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April 26, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-26

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VOL. XLII. No. 145



WEATHER: Cloudy, cool, with rain.


Committees Work on Stock Quiz,
Taxation, Economy,
Cash Bonus.
Sen. Norbeck Says Inquiry Will
be Resumed Today; 'Big
L Surprise' Promised.
WASHINGTON, April 25.-(P)--
While the Senate and House debat-
ed and passed upon regional sub-
jects today, committees on both
sides continued to hold the nation-
al interest with action on the stock
inquiry, taxation, economy and the
cash bonus.
. The Senate finance committee
disposed of the tariff squabble in
the billion dollar revenue bill. By
clpse decisions, it voted import lev-
les on oil, coal, and copper, and re-
jected duties on lumber, logs, shin-
gles and wood pulp. It also turned
down a provision to change tariffs
on imports from countries whose
currencies have depreciated..
In accepting the House provision
to restrict capital loss reductions,
the committee voted to exempt
state and national banks and trust
companies from the new restriction.
Surprise Promised.
Chairman Norbeck of the Senate'
banking committee announced the
stock market inquiry would be re-
sumed tomorrow instead of Wed-.
nesday and promised a "big sur-
prise." The committee earlier had
ordered a f u 11 investigation of
market operations and decided to
send investigators to New York.
Tonightathere were strong indica-
Lions that Rep. LaGuardia of New
York was. the surprise witness and
that he would produce documents
he left recently for safe keeping at
the Washington police station. He,
said "certain people" in New York
would lie to get their hands on
eThpaprs .
The Houce rules committee voted
to give the $20000,000 omnibus
economy bill legislative right of way
Wednesday. Four amendments to
each retrenchment plan included in
the measure will be permitted con-
sideration. ne will call for rais-
Ing the federal wage cut exemption
to $,000; another will embrace the
hoover 5-day week and furlough-
without-pay plan as a substitute
for the McDuffle proposal fo a 11
per cent salary slash with exemp-
tions of $1,000.
Reynolds Causes Stir.
Fired C. Reynolds, a Baltimore
World war veteran, caused a stir,
in the House ways and means com-
mittee when he opposed full cash
payment of the bonus. Loud hisses
greeted his statement and one spec-a
tator muttered audibly "throw him'
out." The National Association ofl
Manufacturers also opposed the $2,-
000,000,000 new money plan to pay
the bonus.
Rep. Rainey of Illinois, majority4
leader of the House, in an interview
urged recognization of Soviet Rus-
sia to stimulate business.
Whitney Theatre to Bring Series
of Special Talking Pictures

to Ann Arbor.
"The Dreyfuss Case," a talking,
p i c t u r e representation of the
French military scandal of the 19th
century. is to be presented Friday,.
Saturday, and Sunday at the Whit-
ney theatre. This is planned as the
first of a series of unusual talking
pictures, mostly of foreign make
and until now exhibited only inI
large cities of the country, to be
brought to Ann Arbor,
The picture, claimed an authen-
tic reproduction of the military
case which occupied the attention
of the world for eight years, mar-j
tyred Capt. Alfred Dreyfuss to
Devil's Island and forced Emile
Zola, novelist, into involuntary ex-
ile, is of British manufacture. Cecil
Hardwicke, star of the English
stage and cinema, has the title role
of a military officer conspired
against, tried by two abortive court
martials with Zola and Clemenceau
fighting on his behalf, and finally
acrnitted. The real Cant. Drevfuss.

