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April 26, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-26

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.. Society, where as regularly as clockwork the subjects
t t of student apathy and hazing were considered and
ublished every morning except Monday during the University The year of 1932 is singing its college swan song,
>y the Board in Control of Student Publications.
ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. and in this last issue of the Daily we wish to offer
he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- graduates o,ur sincere congratulations and best
ation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
d in this paper and the local news published herein, wishes for their success in later life, confident that
ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second they will make good.
matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant_ _
aster General.

Music and DramaI
By Robert Henderson


ubscription by, carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50j
ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
-an. Phones: Editorial, 4925; 1;uriness, 21214.
Trelephone 4325
Editor................................... David M. Nichol
Editor....................................... Carl Forsythe
-al Director.............................Beach Conger, Jr.
Editor ..,.......................... Sheldon C. Fullerton
n's Editor.......................... Margaret M. Thompson
ant News Editor...........................Robert L. Pierce
B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal
Karl Seiffert George A. Stautei

Lters published in this coltiin should not be construed as
expresnmg the e litorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous com-
mn ni dtions will be disregarded. The names of comninmicants
will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. (,ontrib-
utors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible.
A Protest Against The Hopwood Distribution

(This article has been written at
the request of Mr. H. T. Parker, and
is shortly to appear in Mr. Parker's
Dramatic Page in the Boston Eve-
ruing Transcript. It is here printed
by permission.)
All America is familiar with the
distinguished music and drama fes-
tvals that make England and cen-
tral Europe each summer the ar-

n W. Jones

v W. Arnheim
-d F. I1la1nertz
rd C. Campbell
as Connellan
t S. Deutsch
A. Huber

Sports Assistants
john W. Thomas
1harold F. KMute
i uuIm 5. Marshall
Roland Martin
fienry Meyer
Albert H. Newman
E. lerome Petfit
Prudence Foster
Alice Gilbert
Frances Manchester
lizabeth Mann

Charles A. Sanford
.ToLn W. Pritchard
Joseph iRevihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker Snyder
Glenn R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Beverly Stark
Alma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhatns

im Carver
rice Collins
se Crandall

Telephone 21214
RLES T. KLIN ....................Business Manages
RIS P. JOHNSON...................... Assistant Manager
Department Managers
tising......................................Vernon Bishop
tising Contracts............................. harry R. Begley
'uising Service............................ Byron C. Veddei
ations..................................William T. Brown
nts .................................... Richard Stratemei
n's Business Manager ......................Ann W. Vernor

rt E. Buraley
na Becker
ne ischlgrund
erine Jackson
thy TLaylin

ArthurF. Kon
Iluina rd Schnacke
Grafton W. Sharp
Virgvitia McComb
t C'arolIine Mosher
helen ()hson
!1 len Scuitnde
May Seef is d

Ioald A. Johnson, I]
Dean ''nrner
Don Lyon
Becrnard 11. Good
I1 een Spencer
Kath Iryn Spencer
Jathryn Stork
C'lre l1 ser
TOd ary Elizabeth Watts

pport the
esh Air Camp
PPEALS are being made at present by officers
of the University Fresh Air camp for funds
maintain the institution this year. Approxi-
tely $2,000 will be needed to meet expenses and
is to be gathered by contributions from fra-
iities and a tag day to be held next week by'
Ebers of the "M" club.
Every year there are different organizations
nsoring tag days to raise .money for some rea-
or other and most of them are worthwhile.
e of the most worthwhile things for which tag
s are held on the Michigan campus is the Fresh
camp fund and, it is tomthis that we urge fra-
iities, which have already received letters, and
er members of the student body, to contribute.
[t is natural that anyone giving money for some
se should wonder what the funds are used for.
money is used for the benefit of poor city
dren who are given a chance to spend a few
ks in the fresh air, eat nourishing food and in
eral enjoy things which they cannot get in
heat and dust of. the city streets. This year,1
h more people out of work, there is a need
something such as the Fresh Air camp andl
number of children needing the benefits this
ri t thn rbefre

