. ESTABt{ISHED 1 890 LV It As S MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XLII. No. 149 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932 WEATHER: Cloudy. PRICE FIVE INSURGENTS FOIL 0UOVER PLAN FOR GOVT. VOST SLASH House Votes 176-159 to Reject Administration Proposal for Economy. SENATE BATTLE FLARES Johnson, Copeland Combine to Attack Avowed Policy of Support. WASHINGTON, April 28.-(/P- Solidly ,united House insurgents late today rejected President Hoov- er's plan for decreasing Govern- ment costs by mandatory payless furloughs for Government workers. A, teller vote of 176 to 159 read the doom of the administration .proposal. The vote was on a motion to substitute it for th 11 per cent Federal salary cut %roposed by Chairman McDuffie of the Economy Committee, which had been emas- culated by an increase of $1,500 in {the exemption provided. , Jubilation Cut Short. The final rejection of the Hoover proposition abruptly ended a short- lived jubilation among administra- tion supporters. A few minutes earlier the House had approved the furlough program, 151 to 125, by a .standing vote. Telers were ordered, however, and members came pour- ing into the chamber. Meanwhile 'the economy battle flared momentarily in the Senate. Johnson, of California, a Repub- lican, and Copeland, of New York, Democrat, joined in a general at- tack upon the Senate's avowed policy of slashing al appropriation bills 10 per cent under the sums provided by the House. Rejection of the furlough plan left the measure *ith the 11 per cent flat cut on all Federal salaries, exempting the first $2,500. This cut woud apply to salaries of members of Congress. Leaders Deserted. The Hoover proposal has been estima ed to. save approximately, $82,000,000, including reductionsm allowances- t rural mail carriers.- A the bill nw stands, a saving of approximately $12,000,000 from; a Federal payroll of $1,300,000,000 has been effected. Before the in- surgents riddled the McDuffi plan it was estimated to save $67,000,000. Although presided over by stern, Rep. Warren, North Carolina Dem- ocrat, the House was out of control of its leaders. A dramatic appeal by Rep. Ramseyer to approve of the Hoover plan intact appeared t; stem the tide of opposition only for a short time. After battering at it for about two hours, the insurgents finally increased the exemption under the furlough plan from $1,200 to $2,000. GSELLA PLY TO BE GIVEN TONIGHT 'Death Takes a Holiday' to Be, Pr sented by Hillel in Mendelssohn Theatre. Alberf Casella has contributed one of the finest examples of sus- pense and severe intensity of mod-, ern drama in his "Death Takest a' Holiday," Prof. 0. J. Campbell of the English department remarked yesterday about the play which will be presented by- the Hillel players at 8:15 o'clock tonight and tomor- row night in Laboratory theatre. "It has no vulgar suspense such. as found in the majority of the mystery playsof today," continued Professor'Campbell, "but is truly a dramatic study of asthetic inter-. est." The play may be somewhat cate- goried as a thriller, and yet there is a definite philosophic interpre- tation which is gleaned from the lines .and incidents of the play, The play embodies ethe modern conception of death xx-iich is open and frank, not combined with any theological doctrine, he pointed out., "The audience is contimually aware of the character of Death, whose purpose on earth is to at- tempt to unravel the mystery which makes man so tenaciously cling to life, and shudder at the thought of death." COACH DEBATE FINALISTS ' t .ss Frances Thomas (right) and Harry Lee Endsiey arei the coaches for the Muskegon and Oxford high school debating teams respectively. The two teams, debating in the final match of the Michigan Iligh School dcbatia [ag-uie elimination series, meet at 7:45 tonight in 1ill auditor- imt to dcLcrmine the state championship high school team. A :eport I of the acivities of these teams will be found on page 3. mAGssEEJR OSEN AS RETRIAL LOOMS Panel Still Out as Second Day Passes With Indication of Indecision. TENSION IS DIMINISHED Kelley Attacked for Handling of Case; Navy Criticism Levied. HONOLULU, April 28.