'" THE MICHIGAN DAIL;Y WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1932 ---=-M----= lished every morning except Monday during the University; the Board in Control of Student Publications. tber of the Western Conference Editorial Association. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for reC on of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news published herein. ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second atter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant ter General. scription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, . Phones: Editorial, 4925; Euriness, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN ditor............ .............. ...... David M. Nichol tor....... ......................Carl IForsythe Director ........................... Beach Conger, Jr. ditor .............................Sheldon C. Fullerton sEditor.......... .........Margaret M. Tfhomnpson t News Edit or ... .................... Robert L. P.ierce NIGHT EDITORS_ . Gilbreth J. Cullen Xeonedy James Inglis Roland A. Goodman jerry E. Rosenthal [Karl Seitfrt George A. Stnaiii What if we will not be able to step into a good job as soon as we are graduated? Most of us are lucky enough to have a home at which to stay for awhile and a certain amount of hard times and worry is good for anyone. If we have taken our education seriously, we will in time be able to take our place in the world, and it is a positive fact we will be able to fill our niche more satisfactorily as a result of our education. So why give up and throw away the remaining few weeks of undergraduate study? Remember that the taxpayers are carrying a heavy burden to support the schools, before you despair and throw away your part of this sacrifice. So buckle down seniors. Take advantage of any such visitations as rainy weather to get yourself back to a normal frame of mind. Forget that there's no use in keeping up your work because you can see nothing in view. Get to work so you can do your share in the coming years toward making the world OOKS BRIGHT SKIN, by Julia Peterkin (Bobbs-Merrill, 1932) $2.50. (Re- view Copy Courtesy of Wahr's Book- stores). A Review. By John W. Pritehard A few weeks ago we reviewed i novel by Countee Cullen, colored, in which the author did a fine job: (or so it seems to us) of expressing the psychology . of the civilized FOADHAM VUIVRSIJY SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Case System-Three-Year Courses Co-ed ucational C +lleg Dgre, or Two Years of College Work with Good Grades Required 'G'ai-x ip o Rc ,(1 N e-}- it] All (<,,~ I RNU. r'\RY .\I :RNooN \N lI vv\:\l NG; (L\SSPS Write for Catalogue CHARLES P. DAVIS, Registrar 233 l r-adway. New York i ; ... ..... ... III C"; i v iP ,r till t v _ r a r ai r Ki 3'. " y' j MakC your party a suc- cess. " Sv puncit No jares. our fruited Other corn- THE BETSY ROSS SHOP "In the rcade" We Deliver Dial 5931 a more livable place. V American negro. It has since been -our privilege to read an equally fine 'RITICISM USUALLY BIASED AND UNFAIR interpretation of another side o; (Seattle Journal of Commerce) . American life, that of the compara- One of Seattle's city councilmen, in undergoing Al t the "baptism of fire," during a humorous initiation tively uncivilized n e g r o of thL in a down--town business men's club, sustained a South, who is so totally cut of corn- slight burn when a match was applied too near his munication with the rest of thr I v wv. Arnheim r(I _, .um bell t S. l)i-u t s'li A. fnrubcr Sports Assistants john W. Thomas REPORTERS HiVTold F. Klnte Roin lanI iti Albt, 1. Newman Prudence Fster A!ii'e ( illrt I anees Mainrhester Eli'abeth Mann Charles A. Sanford Join W. Pritchard J{JsCp'di eviian C. iart Schaaf irnckl y Shaw Parkcr Sny der talc-nni IR. Winters Margaret O'Brn lW,. ely Stark Alosepwi e Vm h a Joseplhiiie woodhatn bare foot. The burn was not serious, but, like a manj biting a dog, the oddity of the incident made news.- What headline news the same incident would have called for if a university student had been similarly burned in a fraternity initiation! What an' world that he i; not even sup, where the "Unity States" ic in Ie.- erence to his own geographical pos- ition. CarveT eCollingb Crandall eldman BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 LES T. KLTN ........................flusiness Managei IS P. JOHN.ON ....................Assistant Manager Department~Managers sing ....................................Version Bishop sing (ontract.s...........................[larry R. Bleglcy sing service............................. Byron C. Verdder tions...................................William . Brown S....................................hard wrvenr 's Bsines M :mnagr...................... Ann W, Vcrriot i Aronson t . Bursicy Clark tFinn Assistants Athr F. N(oltn li rrnr id Seliu f,(-i % Vlor . Sharp Virginia M amb Caroline Alosher Helen Olson IIelt'n Scinin de lay Sef:ried orum:ll A. Johnson, II .),an "Turner Don Lyon Iernard il. Good I Iclen Spencer I tliryn Spencer Sahtlryn Stork (r I Ji Uger ary Elizabeth Watts a Becker ne Fischgrrind Gallmcyer erine Jackson thy l~ayliin opportunity for opponents of higher education to This volume, in its very nature. rant and rave! "College Student Tortured in Initia- will not become the center of con- tion," "University Man Seriously Burned by Fraternity troversy that its predecessor, "Scar- Brothers," "Probe