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95 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1932 ' Weather: cloudy, snow. P
M j °
10010 TO FL
ice of New York
Jurist Is Widely
Is Praises Record
f Appointee to
High Office.
'he.Supreme Court seat va-
by the venerable and be-.
Oliver Wendell Holmes to-
was given to Benjamin
n Cardozo, Chief Justice of
ew York Court of Appeals.
led in the Senate by leaders
groups as a Liberal worthy
rying on the traditions of
lmes, he was assured of con-
ion by a universality of in-
is 20 years on the New York
_ourt benches, Judge Cardozo
aimed National attention by
cisions. He has been urged'
ie Suprtme Court by his
on several previous occa-
First Returns of Prohibition Poll
Show Widespread Wet Sentiment
HEADS METING Iowa Falls Before Wolverine
A crushing b 1o w culminating
more than a year of telling attacks
was administered the prohibition
element yesterday when the first
returns of the Literary Digest's na-
tion-wide poll revealed a ringing
wet 500 per cent majority for the
repeal element with ten states
heard from.
Out of 323,000 votes counted, on-
ly 51,000 were in the column head-
ed "continuance of the eighteenth
amendment" while a phenomenal
273,000 were totaled up in favor of
All ten of the states reporting
showed predominant wet majori-
ties. They included Georgia, Illi-
nois, Indiana, Maryland, New York,
North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia.
The state which most closely ap-
proached a dry advantage w a s
North Carolina with 5,000 for con-
tinuance and 7,000 for r e p e a 1.
Maryland was 2,000 dry and 11,000
wet. New York was 32,000 dry and
224,000 wet.
This c u r r e n t prohibition poll
which was announced only a month
ago and is being carried out with
the purpose of indicating what
change has taken place in prohibi-
tion sentiment since the last simi-
lar poll two years ago. Also it is
being conducted with the view to
overcoming one of the admitted
weaknessess of the last poll, which
was that a third modification col-
umn confused the issue and lined
up a large block of votes which
both the wet and the dry factions
claimed. This year the issue is a
clear cut one; the ballot gives the
voter only one choice either repeal
or continuance of the eighteenth
The first returns of the poll held
Democratic Leader Will Deliver
Two Addresses Here
two years ago, it is interesting to
note,. approximated the final re-
turns of that contest. The first pub-
lished results then as now comrised
the votes from ten states, 291,000
ballots in all. They -were distribut-
ed 80,000 for prohibition, 91,000 for
modification, and 118,000 for re-
20,000,000 ballots will be sent out
in the course of the referendum
which will be completed within two
months, it was announced.
As an indication of the com-
pleteness of the Digest's coverage
in the distributing of ballots, a stu-
dent reported last night that while
in a speakeasy in Jackson, he ob-
served one of the digest's ballots.
among the bar tender's mail. !
Overwhelming Majority Favors
Repeal of Volstead Act,
18th Amendment.
7 (Special to The Daily)
CHAPEL HILL, N.C., Feb. 15-
Practically unanimous repudiation
of the prohibition of intoxicants by
the government has been voiced by
college daily newspaper editors, re-
sults of the poll conducted recently
by the University of North Carol-'
ina indicate. 30 of the 34 editors
questioned favored repeal of the
Eighteenth Amendment and the
Volstead act.
Three were in favor of retaining
these acts while the editor of the
Daily Nebraskan replied that he
favored neither repeal nor reten-
tion. ,
A. C. Aslakson, editor of the.
Minnesota Daily and the most out-
spoken of the voters in the poll, of-
fered this comment: "I am defin-
itely opposed to prohibition. I be-I
lieve it has led to the vicious usef
of alcohol by our American youth
... What's the use of asking if pro-
hibition has been enforced? Nei-
ther is it enforceable."
The New York Telegram refers to
the results of the poll as an indica-
tion that the youth of today is
prepared "to undertake the future
task of protecting the integrity and*
consistency of the Constitution in-
stead of misusing it for irrational
experiment . . something for which
the nation today can be devoutly
Rules for Open Rushing Will Be
Discussed at Meeting
Tonight at Union.
Cagers, 40-22; Northwest
Wrestlers Triumph, 17
Captain Dougovito Is
Defeated by Browp,
Wildcat Leader.
