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April 27, 1932 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-27

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tIL 27, 1932




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^ 9

Will No, Giv uprT!i er
1From Observatory St.
r'en Wome-n to Be ChoLsza From'n
Each Clas's, Four Le,,,deres
and Six Aides.

'r7 T)
ive r} /' 4 C;,eillegee"v


e Keys, Ms White to Act
Ias Hostesses ins Charge
of Affair.


Emily Bates, '32, has been ap-
pointed captain of the lime of march ju nior and Intermediate Groups
for Lantern Night, according to an Will Present Progs(ram;
anucmnmaeyesterday by Tea to Be Served.
Dorothy Elsworth, '32, president of 2
the Woman's Athletic associationd Michigan will join with five othier
and general chairman of the event. ealcgsond fdtsne symposium, the
This position is an honorary one icn dte o unitry, i ch wilbe e e ld
memberry yof t theustseniornth cclass.wichwil.Be hld . mmbr'o 2, seiorclssat'ml2:15e, 3o'clocke; lcSaturdayoclok aApril Api390.
The date for Lantern Night has appointede! apainof telieo on the large foor at Barbour gym-
been set for Tuesday,*May 24, and maich for the Lantern Night c=re- nasium.
defyng te cutom f prviou mones.The colleges which will combinej
defingthecusom f pevius onis.with the University of Michigan ar,
years no supper will be held to pre- _________________Mihian State Normal. at Ypsilan-
cede the performance. Instead the1tDeri echr olee et
march will probably begin about 7 A T e tt ecesclee tKy
o'clck ad wil befolowedby te I i.. XL azoo, ad the Battle reek Phy~
Freshman Pageant. '
EihtChiren I TE C14A S ial Education school. ach group
will hold a half-hour demonstra-1
Miss Elsworth is general chair- I ( tion of their work.
man and Helen DeWitt, '33, newly IN E W S V . The junior majors in the physical'
elected president of the League, willjj education department and Miss!
represent that rganization on the;--- -- Emily White's intermediate group'
committee. Jane Fecheimer, '33, lied aros Life Saving. Iwi present the demonstration for
-will serve as secretary-treasurer, Staring Thursday, April 2. teIMichigan. Those in the junior ma-
anid Glendora Gosling will head the RedCross life saving class will be jor class are Helen Andree, RuthI
committee of procession properties. held at 8:15 o'clock on Tuesday Brdseye, Florence Bonisteel, Jeanal
Virginia Salisbury, '35, as general and Thursday. A nimtionial Red Botsford, Helen Brenner, Wilmal
chairman of the Freshman Page- Cross examiner will tive the ex- Clizbe, Nelda Dover, Emma Greicus,
ant, will participate on the central amination for Senior Life Saving Lelia Hendricks, Norma Hicks, Vi-
committee, and for examiner's certificate on ginia Johnston, Genevieve Lawson,
Anne Neberle, '33, has been namr-; Thursday, May 26. Anyone wish-I Mary Marshall, Katherine Rent-
eda aschairman of field decorations1 ing to take this course should meet i schler, Laura Sommers, and Alice'
anid Clara Grace Peck, '33, is chair- with the class Thursday. For fur- Stryker.
man of music. Elsie Feldman, '33, t ghee information call Miss Marie Groups to ance.
will act as publicity chairman, and rHIartwig at Barbour gymnasium.jTheintenerdaegou
Katherine MacGregor, '34, will be 'ap Dancing.1 are Betty Little, '35, Frances Ma-
in charge of programs.I Since a desire has been expressed I chester, '34, Abbie Morley, 34, Mary,
1To Work Together. for elective tap dancing there will l= -ay 34, Catherine Robinson, '32,
Thee chairmen will work togeth- axe a class orgainived to sheet at 4~ Fthel Schremoser, 35, Jacqueline;
er with the Freshman Pageant comn- c,'lek Onl Thursday at the Wor- Snell, '5, Mary Sterling, '35, Lotta
mittee. in planning the ceremony. cf's Athileic building inth 1tan ~ Stern, '34. Rose-. Strasser, '34, Phyllis
The expenses of the event will be '1he class is intended for those Swift, '34, Carlotta Weilbrecht, '34,1
shared by the Woman's Athletic as.. I ,who have had tap dancing and the! Velma Wilson, '35. Harriet Jennings,a
sciation and the freshman class. G plan i to d o rigial wok. How- '3, Helen Bernthal, '34, Martha
Ten women from each class will ; ve r, If there is a larme enough de- Iloehmer, '32, Helen Clark, '34, Ma-
be chosen later, four of whom will wand a beginners class will be or- garet Cole, '34, Ruth Duhme, '34
act as leaders, and six as aides. The ganized at the m;are hour. The Dorothy Felske, '32, Virginia Frink,
appointments are made on a basis clases will meet for five weeks. 1 '35, and Billie Griffiths, '35.
of scholarship and League activity The first cass meeting will be held Dr. Margaret Bell, director of
points. More definite plans as to Thursday, April 28. physical education, will give a brief
the line of march and other details Baseball welcome address. Miss Donabelle
of the ceremony will be announced Thle following teams wii meet Keys, of Michigan State Normal,
later. for baseball on Wednesday, April will act as hostess with Miss Emily
I27. At 4 o'clock Kappa Delta will White, instructor in physical edu-
UNIV RSIT CLUB play 'Sigma Kappa, Alpha Gamma cation. Both women will introduce
let,.t will play Alpha Omnicon P, their groups. Miss Ruth Murray
WILL PLAN BRIDGE 'uitosher 1HI.l will met Jrdan K2U.., will speak for the Detroit Teachers
---- ( and Helen Newberry will pay Delta college and will give a summary a.
Junior American University Wo- Gama the end of the demonstration. Miss
~'nento Spnsor olok Chi Omega will meet, Katherine Thielan will speak "for
The eneit ride bingplanedGanma wil play Pi Beta Phi, and Teachers college, and Miss Jesse
The eneft brdge eingplan e I- ndepndents are to meet to Cameron will speak for the Battle
by the Junior association of Ameni- i';anizr and to have practice play. Creek Physical Education school.
can nivrsiy wmenwillbe eld 13c 4irs of he ainMonay nlyTo Hold Demonstration.
at2o'clock Saturday afternoon atgm a dae.smoimwilb nifm
tehome of Mrs. L. W. Oliphant othrlnilneswl epae tx i eosrtoec ru
in Barton Hills.Moherygatne sawill ie.ae exKa.eontain ec ru
,Reservations for the bridge may bi~ ttesae~cowing its type of work in techi-
be maeb allin isDrty Legite Sorosis defeated Alpha b ei yclin isDrtycue, free work, and dances. Mici-
i Delta 12 to 10. It was a fast gan will also show rhythm accents,
Ogborna at 4121 or Miss Leslie F. £ cme and very close. Katherine dynamics, and dance forms. The
Rittershofer at 8212. Those desir- MMurray '32, was the outstand- junior majors will show compoi
ing transportation should meet at t.p i
the south dloor of the League build-ig playr for Alpha Xi Delta, hit- ( tion without music which they or-
ing at 1:30 o'clock or call Miss Ruth Dnt; two home runs. Judy Quirk, igmated themselves to the acco-l
Merrick at 3155. Grad, was the outstanding player paniment of songs, symbols, and:
Gust f onratte rig o1 r Coleica te Sorosis. tom tom. The pattern was worked
wiluess ofoosrsaexanidgerSpeedhall. out with the aid of Miss White.
G.l RuenflowMrs.MAldexander Speedihai! xvll be offered again Everyone is invited to attend, and,
M. Pul ec, Ms.MadLoiar-e this year for the interclass ou~door thee will be no admission charges.
pinski, Mrs. Walter Staebler, and I port. P'lay wil begin Thursday,} Tea will be served for thse taking
Mrs. George Alder, ( April 28, under the management of part in the demonstration after the1
hose people who have reservedI Gladys Sclir o&ir, '3 wh will beI performance.
tables f or Saturday afternoon are 91______~III1111191 11w11111111111111111111111111111111
asked to bring their own covers. -{
I ypY !{- Men have died and left theirfaiesnurc,
ShoertanF, ea-etfastcilies ons.Thynsuancein
Bookkeepog -inancial matters, and according to statistics, in a
Calclato E ewv rief years all but one will be absolutely penniless.
Dictaphone -j=
Secretrial =Man Should Provde
Training Everyvrman should protect his estate against the
DAY ANDT EVENING 1isecrity of poor administration. Our advice is yours d
Hamilton Business for the asking. Stop in and discuss this with us now. -
College i little later may be too late.

