___O B N BROAJDCASS PROGRAM I'E'nsian Tryout Date Arm~y Navy Dinner -
___ 1AL-H U O NSTRUCTION Set for Next Tuesday Will Be Given MondayI 0[J[FIi
Tuesday afternoon has been set i Uhms ihSholUdrune hUisrcio fPoeso sth iefo rot frbt TeAmi
TheAry and Navy club of Ann n ni nt\
Director Maddy,,Plays Maddy. editorial and business stafrs of the Arbor will hold a Washington's IYj46[ j 1 lJ I J l1l
frSudns'"I have perfect confidence in any Michiganensian, it was announced birthday dinner at 6:30 o'clock ________________
for William W__.__-Knox,___'32,___I__
i'_ wrk tha~t Prnfe .nr M ~l nri-iyesterday bMilamW nx,'2 nvnir vhht in, thn Tniinn R~ pr
F.A' -