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April 28, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-28

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originalthoughtful conversation. He is unable to
lshapehis thoughts into any organized sequence.
"'__"He deals largely in generalizations and plati-
lished every morning except Monday during the University tudes to cover up his asininity, and boredom is his
the Board in Contro! of student Publications.
nber of the Western Conference Editorial Association. screen against exposure. He has no burning desire

Editorial Comment


Ift ,

The Hillel Players
"Death Takes A

Tie Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ted in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Offce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
naster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
igan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Buiness, 2114.
Telephone 4.425
Editor ..............................David M, Nichol
Editor ....................................... Carl Forsythe
dial Director ............................ Beach Conger, Jr.
a Editor .......................... Sheldon C. Fullerton

for intellectual enlightment. His main interest is TRUE TO TYP ANOTHER H lidaj " rI'ption saespope Wo wIsT
in fitting himself to achieve economic independence PROBLE1y FDA AN ATR Yvail themselves of the opportunity
and general acceptance among the 'upper strata.' iBy Gilbert Seides from Tnc New Yesterday we happened to notice APRIL 29 and 30 through the courtesy of the National
As long as he 'gets by' he is satisfied. He senses no York Americagitsthe B. and G. boys have made PLAY FR[DTAND SATDAT forafree schlash' ain this year
clear duty to society, but rather believes that society Lata Summer I met a pOvincia another terrible .ladr. They have Phone 4121-789 arereqtested to apply to the national
owes somethingt to him.incil Mostthroferthlebtimer. hey ise note org-anizer M. Anthony Steele, Jr.,
owes somet n hmselfim. Most of the time he is not French lawyer. a man approaching planted a hedge all around that Box Office Open 1-5 P.M. Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rica, stat-
conscious of himself at all-he exists but does not vr to ars erH ll front n Reserved Seats 75c ing qualifications fully.
And f hoccsioall relizs hw inornt e50 who came up to Pes perhaps little square plot in front of Angel'
live. And if he occasionally realizes how ignorant he once every two years and was ter- Hall front steps and they didn..... ....,.....!...
is, he usually is too laZy to do anything about it. ribly amused by the frenzied effort leave any opening! A little later on ~ ~7 ~~
Thus it is that we flatter him by ticketing him as of his Parisian cousin to be Ameri- when the hedge and the grass grov UE
a cultured four-flusher. Now go ahead and shoot." can and the equal effort of hi up a bit the boys are sure to findT
'RIGHTFUL CONDITIONS AT U. C. American friends to appear Paris- that they won't be able to get .
ian. He was asked to choose the lawnmower in there. Then they ?
(Stanford Daily) wine at lunch, and although he have to tunnel, get a derrick, or ARBOR SPRINGS WATER
knew that our host was rolgin m in tear un the hedge Its a fine world;I

mens Editor ..........................iMargaret M. Thompson T(
s N tpsb PTo the seriously minded student it comes as a
distant News Editor .......................... Robert L. Pierce a wealth, he selected a quite moder- as long as you stay away from the
NIGHT EDITORS devastating shoc°a to learn that life at the University ately priced Burgund y because t Building and Grounds department,
nk B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis of California is largely made up of beer drinkig.liappened to go well with our food
Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal Revealed in the recent "Razzberry" of the Berkeley and because paying any more would
Eari selt George A. staut institution, such a condition is decidedly repellant to be ostenttious and wasteful. NEWS ITEM
Sports Assistants the finer instincts of one who realizes that life is
an W. Jones John W. Thomas Charles A. Sanford indeed real and earnest. Families Divided. The Lindbergh baby reported
One may well ask "Whither are we drifting?" He was an extremely intelligent here today that he is in con-
ley WV. Arnheim HaroluEPORTERS Joln WPritchard when conditions of debauchery are thus brazenly man, and as we drove through the tact with the kidnappers and
ald F. Blanhertz Sohn S. Marshall Joseph Reiihan flaunted to the world. Of course readers of the streets Lin one of the few remain- expects to be returned to his
ard C. Campbell Roland Martin C. Bart Schaaf inohfidrtnveclsfPas)!iaet nafwdys
'ras Connellan Henry Meyer Bractkiy Shaw more lurid publications have sometimes obtained g horse-drawn vehicles of Paris paients in a few days.
ert S. Deutsch Albert H. Newman Parker Snyder the impression that college men and women occa- we fell to talking about the Dreyfus*
I A. Huber L. erome Iettit Glenn R. Winters sionally worship at the shrine of Bacchus, but it was case. The lawyer's name was almost Our remarks of last week about
am Carver Prudence Foster Margaret O'Brien believed that this was an erroneous idea. Now, alas identical with that of Dreyfus' law- the Northwestern co-eds has em-
trice Collins Alice Gilbert Beverly Stark .cuNwaa
rise Crandall lerances an':hester Alma Wadsworth there can be no doubt about it. By their own admis- yer, Maitre Labori, and ? asked my boldened the co-eds on this cam-
e Feldman Elizabeth Mann Josephine Woodhams sion, they drink beer at California. friend whether he had been pro o: pus. On Tuesday, April 19, between
BUSIEss STAFF Beer has been the curse of humanity for lo, thesanti-Dreyfus at the time of the the hours of four-thirty and five,
Telephone 21214 many centuries. With the passage of the eighteenth trial. He told me that his life had a baby c a Pr i a g e was discovered
RRIS P. JOHNSON...................Assistant Manager;amendment it was hoped that this scourge had been been made miserable by the simi- parked in the entrance of Mosher-
banished from our fair country. But it is not so.1larity of names, because he was op- Jordan dormitory. In the carriage
ertising. ......................Vernon Bishop Drunken orgies evidently still continue at our col- posed to Dreyfus-he must have was a baby wrapped in a pink
ertising Contracts . ................harry R. egelegesev the them. What been about 15 at the time-and his blanket, and a very attractive baby
ertising Service ........,.........Bron C. Veddet leg n, eve most enlightened among thm Wa
Iications ........... ................William T. Brown i is to become of us? They drink beer at California! friends taunted him with being a it was, too. We bet that the regents
ounts "............................. Richard Stratemei ____relative of the hated man's defen- will put a stop to this when they
me' Busness Manager -------------------------Ann W, Vernor - --