--(/P)-As the hours yielded no sign of a ver- dict, a general opinion formed to- day that the j'ury considering the murder case of Lieut. Thomas H. Massie and three others accused of killing Joseph Kahahawai would disagree. Starting its deliberations late yesterday, the jury was locked up at. 1 0o'clock" last night, but re- turned to is work shortly before 9 o'clock this morning. The jurors looked straight ahead as they tiled past a group of news- paper men on the porch of the Judiciary Building. The tension of the long trial seemingly having vanished, a lone policeman guard- ed the Court house door, and no curious crowd was there to keep him busy. WILL LEAD DANCE Negative Team Gains Decision i n Solon Debat DOROTHY K. SMITH PA COMPLTED FOR SPRING GAMES Student Council Votes to Hold Cap Night on Week-end of Underclass Games. 'he battle for the underclass su- premacy, the Spring Games, will be held on the same day that the year- lings burn their pots, members of the Student Council decided at their meeting last night. The date was definitely set for Friday, May 6, in order to include the two events in the program of Spring Homecom- ing. Councilman Joseph F. Zias, '33, chairman of the Spring Games, an- .nounced last night that the various contests would be the same as those- of previous years. On Friday there will be three tugs of war each held on thp banks of the Huron river. In each case, the class that can pull its rival across the stream will win the event. The first, two tugs of war will be between 50-men teams picked from each' class. The last event will be mass tug, with every member of both classes eligible to compete. The first two struggles will count one point apiece for the victors and the last will count two points to- ward the total score. The games will be resumed on Saturday morning at South Ferry field with the -holding of the cane sprees, the obstacle race, the pil- low fights, and the hog-tieing con- tests. Two points will be given for each of 'the first three events and three points will be awarded to th class winning the last event. Cap, Night, the traditional even symbolizing the entrance of the freshman class to manhood, will be held at 8 o'clock on Friday, May 6 All freshmen will assemble prompt- ly at 7:30 o'clock in front of the library and follow the yarsity band to Sleepy Hollow where a hugh bon- fire, built upon the ashes of pot once owned by men who graduated from the University scores of- years ago, will be burning. Six Indiana TraCkmen Iniured in Auto Mishap SULLIVAN, hid., .April 28.-(P)-- Six members of the Indiana Uni- versity track team and Head Coach E. C. Hayes en route to the Drake Relays at Des Moines, Ia., were sev- erely shaken up and cut and bruis- ed when the automobile in which they were riding overturned a nile north of here tonight. Charles Hornbostel, Western Con- ference indoor half-mile champion;. A b e Streicher, a quarter-miler; Ivan Fuqua, dash man; Donald Harpold and Coach Hayes received treatment at . a Sullivan hospital and r e t u r n e d to Bloomington. These four track men composed the Indiana mile relay team that was to have competed at the relays. Clarence Cruch and Peter Mar- tich, members of the relay teams. were riding in the automobile but were able to proceed to Des Moines. The remainder of t h e Hoosier squad, riding in other automobiles, also continued their journey. Meat Cleaver Causes Injury to Ex-Student James Nichols, 21, reported to be a former student of the University was rushed to St. Joseph's hospital Scabbard and Blade Will Initiate Eleven Scabbard and Blade, honorary military organization, will hold art initiation banquet at the Union at 7:30 o'clock today. John A. xoetz, '33E, will be master of ceremonies. Initiates are Charles H. Gleuk, t1' f."; 1f t~s r '?t1, IT i '3ki, li-iIIS,.3. PLLIUIDAI1, . W11' -Judge Warns Crowd. liam iF Langen, '343, Jorge .l. Jimnez, '33E, John C. MactDomn- Judge Charles S. Davis, awaiting ald, '35, Robert K. Sawyer,, '33, the- report of the racially mixed James B. Sntton, '33E, Donald E. jury, issued orders for the dispersal Knight, '33E, Pattl J. Firring, of any crowd which might gather '33E, L. Harton, '34E, and Ray around the building. It. Brumdige, '33E. While the jurors argued, specula- tion regarding the retrial of the four remaining men accused of at- tacking Mrs. Thalia Massie, began among those awaiting the outcome SaM P of the present trial. Kahahaw i was among the five mlen accused by Mrs. Massie, and hd identified him as the one who FOR H f I E Su broke her jaw while she prayed for mercy. F'e was abducted and slain Vot e gGe Hnrwhile awaiting retrial with the Violet Heming, Glenn Hunterother four men after a jury once Martha Graham'o Appear pad dis'agreed as to their guilt.' in Anual Season. The interlocking aspects of the . 