of Torture Initiation Diemanded of let Sister Mary." became. It prob- University President," would likely have been the ably will, however, contribute quit' way in which the press would have bannered the a bit of grist to the tireless mill of affair. c o n s t r u c t i v e and destructive Sob sisters' sewing circles, super-soup sipping thought regarding the interracia organizations and meddlesome mollycoddles would problem. And yet, even here toe have demanded expulsion of the so-called "perpe- possibility is tempered by the fact trators," criticized the entire faculty of the university that no racial difficulty which aof- ' and denounced higher education in general. ; fects city areas could ever reach Thy point we want to make, however, is that the proportions nearly as great in the average college and high school student, as well as swamps of the gulf region. the average institution of higher education, in the A critique of such a book is bound great majority of cases, is subjected in like instances to be incoherent, for the book it- to unjust and ill-advised criticism and notoriety by self has no outline, no plot. It has thoughtless individuals, meddlesome organizations, not even a problem, which it ad ; and sensation-seeking newspapers.. vances as such-not even the alore- Be fair and reasonable with our boys and girls and mentioned miscegenation quandary, young men and young women. for that is vague and not as import- ant as its constant presence would seem to indicate. It is simply a character study, sublimated because C-2 i 1j, U (U I, fIIHR ,N it is never still, but continually moving and developing in a thor- Leters published in this column should not be construed as oughly living manner. One could expressing tihe editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous corn- unications will be disregarded. The names o""com"municants not exactly say, even, that the will, however, he regarded as confidential upon request. Contrib- handling is skillful; it does not needi utors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. to be: it is straightforward, unas- suming, frank, rich, sincere. The Spring Parley in Review It is, in substance, the tragedy To The Editor: of two children who are utter mis- The Spring Parley had a great significance; it fits in their particular society. One may represent the introduction of a new era on our l escapes; the other does not. The campus. It was marvelous to see hundreds of stu- children are Blue, a negro as pu-e VAX)o NIGHT EDITOR---.JAMES H. INGLIS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1932 ) Salary its IE administrative heads of the University are acing a situation today unparalleled in many les of the institution's history. The funds able for next year have been cut 15 per cent, tic economies are in sight, a situation which' been bemoaned and regretted in so many -ent ways and places that the subject is now Dme. o an observer outside the ranks of those e security is threatened by the forthcoming Dmies, this problem of cutting down the ersity budget presents a challenge not alto- r unpleasing. An opportunity is presented searching examination and re-evaluation of e many departments and offices which have sily grown up during the past 10 years of tiful prosperity. ne fundamental question must first of all be by those in charge of retrenchment. Will kudget determining body, take the path of resistance and offer a blanket reduction laries and services that will weaken every tment and. leave the University structure .ent I-t debilitated? Or will those in charge ine each department and office and ask iii d to each, is this particular office or that cular department really contributing to the ersity as an institution of higher learning? o out the budget uniformly throughout is a statement to the effect that no mistakes have made in the past, that no departments have n up too fast, and that every department is sary and vital to the functioning of the insti- r_ The absurdity of this defense for the s quo is evident. he issue is clear cut. Shall we weaken the ersity as a whole by reducing the budget of department and perpetuating the mistakes e past or shall we strengthen the University Fducing the dead wood and paring out the growth of institutions that have failed to y themselves? here is a great opportunity. for constructive achment. Let us hope that those in power efrain from taking the line of least resistance.I dents crowding the halls three times within 24 hours black as the seventh son of a sev- prompted by an earnest desire for knowledge and cnth son of the Queen of Sheba by without the slightest hope of earning an "A" or ever: direct lineage; a n d Crickett, a one-tenth of a credit hour! Education was liberated beautiful, yellow "biight skin," or from the adding machine and the assembly line, mulatto, girl. Blue, who had been Students came because they were eager to find truth brought up almost igncant of the -hence they were in the only frame of mind in meaning of work, was taken away which truth can be acquired. from his home cabin by his father, It was equally wonderful to see that faculty men ? because his mother had "had sin forgot that they were supposed to have one-track with a white man. Crickett was minds: a historian discussed immortality, an engi- herself the product of a similar neer the religion of the future, and a psychologist misstep. In the creed of these