s bottled in handy 2-quart bottles (6 to the case) for home use, a d in
a 5-gallon container for ofice or store use.
We can also supply you with chemically pure distilled water.
416 West Huron Phone 8270





LAACAA O "UbAUI b f 4VX4AI.L6%;A .............. ..... -.- . f 1.--.

rvil Aronson
ilbertC .Bursley
Cen Clark
obert Finn
onna Becker
nn GCalmeyer
Catherine Jackson
)orothy Laylitt

Arthur F. Kohn
.1 S h acke
t;ratlton NV, Sharp
Virginia McComb
Caroline Mosher
elen i eon
lecn Sclinide
l\I a % -Seefriedt

Donald A. Johnson, II
7 )ea Turner
])on Lyon
Bernard H. Good

li len Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
atbryn Stork
Clare 1 'uger
M1.ary Elizabeth





IT has been said that youth is the most intolerant
of all ages. We were glad to see the editorial,
-eprinted in yesterday's Daily, from the Seattle
Daily Journal of Commerce, commenting on burns
uffered by a middle-aged business man at a club
nitiation. Had the event taken place during a
raternity initiation, said the Journal, the news
vould have been headlined "College Student Tor-
ured in Initiation," while "sob sisters, sewing
ircles ... would have demanded expulsion of the
o-called perpetrators."
The attitude of the general public is more
Intolerant toward college students than any other
roup of today. Any college event is seized upon,
listorted, and made into an attack upon the whole
ystem of higher education. A recent example,
oming closer to home, was the editorial comment
ipon the Student Council election frauds, the
ditorial in question wondering what sort of citi-
:ens the University of Michigan was turning out.
t neglected, however, to mention that professional
>oliticians often engage in similar practices, al-
hough they may be more adept at accomplishing
heir aims, nor are they as willing to take the
)Iame when discovered. When liquor is found
n fivc fraternity houses on the Michigan campus.
xtras pour forth from the presses, and the public
hakes its head and bemoans the "morals" of the
ollege students. Yet everyday raids in clubs,
estaurants, homes are passed over with no more
han a glance.'
The indictment, then, which college students
ay against their elders is that they are less toler-
nt and more biased towards the students than
owards their fellow citizens. Obviously, the
tudent can not hope to do far better than -the
xam'ple set him. although usually he hopes to
aise the standard to at least a small degree. To
ee his slightest misstep condemned by older peo-
le, who condone similar performances on the part
,f others, is discouraging to say the least.
Perhaps too much is expected of the college
tudent of today. We doubt that. Perhaps his
onduct falls below the level of others. We doubt
hat too. Tle fact remains that his every move
s scrutinized by "meddlesome mollycoddles," as
he Journal puts it, who must needs find fault with
he .already over-criticized "younger generation;"
ind who feel that their own ideas are the best
.nd only ones for education of youth.
Religious denominations are no longer as
ntolerant of each other as formerly, prohibition-
sts and anti-prohibitionists try to tolerate the
ther, political factions, although on the surface
t each others' throats, can work in harmony when
t comes to a test. Why cannot the elders be more
olerant towards youth?

