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April 28, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-28

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VOL. XLII. No. 148:





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'Compromise' Follows
Fierce Battle; Wets
Are Routed.
Convention Delegates
hnstructed to Vote
for Hoover.
GRAND RAPIDS, April 27.-_
-(/P)-The Republican organiza-
tion went "moderately wet" in
itsstate convention here today.
Wild disorder accompanied con-
sideration of the prohibition issue.
The battle raged both in com-
mittee and on the convention
floor. When it was over the ex-
tremists who demanded a declara-
tion favoring absolute repeal of
the Eighteenth Amendment and
restoration of states rights were
Under the skillful guidance of
organization leaders, compromise
leaders were jammed through on
every controversial proposal. The
soldier's bonus issue, despite the
voclferous demands of veterans
who sought a resolution favoring
Immediate payment, was squelched
entirely. The resolutions committee
refused to report it and no attempt
wtas made to rais' the question on,
the floor. As anticipated, the con-,
vention instructed the Michigan
delegation to the national conven-1
tion to "vote for Herbert Hoover]
for renomination,". with limitation,
or qualification.
Committee Splits Evenly
The resolutions committee split.
"ahhost evenly on the wet and dry
question. A majority of nine mem-
bers reported a resolution declaring
tor -a referendum on a, proposal to
submit the Eighteenth Amend-
,xent o ns4nti+nal .conven-J
tion. Eight others signed a minor-
ity report advcating a flat stand in
favor of repl1 of the state and
, national dry amendments and the
establishment of state liquor con-
trol. Both reports went to the
floor, and bedlam broke loose.
To add to the excitement a pho-
tographer's flashlight fired paperl
streamers hanging down from thec
ceiling. The flames spread rapidly
and threatened to cover the hall.
Convention officials leaped t their1
feet and urged delegates to remain
seated. A policeman pulled the1
blazing streamers down and ther
tension was broken.1
It was manifestly imposible to1
determine the stand on the prohi-
bition resolution without a roll call.
Wayne county gave 300 votes for
the absolute repeal resolution and1
34 for the majority report. Thel
out-state counties, however, went1
heavily for the moderate plank and1
the result was 847 to 545 in favor1
of the majority resolution.
Brucker Scores Critics.
Once the prohibition issue had
been settled the convention moved 1
swiftly to a close. Gov. Wilbur M.
Bruckecr, in what many considered
the maiden speech of his campaign
for renomination, scored critics ofz
st te and national Republican ad-r
ML nistrations and declared the
state administration and the legis-
lature are honestly endeavoring to
cut governmental costs and taxes.l
The convention elected G o v.
Brucker, Charles B. Warren, De-~
troit; Fred W. Green, Ionia, formert
governor; Frank D. Fitzgerald, sec
retary of state; Mrs. C. L. Barber,
of Lansing; and Thomas Clancy,
of Ishpeming, as delegates-at-large.
The alternates are Frank D. McKay,
of Grand Rapids; John Norton, Es-
canaba; Judge William L. Carpen-
ter, Detroit; Henry Baird, Port Hu-
ron; William J. Smith, Battle
Creek; Mrs. Jenny Long Hardy,c
Adrian, and William Toomey, Ann


