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April 24, 1932 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-24

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of Sororities



- __-I -

Play to Feature Strong Women
Characters. avs Director



[By Margaret O'Brien


I I L L I IJViiIV I U IjVCelebrating fifty years of contin- of the building is known as the
uous existence on the Michigan Jessie Horton Keessler library, be-
SSeries of Diamond Games ctapus, longer than any other sor- ing named for one of the alumnae
t ' tSre f imn Gye ority for women, Gamma Phi Beta of the chapter.
in Round Robin Scheduled can look with pride on its record The Beta chapter has been close-
for Afternoon Session. |of ac ievement. It was founded ly identified with the comprehen-
|here In 1882, upon the invitation sive national program of Gamma
)RDAN TO DEFEND C |P f the Alpha chapter at Syracuse, Phi\ Beta. The social work includes
the sorority becoming national at camps at Denver and Vancouver for
--- this time. It is now international underprivileged children. 0 t h e r
x Members Required for Each in scope, with several chapters philanthrophies include an endow-
Team; Card Is Announced placed in Canada, the total number ment fund of the national organ-
being forty-one. ization which aids both members
for Tomorrow. It is interesting to note that the and chapters to complete their
---- term "sorority" was first used in building and educational plans.
Beginning the spring outdoor connection with the Alpha chapter The Lindsey Barbee fellowship isI
orts the round robin basebrl] o( Gmma Phi Beta, having been presented biennially to a member
urnament will commence Monday coined for them by Prof. Frank wishing to take graduate work in
niiii).ll ay ft LII. T Li-iv% AII jnrtmU I Unhnl



ima)ley of the Latin adepartment
afternoon when various organa- a th)e university. The founders of,
tions on campus meet for the first the Beta chapter include Isadore
round of play after one week of Thompson, Jean Emerson, Delia
practice and coaching under Miss Rood, Elizabeth Cornell, Jessica
Marie Hartwig and Miss Ruth Has- Thompson, and Minnie Hamilton
singer. Grosvenor.
Games will be played at 4 and at The aims and ideals of the sor-
5 o'clock Monday and Wednesday' ority, striving for scholarhsip and
afternoon. At 4 o'clock Zeta Tau intellectual and social development
Alpha will play Helen Newberry, have been furthered during the
and Betsy Barbour will play Mar- half century of its history.
tha Cook. At 5 o'clock Delta Zeta The Gamma Phi flower is the
will play Alpha Epsilon Phi and pink carnation, and the colors are
Alpha Xi Delta will play Collegiate brown and mauve. The pin is a
Sorosis. monogramed badge of the three
Jordan Holds Cup Now. greek letters superimposed, sur-
will py Nmounted by a crescent. The pledge
Each team will play every other pin is a triangular enameled shield
team which meets at the same bearing a crescent.
time. After a team has won two The sorority purchased a chapter
out of three games it will enter the house in 1904, on Oakland avenue,
straight elimination. Last year it being the first home to be owned
Jordan won the cup which is given by a sorority on this campus. The
to the winner of the baseball tour- present house on University was
nament. erected later. Gamma Phi Beta was
Six members are required for a foremost in the movement for a
full team. A team having less than new Women's League building, sev-
six must default. Only underhand eral of its members having been
pitching will be used. Bases will prominent in the campaign activi-
be 45 feet in length. Games will ties. The libratry on the third floor
last for only three innings. Um- --
piring will be done by physical edu-
cation instructors and by senior INTRA UR LS
physical education students.
Any organization which has an- __
nounced its intention of entering Archery
the tournament but which has not Qalifyinground of 24 arrows are
yet handed in its time preference tybe syg ron of 24 arwtiae
may still do so today. This will be to be shot before May 9. Practice
the last opportunity. For any fur may be had from 4 to 6 o'clock every
ther information call Miss Ruth Tuesday and Thursday in daily
Hassiger at the intramural office clases. it is necessary to mark
in Barbour gymnasium. s core cards for the tournament.
CALLS A RIAGEEntrants will please turn names
in at the intramural office in Bar-
CAREER POSSIBLE bour gymnasium.
But Women Must Subordinate The first draw for the tennis
tournament, in singles, doubles, and
Her Work, Says Speaker. mixed doubles, is now posted on the
bulletin boards at Barbour gymnas-
Women can successfully combine ium and at the Women's Athletic
marriage and a career, is the opin- building. The first round is to be
ion expressed by Mrs. Virginia Es- played off by Friday, April 29.
terley in a talk before the women
of Stanford university. The provi-l
sion, according to the speaker, is Bdi-4;es Correct Diet
that women sub rdinate their ca- Factor in Scholarshio
reers to their homes.
Mrs. Esterley's recommendation "Twenty pounds either side of
for college women -was that they normal weight may prevent you
should prepare for their vocations from making an A grade," says Eli-
while in college, and that they zabeth Ann Rivers, assistant pro-
should -marry soon afterhgradua fessor of home economics at the
tion. She suggests that they defer Universcity of Washington.
their career until they have launch- Not only is the correct diet an
ed their children on their educa- essential factor, but also sufficient
tion then consider the career. She est and a regularly arranged
thinks further that the career schedule. Miss Rivers discovered

