I ,4
XLII. No. 143
WEATHER: Continued warm.
te Supreme Court
Will Judge Annual
Club Trials.
Prominent Lawyers to Address
Gathering at Dinner
Founder's Day, annual celebra-
tion in honor of the late William
W. Cook, donor of the Law club
buildings, the Legal Research lib-
rary and Hutchins' hall, will take
place this afternoon and this eve-
ning with all eight members of the
Supreme court bench participating
in the ceremonies. The justices,
acting in the capacity of judges for
the annual case club competition
in the law school, wil decide the
winners of the 1931-1932 contests.
The eight include George M.
Clark, of Bad Axe; Henry M. Butzel,
Detroit; Howard Wiest, Lansing;
John S. McDonald, Grand Rapids;
Nelson Sharpe, West Branch; Wil-
liam W. Potter, Hastings; Louis H.
Fead, Newberry; and Walter H.
North, Battle Creek.
To Hold Case Club Finals.
From the standpoint of student
interest, the chief event of the day
will be the finals of the junior case
club competition. Elmination trials
in this competition, which is the
only extra curricular activity of the
law school, were started last fall
and the finalists chosen in Jan-
Th~e two teams which will com-
pete at three o'clock this afternoon
are composed of Ledlie A. DeBow,
'32L, Kalamazoo; Robert D. Gor-
don, '33L, Washington,, D.C.; Henry
Y. Morrison, '33L, Frankfort, and
Charles E. Jones, '33L, Wichita,
Kan. These 'men will compete for
the hundred dollar prizes which
are awarded annually.
Is Annual Event.
Foloder'soDy has been an an-
nual event in the law school since
the opening of the Lawyers' club
eight years ago. As a tradition the
celebration has developed so that
at present it usually attracts a
large number of prominent lawyers
and jurists from throughout the
state who make Ann Arbor a ren-
dezvous for that week-end. As a
result of the decision of the Su-
preme court to attend, it is believ-
ed, an unusually large number of
visiting members of the bar and
bench will come to Ann Arbor this
A special assembly in the pro-
gram has been scheduled for six
o'clock at the Law club. This will
be held in honor of the Supreme
court justices and will be presided
over by Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven.
Banquet to Conclue Day.
Culminating the activities of the
day will be the banquet to be held
at 7 o'clock in the dining commons
of the club. Speakers at this gath-
ering will inclde Dean Henry M.
Bates, of the law school; Henry
Bodman, prominent lawyer from
Detroit; Paul Jnes a federal court
justice from Cleveland; and Henry
Butzel, one of the Michigan just-
ices. These talks will be informal
In presentation and largely extem-
The members of the losing team
n the case club competition will
attaining finalist rank. Many times
in past years the competing stu-
dents in the case club competition
have been approached by visiting
lawyers and offered jobs to be filled
after graduation.
University Artist Chosen to Play
at Annual Meeting.
Word was received yesterday by
Palmer Christian, University organ.-
ist that he had been chosen as one
of the guest organists for the an-
nual meeting of the American Or-
ganists' Guild which will convene
June 20, 21, 22, 23 in Boston. To
be selected as guest organist for the
meeting is an honor given only to
the most outstanding of American
Christian's offering at the meet-
ing will be the "Concerto in E" by
Eric DeLamarter, which number he
played for the dedication of the
Frieze Memorial organ in Hill au-
ditorium several years ago.'
Although efforts are being made to
AssociatLed Press Photo
Above is shown one of the guards who are patrolling a road leading
to one of the mines near Adena, Ohio, which recently resumed opera-
tions after striking miners had caused a sisturbance in which three
sympathizers were shot and wounded. The national guard in the district
is patrolling the area to protect Workers from the striking miners.
Final Dates for Filing
Are Today, Monday
Today, Monday, and Tuesday will
be the last opportunities for grad-
uating seniors to obtain their an-
nouncements and invitations, an-
nounced Howard Gould, chairman
of the invitations comimittee, last
Literary students may obtain
theirs from 10 to 12 o'clock each
morning and from one till three
in the afternoon at the d e s k
in the 1obby of Angell hall.