Admiration for the financial genius of the recent der. The boy's own father was pro- hear about it.
Mr. Ponzi dwindles in the light of the revelations Deyfus, the mother anti. My friend
respecting the late Mr. Kreuger. had to conceal the newspaper he CAMPUS EUPHONY
-----__________ would not have it in the house. At Students interested in outdoor
fmusical tones have long believed
j CAMP US OR"[ PN I almost broke up the household. Nickel's Arcade to be the absolute
I I(American Parallels. last word in resounding echo, with
Letters published in this column should not be construed as "We have no such cases in Ameri-. the angle formed by the two wings
expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anoiynious con-"s ds of the Museum a close second. One
mumcatmios will be disrgarded. The amnes of comnitinicants a" I said, thinking that since the of u e oeseo
wil, however, he regardlel as confidential upon request. (Contrih- ICivil War families did not breakOf Our correspondents reports that
utors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 }ver questions of guilt and _ a sturdy shout from the steps of
words if possible.ovrqetosogulan Ni-1
conce. "You have two, right now," the new Law Library gets excellent.
A aid my friend, and when I asked results. Of course it can't touch
A Correction of Philippine Misinformation idm readwhnIa the booming resonance of the Ar-
him .what in Heaven's name they
To The Editor: were, he cited the Mooney case and cade, or the metallic thunder of the
In the Tuesday issue, April 26, 1932, of The Ann the case of Sacco and Vanzetti, Museum wings, but the immensity
Arbor Daily News, we read in page eleven, the follow both of which give the same im- of the quadrangle gives a very sat-
ing in big letters: "Queer Facts About the Philip- pression in Fra'nce as the Dreyfus isfying feeling of grandeur.
pines." In Column 2, the article says, "The United case gave to us. * - ,
States paid Spain $20,000,000 for the islands after The makers of British talkies We received a contribution
defeating Spain ine 1898." A good many Americans have hit upon the Dreyfus case as yesterday from someone w h o
think so, but an intelligent study of the Treaty o a subject and the film they have chose to be known only as "X,"
Paris will show that this is not true. The belie produced is drawing substantial nor was it surprising consider-
behind the theory that the money was paid for th! crowds now in New York; it wil ing the contribution. As nearly
Philippine Islands is that the offer was made at the probably be advertised throughout as we can figure it, someone
same time that the Cession of the country to tir the country as it is here, to make it must want us to call someone
United States was demanded. This needs historical a story of sensational intrigue, of clse dirty names for them. Tis-
explanation. a great love (by which is meant the sic, we can't do that.
At the Paris Conference in 1898, the first question patient f a it h of Mme. Dreyfus
Porto Rico. To relinquish Cuba, Spain insisted thai husband's imprisonment). The story We see by the Women's Page that
the United States should assume the Cuban debt, Iis there; for once you can say of a Michigan leads all states east of the
But Mr. Reid, one of the American Commissioners, picture, the truth is there. Slowly Mississippi River in the production
told the Spanish Ambassador that the American and fumbling, the cnspiracy twists of Alfalfa. Gosh, how the women go
Government could not assume the Cuban debt, for itself into a knot until the rope out after the news. This ought to
the American people were strongly against it. nearly strangles an innocent man. be an incentive for the rest of the
This refusal to assume the Cuban debt made the Few scenes-in history. on the stage Daily staff to get busy and cover
United States unpopular in European circles, except or on the screen-equal the presen- ground like the women's staff. Last
in England, because it is contrary to the practices tation of the moment when Dreyfus Wednesday there was a notice on
of European diplomacy. The American Commission- is stripped of his epaulets and his the Women's Page to the effect that
er's reason for refusing to assume the Cuban debt sword is broken, while he cries out: "if there are any who will be unable
was that they did not want to put a burden on Cuba "I am innocent, I am innocent!" to to attend the tryout (for the an-
at the first stage of her independent life. the hostile Parisian mob. nual horse show) they should callI
The legitimate reasons for the payment of $20,- Almost Too Good. Constance Krentner at 5718." We
000,000 paid to Spain are: (1) ". . . because the liber.- The story itself is almost too felt that we were well within the
ation of Cuba and Cession of Porto Rico and other good, too right. Esterhazy is toc group specified here so we called
islands of the East Indies, with American refusal Ut utterly a villain, Colonel Henry too 5718 and received the dismal infor-
assume Colonial debts, were agreed to only tentative- completely a dupe and a misguid- mation that Constance Krentner
ly by Spain, subject to better Concessions in the ed fool; the generals were too faith- had lost her voice and was there