social service, and a senior scnoar-
ship pin is presented each year in
honor of Mary Harned.
Among the prominent alumnae
are four deans of women of various
colleges and universities throughout
the country. Some of the most out-
standing are Agnes Wells, educa-
tor, and former director of Helen
Newberry and dean of women, at
present dean of women at the Uni-
versity of Indiana; Violet Jayne
Schmidt, '87, dean of women at the
University of Illinois; Jane Sher-
zer, '93, former dean of women at
Illinois college, and later president
of Oxford college, and Ruth Guppy,
'97, dean of women at the Univer-
sity of Oregon. Winifred Sunder-
land Haggett, '01, dean of women
at the University of Washington.
Mary Harned is noted for and
authoritative translation i of the
Hauptman's play, "Die Versunkene
epocke," and Jessie Horton Koess-
ler, who after studying at the Pas-
teur institute, colloberated with her,
husband in publishing a substantial
work in research in internal medi-
cine. Lillian Thompson has been
prominent in national Panhellenic
work for several years.
Desire to Make Surroundings
Beautiful Is Reason.

E.i E UI.I V \.i U .I[EUE I N WUU '-.CP.l' ' au' ., .. ..J.,cv
Charles Koella. C
Architecture, Sculpture Shouldia
Combine Efforts Declares By B. A. C., '34. b
Alfonse annelli.I "Mon Ami Teddy," the annual t
A se IaI.French play given by Le Cercle n
The problem that lies before mod- Francais is to be presented at 8:15n
ern sculptors is that of identifying o'clock on Thursday at the Labora- d
their own efforts with those of the tory theatre. "Mon AmiTeddy" is
modern architects, according to Al- athree-act comedy cwritten by An-
fonso Iannelli, who is himself a dre Riviore and Lucien Besnard.
noted sculptor, and who discussed "I feel that the young women
the problem before a group from participating in the production
the Architecture College last Fri- should be given much credit," said
day. Mr. Charles Koella, advisor of Les
Not since the period of Gothic Cercle Francais; and director of thea
architecture has there been a clear play, in a recent interview.r
aesthetic coordination between the "There are two leading women'st
plastic arts, and architecture. At parts," he continued "and both
that time, cooperation was excel- young women interpret their roles
lent, and the result is the scattered'excellently." Madeline Didier- Mo-
group of magnificent cathedrals rel is unhappily married to an am-
and other public buildings that dot bitious politician who devotes his
France and Italy. American and time entirely to politics and never t
North-European sculpture is pass- takes care of his wife. A young t
ing through an experimental stage Frenchman, Bertin, in the diplo- t
at present, during which its devot- matic service courts her. Teddy,t
ees are slowly working away from a young American residing" int
the principle of the unrelated statue France, also falls in love with her.I
towards organic unity with the gen- Then the complication begins."
eral scope of the building. "Madeline represents, to "mon4
Mr. Iannelli discussed s1i d e s ami Teddy," the ideal of woman-4
which were shown of various con- hood. Shel is serious, honest, witty,7
structions in the modern manner, and attractive. The entire plot isr
and pointed out their weaknesses concerned with Madeline's attempt
and merits. The radical changes and ultimate success in gaining re-
taking place in architecture as well lease from the husband whom she
as every other art are not, he de- does riot love."
clared, mere publicity stunts, but "Madeline i~s interpreted by Nor-
rather sincere] artistic inventions. ma Lou Cove, who in January play-
1ed in the one-act play "L'Arriviste."
SWomen Make Dating 1She has an excellent French accent,
'e M e and she assimilates her part ex-
Easy-for One Week tremely well," continued Mr. Koel-
A Leap Year's Week isbeing spon- The other lead is played by Mad-
sored by the Association of Women eline Maloche who Aas the role of
Students of Indiana university. lMadame Roucher, the widow of a
During this time the co-eds will! former president of the French re- I
npublic. She is a domineering wo-
make their own dates, arrange the man and tries to use M. Didier-
parties, and pay the expenses, while Morel as a tool for her ambitions.
the men experience the sensation of She is willing to lead him to divorce
being entertained. to fulfill her plans.
"Miss Maloche speaks French al-
The proprietors of the theatres most as well as a native," said Mr.
are cooperating by offering special Koella. "She has much life, and
prices and attractions for the week. she understands h1er part well."
An open dance will climax the week. The other women in the cast in-
to which the co-eds will take their elude: Elizabeth Gribble, Sylvia
"dates." i Goldstein, Helen Mason, and Jos-
'Let's Disicuss i 'f4