I. I
Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the
Highway - Engineering department
of the Engineering school, will be
in charge of the annual convention
of State highway engineers which
opens this morning at the Union;
at Union;
Conference Meets}
Dean Sadler to
Long Study.
ver chose the sixty-
w York Justice, who
fter canvassing the
s for a man of the
nd political philo-
ted his decision to-
in advisers.
the Senate
u in re-
aw or
n Bates
al stamp as Ju t-
,s choice of Car-
ied, "a brilliant
y Dean Bates.
nomination w a'
ted for confirma
ris, of the Judi-
who joined in the
id the nomination
idered Inregula
miittee. Its flex
k hence.
t Majority.
,ardozo, President
led sectional an
qew York already
itizens on the Su
lief Justice Hughe
an F. Stone.
make-up of th4
es five Republican
ats. Justice Holme
Next Tuesday.
Gov. Albert C. Ritchie, of Mary-'
1 a n d, candidate for Democratic
nomination for the presidency' this
year, will speak at a luncheon at
12:15 o'clock Tuesday, Feb. 23 in
the Union and will address a pub-
lic meeting in the assembly hall at
one o'clock that afternoon, it was
announced yesterday by Union offi-
Governor Ritchie is making. a
tour of the nation prior 'to the
Democratic N a t io n al convention
which will be held next June in
s Chicago . Next Monday he will de-
- liver two addresses in Detroit, and
then come to Ann Arbor.
- Here he will discuss issues of the
e approaching presidential campaign,
n presenting his viewpoirts and sug-
r gestions for Democratic platform
;t construction.
Horatio Abbott, a member of the
Democratic National Committee,
t and William A. Comstock, ex-Dem-
d ocratic candidate f o r Michigan's,
y governorship, will both be present
- at Governor Ritchie's appearance'
.s in Ann Arbor.
s A limited number of tickets for
e the luncheon will be placed on sale
s at the nain desk in the Union lob-
s by and will be priced at 75 cents
each. The one o'clock assembly will
s . be open to the public.
The Eighteenth Annual Confer-
ence on Highway Engineering, held
under the direction of the College
of Engineering, will commence at
9:30 o'clock today when approxi-
mately 700 conferees will assemble
in the Union for the opening ses -
Dr. H. C. Sadler, dean of the en-
gineering school, will deliver the
speech of welcome, after which the
members of the conference will im-
mediately take up discussion of
highway and automotive transpor-
tation problems.
Burton W. Marsh, Traffic Engi-
neer of Philadelphia, issthe princi-
pal speakc: on the morning ses-
sion program. and he will discuss
the use of accident recard in court
cases arising f r o m controversies
over transportation mishaps.-
The principal speakers at the af-
ternpon meeting will be J, S. Baker,
Assistant Traffic Engineer, Nation-
al Safety Council Chicago, and Ben
H. Petty, Professor of Highway En-
gineering at Purdue University. Mr.
Baker has recently completed a
personal investigation of the var-
ious examinations given applicants
for driver's licenses throughout the
United States.
Under Prof. R. L. Morrison of the
highway efigineering department
the program has been worked out
to allow, the holding of a Traffic
Control Session and Highway En-
gineering Session during the one
afternoon meeting today.
Michigan's Varsity wrestlers went
down in defeat before the power-
ful Northwestern team 17 to 13 last
night in Yost field house in the
opening Big Ten meet.'
Art Mosier, M i c h i g a.n A. A.U.
champ at 145 pounds, pulled one
of the'biggest surprises of the eve-
ning by holding Garrigan, national
A. A. U. 155-pound titleholder, to a
time advantage of 3:21 at 155. Sev-
eral times Mosier almost had his,
man, pinned but being outw'eighed
by the Northwestern grappler lack-
ed the necessary push to put it on
Thomas Beats Harris.
At 135 pounds Blair Thomas,
Michigan veteran, took the deci-
sion over H a r r i s, Northwestern,
with an advantage of 9:26.
Mat fans saw the Wolverine Cap-
tain in aetion for the first time this
season last night, but for once in
lis collegiate career outside of the
national meets he did not come1
through with a victory. Dougovito,'
Big Ten champion at ,165 pounds,
was out of his weight in meeting
Captain Brown of Northwestern,
conference 175-pound king, in the
175 weight and after holding his
powerful opponent on fairly even
terms "Dug" was finally pinned in
Williams Wins.
Cliff Stoddard entered the ring in
the last bout of the card with Mich-
igan trailing the Wildcats by one'
point, but not only was he meeting
a man who outweighed him but al-
so the n a t i o n-a 1 inter-collegiate
heavyweight champ, Riley of
Northwestern football fame. Stod-
dard put up one of the best fights
of the evening holding the champ
to an advantage of .2:40.
