fi"r 4t/1TrHTr.AN DAT T..Y PAGE TAE L41 . V S ..I f 1 .TCA " >,r..a-axite.i.E . A . . y, 1 -,iit "' illceMskego Cl . . .. . I1 Y BEA' 'TBIiG WILLIAM SHORROCK KENNETHL 11I DEBATERS FOR OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL iampi ns hip Djebate Tonught _ , v . r lip. The University has set aside chapter rooms in A1il ;ell hall forI I P 19 NU ; L PH 1the use of the organizations in theI AflPcaus e of free speech. It has been the custom of the k a societies 'in the past to feature talks Alpha Nu and Adelphi, the first Ijbycussine i:to f hecprtinen campus two college speech fraternities to I auestions and inte.-society debates. be established west of the Alle- At present the two societies are ghenies, offer to the University of in preparation for the annualI M ichigan men opportunities for freshman debate, M ay 10, betwsen _hedevelopment of forensic ability. Alph a Nu and Adolph.x. The qucs-a itarting in 1840 as onie group a Hon for d(bate is, "Resolved: that split tool: place in 1842 which the, pre,, nt exent of U~niversity 2UI dt the fraternities as they areI colatroi o f st ent affairs is detri- "c i'a_., Adelphi has remained al menftal." TheAlphra Nu negative .^cl Orgaiz AtionS while Alpha Nu Iteam is compose3 cd of Robert S. became ailmiated with the national W 7ard, Walter Morrison and Charles itcrary fraternity, Kappa Phi SIP-'[B. Browznson . T'he Adelphi affirma- ma, in 1920. Membership in the tiPe sqtuad wi,,-l be chosen from the to societies is open to -any man try-outs: 4aa Zwerdling, john in the literary school subject to a A. Mkiac, M ax F. Reck, and Alex- try-out speech and semester pledge- anger x1. Hirs;chfleld. ENGINE DEBATR TO MEIET D TM Sigma Rho Tau to Sendt Team ' Against City Cofi1ge. zSigma Rho Tau, engineering de-. bating society, is sending a team toDetroit today to meet City col- lege in a return debate. The subi~ject 1is: " Resolved: That the Iimedii aCQpnpletion of the St. Lwec Waterway Project Is Featsible," will be debated before a large audeb at a special convocation in the City college auditorium at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Michigan team, including B, D. Schroeder, '33E, E. A. Kazmark, 133E, R. L. Price, '33E, R. G. Finch~, '34E, and J.. D. O'Brien, '34E, will take the affirmhative side 'of the question. I For u er_ tDRoP in at your regular eating place and order a bowl of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. It's great for a late snack. So easy. to digest it encourages restful sleep. How I much better than hort, heavy foods! y y{ y;. . i Kellogg's Corn 'Flakes are also delightful for, ' , ; ' "' -DOROTHEA PAILING WILLIAM LOCKWOOD lunch. Try them with sliced bananas or preserved western area. Lash year, Michigan LEAGUETAINED was far ahead, ha.ving lost no de-!V R IYM bates. This year's record, while not '___ as good as last year's, still admits A surprisin~gly great number recognition as a champion. Varsity debaters were once deb; Varsity debaters this year for ers in the Michigan High Sch Michigan were Howard Simon, '32L, de.bating league, James H. McB Victor Rabinowitz, '34L, Nathan ne*y, of the speech departme Levy, '34L, Samuel Travis, '34, coach of Michigan's Men's deb Jacob Weissman, '34, Wilbert L. ing teams, reported. Hindman, '33, and John W. Lederle, Tnis ;guar, out of the twelve '33. _ bters who argued for Univers fMichigan this year debated in of Michigatn, eight were high sclh preliminary debates Northwestern, debaters, in the Michigan leag Albion college, Detroit City college, Sevef'al of them even debated Detroit university, Bowling Gueen the championship t&bate of th college, Michigan State college, school at Ann Arbor, McBurr Notre Dame, and Marquette. ' said. fruit. Crisp, toasted flakes with "the flavor that rof bat- 3ur- ' nt, bat- de- -sity 1in heir °ney tempts, your taste"--thats Kellogg's. I r The most popu lar cereals served i-the inhing-rooms 'of Americani colleges, eating lubs and frtcrn ifie are made by 'Kellogg in Battle Ceep:. Thuey.Aiclude ALL-BRAN , PEP Flakes, Rice Krispies, WheaLtI xrmbles, and Kellogg's Wilt) E WHE, Biscuit. Also Kiffee Ilag Ceft C--rcad colfecc that lets you sleep. 7-7 t TL o A%%,,S,(,C//U roHUN kECLpcr *Get tat G N A- 4 f' ,, 0 ,I