11 __lynching and,- the attack case have served to complicate the position Violetlemning, G I e n u tr,of Prosecutor John C. Kelley. and the dancer Martha Graham, In the lynching case, Mrs. Massie three outstanding Broadway cel- appeared as a defense witness and ebrities, have been booked for the figured in an angry clash with the annual University dramatic season prosecutor. Should Kell y have opening May 23 at the Mendelssohn charge of the prosecution inthe theatre, it was announced yester- retrial of the attack case, Mrs. day. Massie would be his chief witness. Patricia , Collinge and Violet Calls Native Innocent. E 1 r 1 t l arMILITARY BALL Dorothy Smith to Head Grand March Tonight as Guest of William J. Bird. Dorothy K. Smith, '33, of High- land Park will lead the grand march at the Military Ball tonight as the guest of William J. Bird, '32E, general chairman of the ball. The march will start at 11:30 o'clock. Immediately following it s e v e r a'l members of Scabbard and Blade will entertain the audience with a saber presentation drill. The tower, Taproom, and Pendle- ton library of the Union will be opened to guests. This is the first dance for some time during which the tower has been. accessible to thohe attending. Punch and wafers will be served ii the ballroom or summer dining room. Favors will be given out at the Ball.. Insignia of the signal corps, in- fantry; and, ordinance depa tment will deck the walls as a patiof the decorations. At one end of the room in front of the fireplace a color guard will stand on each side of a large American flag. Guards will shift, 12 men taking part dur- ing the evening. They will wear the basic uniform. Along the walls machine guns and trench mortars will add a militaristic touch. Uni- forms or formal atire are to be worn by men. A few tickets may still be pur- chased at the R. 0. T. C. headquar- ters, Slater's or the Union. They are priced at $4.00. MOTHROF NOTED DANCER__ISDBEA Reputed First Woman Student of University Medical School Succumbs After Illness. LONG BEACH, Cal., April 28.-(1P) -An active life in the interests of health, halted four years ago when she fell and fractured one of her hips, ended today in the death of Mrs. Ruth E. St. Denis, mother of Ruth St. Denis, the dancer, The 88-year-old woman, who prior to the 1928 accident, toured the country lecturing on th freedom of women's clothing as an aid to health, died of a cgmplication of diseases. Although she claimed to be the first woman to be graduated from the University of Michigan medical school at Ann Arbor, Mrs. St. Denis never practiced medicine. She de-. voted her active years to lecturing against high-heeled shoes and other apparel she held was destruc- tive to health. Mrs. St. Denis' husband was Thomas I.. St. Denis, an English inventor who died in 1918E 0CDEIC_'GROWTH Other Faculty Members Address Conference of Parents' Education Group. Progress and shifting ideas in education in the past generation were sketched by Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the Education school at a meeting of the Parents' Educa- tional Institute yesterday morning in the University High school audi- torium. The organization. is meeting sim - ultaneously with the M i ji 1 g a n Schoolmasters' club. "In the old days," said Dr. Cour- tis, "it was easy for teachers to teach because they could use the rod quite freely, but when the more humanitarian methods c a m e in, they had to find new methods of making students study-sarcasm.- teacher preparation, and what is greatest, an attempt was made to get and hold the interest of the children." Following Professor Courtis' ad- dress, Dr. 0. R. Yoder, of the Ypsi- lanti state hospital, delivered an address in which he emphasized free doni f o r children, On the HONORS CONVOCATION All University classes will be ,dismissed today from 10:45 o'clock until noon in order to per- mit students to attend the an- nual Honors Convocation in Hill auditorium, it has 'been an- nounced by Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley, chairman of the committee in charge. With more than 500 honor stu- dents making up the invited audience, President Henry Wood- burn Chase of the Univeisity of Illinois will deliver the convoca- tion address. More than 200 seniors, comprising the upper 10 per cent of