To The Editor: ;tistic centers of the world. At Mal-
Charges of inefficiency have been frequently vern and Stratford, Salzburg, Mun-
levelled at, and often deserved by, the Hopwood ich and Vienna, Prague and Dres-,
Awards committee. Individual members of the com- den and Baireuth arc gathered for
mittee have frankly, if privately, confessed their
inability to handle, in the best interests of all, the two months each year the out-
large sums of money involved. Nowhere is this in- standing artists and artisans of the
ability more patently evidenced than in that section Continent. The great directors, the
of the rules which determines the eligibility of the great scenic designers, the great
contestants in the minor and major divisions. composers and the great authors
As the rules now stand, only seniors and grad- combine with the ranking singers
uates are eligible to compete for the major awards- and actors to create artistic tri-
in which some $10,000 is being disbursed-while any- umphs that are national and.inter-
body, including seniors and graduates, may compete national in their importance. To
for the .$2,000 offered in the minor awards. This each of these centers, quite literal-
year, according to figures published in THE DAILY, ly, comes-the world: Seats are at
40 contestants submitted 67 manuscripts in the major a dear price, and each premiere is
contest, and 75 contestants submitted 129 manu- fraught with an excitement, a tense
scripts in the minor contest. To put it differently, expectation that preludes all thrill-
one-third of the total number of contestants are ing creation.
competing for five-sixths of the prize money, while At present America goes to Eu-
two-thirds of the contestants are fighting for one- rope. Steamships grow wealthy on
sixth of the money! The absurdity of this situation thei
. . heircargoes that make up fullyl
is manifest on the face of it. half of the audiences that attend
The Hopwood contest is the only one to my know- the great Festivals of the old world.
edge which, having a junior and senior division. Why, however, there should not be
restricts the senior division, and throws the junior similarly distinguished and brilli-
open to everybody. This condition, distressingly ant dramatic festivals in our own
thoughtless itself, fosters consequences which are country has never been answered.
even more vicious. It is an open secret that the If, as is certain, the great European
Hopwood committee, in its extensive publicity efforts, theatres have much to teach us in
is endeavoring to attract outside writers to compete tradition and experience; similarly,
for the Hopwood awards. That in itself would be we, in our foremost plays and play-
defensible, provided that these writers were forced ers, have a fine distinction in our
to compete with the entire student body,and thereby own right. Our dramatists are stir-
truly earn the awards given them. Under the present ring the world, our leading actors
rules they must compete with but a handful of seniors can stand comparison with the
--a mere fraction of the student body. This virtually great continental giants; our thea-
amounts to subsidization of those professional writers .tre has wealth, technical resource,
who are willing to take up residence, for a year, m sophistication in its audiences. With
Ann Arbor. I cannot believe that such was Avery such favoring circumstances, a time
Hopwood's intention. Hopwood was interested in is ripe in America for a center that
developing new writers; not in giving the old one: will focus each spring the high
a new lease on life. points of the season just passing.
The only way, it would seem, that this can be Ann Arbor, which is the seat of
accomplished is by a change in the rules to take the University of Michigan, already
effect before next year. Such a change would lim- is famous for its May Festival of
the minor awards to undergraduates below the rank music. If Ann Arbor has created a
of senior, and open the major contest to all students great festival of music, it is easy
Better still, I would suggest that the committee keep to see how one should conceive the
a particularly close eye upon the scripts entered in idea (the ideal) Qf presenting each
this year's minor contest. Should a contestant be s p r i n g an equally distinguished
discovered who, in amount and consistently high Dramatic Season. One of the most
standard of submitted material, ranks above one of important factorsthat favored such
the four highest major entries, let him be awarded a festival was the erection four
one of the major prizes. This would be in keeping years ago of a beautiful, splendidly
with the spirit of the Hopwood bequest, which, A equipped theatre in connection with
feel sure, is intended rather to benefit writers, re- the Michigan League building at
gardless of scholastic rank, than seniors and grad-' the University. The Lydia Mendel-
uates who happen to be able to write. ssohn theatre was named in honr'
Arthur Clifford. of the donor's mother and is the
--~--~~-gift of Mr. Gordon Mendelssohn
Mr. Wagner Tires of Hearing Democrats and Repub of Millbrook and Detroit. This thea-
licans Slam Each Other; te Slams Both te is equipped with a plaster sky-
To The Editor: dome, a lighting system designed
It must be ;very encouraging to the Democratic by Thomas Wilfred and a large
and Republican leaders to read that st'udents at the construction room b e n e a t h the
universities are rallyig to their banners and are stage, connected with it by an ele-
vator. Its auditorium holds seven
carrying out the traditional policy of slamming the hundred people, and, beautifully
opposition. First an editorial is printed in The Daily decorated, it furnishes a perfect
informing us of the break-up in the Democratic party. background for a season of the first
A good Democrat thereupon become indignant and plays and players of the New York
writes a spirited letter in support of his party; in stage.
addition he rakes the Hoover administration over The Dramatic Season in previous
the coals as a good Democrat should. Since there years has brought to Ann Arbor
seems to be such a bitter antagonism between the such artists as Margaret Anglin,
two parties, I wonder if any adherents of either Blanche Yurka, Thomas Wilfred,
party can point out even one difference between TQm. Powers, the dancer Martha
them. Both parties have the facetious habit of pre- Garham, Mrs. Richard Mansfield,
paring slogans and platforms to hoodwink the people, Violet Heming, Ernest Cossart. The
and the regrettable thing is their success in doing so. productions have included both the
The admirable criticism of the Hoover administra- "Antigone" and the Electra" of So-
tion in Thursday's "Campus Opinion" needs no phocles; Congreve's "The Way of
comment, but then as a solution it offers the Demo- the World"; Shaw, Srindberg, Os-
cratic party under the progressive (?) Franklin D. car Wilde, Tchekov and so on down
Roosevelt. What, if I may ask, is there progressive to the very latest successes such as
about him? Perhaps the writer means Roosevelt "Caprice," "The Royal Family,'
will find new slogans to feed the people in place of "Serena Blandish" tin their sea-
the trite and hackneyed "full dinner pail" and "pros- sons), and last spring Noel Cow-
perity is just around the corner." aid's "Private Lives" which was
Go on, student leaders. Sing the praises of the presented by personal permission:
present parties. When you graduate and find no from the author while it was still
jobs, when you then see that the education you have running in New York.
does not help you, when you are thrown into the If the Dramatic Season includes i
actual play of politics, perhaps Fou will see how a tragedy of Sophocles it takes care
foolish it was to look to the Democratic and Repub- to balance it heavily in favor of
lican parties for help. Bernard Shaw and Noel Coward,
The present parties exist primarily for big busi- Someday if the Ann Arbor Drama-