George IH. Van Fleet, who was
the late President's Harding's right-
hand man in the publication of the
Marion, Ohio, Star over a long per-
iod of years, will retire soon from
active newspaper work.
M 'Cormick Attends
Republican Meeting
Boss Edward J. McCormick, '32,
Student Council president and for-
mier successful campus politician,
has put away his childish things
and has gone, politically speaking,
The Boss, recently elected as a
delegate to the Republican State
convention from Monroe county, at-
tended the convention meeting held
in Grand Rapids yesterday. He re-
turned to Ann Arbor last night,
however, and so will not miss any
classes or Council meetings.
McCormick stated that he voted
against prohibition.
University of Michigan Extends
Sympathy to Relatives of
U. of D. Head.
Friends of the late Very Rev.
Father John P. McNichols, who
died suddenly last, paid tribute
yesterday at his bier which lay in
state in one of the University of
Detroit buildings.
Father McNichols held the posi-
tion of President of the University
of Detroit for 10 years, and was
for a number of years rector at
the University of Detroit High
School. ,
Many students who had been
under the guidance of Father Mc-
Nichols were among those present.+
Others who came to pay their last+
respects ranged from influential
business men to humbler friends
from Corktown.
In a statement last night, Presi-
dent Alexander Grant Ruthven
"During his administration of
the office ;of president of the Uni-
versity of Detroit, Father McNich-
ols" served his institution most
effectively. He won for himself
respect and an important place
among the educators of the state.
"The University of Michigan ex-
tends its sincere sympathy to the
relatives and friends. of Father
McNichols and to the institution
which is deprived of his faithful
Personal philosophies of life as
expressed by a number of eminent
faculty members captured the in-+
terest of more than two hundred
students attending a parley at the
union last week-end, and as a re-
sult a unanimous vote of those at-1
tending was passed to continue the
gatherings at bi-monthly intervals
for the remainder of the semester.
Sunday morning at the leaguea
the first of these post parley meet-
ings will consider "Concepts of
Freedom." The philosophy fans
will meet at 8:15 o'clock in the Rus-
sian Tea Room, it was announced.
Slosson, McCluskey Will Lead.
Prof. Preston Slosson, of the his-
tory department and Prof. Howard
I V rrnfll tieva, r +.-a nn vma,-+

Senior Invitations,
Caps, Gowns R'eadty
Today is the last time that
seniors may secure invitations
and announcements of gradua-
tion, according to Howard Gould,
'32, Invitations committee chair-
man. Literary s t u d e n t s may
place their orders at a table
which will be located in the lob-
by of Angell hall. Other students
should consult their college bul-
letin boardfor further jnforna-
Caps and gowns for Swingout,
to be held next Wednesday, and
for other senior events should
be ordered at once at Moe's Sport
Shop or at Van Boven's cloth-
ing store, David M. Nichol, '32,
senior class president,. said last
A booth will be placed in the
Angell Hall lobby where seniors
may place orders for caps and
gowns Thursday and Friday. Fri-
day will probably be the final
daymthat orders will be taken.
No money is required at the time
of ordering but several days ad-
vance notice is necessary to
insure delivery, according to
Ralph Hardy, '32, chairman of
caps and gowns.
New York Governor Gains Votes
in Race for Democratic
WASHINGTON. April 27.-(IP)--
By his overwhelming victory in the
Massachusetts presidential primary,
Alfred E. Smith stood tonight as
a definite threat to the dominant
candidacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt
for t h e Democratic nomination.
Partisans of the 1928 Democratic
nominee hailed his capture of the
entire Massachusetts delegation of
36 as making him an important fig-
ure at the Democratic national con-
venton-FFriends of ov. -Rosevelt
looked to the final returns from
the Pennsylvania primary to relieve
the sting of the New Englabd de-
The statistical picture of Tues-
day's voting on the two eastern
testing grounds remained obscured
tonight due to meager information
from the keystone state as to the
actual status of its delegation of
Roosevelt Apparently Won.
Roosevelt had apparently won
over Smith in the preference vot-
ing there, with his indicated ma-
jority mounting as delated rural
returns came in to offset the ini-
tial Smith advantage shown in
Using as a base the claim of
James J. Farley, Roosevelt's pre-
convention manager, to a minimum
of 52 and a maximum over 60 of
the Pennsylvania delegates, the net
result of Tuesday's double-header
primary may show that the two
New York candidates have about
split even on the 112 convention
votes involved.
John V. Wehausen, '35E Given
Honorable Mention.
Werner F. Striedieck, '33, was an-
nounced yesterday as the winner
of the first prize of fifty dollars in

the Bronson-Thomas Essay Con-
test. John V. Wehausen, '35E, re-
ceived honorable mention.
The contest was open to all un-
dergraduates enrolled in the Ger-
man department. The first prize
was awarded on consideration of:
two factors; first on an essay writ-
ten on "The Influence of the Stras-
burg Period on Goethe," and sec-
ondly on the result of an examin-
ation consisting of questions on
Goethe's life and works up to 1775.1
The number of the contestants
was rather small, but the material
submitted was considered decidedly
better than that of last year when
the prize was not awarded, because
the judges did not think that any
of the essays submitted was good
Prof. Aigler to Speak
on Athletic Changes
Prof. Ralph Aigler, chairman of
the board in control of athletics,
will speak on "The Changing Stat-
tic n-f TnfA,-tnfanninfar A F11ie"a n+