the class, It ve been invited to attend the affair. much-discussed questn of disci- pline Dr. Yoder said, "Nature has provided a mother with a strong hand and her children with a plac especially fitted for receiving pun- ishment, so I see no reason why such punishment should not be ap- plied. Adults have certain rules to which they must conform, and chil- dren also should be made as soon as possible that they too have ebli-- gations." An unique innovation in denta: research has ben instituted at thi University Elementary school,. i the form of impressions taken o' the mouths of -.all entering stu-- dents, it was announced by Prof George R. Moore of the Denta school, speaking before the morning health conferpce of the Parents Institute. Dr. Janet S. Barnes, in- structor in pediatrics and infeti- ous diseases in the University fle mentary school, alsq took part ir the, conference. Prof. Katharine B. Greene an Prof. Willard C. Olson of th Edu- cation school led a later conference on mental testing. It was demon.- strated that mental tests determin academic success in later life al- though they only show tendencie rather than specific excellence in z given field. HONORARY BODIES HOLD INITIATIONS Nine new members were initiat ed into Phi Delta Kappa, honorari education fraternity in ceremonie held, yesterday in co-ordination wit Present Test St a t u s Wines Approval at Meeting. The negative team, debating on the advisability of increasing the college entrance requirements in such newer fields as economics and sociology and lowering them' in courses such as languages, mathematks, and ,history, suc- ceeded in converting 48 opinions from their stand on the topic before the contest to their oppon- ents 19, wi'nning an audience's decision at a meeting of the Schoolmasters' convention at the Michigan League ballroom last night. The question was "Resolved:, That under the present condi- tion best interests of secondary school pupils would be served by increasing materially the number of units required in some of the newer fields, such as economics, sociology, citirfnship, business, industry, speech, the fine arts, and health; and by decreasing materially the number of units required in some of the oldir'and traditional subjects such as mathematics, foreign language, ahd arcient history." I. W. Fast, Mount Clemens public schools, first affirmative speaker, asked why, if past training pre- pared us 'properly, do we lack in leadership at such critical times as these? Reduing Would Curtail Subjects. George A. Manning, Muskegon High school, opened the negative argument by pointing out that to reduce the requirements a little in the three mentioned subjects would I finally result in their complete cur- tailment. Rebuttals for both sides included such arguments as the need for less memorizing and more thinking, in- sistance that liberalization has gone far enough, that it is not the business of education to do away with seriotuA problems but to teach the students how to meet them, and examples of how students with knowledge of traditional subjects are jobless, while those with learn- ing in newer fields have' found vocations. fo Other balloting results indicate that 165 favored the affirmative before the debate, as against 94 to the ,negative, while the count stood 154-124 after the debate. The vote on the merits of the two teams favored the negative by a 180-146 count. Blame Lack of Co-operation for Overlapping Curricula Kemble-Cooper whose appearance has already been announced will al- so play lead roles in the season's plays. , Glenn Hunter is famous as the star of "Merton of the Movies", "Clarence"- and "Young Woodley." le has also appeared in a number of movie s. He will play in Ann Arbor during the last week of the, season from June 18 to 25 in "Peter Ibbetson" by George Du Maurier and Constance Collier. Hunter has recently done the same show in New \York. Violet Heming, who was recent- ly featured with George Arliss in "The Man Who Phlyed God", ap- peared in the dramatic season lasi spring with Tom' Powers in Shaw's "Arms and the Man" and Noel Coward's "Private Lives." Miss Heeming is coming east on her way. from Hollywood to New York for a two- months' vacation before her next picture under her con- tract with the Fox company. She will appear at the beginning of the season, but the play she is to ap-, pear in has not yet been selected. Miss Graham, who 'last year. played with Blanche Yurka in the "Electra" of Sophocles here, will appear for two dance recitals on Thursday and Friday nights, June 9 and 10. , Closing the prosecutor's argu- ment before the jury yesterday, Kelley contended Kahahawai, who admittedly was killed by Massie after the native supposedly had ad- mitted the attack, went to his death an innocent man in the eyes of the law, because of the presumption of innocence in favor of a man not yet convicted. Kelley contended that even though the four remaining attack suspects were convicted later, the name of the slain athlete remained clear.