S ;ta :nd V(JIlliailStreets
A icnn Ar ;r,3i) ian'rust Department

Marriage. at Michigan, which
iv, ar so inauspiciously but has
no w incluaet ]four student un-
ions, is getting cut of hand. The
fourth co-edl to fall prey to the
epidemic is Miss Ruth Cunning-
ham, '34, who is reported wed to
Walter Murray, '34, a newly elec-
ted Varsity cheerleader.
Mr's. iMurray, (nee Cunning-!
ha) n klAror gii hs dis-
Ies and the coule hv ae enliv-
ing for a week n o at 625
W alter Hampder. in "Cyrano de
Lei gerac" iiibe enso ec;Wednes-
day evening by a gi~oup from Mar-
tha Cook doritoryi inciulding; Miss
Ali-*, B. Akinsan, hoce directorl"
-,i;s Margar et Ruth 5~.special
director. and fifteen resdents.
Martha Cooky board of directors.
beard of governors and residents
will entertain at, a formal dinner
Thursday night, April 28. Thej memi-
bens of the board of governors pre-
setwill be Mrs. Frederic B.
Stevens; Mrs. Harry C. Bulklcy, and
Mfiss Emilie Sargent all of Detroit;.
Mrs. Leroy V. Cram, Presidenu and
Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, Dr. and Mrs. D.
Bruc e, Dr. and. Mrs. Clarence Yoa k--
urn, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Smith,.
Tickets for the LeaF-ue supper
dance may be obtainied at the
r afn desk of theLeu, from
U-1sie Feldman at 232131, or any
,?ember of the committee. Prices
lI yve been lowered- from $4.50 to
$and will include both the
aceto Jack Albin and his
I WVLW orchestra and a buffet sup-
per Dan .ing will begin at 8
o'eock and late permission will
-,e given to 1 o'clock.