Seniors in the other schools and
colleges can file their orders with
their respective committeemen or
by other means which are listed
on the school bulletin .boards.
The price for invitations, Gould
said, is considerably lower than it
has been in several years and the
orders have been placed in large
numbers. Tuesday will absolutely be
the last day, he added, and it will
be impossible to fill any more or~:
ders after that date,
Great Britain Doulles
Duty on All Imports
LONDON, April 21. - (A') - The
tariff wall around Great Britain,
once the leading exponent of free
:rade, was doubled in height to-
The import duties advisory com-
mittee recommended that a total
luty of 20 per cent be imposed on
nearly every type of manufactured
goods imported into the nation.
Expect Chief Executive and Wife
to Accept if Legislative
Matters Permit.
Gov. and Mrs. WilburtBrucker
have been invited to attend the
Military Ball as patrons next Fri-
day night at the Union. They are
expected to accept if legislative
matters will permit, William J.
Bird, '32E, general chairman an-
nounced yesterday. Bird also stated
that Dorothy K. Smith, '33, would
lead the grand march with him.
Other, patrons invited are: Pres.
and Mrs. Alexander G.; Ruthven;
Regent and Mrs. Junius E. Beal;
Mrs. Ida Clements Wheat; Vice-
President and Mrs. Shirley W.
Smith; Vice-President and Mrs.
Clarence S. Yoakum; Vice-Presi-
Find 'Yale' Latches
on Harvard's Doors
Banished Mark Turns Up
Again in Randolph Hall.
The trademark "Yale," banned
from Harvard university door-
locks ever since the modern lat-
ches were invented, has been
found on 70 doors in Randolph
hall, dormitory on the Harvard
campus. The failure to delete
the name of the lock from the
mechanism has been attributed
to an oversight on the padt of
officials, the second in a period:
of years.
Although all lock' in the other
dormitories are of the same
make, a special process has been
used to omit the name of the
manufacturer, a lineal descend-
ant of Elihu Yale, so as not to
confuse bewildered students re-
turning late at night
ro Award Traditional Oil Can
at Gridiron Dance
lonig it.
Plans to dispose of the last re-
maining tickets for the Gridiron
Dance, scheduled for tonight, in a
-ampus sale to begin at 2:00 o'clock
this afternoon at the Union side
desk were announced last night by
George A. Stauter, chairman of the
ticket committee.
Officers of Sigma Delta Chi, pro-
fessional journalistic fraternity
which is sponsoring the affair, said
that the purpose of the last-minute
apen sale is to dispose of tickets
to persons who, originally placed on
the invitational list, have so far
been unable to secure them from
members of the ticket committee.
According to Beach Conger, jr.,
thairman of the arrangements com-
mittee, the scheme of decoration
will include the installation of an
old-time bar, over which refresh-
ments will be served the guests.
The work of furnishing the new
Publications building, where the
dance is to be held, has been going
forward during the past week, Con-
ger said.
Carl Forsythe, '32, president of
Sigma Delta Chi, announced yes-
terday that the presentation of the
Oil Can will be held at 11:30 o'-
clock and will take the place of a
grand march. Dean of Students
Joseph, A. Bursley, last year's "Lo-
cuacious Lubricator" and present
holder of the Oil Can, will make
the presentation address. Members
of the society refused to divulge the
name of the faculty man who will
receive the-token tonight.
15 Killed, 30 Injured
When Roof Collapses
Tardieu, Americai Delegate Fail
to Agree on Disarmament,
Security Views.
United States Attitude Outlined
in Confeence With
GENEVA, April 21.--(/IP)-Secre-
tary Stimson and Premier Andre
Tardieu today failed to reach an
agreement on the crucial problems
of disarmament and security or
reconcile the French and American
The Secretary of State plunged
into the disarmament issue in a
series of conversations with the
leading statesmen of the world, now
assembled i Geneva. They in-
elude, in addition to M. Tardieu,
Prime Miister Ramsay MacDonald
and Chancellor Heinrich Bruening
Explained American Scheme.
