approaching, campus political meetings are becoming more.and more freduent. The campaign this spring promises to be the most inter- esting in several years. As a result of the turn of affairs brought about by the Wig-Independent union, a new scheme has arisen as a defense against the combination. Political leaders have suggested an all-fraternity party, selecting all its nominees from fraternities and sororities, regardless of party lines, and setting up the ticket to oppose the Independents. This proposal, while clever as a political move, would cause a bad situation on the campus. 'If the plan worked out and the Greek letter organizations co-operated, a distasteful Independent-versus-fra- ternity condition. would arise. Relations between fraternity and non-fraternity men at Ohio University have been commendable in the past, and there is no reason why friction should be fostered. Mutual disrespect of the two groups has been a bugaboo at many institutions. Furthermore, if the Greeks really got together, Independents would have a scant chance to elect any officers, for the fraternities make possible a very efficientm organization of their members. It would be almost impossible for the Independents to get anything near a complete turn-out of their voting strength. -It is only fair that unaffiliated men con- trol the Men's Union completely, for they are the ones Who use the Union. If fraternities were to take complete charge, the purpose of the Union would be defeated, for it is intended that the Union serve those mn who have no other place in which to spend their leisure time. With a fraternity regime in power, .Independents would be hesitant in using it. There- fore, a scheme which Would exclude Independents from holding office would be a mistake. If such a party is not formed, and the present election results in a pitched battl between the two major parties, with the Independent faction prac- ,tically controlling the turn of events, the political situation here will be bright. The Toupees are not idle; there will be unaffiliated men on their ticket. There is a powerful non-fraternity group besides the one represented by the Independent League. That group is casting its lot with the Toupees. Consequent- ly, the Independents will be split. The outcome of the electiorn is by no means a sure thing. There are going to be fewer "straight" tickets than usual. The best man for the job will have a much better chance of being elected than in recent years. DIRT (Columbia Spectator) The editor of the Yale Daily News recently de- clared that "the best men will stay out of politics-- it's just too "dirty." Whatever he may have expected, he has certainly succeeded in bringing an outburst of indignation from coat-tailed congressmen and Hearst columnists. We are inclined to think, however, that the Yale eitor's statement signifies more than mere disgust with present governmental methods. It may serve to give us an insight into the entire attitude of the Aierican undergraduate toward affairs political. A great number of college students appear to believe that a piece of hide inscribed with obscure Latin phrases will alone insure them sinecures with com-. fortable incomes. Many imagine that an academic cap and gown will bring them a Wall Street vice- presidency and are content to proclaim that the college man has nog place in the dirty business of politics. The idea of enting a field and attempting to clean it up seems to be far fromA their minds. Our American undergraduate is loath to resign himself to the mean task of scrubbing the dirt off the body politic. EARNEST (The Daily Northwestern) Being earnest is important-and laudable. And yet, there is an impediment in being too earnest. The collegiate press throughout the country has had several severe blows dealt its pride. It has been a bad year for amateur journalism and college stu- dents all over the land have pretty generally taken it to heart. The Reed Harris affair was good newspaper "copy" and has been widely publicized. The entire nation has been told of the endeavors of the students made in behalf of their editor-contemporaries. It is pretty gpnerally thought by the outside, nr- prejudiced world~at-large that college students have been a little too earnest in their mass meetings and strikes-a little too earnest and not level-headed 0 \1. Johnny Chuck Looking Talent. For Real We were looking around among .a lot of old stuff iyesterday and we found this letter, which was writ- ten a year ago to the News Editor of this paper, and he, like most news editors, misplaced it afld as a consequence it has lain fallow since that time. We think it is such a fine letter that we are going to publish. it herewith. 533 Mosher Jordafl Ann Arbor, Michigan 22 February, 1931. Mr. Gurney Williams, News Editor 915 Oakland, Ann Arbor. My dear- Mr. Williams: Here is a swell piece of news for the Daily, if your reporters have not already covered it. The pastor of church this morn- ing, addressing his congregation at the 10:30 mass on the subject of fasts and abstinence, and the need for penance, took occasion to make a hit at the community of Ann Ar- borbor. "People say Ann Arbor is such a wonderful place to live," he said. "When they say that, they mean the hills and the-scenery, per- haps the attractiops that come to Hill Auditorium. But really it is a terrible place to live, because of its nearness to the University campus, where a philosophy 'of materialism is taught. Life begins with birth and ends with death, this is their program: there is no God, no soul, no after life, no religion. You have less chance of being good here, than in the worst slum of a,large city. In fact, 'that is what it is, a high clas slum." Ending his ermon in a fury of denunciation, saying that these materialists would pay' for their follyafter death, he called the university professors "holders of a pig-sty philosophy." Warning the congregation, that unless they do penance, they go "likewise to hell," he swung down from the pul- pit. I thought you might be interest- ed in this view of the campus. Very truly yours, Vision I--. WELL, WOULD YOU EVER! We wish now to refer you to the women's page. If you will rustle around a bit yob will find a breezy little story with this head on it: LEAGUE SCHEDULES THREE EVENTS FOR'