THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL22 3iddt~gn bte ,t ublished every morning except Mopday during the University y the Board in Control of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. te Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- ition of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise d in this paper and the local news published herein. ctered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second mlatter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant ister General. ibscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 lices: Ann Arbor Press Buildi , Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, an. Phones: Editorial, 4925; iurness, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF . Telephone 49 S MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN Editor .................................. David M. Nichol ditor ..............Carl Forsythe al Director........................... Beach Conger, Jr. Editor..............................,Sheldon C. Fullerton i's Editor......................Margaret M. Thompson at News Edlitor .........e. ...............RHobert L. Pierce NIGHT EDITORS B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter arrived Republicans, the conservative urban De crats, the farmers, the workers, all of them negle and disregarded by Hoover, are having trouble fitt in. But there is one point upon which they are agreed and which will eventually bind them it close union. Lick Hoover. What right has ahy thinking American to supp this old political demagogue, this driest of the dr this most coniervative of conservatives, this cha pion of "rugged individualism"-that social fa that today, stripped of its mantle of false glory,I raw and bleading, ugly and disgusting to the holder? Today the American people have the rare opp tunity of nominating and electing a man ofI people. Franklin Roosevelt is the most progres popular leader that Democracy has had since1 days of Wilson and Bryan. His fight with Smith1 forever cleansed him from the scourge of Tamma He is the one man whom the people of the coun can folow conscientiously and who can maket return to prosperity a movement of the people, of big business. James Johnson. mo- r.- cted ting R n a THE SECRET IS OUT port- r.. AT LAST mies, It was unfortunate that t h e rm- Michigan Daily had to suspend pub- Lrce, lication just when interest in "The lies Secret of Treasurer Mountain" was be- at fever pitch, but it couldn't be helped. We are very, very sorry that the we ruined everybody's vacation, but sive happy times are here again. Here the is the seventh and concluding in- has tallment of John Clarke's harrow- as ing mystery. ny. itry THE SECRET OF TREASURE our MOUNTAIN not By John Clarke I Synopsis: Jack and his Uncle are at Treasure Mountain trying to dis- cover the secret. They have been '- in camp two days. Ir CALL 2-1214 Ulan ;, II !il f ; .III I 2-Layer B2rick W. Jones ley W. Arnheim ild F. Blankertz arch C. Campbell nas Connellan rt S. Deutsch A. Huber Sports Assistants JohnW . Thomas REPORTERS harold F. klute lihn S. Marshall Roland martin 11'11n r eyer, Albert H. Newman E. Terome Petfit Prudence Foster Alice (Gilb~ert Fraices Manchester Flizabeth Mann Charles A. Sanford John W. Pritchard Joseph Renihan C. Hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw Parker Snyder Glenn R. winters Margaret O'Brisn Beverly Stark lnma Wadsworth Josephine. Woodhans EDITORIAL COMMENT WHY EDITORIALS? am Carver rce Collin e Crandall Feldman BUSINESS STAFFI Telephone 21214 RLES T. KLINE...................... Business Manager IS P. JOHNSON ..................... Assistant Manager Department Managers ising . ............................Vernon Bishop tising Coftracts............................. harry R. Begley ising Service............................ Byron C. Vcdder rations ........................... .... William T. Brown ts.. .. ...........................Richard Stratemeir n's Business Manager ...................... Ann W. Vernor il Aronson ert . Bursley m Clark ert Finn na Becker ipe Fischgrund / Galluu yer herine Jackson othy Laylin Assistants Arthur F. Tohn lk( rnard inacke Grafton NV. Sharp Virginia AlComb arline Mosher hlelen Olson I ldelenSchm ode i\ ay Seefried PART VII (Crane College Javelin) "Where it is, it isn't," murmu ed It's not that we love to write editorials any more' Jack as he sat on a log meditating. than you love to read them. But there are several A little ways away sat his uncle also reasons why we are obliged to fill this space with in deep thought. A minute later editorial opinion and an April fool issue is a good Jack raised his head up toward the place to try to impress you with all you might miss cliffs. 