Mr. Stimson side-stepped the in-
ternational financial problem up-
permost in the minds of the assem-
bled statesmen, although the Ger-
man chancellor attempted to ini-
tiate a discussion of that subject.
In official quarters, the Stimson-
Tardieu conversation was summar-
ized thus:
The secretary explained the Amer-
ican scheme of "quantitative" arms
reduction, which entails three steps.
1-To determine the armed
strength of each nation's needs for
internal police work, using the cri-
teria employed in determining the
limitations imposed on the Central
Powers in the peace treaties.
U. S. Opposes Security Pact.
2-To determine the armed
strength each nation needs for de-
fense, on the basis of each country's
particular situation, considering its
colonial possessions and other such
3-The total would represent the
approximate level of possible limi-
tat ion.
This was advaned, Mr. Stimnson
explained, merely as a suggestion,
and the United States would be
glad to consider all schemes that
might be presented.
Asked what the American atti-
tude was toward a European se-
curity pact, the secretary replied
that the United States would not
participate in any such agrement.
Tom Mooney Is Denied
Pardon byGov. Rolph
SACRAMENTO, April 2.-()-
Gov. James Rolph, jr., today uncon-
ditionally and with blunt finality
declined to grant a pardon to Tom
Mooney, convicted of bombing the
San Francisco Preparedness Day
parade of June 22, 1916.
Th .governr, the fourth to flatly
reus to liberate the former labor
leader, whom the sympathizers
throughout the world have long
regarded as a martyr to the cause
of labor, made his findings public
in an atmosphere charged with
tension and expectancy.
Senator Watson Says Financiers
Depress Market to Force
Debt Cancellation
WASHINGTON, Af ril 21.-(IP)-
Senator Watson, Indiana Repub-
lican, today charged that interna-
tional bankers are attempting to
depress the market in order to
force cancellation of war debts.
The Senate Banking Committee
agreed meanwhile to press its in-
quiry into short selling operations
on Wall Street "to the bottom."
Employment' of special investiga-
tors to go to New York and make
a study of records is contemplated.
The committee threshed out the
whole situation and determined
definitely upon motion of Senator
Watson to go the limit.
Schaefor to Lecture
on Vocation Program
Inaugurating a series of lectures1
sponsored by the Student Council
on vocational guidance, J. T. Schae-
for, of the Michigan Bell Telephone
Aririve for 'Tial.
Prosecutor Seeks Ruling to Use
Paper Torn by Mrs. Massie
as Evidence.
HONOLULU, April 21.-(P)-Be-
hind the scenes in the trial .of four
persons accused of lynching Joseph
Kahahawai, the prosecution today
fought the defense contention that
Lieut. Thomas H. Massie was insane
when he wielded the pistol that
killed the native.
Court sessions were postponed un-
til Saturday at the request of Pro-
secutor John C. Kelley to permit
two newly arrived California alien-
ists to prepare evideqce.
One is Dr. Joseph Catton, San
Francisco alienist who contributed
to the testimony that brought a
conviction and death sentence to
Mrs. Winne Ruth Judd for the mur-
der of two women in Pheonix, Ariz.
New Alienist Arrives.
The other prosecution alienist is
Dr. Paul Bowers, of Los Angeles,
who made no secret of his mission
upon arrival today.
At least one of the territory alien-
ists made arrangements to examine
Lieut. Massie, who had testified
his mind went blank when he stood
before Kahahawai with a pistol
and heard the native confess parti-
cipating in an attack on his wife,
Mrs. Thalia Massie.
The prosecutor also sought a rul-
ing from Judge Charles S. Davis to
permit the trial record to show that
a paper which Mrs. Massie destroy-
ed in a fit of anger on the witness
stand was permissible as evidence.
The paper supposedly told of a rift
between herself and her husband
a few months before the attack. It
was in the form of answer to a psy-
chopathic examination at the Uni-
versity of Hawaii.