- Navy circles expressed some feel- ing against Kelley because of lis clash with Mrs. Massie. During cross-examination Kelley handed her a paper. Mrs. Massie angrily destroyed the paper, asserting it was a confiden- tial communication between herself and a physician. As she tearfully left the witness stand Kelley arose and said angrily: "Thank you, Mrs. Massie. At last you have shown yourself in your true colors" Some navy elements contended this would bar Kelley from prose- cuting the attack case. Kelley said the case "certainly will be retired," but declined to say when or tp volunteer whether he would act as the prosecutor. Lack ofeffective cooperation be- tween the planners of high school and college curricula, a tendency among high school teachers to em- phasize practical applications' of -;cience at the expense of founda- tion theory, and the variety in em- phasis and treatment accorded the Same subjects by different high schools were blamed for the waste- ful overlapping of many high school and college courses yesterday after- noon in the first general discussion session of the Schoolmasters' club. , Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the English department, Dr. David M. Lichty .of the Chemistry depart- rnent, Prof. C. J. Coe of the Mathe- matics department and Prof. How- frd M. Ehrmann of the History de- oartment read papers discussing the problem as it affects their fields after which the session 'was turned over to general discussion. " Unified courses of study planned o continue without interruption or epetition through the last two years of high school and the first owo years of college were suggested 'y Prof. Campbell as a method to ivoid the overlapping problem. He ilso favored a similar plan for the siventh and eighth grades of ele- me!tary school and the freshman rnd sophomore years of high school. FOO TBALL STILL POPULAR, PLAYERSI ARE NOT SUBSIDIZED, AIGLER SAIYS Chairman of Board in Control Says D~epresion Is Cause of Waning ,At/endance. A denial that football is losing the public interest and that the players a-e often subsidized was voiced yesterday by Prof. Ralph Aigler, chairman of the board in Control of Athletics, in his address in the Natural Science auditorium on the subject, "The Changing Status of Intercollegiate Athletics." . Blaming the depression as well various definitions of the word subsidize. It could be said that, anyone who came to Michigan as a result of being urged by anyone, was coerced; and that anyone who holds any sort of a job while in college is subsidized. "Mr. Griffith, president of the Big Ten," he said. "sends out forms to all high schools asking for com- plete information concerning the athletes who intend to come to Big Ten schools. If there is any suspicion that the student might have been approached and offered e Send' Bill Schoolmasters' club inSPhoory eca- Oem drats Sen BilLambda 'Theta, hnrr dc- on Tarff to Hoover ional somri ty ailso initated yes-- WASHINGTON, April 28.-(A)- terday. That ever-blossoming political is- Dr. E. L. Austin, head of the edu- sue-the tariff-today took a sud-. cation department and acting dean den spurt with Democrats sending of the literary school at Michigran to the White House for an almost certain veto the bill hich they ex-tate coll, spoke on the question pect to make a talking point in the Is Education a Profession?" at the Presidential campaign. Phi Delta Kappa banquet at the On a party vote of 202 to 171, Union, which followed the initia-l the House accepted Senate amend- Lion. I ments to the Democratic measure Pi Lambda T h e t a ceremonies Wisconsin Geographer Will Talk Here Today An illustrated lecture on "Life on the Argentine Pampas," will be given by Prof. R. H. Whitbeck of the University of Wisconsin, at 4:15 o'clocktoday in Natural Science Audlinritim. Pro-f~esr Whitbkis NOTICE i I 3)