peo- spoke on ethics; the theory of intelligence in water- ple, an affair between a negro man tight compartments was ignored; the experts proved and woman was to be deplored, but that they could think about subjects outside their a mixed-race peccadillo was un- special field. f pardonable. At some moments one might have felt oneself So Cricket and Blue were brought transplanted to Athens, 2300 years ago; young peoplk together before either had received putting questions to older thinkers because theii the age of ten. They grew up to- heart drove them to do so, not because they were gether, Blue mutely in love with working for a diploma. Cricket, Cricket happily loving Blue Yet the parley revealed through some speakers in a somewhat different manner that cur "Weltanschauung" is 30 years behind thai Constantly Cricke-t w a s brcug:Ih of a corresponding European group; previous to the face to face with. and blamen-d ior World War it was the fashion among European the error of her mother: alva y intellectuals to treat religion with disdain, boasting Blue was derided for his inefficiency a naive materialism. But after the War a new recog- and what appeared to be cowardice. nition of spiritual realities set in. Many liberal Cricket's total misfit was emphasiz Americans are now propagating a stale materialism. ed-by the fact that her father, ap not realizing that the most advanced scientific think- parently in blue-blooded white, ha-" ers have destroyed the very concept of matter. left her an heritage of aristocrac Professor Dennart of Godesburg, Germany, in- that lifted her above the other chil- vestigated the religious convictions of 527 leading dren in the community in sensitivi- scientists of all ages and found that only 2.2 per cent ty and fine taste, but relegated her were atheists; 93 per cent were theists (34.5 per cent: to a place below them in their owl adhering to a denominational field). Students whose appreciation. search for truth was not fully satisfied by the Parley Until Cricket at last was deliver- might find encouragement in John Fiske's "The Idea ed from her bondage--delivered by of God as affected by Modern Knowledge" and Tols- the expedient of going to New York toy's "My Confession." and becoming a dancer, Princess The bi-weekly meetings -at which the parley is Kazoola, in a Harlem black-and- to be continued may prove to be a blessing in many tan night club. And Blue, still the respects. F. S. o. faithful hound, watched her go, -__and turned with tears in his eyes to return to a woman and two ille- Cgitimate children whom he did nt love.. ____________ The characters are drawn with' AT THE MICHIGAN fine feeling. No one can be pointed Maurice Chevalier is .ust the same as he was in out as more perfect than another, the days when he was singing French songs, except unless it be Big Pa. The old man that he doesn't sing French songs anymore. "One though still filled with a constant Hour With You" is right along the same line with all longing to see his mammy oncec the rest of his pictures. We admire this show in more, had finally given up asking particular because it makes it very plain after the where he could find the town o first few minutes of play that it isn't supposed to Unity States, the port where he re- mean anything. The audience knows what to expect membered landing on this contim- right from the first, and gets what it is expecting-- ent decades ago. a little plot, some pretty women, suggestive dialogue,. a few songs, and a general feeling of charm, good FORTHCOMING BOOKS fellowship, and entertainment. One very engaging Houghton, Mifflin Company, Bos- feature about this cinema that sets it apart from ton and New York, announce that several others we could mention (and so could you) the list of books to be published by is the charming informality with which the actors them during April, May, and June step out of character and address 'the audience, just include the following: _, _ __ . _ . __ _ __ A ;1- ucY Ftn;0' aa& at orcs Mo her and Dad may be in Ma - h quee, Chicago, Saginaw, Detroit of New York . ,.,hua you can chat with hem at any. time by Long Dis- kaIce telephone. _ y ,!y}y'' 5 ,t .. a t t , // y '" IJ .. ij Ny / J f < " Y Now= d I ITRAL COMMENT You can call the points from Ann the rates shown. following Arbor for SENIOR PESSIMISM (Daily Kansan) ny weather comes as a relief to some students, Ally a number of seniors, who feel that it is Dwn loss when they do not make the most of >pportunities while attending college.. al spring weather is no inducement to study. a a time such as the present when fighting n the two alternatives of staying in and get- uis lessons or getting out and enjoying the Sul weather, the senior is likely to choose the with the remark, "Oh, what's the use, I'm not to be able to get a job anyhow, so why not myself while I can?" Rain makes it less desir- > forsake studies. e senior, who is totally at loss as to what he ug to do after graduation, is apt to take on a Day Station-to-Station Rate Grand Rapids -$ .80 Why not set a certain day of each. week for telephoning ome? And if your finances are low, re- nember that you can charge the call to your home telephone. Let them know your telephone number, so they can reach you quickly, if necessary. Kalamazoo - - .70 Flint - - - - .45 Sault Ste. Marie 1 -s Pontiac Bay City 1 - - - r .3 0 - - .7o Saginaw - - - .60 Port Huron .60 Calumet - -- 1.80 I -- - I I