Seiferth, Northwestern, gained a
decision over Fiero, Michigan, at.
118 pounds with an advantage of
6:24. The Wildcats forfeited the
126-pound bout when Williams was
unable to go into the overtime after
battling Bennett on even terms.,
Spencer took a 3:39 decision over'
Charley Williams of Michigan at
145. Dilley o Ncrthwestern de-
faulted to Wilson of Michigan at
165 pounds being overweight.
Busihess Staff Names February
23 as First Day; Editorial
Group Picks March 8:
Weiss, Dar
Wolves i
Court V
Purdue 43, Ohio
Indiana 33, Wisc
Illinois 23, Flinn
Michigan State
(2 overtime
By Sheldon 1
Iowa's rejuvena
from a startling
Northwestern las
into an entirely d
tion last night I
fans that crowded
House, and was
a 40-22 defeat by
ing Michigan qui
Although the
able to step out
shortly after the
game, the pace be
dhem in the last J
first half, Four su(
baskets, two by
apiece by William.
sent the score soo
the Wolverines, at
on they were neve
Daniels To'
As an added fea
the long awaited
tween Norm Dan
and Howard Moffi
in a one-sided
victory f or the
M~aize and Blue
le a d e r. Daniels
swelled his 44
point total by 44
Captain Norm Daniels, who' led
the Wolverine cagers in their vic-
tory over the Iowa basketball team
last night by scoring 14 points.
$1,000 Sent by Local Students{
to Aid Countrymen in
Japanese Battle.
The Chinese club, numbering over
95 nmembers, has cabled $1,000 tc~
the Nineteenth Chinese Army, it
was announced last night by Rob-
ert K. Suez, president of the club.'
"Chinese students are wiling to
give not only' their financial sup-
port, but their moral supportuas
well," he said.
Several students are contemplat-
ing returning to China, Suez said,
but unless conditions become cri-
tical and we are needed, few will
five baskets and
four charity toss-
es through t h e
hoop.rMoffitt, on
the other hand,
had a hard time
in elu ding Ivy
William on, a n d
had to be content
basket and one free'
Weiss and William;
brilliant defensive we
outstanding f o r t h
while their combined
offensive netted then
by -Williamson and
Bennett, until he we
game on personal f
leading Iowa scorer,
also played heads
even though he was
Game Rou1
The game was one
est that has been he
bor this season, 23
them a technical on
called by Referee Jor
Eveland* opened th
two member
ill sit with th
ice Louis Bran
,s, is the other
e Flases
-(EP)-A myster-
America revealed
eadly. bomb near
of St. Peter's
osed plot against
emier Mussolini,
re last week, it
Feb. 15. - (P) -
rom amendment
ation to fortify
ve system with
.oosen the bank's
Final arrangements are being
completed for the Annual New
York Times current events contest
which will be held the first week
in March, according to Prof. Ever-
ett Brown of the political science
department, chairman of the local
The examinations will be sent
from the national headquarters of
the contest committee soon and all
students planning to take part
have been advised to consult Pro-
fessor Brown this week.
A set of model questions for Jan-
uary appears on page four of to-
day's Daily.. These questions are of
the Npe which will be asked in the
contest and are one set of a series
presented each month by the 'New
York Times.
Course to Be Offered
in Camping Leadership
A course is to be given this se-
mester under the auspices of the
Extension department in c a m p
counselor training, it was learned
Rules governing the intensive
rushing period, the final lap of the
deferred pledging marathon, will be
explained to freshmen at a smoker
which is being sponsored by the
Student Council, to be held at 8
o'clock tomorrow night in the
assembly room of the Union.
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu-
dents, will talk to the first year
men. Other speakers are Howard T.
Worden, '32, president of the Inter-
fraternity Council, Richard L. To-
bin, '32, managing editor of The
Daily, and Edward J. McCormick,
'32, president of the Student Coun-
Coach "Let" Philben will bring
several varsity boxers to the smoker
and bouts will be staged for the
Friday, Feb. 26: Elgibility list
will be released.
Sunday, Feb. 28: Intensive rush-
ing starts.
Thursday, March 3: Intensive
rushinF period ends.rs
Friday, March 4: Fraternities
hand in preference lists.
Saturday, March 5: Freshmen
hand in preference lists.