'I wonder," he said. by not reading this column. Four days have elapsed since that In the first place, editorials give you something time. Jack and his Uncle have been to talk about. They give you a chance to snigger at exploring. We find Jack and his our ideas and waggle your fingers, thumb to nose, Uncle again in deep study. "I think lat any attempts of ours to be witty, clever or intelli- I've got it," exclaimed Jack. Jack gent. And what joy can be compared to that of was right. He had the solution. laughing at others! It is the most pleasurable of They found the treasure and with indoor sports. The fact that it might prove to be it some papers telling of the event harmful is, of course, irrelevant. The opportunity leading up to the hiding of the that the editorials offer you should, therefore, be treasure: Jack and his Uncle pieced seized upon and all the chuckling you want to do at these together and the story of the this, our beloved publication,*can be reserved to be hiding of the treasure follows: vented in full force upon the editorial column. A man named Harris King had In the second place, we are vain enough to believe once been captured by a tribe of you might be interested to know what we think of Berbers. Although a captive theI you. You can tell us how rotten we are all week Berbers liked him so much that he but once a week we have a chance to hit back. Of finally became chief. Although he course, most of the time we tell you that you're very was deep in the life of the Berbers, nice. Sometimes we imply that we see you adorned Harris King did not forget his white with halo, olive branch and wings while we, your brother in the United States. The humble servants, kneel at your feet awaiting your Berbers had a treasure although it approval or condemnation. But we don't do that !was not known to anyone but mem- too often. Sometimes we hit back. Either way, ador- bers of the tribe. The treasure be- ing or revengeful, we believe you might like to know longed to the chief of the tribe and our opinion of you. then when he died it was passed I I -YOUR ROCKIN' CHAIR GQTCHA ?- THEN GIVE YOURSELF AND "GAL" A TREAT DINE INEXPENSIVELY AND DANCE TO THE LILTING TUNES of BENSON'S SERENADERS (CROONING BY "WINDY" MEYERS THE Main Streets' Only Night Club Meals at Current Low Prices-Chop Suey, Steak Dinners NO COVER CHARGE DANCING 10 (?) U- Donald A. Johnson, II l)can Turner D~on Lyon Bernard H. Good 1 lelen Spencer Kathryn Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare linger Mary Elizabeth Watts NIGHT EDITOR-JERRY E. ROSENTHAL FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1932 Real Help r Seniors. CHE Student Council, in sponsoring a series of talks by prominent business executives during e next month, is doing a real service to the cam- s. The members of the senior class, especially, ould appreciate the activity on the part of the :)uncil in developing this program which will be more than passing interest to them. The series of talks, which will be given by presentatives of various business fields, will ex- ain many problems encountered in industryI day, problems which the graduates will havej attempt to solve in the next few years. Too ten the average senior's conception of "getting job" means getting a job, if possible, with any' ncern which has an opening. Obviously such a ginning, often too haphazard, can not be an ispicious beginning for an attempted successful reer. The program should be well attended by the iss of '32 at least. The members will be able to tain many useful hints in preparation for their ming careers. Councilman Candler deserves edit with the rest of the Council for planning d arranging this very useful series. CAPJUSPUCPLNAON Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of Th le Daily. Anonymous conm- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contrib- utors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. The Editor: Have just finished reading your editorial on the 'indling hopes of the Democrats and wonder where u get the embryo politicians to write such editor- s. The picture that he paints of a Democracy pelessly shattered with the candidate of four years o taking the stump for the Republicans is a perfect ample of a Republican pipe-dream-something ey often resort to in these days of Republican nkruptcy. Conceding that the writer knew something about litics we can use him as a perfect example of the erage Republican. He sees hopeless defeat staring n in the face. He knows that the chances of re- eting Hoover are just about ap good as those Qf the >verbial snow-ball that attended the summer ses- n. So what does he do? He weaves flowery dreams out Democratic discord. He visualizes Hoover as e Moses of the twentieth century, leading his be- red people to the Promised land. He sees him as, e kgnight errant, hurrying to save the nation from e horrors of a Democratic administration. -Then the effects wear off and once more he hears, e cries of suffering and distress, the vain appeals aid from a government, so anxious to take power, t so slow to recognize its responsibilities. At the ad of this government sits a man, so adapt in wnaging the political affairs of big business, so pable of dealing with interests of foreign nations, t when his own people cry for help and relief, he mders along, mumbles a few words about preserv- g the American standard of living and deploring rething dr other, and then informs the world that osperity is just around the corner. Why shouldn't the Republican party be harmon- is? To repudiate their leader would be completely In the third place, this editorial writing business allows us to regard ourselves in the light of reform- ers attempting to hold a guiding beacon before those' of us who are blindly groping in the dark. What you may be groping for may not concern us deeply, but we do appreciate the opportunity it gives us to enact the reformer role. It is for this reason that we periodically implore you to do such things as vote for your class officers, join outside activities, and