1W BeatriC4'c Colins p. . orita nce O0Beng .a1et"as an
bra tes its third anniversary on May Plyouto' rsnain fT 1 0 0
4 ' Theopeing of the Michigan thcyar Tem t Be!HstnyofMof;
league ; 'idngthreeyears ago1 7 ?C1 xr
_ tine."itl t Itf 1 iai sTs b) 1!... u ltr- oder n lighting ef- "st' will b ivn in connection A iiil E e t
fC'S and thecom'pletenless of its xwjh t he.MicigaLeaguei The
- l"ethaemd osil uh 1y iIt J.n-yOcar Wilde, at the 1Senior Cwomen on cus willIT
aoeotylrde~ nd s"h n -'d6f the nineteenth century. will Ipresenlt theelt ves t teana
I Peioi' Jones."Inlr, i
IOnllthe eveniofstart 7 ing is foJurihI e're thattec n'r t ehusltrthnuul h ae
(e 1 f eCisee1:hetheatre is to.[ ParisindesIgn. Not11on lxiii't ie ihi oor sawy
I hoJe layoduto' "The I7mu '-Lb clbrethaniesrofim
___________- theAre but it wifl }aIm eeenA;- <a(cirful lpanor1ama, but te+inno
_-._ c inhone:orot her's Da i? vton0 l.Ltge cest? il.mak
8I When the fteatreeopened th~ree ay v24J has b):eenset for th ,ale
F7 yea1'rs ago, Mi lny Loom'iiswsprs e ntatiomu;) a week later than
ap ne lietor he hecld ti: .toi nnucead tl3~ti
'FY' e t1.;il' -1l~ ..0 ":c "- York, where shfe h s L C2l(I ro e ig te ce'mo
C i l theShe4s f TI
arnd Mi:. and Mrs. Ira Smith wvili be prat iii playing with Tom oer Ms Ehl Mc'Corck, asss1.a
the honored guests. pIn otn While hee isL n h ceno oenadsca
_ ~~Collegiate CSorosis. ir cte~d two Junior Girl.s' Playsegaaded-.iectooldforiwoseenl ismsponsorysni
annual faculty tea Su"lnday. osies with the Leag_,ue, pageant. he fls t i=a ;withth
and spring flowers will serve as dee- LyddiaTMende1l ssohn Theatreha nsmlyaregopodncs
1orations. Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Mrs. hosdseea cmu r ganza tathaeoe out, the presens
Edgar Derfey, Mrs. Walter Pillsbury jtions, especially Comedy Club anlion, is certa:in to be a success. Mc
and i's.Peter Van BY e wl PayPodcio.Th lterhs ily Wvhitec, instructor in pyi-
pour. Mrs. Berman Claney, Mrs. done more than any other organi:.z- cal edulcation, is training aprn.
Wvilliam Robersonl and Miss Greta l zien, having presented lmore thanI iii rhythmical a nd ~trr-v
Flint erinni, '32, will be in the re- ? icity bills. I dance, although as yether wee
ceiing line. Imporltant o u t s i d e atractions s only begun.
I tvhich have been given ini thlis thea- Following the genera? sheeO
1o.anHal.tre include: The Abbey Theatre last year's pageant, the themeone
IJunia. wonmon of Jordan hall en 'Players, of Dublin, Ireland; Sir be developed is cTeHsoyo
I tertained members of the faculty Philip Berl Greet's Shakespearean Music." The intention of thle cont-
at dinner Sunday night. Players (on two occasions); Kreutz- mittee in charge. is todipath
_rDelta !eta. berg and Goorgi. thp i1ncers: Sir progress of musical interpretationr
Delta Zeta entertained several! Nigel Playfair's production of "Beg- through the ages, as typil'"i .d by a r
g ouests at a rushing luncheon on garn's Opera;" Robert Henderson's propriate dances for eaich perio
I Saturday. Orchid sweet peas were :ltour seasons; Grace George in the beginning with the p r iitive and (
used in the color scheme of orchid; "First Mrs. Fraser;" and Cornelia- stretching throuighll !thel cola'ful
and bronze.I Otis Skinner. - - middle ages to m~odern times.
Miss Luaine Budge of Detroit was,--______ __________
a house guest this week-end. On 1
Surnday the pledges gave a tea in Dess akigyDsigin
jhonor of the actives and their;_
;uests . Pink and geeny decorations Wl al3~g
were used.
-_ .__ _ - I - T . 4V fs, M WM " S_ N .


Sale of roses irom 1,300 rase I
bushes in the Donna, Tex., city
park last winter brought enough
'money to keep up the park system.

Ilemst itching and! Altero'ios
DIAL 2-1129 620 EA%"ST LIBER~TY S'

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