latter part of the negotiations. (2) . . . the United ful, too pompous; Dreyfus was al- any message? We were so depress-
States wanted to pay Spain for whatever pacific most too innocent. When Emile ed about Constance that we could
improvements in the Philippines were paid by Spain Zola threw hitmself into the fight, hardly make ourselves understood,
from a bond issue of forty million pesos ($20,000,000) with Clemenceau's journal to help JOHNNY CHUCK
floated in 1897." him, when he flung his "J'accuse"
In explaining this question of $20.000,000 paid te in the face of the whole dominant this one does not introduce an alien
Spain by the United States, Mr. Reid. in an address system of France, Paris went mad. love story or overplay the one which
delivered at Chicago said: The dignified, peering, elderly nov- occurs naturally in the events. It is
Resolved, in a final transfer, to fix clist was assaulted wherever he almost a journalistic record of what
the amount at least equal to the face value went; dung was thrown through happened, departing from head-
of that debt, which could be given to Spain the windows of his house; he de- lines only to go behind the scenes
'as an acknowledgement for any pacific im- manded prosecution for libel, got it, to show what was unknown at the.
provements she might have made there not and fled to England when he was time and is now revealed.
paid for by the revenues of the islands them- convicted. But he forced a reopen- A Lesson For Hollywood.
selves. She could use it to pay the Philippine ing of the Dreyfus case and brought I wish our producers would look
bonds if she chose. That was the American about the strangest verdict in all with kindness on this picture. About
view as to the sanctity of public debts legiti- history: "Guilty of treason, with 12 years ago I made the suggestion
mately incurred in behalf of ceded territory; extenuating circumstances." that we were unnecessarily limiting
and that is an explanation of the money Vindication at Last. the field of the pictures. We were
payment in the case of the Philippines, as In the end, Dreyfus was "pardon- dealing only with fi c t i o n-and
well as for the precise amount at which it ed," and it was only after the war cheap fiction at that, I proposed
was finally fixed." that the complete vindication came biography and history as equallyI
On the other hand, not a single cent of the $20,- ito light, when certain papers in te available sources. I still do not see
000,000 on bond issued by Spain in 1897 was paid for hands of the German government why a secret biography of Roose-
pacific improvements in the Philippine Islands. This were made public. The fears of the velt, told in the modern manner,
bond, according to M. M. Kalaw, produced "38,570,- militarists were unfound; t h e y w i t h carefully selected episodes,
494.27 pesos net or ($19,285,248.63): of this sum could grant justice to the innocent 'giving character, giving the drama
19,891,800.60 pesos or ($9,495,900.30) was used in the without being compromised. The which Roosevelt threw a r o u n d
Philippine War of 1896-97; 7,660,403.13 pesos or $(3,- Royalists and the Catholic Party, everything he attempted, should not I
380,201. 57) was returned to Cuba to pay a loan who tried to make capital out of be a fine film, and a popular one.
made from the Cuban revenues; and 10,938,477.02 the case, were defeated; France Here, in the Dreyfus case, is perfect
or ($5,469,238.51) were advanced to Cuba for the I went through the war without amaterial. What about Jim Fisk and
war there." revolution in the ranks. People still Daniel Drew? What has become of
James A. LeRoy, the greatest American scholar on exist who feel that although Drey- the proposed Barnum film? Has
the Philippines, summarizes the reasons for the fus was innocent, he should have anyone made a good picture of the I
twenty-million dollar offer in the following words: been held guilty-for the honor of Mormon trek to the West? Hamil-
"The cash offer had gradually presented itself as the army. But they were few. ton has recently occurred, because
the solution of the differences between the two Gov- Among them, apparently, is G. K. George Arliss was there to play the
ernments, as an outcome both of the American pre- Chesterton, who was all for justice part. What about Burr?
position to assume the debt for pacific improvements and wrote a stirring poem in de- One of the great things the talk-
in the Philippines and of the feeling of some of the fense of Dreyfus-and then, years ies can do is keep alive the legends


Dancing by moonlight,
basking on beaches...
women found such
youthful zest in a san-
dal's airy snugness that
we answer their cry for
a Town Sandal with this
new one by Walk-Over.
To wear shopping with suits. For
luncheon and afternoon with the
new prints whose tiny leaf mo-
tifs are suggested by its cut-outs.


115 South Main





sixteen years ago at any price.

(Tulane Hullaballoo)1
st college students would rise up in 'righteous
ttion' if they were collectively labelled as
d fourfiushers. But that is exactly what a
lumber (not all) of them are.
ae-tenths of collegians are perfectly willing
k in the sunlit haze of blind admiration shed

I aac ll

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