ephine Talbot, who represents the
highly sophisticated young women
of .France of 1910.
Mr. Koella, director of the play,
nd the members of the cast have
een working every day for the' past
wo months in order that the play
might be a success. It promises as
much merit, as the previous pro-
ductions of Le Cercle Francais.
nstruction in Bridge
Is Offered by League
An opportunity for any Michigan
student to learn all there is to know
about bridge is offered by the Wo-
men's League for those who feel
that their bridge is a bit shaky and
would like to improve it by receiv-
ing instruction from those who4
really know the game.
Twenty-six persons have already
signed up in the Office of the Dean
of Women for the series of lessons
to be given at the League. The first
talk is to be presented and instruc-
tion is to start tomorrow night. All
those interested are requested to
meet in the concourse of the League
at 7:30 o'clock.
Nome, Alaska, radio fans now are
required to register their receivers
and pay a license of $1 yearly on a

Perfect "Hick' College Painted
by Wendell Phillips.
Down in the foothills of the Blue
Ridge mountains is an unbeliev-
ably poor college, which Wendell
Brook Phillips, who is a professor
there, claims is so perfect an ex-
ample of a hick college that he
is forced to picture it for his read-
ers. The March issue of the Atlantic
Monthly publishes his account of
this unbelievably rural s c h o o 1,
where the professors' salaries often
consist of milk, fruit, and grain.
"Our recitation hall is a convert-
ed livery-stable; our libr-ary is a re-
deemed doctor's office; our girls'
dormitory is a reclaimed summer
hotel; Four boys' dormitory is a re-
formed dwelling house; and our
chapel is a regenerated Chautauqua
hall." Thus Professor Phillips sums
up the worldly possessions of his
college, which somehow has re-
mained undiscovered by the great
mass of philanthropic millionaires
whose delight it has been to en-
dow or support sO many similar
"hick colleges" sprinkled the length
and breaoth of the United States.
It costs 22 cents per pupil per day
to operate the 'public schools of
1'.rth Carolina.


Our Quality $10Permanent Waves Are Now
Being Given for Only $5.



Dial 8878

State Street

Most women desire to create
beautiful surroundings, and for this
reason they are interested in in-
terior decorating, writes Gwyne
Ross in this month's Pictorial Re-
A course in interior decorating
that will teach the fundamentals
of beautifying a home takes from
two to three years. It includes
training in the essential elements
of architecture, furniture design,
historical styles, and fabrics.
In addition to the training in art,
Miss Ross suggests as necessary,
business ability, the power to direct
others, and the tact to sell your
ideas convincingly.
After the theoretical training,
there is a long period of probation.
The American Association of In-
terior Decotrations requires five
years of technical and practical ex-
perience for eligibility to member-





r 4 c
r F } 3 V l

Perhaps We Can
Make Suggestions
That Will Prove
Helpful to You



Mould be definitely 4oi i
ntly a woman'~ that extremely underweight stu-
s in which omen have been sue dents are the ones who usually pick
essful for some years---to fipe up weight most successfully.
etter for her duties as a mother

All Mikes --bcSol -fd F ed Repaired
:Large choice stock*&sTrems.
31 .SaeStAnAbr

___ .

Women Students whohda
life membership in the Migan
League may now secure a refund
of nine dollars on this year's tui-
tion fee by presenting their life
membership cards at the Alum-
nae Council office in the League.
The Office is open from 8 to 12
o'clock and from 1:30 to 5 o'clock.
Mrs. W. K. H e n d e r son, is in
charge of League funds.

s .

Take Advantage 'of Our
Complete Service.. .
PROBABLY you are already acquainted with our expert
developing and printing--but we want you to know about
our complete photo finishing service as well. First come free ad-
vice and criticism. You are at liberty, at any time, to stop at our
plant-or at any of our stations-and talk over your snapshots.
It's a service to which you are entitled. Take advantage of it.
COPYING-If you have a valuable print or photograph and
wish duplicates, send it in. At moderate cost, we can make a
copy negative and new prints without damage to your original.
ENLARGING--Your best snapshots will be better ones en-
larged. Ask to see samples of our new style, wide-margined,
embossed enlargements-with print and mount combined.
TINTING, FRAMING-Enlargements, tinted and framed,
make handsome gifts. We are well equipped for this sort of work.
Our prices are reasonable .0ne of our stations is near you.
Francisco-Boyce Photo Co.

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m at liberty




Main Dining


317 S. State St.


Dial 21212


Interestingto our friends
and patrons. Mrs. L. Good-
win received the first prize
for the most artistic and per-
sonality irger wave at the
Style and Hair ShiowA Mon-
day evening.


Special 50c




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