[Xi r-ow Attacks Testimony of1
Catton, San Francisco




Defense Lawyer Caims Jones,
Lord Were Being Loyal
to Massie.
HONOLULU, April 27.-(/P)-The
fate of Lieut. Thomas H. Massie and
three others accused of second de-
gree murder in the lynching of
Joseph Kahahawai went to the jury
at 4:22 p. m. today. The jury began
deliberations at once.
Seemingly forgetting his 75 years,
Darrow pounded the rail of the jury
box to drive home his points. He
Iattacked particularly the prosecu-
tion's testimony of Dr. Joseph Cat-I
ton, San Francisco alienist, whoI
contended Massie was sane through-
1out the ordeal.
Kelley to Make Last Plea.
Prosecutor' John C. Kelley was
waiting to make the closing argu-
ments for the Territory at the con-
clusion of Darrow's plea.
At intermission the fire marshal
ordered the court house corridors
cleared of spectators. Jones and
Lord, who had gone outside to
smoke, were refused admittance
again when a new policeman was
stationed at the door. 'They finally
succeeded in getting back to their
own trial.
Few people, he said, ever saw a
witness on the stand with the pow-
er of Massie.
Assails State Tactics.
"For days," said Darrow, "he was
badgered and asked trick questions
and still told a straightforward
story. One may be beaten by fate
jwith blows so heavy that at last'
he forgets fear, throws discretion
to the winds and says, 'Come on-
do what you will.' I would have
expected Massie to do this, but he
Ididn't. I never saw, a better, wit-
ness except, perhaps, his wife."
Ironically, Darrow a s k e d why
more lawyers had not interestedl
themselves in Massie's case.
"There are only two reasons," he
said. "The first is, he didn't have
enough money, and that's also the
second reason."

leaved low-growing
Persons touched
should wash the

by poison ivy
affected parts

thoroughly with soap and hot water
and report for treatment as soon
as possible. Sunburn should be
guarded against, as it is dangerous
as well' as uncomfortable.
Each year, besides the usual
sprained ankles and broken fingers
from sandlot baseball, the health
service has several cases of infected
blisters from hikers wearing shoes
not well broken in.
Dr. and Mrs. Ruthven Head List
of Patrons for Death
Takes a Holiday.'
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven head the list of patrons
and patronesses for the Hillel Play-
er's presentation of "Death Takes a
Holiday," tomorrow and Saturday
nights in Laboratory theatre, to be
given for the benefit of the Univer-
sity Loan fund.
Other sponsors of the production
are Dean and Mrs. Joseph Bursley,
Dean and Mrs. Henry Bates, Prof.
and Mrs. O. J. Campbell, Dean and
Mrs. Samuel Dana, Dean and Mrs.
John R. Effinger, Dean and Mrs.
Wilber Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Goldman, Dean and Mrs. Ed-
ward Kraus, and Rabbi Bernard
Prof. and Mrs. Howard Mumford
Jones, Miss Jeannette Perry, Dean
and Mrs. Herbert Sadler, Regis&ar
and Mrs. Ira M. Smith, Professor
and Mrs. T. L. Sharfman, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Hawley Tapping, and Dean
and Mrs. Fred B. Wahr are also
serving as patrons.
Lighting Effects to Be Used.
Presenting the scenic and light-
ing effects as used in the original
production featuring Philip Meri-
vale, which ran for 16 months on
Broadway last year, the play will
feature Paul Wermer, '32Med, and
Hilda Harris, '32, in the leading
roles of Death and Grazia, lovers
of the imagination.
A musical trio will play the at-
mospheric overture, and also dur-
ing intermission. Tickets will be on
sale from 1 to 5 o'clock in the Lab-
oratory theatre box-office today
and tomorrow, and during t h e
French play to be presented tonight
in the theatre.
Jackson, Detroit R. O. T. C.
Delegates and Governor
Brucker to Attend.
After an intensive two weeks
sales campaign, less than 50 tickets
to the Military Ball at the Union
tomorrow night remained unsold
Thursday evening. The majority of
these are promised, but a few will
be obtainable until Friday night.
The Union, R.O.T.C. headquarters,
and Slater's are the only places at
which they may be obtained. Fol-
lowing this year's custom, prices
have been reduced to $4.00.
Delegations from the Reserve
Officer's Association of Detroit and
Jackson will attend the dance.
Word was received from Governor
Brucker that he would attend un-
less work with the legislature kept
him unexpectedly detained in Lan-
Rea Receives Letter.
Dean Walter B. Rea has just
received a letter from Mr. J. L.
Rolins, assistant dean of men at
Northwestern university, stating

that Ace- Brigode and his Virgin-
ians had been chosen by popular
vote for their recent Senior Ball.
"We used Ace Brigode, and the
students here liked him as well as'
they did Paul Whiteman," said
Dean Rollins.
Military favors, small presenta-
tion sabers, will be given at the

Mother Nature Holds Snares
for Spring Athletes.