Broadway Celebritl
by Henderson for
A five weeks' dramatic season un-
der the direction of Robert Hendr- -)
son will open May :3 with a pro-
duction of John Van Drutten's
"There's Always Juliet", with a cast
which includes Patricia Collinge
and Reginald Owen, ranking New
York Players.
The Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
will be the scene of the five week
season during which six plays will
be given among them being "Cand-
ida" and Shaw's "Great Cather-
ine." Henderson will be in the
cast of both these.
Among other prominent New
York celebrities it is rumored. that
Dorothy Gish, famous stage and
screen celebrity and Violet Kem-
ble-Cooper, of the New York the-
atre Guild will also be booked for
appearances here. Frances Dade,
a member of Henderson's company
three years ago and since then a
featured player on the screen, has
definitely been signed for a part,
of the season.
The dramatic season in previous
years has brought to Ann Arbor
such artists as Margaret Anglin,
Blanche Yurka, Thomas Wilfred,
Mrs. Richard Mansfield, Tom Pow-
Sprng Games to Feature Annual
Fete; Program Includes
Special Exhibit.
The Spring Games between the
freshman and sophomore classes,
which begin with a tug of war
across the Huron river and end
with the traditional events at Ferry
Field, will take place on May 6 and
7 this year as an added attraction
of the Spring Homecoming pro-
Announcement was also made
last nighlt that a special exhibition;
3f, historic data discoered by the
University of Michigan, the Toledo,
and the Cleveland museum expedi-
tion to Mesopotamia would be held
for the returning alumni.
The expedition has been working
in Seleucia, a town 25 miles south
of Bagdad located on the Tigris
river, for the past five years. Ob-
jects such as pottery, architectural
fragments, coins, bones, ivory, and.
jewelry have been found and will
bc displayed in the lobby of the
.rchitectural school.
Parents of students will be par-
dicularly interested in the mothers'
and daughters' banquet which will
be held at 1 o'clock, May 7, in the
L.eague, and the fathers' and sons'
banquet which is to be held at 6:15
a'clock, on the same day, in the
Union. The speakers at the latter
event will be President Alexander.
G. Ruthven and Regent R. Perry
Shorts, of Grand Rapids.
Nearly every department of the
University will be in capacity oper-
ation during Homecoming week-end.
American Bahai Head
Will Lecture Tonight
"Solution of the Economic Prob-
lem" as it conce'rns individuals and
society will be the topic of a lec-'
ture by Mr. Alfred Lunt, a promin-
ent Boston attorney and national
secretary of the Bahai movement
in America to-ight at 8 o'clock
at the Natural Science auditorium,
The lecture will be followed by a
period for questions and answers,

nd is sponsored by the Michigan
Socialist club.
Wisconsin Engineers
FirE( Instructor; Lit
College Offers Job
(Special to The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., April 25-Be-
cause he read a theme to his
class in freshman engineering
English which discussed the lack
of morals in university life, an
instructor at the University of
Wisconsin was !removed from the
engineering college and transfer-
red to the literary school.
The theme was read to illus-
trate excellence of style and con-
struction and immediately an-
tagonized a student in the class,
who carried a protest to the as-
sistant dean of the engineering
college, Prof. A. V. Millar.
The instructor was not drop-

a arm a o

.. .- - .. a a - c

ies Are Promised
Dramatic Season
ers, Violet Heming, and the dancer TO FEATUV IE BALL
Martha Graham. Some of these
may come to Ann Arbor again this
The coming series of productions
mark an important departure, it
has been said, in that they are to achine Guns, Trench Mortars,
be presented under the auspices of Flags Decoration Motif;
a civic committee headed by Prof. Held at Union.
O. J. Campbell of the English de-
partment. Other members of the BIRD TO LEAD MARCH
committee, it was announced, in-
clude Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., of Ypsi-
lanti, Prof. H. M. Jones, of theI Miniature Presentation Sabers to
English department, Dean Joseph A. Be Given as Favors; 150
Bursley, Harry B. Earhart and Mrs. Tickets Sold.
Earhart, Prof. Guy Maier and Mrs.
Maier, Prof. James M. O'Neil of the Military displays consisting of
speech department, Mrs. L. W. Oli- machine guns, trench mortars and
phant, and Mrs. Albert L. Hunting- numerous flags will be the decora-
The civic committee of the dra- tion motif at the fourteenth annual
matic season, in addition to acting Military Ball to be held next Friday
i aadvsonyncaddcitynwillfoing night at the Union. A large Scab-
n an advisory capacity, will form bard and Blade insignia will be
a sustaining organization to estab- placed above one of the fireplaces,
lish the series of ,professional plays and palms will line the wails, Paul
in the Mendelssohn theatre as an , Firring, '33E, chairman of decora-
annual event each spring in Ann 1t.ions, said Saturday.r
Arbor. Any profits from the sea- To Present Drill.
son will be held in trast b thii