Monday, March 7: Pledging takes
entertainment of the first year men.
Howard Gould, '32, Student Coun-
cilman, and secretary-treasurer of
the Interfraternit Council, will act
as master of ceremonies. He stated
yesterday that it was very import-
ant that all freshmen attend the
smoker since it will be the final
Rea Calls '33 J-Hop
Dryest, Quietest of
Recent Junior Balls
Less liquor and fewer drunken
students were in evidence at the
1932 J-Hop, held in the Intramural
building last Fridpy night, than at
any other Hop held here in' recent
years, according to Walter B. Rea,
assistant to the dean of students.
Rea, who asserted yesterday that
with the' exception of two auto ac-
cidents there was virtually no dis-
order in connection with thmaffair,
said, "While we "granted more re-
quests for driving permits than
have ever before been given out
for the Hop, c'onditions were inI
every respect of the best. There was
very little drinking at the dance and
University policemen reported very
few violations of driving regula-
That cars brought to Ann Arbor
for storage, as well as those in use
by students exempt from, the ban,
must be registered under 1932 li-
cense numbers with the University
was stressed by Rea in outlining
important points of the regulation.
Those exempt from the ban are
students holding faculty positions
of teaching assistant or the equiva-
lent, those carrying 10 hours work
or less, and those 28 years of age
or older.
Freshman Is Injured
in Automobile Crsh
John Morgan, '35E, of Toledo, and
Arnold Valk, Monroe, suffered cuts
Freshmen who wish to work on
the editorial staff of The Daily will
report Tuesday afternoon, March 8,
to the Press building on Maynard
street,, it was announced yester-
day by David M. Nichol, news editor
of the publication, who will have
charge of arrangements for the new
Plans for the instruction of thet
new men will differ from those in
past years, Nichol also stated. Only
three lectures, which will deal with
the rudiments of Daily work, will
be given the new men while a
chance for orientation will be offer-
ed bygmore practical eXperience in
writing heads, reading proof andi
covering beats.
Business staff tryouts will report
Tuesday,'Feb. 23, Charles T. Kline,
'32, busines manager of The Daily
said. These tryouts -will be instruct
ed in the business policies and prac-
tices of the publication and will also
be given more practical work to do!
than has been the custom in the
The government,' however, has
only to call us, he added.
The military party )n Japan is
responsible for the aggression in
Manchuria, in the opinion of Suez.
This is due to the 'fact that the
army and navy can act without the
consent of the government. The
other Japanese are friendly to-
wards the Chinese, he asserted.
"Japan must have raw materials
to fight any great war," continuedE
Suez.' "She is therefore trying to
get control of Manchuria because
that territory is rich in iron, coal,
alumin3um,rmagnesiumi, and other
war materials.
"Japan does not need Manchuria
as much as China does to take care'
of over-population. In the last 10
years the Japanese population in
Manchuria has increased only 50,-
000, while the Chinese population
has increased over 10,000,000.
that point, however, the Wt
started sinking everything
liant shots, and at half t
leading by a 22-15 score.
During the' last few
of the game an entirely ne
tet took the floor for the M
Blue, with Ray *ltenhof, or
year's outstanding stars,
into the game for a few mi
the guard post he handled
last season.
Michigan (40)
Evelandi, If.,.. . . . ......3
Petoskey, if. .........0
Daniels, rf. ..._........ 5
Garner,C . ...... . .....i
RIckets, c. .. . ..........0
Wistert, c............0
W eiss, lg. ..............3
Shaw, lg . ...............0
I. Williamson, rg. ........4
Altenhof, rg. ..........0
. Totals.............16
"Swell!" was the ejaculation
most frequently heard by the secre-
taries in Lane hall yesterday morn-'
iing and afternoon as hundreds of
satisfied patrons completed tran-
sactions with the student book ex-
change which is being operated
there under the auspices of the So-
cialist club.
This is the second semester which
has seen the Socialist club sponsor-
ing a cooperative book buying and
operated, any student may place as
many books as he desires with the
Socialist clubs' representatives in
Lane hall, having marked each
with what he considers to be a fair
price. A receipt will be given him,
which will be redeemed either by
the sum he has asked or the return
of the book. A ten per cent charge
will be made by the agency in or-
der to meet the expenses of opera-
.Members of the club were enthus-
Moffitt, If..... . .
C. Williamson, rf. .. .
Kotlow, rf..........
x early I