A warning against the hazards
of spring to all nature lovers and
those who aren't has been issued
by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director
of the health service. Poison ivy,
says Dr. Forsythe, is a menace to
hikers, who should beware of three-

33 Conferences Are Planned for 67th Meeting
of Educators; Ruthven to Give Dinner
Speech Tomorrow Night.
Ann Arbor today is host to faculty men from high schools and
colleges in all parts of Michigan, arriving for the 67th meeting o
the Michigan Schoolmasters' club today, tomorrow, and Saturday.
Meetings of various conferences in conjunction with the School-
masters' organization began yesterday morning with the opening
session of the Parent Education Institute.
Local members of the organization, who are making prepara-
tionrs for entertaining the guests, estimate that approximately 3,000
educators will attend the conference. This is almost a 100 per cent
representation of the total out-of-town membership.
Correlated with the regular sessions of the club, there are 33
conferences and other events scheduled for the three-day period.
This list includes the championship contest of the Michigan High
School Debating league, schedul- - -
ed for tomorrow night.
The keynote of the convention
for this year is "an appraisal of
current opinion of our secondary
schools and higher institutions."
S"Both in thegeneraland in 'he U
sectional meetings' discussions of
this topic will be presented, and the
usual standard of excellence is Declares That Present System
being maintained by those who of Cutting T sWeakens
have arranged the many pro-
grams that enter into the plans Educational program.
for this important educational -
event," writes President Ruthven in An indictment of ignorant pro-
a note of welcome. grams of tax-cutting aimed at edu-
President Ruthven will give the cational associations was delvered
dinner address at the reception and yesterday morning by Dean Janie
annual dinner, at 6 o'clock tomor-
row night at the League. The re- 13. Edmonson of the School of Edu-
ception is for club members and cation in an address at the open-
their friends. ing session of the Parent Education
Institute conference, held in co-n-
I eate t toh kiel. junction, with the Schoolmasters'
In keeping with the keynote Club.
phrase, an important part of the D e a n Edmonson fastened the
program is the debate at 7:45 to blame for the situation on the fact
night held at the League ballroom that parents are not sufficiently in-
between six prominent high school formed of educational activities in
and college faculty men, concerning their children's schools. Such tax-
the advisability of laying more cutting measures, framed by per-
stress on newer subjects in cur- sons primarily interested in making
ricula, at the expense of foundation a saving, rather than in child edu-
'ourses such as mathematics, cation, are to be deplored, he said.
In order to gather complete data Must Assume Responsibility.
on this subject, the audience will "I believe that our professional
be requested to' cast a special ballot, organizations of teachers and the
indicting (a) status in education; parent-teacher clubs must assume
(b) opinion on question before the (he lnajor share of the responsibil-
debate started; (c) opinion at the i ty for cultivating a more active
close of debate; (d opinion as to vond more intelligent interest on the
respective merits of the two teams part of larger numbers of parents
from a standpoint of skill. The data matters relating to the educa-
will be assimilated quickly and t on of their children," he stated.
posted on a bulletin board at the Conceding that public expendi- ,
close of the debate. timres must be reduced until the na-
Teams are Named. - tion :reaches a higher economic
The teams are: affirmative, Henry level, lie agreed that "the amount
J. Ponitz, Royal Oak high school; of money spent on a school is not
Charles M. Novak,' Northeastern always a true measure of the value
high, Detroit; L. W. Fast, Mount of the institution.
Clemens public schools; negative, "But,' he continued, "if we could
John P. Everett, Western State inbd a way to encourage our lead-
Teachers' college, Kalamazoo; Paul ing citizens to discuss education. as
A. Rehmus, Battle Creek high, and cne of society's greatest undertak-
George A. Manning, Muskegon high inns, rather than as an enterprise
school. (f a political or financial nature,
Following is an itemized program ve would not need to worry. about
of the meetings directly connected a type of curtailment and retrench-
with the Schoolmasters' club: ment that would endanger the edu-
This afternoon at 2:45 o'clock: eational interests of children."
preliminary business meeting; 3
o'clock conference, "Overlapping in Florence Hale Proposes
Subject Matter between the High Child Education Changes
Schools and Colleges," Room C,
Law building. Erratic modern educational no-
andigh at 7:45 'clock: debate ions were scored last night by
and informal reception, in League ionc Hale, president of the
Tomorrow morning at 11o'cock:National Education association, at -
annualhonors Convocation, Hill k tevening session of the Parent
manulHnr CnoainHlE~ducation Institute cn~erence, in
auditorium; Pres. Ruthven, chair- endelsntt re
manr M eesslin theatre.