+ J" t II tltlSl {y M e I
committee and automatically be
applied to the succeeding spring
season, it was stated.
Grid Stars Hearken
to Call of Beauty;
Will Judge Contest
Reversing the commonly accept-
ed version of the coy female silent-
ly worshipping the football hero,
Ivan Williamson, Captain - elect,
and Wally Weber, member of the
Wolverine coaching staff, will jour-
ney to Benton Harbor, Wednesday
evening, April 27 to help select the
Queen of the annual May Blossom
The Blossom festival is one of the
biggest events of the spring season
for western Michigan. The queen
will be chosen from a group of
g i r 1s who have been selected
through contests conducted in lo-
cal communities throughout the
westernVart of-the state.
Weber, who is a Benton Harbor
pu'oduct, probably feels he will be
safe with the husky Wolverine
captain to act as his bodyguard.
Professor Files Suit
as Crash Aftermath
Damages totalling $55,000 are de-
manded in a suit filed yesterday
against the U. S. Trucking com-
pany by Prof. Harrison M. Randall
of the physics department and Mrs.
Randall, for injuries received in1
an accident April 20, 1931.
The suit is the aftermath of a
collision between one of the com-
pany's trucks and a car driven by
Professor Randall, four miles west
of Ann Arbor on U.S. 12.
Profesor Randall claims the com-
pany was negligent in allowing the
trailer to sway to the left side of1
the road. The collision caused seri-
ous injuries to both Professor Ran--
dall, who is suing for $35,000, and
his wife, who is seeking $20.000
Player Who Had Principal Part
in Taming of the Shrew'
Cast in New Play.
Alan Handley, '32, well known for
his work in the lead role of Petru-!
chio in "The Taming of the Shrew,"
has been chosen by Comedy Club
to play Prince Michael, the lead in
A. A. Milne's "Meet the Prince" to
be given May 12, 13, and 14 in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
This high comedy of Milne's is con
cerned with the story of a man who
becomes a prince through his own
inclinations and, having been sep-
arated from his wife for a number
of years, meets her again but is un-
able to assume former relations
since she has changed her name
during the period of their separa-
Names of many campus actors
who have distinguished themselves
in the past are also in the cast of
"Meet the Prince." Venita Cook,
'34, will play the part of Jennifer;
Stanley Donner, '32, will play Bat-
tersby; Francis Manchester, '34, will
be Ethyl Holt; Maxwell Pribil I
who took the part of the millionaire
from Chino in "Anthonv and An- .

Following the grand march, which
will be led by William Bird, '32E,
several members of the R.0. T. C.
department will entertain those
present with a military drill. Dur-
ing the dance, color guards wear-
ing the basic uniform will stand at
each side of a large American flag
placed in front of the other fire-
Guards chosen are: L. A. Bos-
worth, '35E, R. Z. Garber, '35, Don-
ald P. Norton, '35, T. C. Smith, '35,
W. Stoddard White, '35, Gordon G.
Glover, '35, and H. W. Felker, '35E.
One more man will be selected be-
fore the ball.
One hundred fifty tickets had
been sold from the Union, the
R.O.T.C. headquarters, and Slater's
by Monday evening. At these three
places only may tickets be pur-
chased. Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, pub-
licity chairman, announced t h a t
nearly all of the ]remaining 100
had been promised. The ball is lim-;
ited to 250 couples, excluding guests1
and patrons. Handbills will be dis-
tributed on the campus today, and,
the loud speaker system above the
Engineering arch operated to adver-
tis-e the Ball.
Sabers Chosen as Favors.,
A display of the favors by Bal-,
four's was placed in Slater's State.
street window Saturday afternoon.
Mi nature presentationsabers will,
be given this year that are more1
ornate than those of last. They
may be secured at the ball. The
small regulation officers sword of
the 1931 ball proved to popular that
a number were made up special
afterwards, and sold on campus.
Blue and gold programs bearing the
Michigan seal will be attached to
the hilt of the sabers by silk cords.
Five Die, More Than 20 Hurt;
Damage Extensive in Tennes-
see and Other States.
MEMPHIS,, Tenn., April 26.-(')
-Tornadoes killed at least five per-;
sons in farming communities of
this vicinity today, injured a score,
ar more, and also did extensive
damage in other sections of the
state and in Arkansas and Ken-
Several communities in northern
Alabama were damaged by high
winds last night.
All of the dead so far reported
were in the Millington, Kerrville,
and Rosemark communities in the
northern end of Shelby county, of
which Memphis is the seat.
Mrs. T. J. Dale, 65, a farmer's
wife, was fatally injured as the
storm wrecked her home near
Kerrville. The other dead were:
Robert Harris, 65, Negro, of Mill-
ington; Dick Spigee, a Negro child,
Rosmark; Kephel Adams, Negro,
Millington, and an unidentified
Negro of Rosemark.
The storm apparently swept
across the Mississippi river from
Arkansas after striking in the east-
ern section of that state. Eight
Negro farm hands were injured
near Osceola, Ark., and property
damage in that vicinity was re-
ported heavy.
Shortly after the storm struck in
eastern Arkansas, it hit in the
northern end of Shelby county,
about 20 miles from Memphis.
Britisher Killed When