co-operate with anything and everything while the happy glow of righteousness warms our insides and we raise our eyes heavenward with confident faith that we are helping to make life a better thing to 1 live. Finally, we write editorials because it is the cus- tom of all news sheets to present editorial opinion in a certain reserved space and we have no desire to break with convention. A news sheet minus at least one editorial is not quite the thing a news sheet should be and who are we to decree a new style in? newspaper make-up? For these four reasons, then, and for many more unuttered because of lack of space, we ask you toj read editorials. Of course, we know you won't but it never hurts to ask. on to the next chief. The treasure was worth thousands of dollars in American money but to the Ber- bers it was just "pretty." So Harris King, chief of the Berbers, hid this treasure. A little while before he died he wrote a letter to his brother and had one of his chief aides take the letter to the coast settlement and mail it. In it were the direc- tions and a clue to the treasure. Jack's tkicle aided Harris King's brother and in his will Harris King's brother left him the letter. The reason Harris King's brother did not hunt for the treasure was because he was so poor and could not raise funds enough. The treas- ure was hidden on Treasure mpun- ! tain. A mirror was placed on a cliff opposite the mountain. A phos- phurous material was put at the base of treasure mountain. The sun shone on the treasure reflect- ing it on the mirror which drew a picture of it on the phosphurous material. The sun had to shine on the treasure and towards the mir- ror. That accounted for the time the treasure shone. When anyone got within less than ten feet of the picture of the treasure it blocked !i 4 By a large staff of skilled radio nen Phone 3694 I -40 . C AEEN JTEFLECTllON AT THE MICHIGAN I t Iz !f ; the reflection and it would throw You've heard the story about the poor young the picture of the treasure farther man who went out into the world in search of a away. Jack and his Uncle got back lady of wealth; and you've read the yarn concerning to the boat in time and reached his falling in love with another young lady who, like home after a pleasant voyage. himself, has her beauty, her jewels, and ten pounds. TIE END between her and the lean grey wolf. But you've: never seen a play, much; less a movie, about two men r -father and son-who live this sort of a life (of Our Chicago reporter came in course they're Englishmen and #here's the Ascot today with alarming informa- races, you know), and who put up a grand front in tion about Northwestern Uni- the fact of a slight $20,000 gambling debt. versity. It seems that he made All this, and more, comes to life in the Michigan's a trip out to the N. W. campus latest Robert Montgomery vehicle, titled "But the just to see the beautiful new Flesh Is Weak," for obvious reasons. Reason number girls' dormitory, and w h a t one is a beautiful, lonely lady with an accent who has her trials and tribulations attempting to keep should he find reposing in the Mr. Montgomery out of her bedroom (a task cine-; riage. How perplexingb mactresses find difficult). It is she who is the poor i one, and he fully intends to marry her until Senior (as he is affectionately called) risks some £4,500 at Now that baseball is under way red-eye. Having lost because he drew "five" and his once more we can suggest a new adversary "six," and not having the ready cash- game for our more athletic readers to be exact, not having but ten pounds to his name- to play. The object of the game is he is forced to write a check which, by sceie quaint to start f r o in Calkins-Fletcher's English tradition, must be covered at the bank by State Street store at three o'clock,, ten tomorrow morning. You just know that he is listen to the first half-inning of a going to attempt suicide when he goes over to his ball game, and -then get down to son's bed, after the evening's entertainment is over, Swift's store while the teams are and pulls the covers gently nearer the pillow, saying changing. Then as soon as Stone to Possum-playing Montgomery "Stout Fella." flies out to Averill to end the first But does the poor lady marry Mr. Montgomery?1inning the player must race around No-at least not when she's supposed to. And is the corner, to the next radio, and there a rich lassie who pays the debt and almost there take up the second inning. gets Mr. Montgomery in return? There is. And do By this method one should be able we discover that love is, after all, greater than opu- to make a complete circuit of the lence? Mais oui! block in at least five and a half Good shot: Montgomery's attempt to persuade the innings. Excellent players may be poor one that the key to a man's heart is that which able to go the route in three in- unlocks the door. nings, but we doubt it. Bad shot: One Nils Asther being consciously aI Prince Paul with designs on this same gal. The comedy? Ach! Wait until 7:30 before you ! l fl iu P ni i nl i 1 p '9 [ V - ' It _ _ _- I Distance is no barrier. Do not allow distance to prevent you preforming this act of thoughtfulness and love. We guarantee prompt delivery of fresh fragrant flowers to any point in the United States, Canada or Europe. There is no charge for this distance service except the cost of the wire a III - VIl 11