Tomorrow afternoon at 1:0 .Predicting disaster for American
To'orrow nafternon atn 1- :30civilization unless growing lawless
o'clock: annual business meeting. nd plebeian tendencies were erad-
Will (lave Reception. ji'ated in the grade school stage
Tomorrow night at 6 o'clock: hs
Schoolmasters' club reception and ochildeducation, Miss Green ad-
annual dinner, - League. President spiitual edeiscip ine and more
Ruthven will give the dinner ad-srom and pucatie in the class-
dress. At 7:45 o'clock, band concert, ts for eachers, utiacaistsalary
and championship debate of the i infarsinlea cas, mnultiplicityof
Michigan High School Debating itin ofuluirle crlass, and elim-
league will be held in Hill auditor- husic, from curicuaurses, such as
oaturday morning at 9 o'clock: iless we speedily change our
conference for teachers, University pises andou b ways," she
high school auditorium. The chair- wirned, "it will not be a strange
man will be Prof. Raleigh Schorling 11'1ihg to haven if we find ourselves
of the Education school. Student h1 mumch the same predicament
teachers will present demonstra-tt Rome was in."
tions of teaching work. At 10:15
o'clock, a series of special confer- RIodkey Will Present
ences on creative work of pupils., Key to Honor Student
and curriculum will be held.
The annual presentation of akey
Harward Students Are to the graduating student of the
Placed on Probation business administration school hav-
ing the highest academic record
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 27..-(/P) will take place at 8 o'clock tonight,
--Sixteen Harvard stu d en t5-14 .=_-- _ -

Former Michigan Football
'Transferred to New Post
as Backfield Coach.


MADISON, Wis., April 21'-(I)-
Irwin Uteritz, named director of
intercollegiate athletics at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin more than
four months ago, was transferred
today to the post of assistant foot-
ball coach at his request and that
of Coach Clarence Spears.
The Board of Regents made the
unexpected move while considering
other athletic matters, chiefly the
appointment of faculty members of
the new athletic board which today
replaced the athletic council.
Dr. Spears became head football'
t-oaeh [bare recently and it was
indicated at the time that he de-
sired to take over they post of
athletic director as well as that .of
head coach. President Glenn Frank
had referred to the Uteritz appoint-
ient as being "transitory."
In returning to the football squad
as backfield coach, Uteritz resumes
the duties he held for several
years. He starred at football and
baseball at the University of Mich-
igan and served as assistant to
George Little, both at Michigan
and Wisconsin. ~
!5e1l Company Hires
on Scholastic Basis
J. T. Shaefor, personnel manager
of the Bell Telephone company,
gave a talk yesterday afternoon in
the Natural Science auditorium
directed primarily to those students
who graduate in June. This was
one ,of the series of talks being
sponsored by the Student Council.
Approximately half of the em-
ployees in the Bell Telephone com-
pany are college graduates, said
Shaefor. College men usually find
that the others are ahead of them
for about the first two years. Eight
ut of ten of the llege men.how-

Mol Urges Political Leaders
to Seek Younger Voters'


(SpeciaI to 't he J)Daily)
LANSING, April 27-Stressing the
opportunities facing the officials of
the repubHcan party in interesting
the younger voters of the state in
republicanism and in politics in
general, Martin J. Mol, '32L, spoke
yesterday before the Michigan Re-
publican convention in Grand Rap-
Mol was chosen by Governor

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