To Use Prize Money to Gather
Future Material on Life
of Coleridge.
Clarkson Family Documents Are
Placed at, Disposal of
Professor Griggs.
Prof. Earl L. Griggs of the Eng-
lish department has been named
by the American Council of Learn-
ed Societies as one of the recip-
ients of awards amounting to $60,-
000 for the advancement of research
in the humanities.
These grants, which cover a wide
range of subjects including the
English and European d'r a m a,
American history, and various
phases of literature, were made by
a national committee comprised of
leading professors from outstand-
ing American universities,
The award made to Professor
Griggs is for the purpose of gath-
ering material on Coleridge's life'
and letters and for the preparation
of material on the life of Thomas
As the force behind the move-
ment for the abolition of the slave
trade, Thomas Clarkson made def-
inite contributions to civilization,
the importance of which has been
minimized in the past due to the
fact that his efforts were brought
to conviction through Wilberforce,
the parliamentary representative
of the movement. It is Professor
Grigg's intention to collect the
available information concerning
Clarkson for presentation. In this
connection, a great-great-grand-
daughter of Clarkson has made
available to Professor Griggs all
papers, diaries, and other -original
documents which the family pos-
His work on Coleridge's life fol-
lows former research and study
concerning the English poet, in-
cluding the publication of numer-
ous letters and previously unpre-
sented documents.
At the present time, Professor
and Mrs. Griggs are working on the
letters of Hartley Coleridge which
they expect to publish this sum-
Amateur Camera Men
Meet in Union Tonight
A meeting of all students inter-
ested in forming a photography
club, will be held tonight at 7:45
in Room 302 of the Union. This
first meeting will be an informal
get-together to decide upon future
programs and to ascertain the num-
ber of people interested in joining.
Jean Paul Slusser, professor of
drawing and painting, has evinced
much enthusiasm for the project;
and will address those present
upon 'Pictorial Composition in
Photography.' Richard C. Bailey,
'33A, one of the four students who
have been instrumental in arrang-
ing for the meeting, will also speak
to the prospective members upon
the aims and plans of the embryo
organization. "We hope," said
Bailey, "to make this club an ama-
teur organization for motion and
still photography, for study of its
technique, scope and place in the
art as well as doing actual work in
the field ourselves.

'Slatz' Randall's Band
Will Play for Annual
Architects' May Ball
'Slatz' Randall and his Brunswick
recording orchestra yesterday were
named as the band for this year's
Architects' ball, which will be held
Friday, May 13 in the ballroom of
the Union. The announcement was
made by Floyd R. Johnson, '32A,
general chairman.
Randall and his orchestra are
well known to students here, hav-
ing played last year for the Mili-
tary Ball. He will bring his orches-
tra to Ann Arbor direct from an ex-
tended engagement at the Schroe-
der Hotel in Milwaukee. The or-
chestra has played for a number
of college functions throughout the
SelectiQns for the winning poster
designs to be used for this year's
May party will be made tomorrow
and the winners announced Thurs-
day, William R. Balbach, '32A, in
charge of posters, said last night.
The theme of the affair will be
the "Bal Exotique."
Tickets for the ball, priced at $4,
may be obtained this week at Slat-
er's, Wahr's the Union, and at the
Architectural college building.
Alumni Advisory Group Will
Advise Regarding Services
of Publications.
Many prominent journalists will
be in Ann Arbor for the first meet-
ing, May 7 at the Union, of the
committee on University publica-
tions of the Alumni advisory coun-
cil, it was announced yesterday by
Wilfred B. Shaw, director of Alum-
ni relations.
Lee A White, of the Detroit News.
is chairman of the committee. He
and Karl E. Harriman, former edi-
tor of the Ladies' Home Journa&
and Redbook. Virgil McNitt of th'
MCNaught syndicate, S t u a r t H
Perry, vice-president of the Asso-
cated Press, S. E. Thomason, cdi-
ton of the Chicago Daly Times, E
J. Ottoway, editor of the Port-Hu-
ron Times-Herald, and G o'r d n
Kingsbury, Detroit advertising man
will attend the meeting, Shaw said
The function of the committee
according to the agenda for ther
meeting, is to advise with regard
to possible methods of extension on
improvementof the services now
being rendered by the University
publications. These include the dis-
semination of information in the
interests of mankind in general; i
the interests of students and fac-
ulty; in the interests of alumni;
and in the interests of the Univer-
sity as an institution.
The program of the meeting wil
include a statement by President
Alexander G. Ruthven with regard
to the purpose in bringing th
committee into existence, and an
explanation of the publications set-
up at the present time, including its
historical background by Shaw.
Other features of the meeting will
be brief talks explaining the objec-
tives of the various University pub-
lications, by representatives of thes
publications, discussions of the var-
ious phases of the publications, and
a discussion of the extent to which
the University can extend its serv-
ice of news and features in the in-,
terests of the University and the
public to be led by Shaw, Ray Bak-
er, editor of the Ann Arbor Daily
News, and Allen Shoenfield, science
correspondent for the Detroit News.