ness and the vested interests; they legislate for big tic Season should rise to the true
business and are controlled by big business, but we = stature of the European festivals
go on believing we have a democracy. Witness the it hopes to do so easily, unaffected-
legislation in Congress today. Legislation for big ly and with a saving sense of hu-
business but what was done to relieve the unem- mor. It strives to measure accom-



r .


is greuer uan eve u i.
harity camps are always a good thing. They
boys or girls, who have only unhealthy influ-
s in. the city, to where they receive a good
rtunity to grow and enjoy nature. Sociolog-
they are taken away from evil environments'
h are sometimes prevalent in the slums of<
ity and receive an insight into beneficial fields
agh skilled instructors.;
he University Fresh Air camp is such an
ution. It deserves the support and co-opera-
of everyone and should receive both of these1
the student body.1
EMiT '32]
(McGill Daily)
'ime and tide wait for no man," and so another1
ge year with its attendant joys and disillusion-
s nears its close. The freshmen, what are left'
bout to become lordly sophomores, to make way
t. new jot of innocent youths; the sophomore
nes a junior; the junior a senior; and the senior,;
ling the apex of his desires, a full fledged grad-
And so we draw nigh to convocation.
hose students who are graduating are leaving
heir old associations behind them. They are
ing a much harder school than any they have,
xperienced; that of the college of hard knocks
experience, the business world. No longer will
be seen in their old haunts, chinning with Bill
leman, Harry Grimsdale or any other membersa
.e janitorial staff; no more will they disturb the4
ity of the library; or fool about the Union. They
passed on to make way for another generation.
ad yet they are not altogether forgotten. Many
eir names will continue to be familiar long after
themselves have graduated. McGill will be proud
minember that such and such a person who has
ed athletic fame, scholastic note, or a high repu-
n in their field of activity in later life, was a

ployed? Nothing. Any such help would destroy the plishment with mere intention. The
principles of "rugged individualism" and "initiative" majority of its plays are gay and
upon which this country was founded. Let the people I sophisticated-purposely-and act-
starve; unless you do so you will undermine their ed by players equal to the polished
initiative, but for God's sake help the railroads and brilliance they require. In no sense
industry otherwise our investments will be lost. can the Dramatic Season be called
The masses of the United States will never get a repertory or stock company, for
anything from the present parties, and until they l each play has a special star or
realize this their condition will not change. They group of artists especially selected
must cast off the fetters of the present political from the New York theatre because


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