Gas Explosion Wrecks Plumbing
Store and Several Other
Nearby Buildings.
William Hyman Dies in Highland
Park Hospital; Fire Chief
Struck by Brick.
DETROIT, April 26. -- )- One
man was killed and more than a
score of persons injured in an ex-
plosion of gas that ripped a one-
story plumbing shop out of a row
of buildings on Hamilton Ave., in
Highland Park, this afternoon, and
wrecked several other stores near-
The blast coming with a roar
that could be heard throughout the
suburb, sent debris hurling 150 feet
into the air, blew one woman bodily
out of the shop, and smashed win-
dows in stores and houses several
blocks away.
Most of the injured were in a
radio shop and a laundry and the
apartments above them on either
side of the plumbing shop.
Injured Taken to Park Hospital.
Men, women and children were
treated at the Highland Park hos-
pital for lacerations, bruises and
burns received in the fire that fol-
lowed the explosion. William Hy-
man, 28, died in the hospital
The plumbing shop recently was
moved forward six feet to bring it
in line with' other stores in the
block between Ford and LaBelle
avenues. Highland Park officials
expressed the belief the gas main
may have been left exposed in the
operation or that it was otherwise
disturbed to cause a leak. Tonight
t seemed established that the gas
ine was broken while coal was
)eing unloaded into the basement
Alarm Spread.
The explosion came before the
stores and apartments could be
vacated after the crew of the coal
Bruck spread an alarm.
Floyd Baker, Highland Park fire
thief, was in the alley in the rear
f the plumbing shop at the time
f the blast. He was struck by a
brick and knocked to the pave-
nent, but was not seriously hurt.
So severe was the blast that it
iterally blew -the plumbing shop
>ut of the block, leaving only a hole
.artly filled with the debris of the
Shop and the walls of adjoining
auildings. Across the street store
'ronts were blown in. A block away
ill the windows on two sides of
z four-story apartment building
were shattered.
ro Print New Book of Michigan
Songs; Proceeds to Go to
/ 'Organization.
With a fourfold objective in view
ind as a result of a growth in in-
serest in the past two years, defin-
.te plans for the formation of an
ilumni organization of the Varsity
slee club have been announced by
Gayle 'A. Chaffin, '32, president of
%he club'

The prospective organization, the
work of which has been undertaken
>y Frederick Randall, of the Alum-
ai association, and members of the
;lee club, is attributed to the var-
_ous events in the past few years
Arhich have brought the Michigan
;inging society to the public eye.
Some of these are the contacts
mrade with former club members
last year in connection with plans
for the European tour; the talking
oicture which has had nation-wide
°irculation; articles by alumni in
the Michigan Alumnus and the
Alumni Glee club sing last year at
one of the commencement pro-
The objectives of the association,
when it becomes a fact, will be to
give financial support to the under-
graduate glee club, the donation of
scholarships to members of out-
standing talent in voice training in
the School of Music, to aid glee
club members financially in cases
involving worthwhile projects and
to buy copyrights for the best Mich-
igan snng for the ran ih anvA


Adventure and hardship as aI
castaway on a small coral strand
in the Pacific has played a decisive
part in the career of William H.
Faust, retired lieutenant in the
United States navy, who announced
himself yesterday as a candidate
on the Republican ticket for con-
gressman from the second district,
it was learned last night.
Lieutenant - Commander Faust,
then a lieutenant, was landed on
Guadeloupe island in tropical Paci-
fic waters with a party of four
men and told to make a survey of
the island as a possible sealing
grounds. As a result of confusion
in the official orders of the ship,
which landed them, the party was
marooned on the bare rocky strand
for four days and nights with al-
most no provisions, Commander
Faust relates.

the dog died of thirst and one of
the party succumbed, Commander
Faust and three others survived by
drinking sea water, but the effect~
of the privation were such that
Commander Faust suffered acute
digestive disorders and as a result
was retired from the active list of
the navy.
Pressure on the part of his many
friends was the deciding factor in
Commander Faust's decision to run
for the office now held by repre-
sentative Earl Michener of Adrian,
His platform on prohibition con-
sists of a definite stand in favor of
repeal of the eighteenth amend-
Although sympathetic with the
veterans' c'ause and formerly a
member of the service himself,
Commander Faust is verv denfinitely

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