Darrow Smiles at Outburst.
Clarenee Darrow, chief defense
attotrney, chuckled today kat the
memory of Mrs. Massie's spectacu-
lar outburst on the stand, which
he called the most dramatic in his
long career as a criminal lawer.
Kelley also grinnedat the fit of
temper he exhibited in matching
Mrs. Massie's fury. He said he had
neglected to have a copy of the
paper made..
Previous to her outburst, Mrs.
Massie had testified about hearing
rumors involving herself and her
Husband after five accussed men,
including Kahahawai had b e e n
tried for the assault and the jury
'ad disagreed.
First round games for the second
batch of 14 teams in the Interfra-
ternity baseball league were played
yesterday afternoon on South Ferry
hield with all the favorites coming
through to win. Phi Sigma Delta,
defending champions for the past
two years, barely managed to nose
out Sigma Phi by means of a last
inning rally, 13 to 12. "Hank" Weiss,
startpitcher for thetPhi Sigs was
on the sidelines with an injured
Phi Beta Delta 15, Theta Kappa
Nu 4
Delta Chi 6, Delta Alpha Epsilon 7
Alpha Kappa Kappa 5, Phi Rho
Sigma 14
Alpha Chi Sigma 2, Sigma Phi Ep-
silon 19
Phi Sigma Delta 13, Sigma Phi 12
Phi Alpha Delta 10, Zeta Beta
Tau 13
Phi Epsilon Pi 2, Alpha Rho Chi 0.
Kelley Postpones
as Dr. Catton,
Court Sessins
Dr. Bowe(s
Why Be Moral?'
Students to Ask
at Union Parley
"Why be moral?, Can I arrive at
a philosophy through pure science?
To what values sall I be loyal?"
these and more than twenty other
questions relating to philosophy
and the deeper values of life will
be attacked by a parley of students
and faculty members meeting at
2:30 and 7:30 o'clock tomorrow on
the second floor of the Union.
A general committee of more
than a hundred students is be-
hind the plan which is being spon-
sored by a smaller committee con-
sisting of Ivan Williamson, '32,
William Kearns, '32, Cile Miller,
'33, Winifred Root, '32, and George
Rubenstein, '33. Prof John L.
Brumm of the department of jour-
nalism will act as faculty chairman
and will preside over the meetings.
The plan of procedure according
to the announcement is to have the
students and any faculty members
who care to attend sit on chairs
placed in a large circle about the
room. In the center of this circle
will be placed a large table at
which a selected group of fifteen
faculty members and the presiding
officer will be seated.
Five minute talks by three facul-
ty members and one student 'will
provide an explanation ofwhat the
parley is to deal with and after this
the whole session will be devoted to
open discussion with the students
attempting in general to put the
faculty members "on the carpet"
with regard to their life philosophy
and their conceptions of the mean-
ing of success. A sample of the
kind of topics which will come un-
der discussion maybeathered
from the questions which the com-
mittee has composed in advance of
the meeting. One of these asks:
Is any philosophy of life of value
when the whole social order is un-
Justices of Supreme Bench Are
Analyzed by Law School
Head at Forum.
"A supreme court justice is con-
cerned primarily with the consti-
tutionality of a decision, and see-
. ondarily with the wisdom of it,'
said Dean Henry M. Bates of the
law school in a discussion of "Liber-
alizing Influence of the Supreme
Court" yesterday afternoon in Na-
tural Science auditorium at ar
S. C. A. forum,
Dean Bates further expressed the
opinion that willingness to taye ac-
count of the point of view 6f the
liberal minds and attitudes of
others was the greatest liberalizing
influence in a court.
Speaking of individual justices
Dean B a, t e s .continued~, "Justice
Holmes has given much philosophy
of life in his decisions. He has the
most accurate conception of judi-
cial duty of any of the judges. Car-
dozo is experienced in the field of
property and commercial law more
than he is inhconstitutional lines.
Ile realizes the limitations of a
judge as, clearly as does Holmes.',
Police Issue Warning
to Delinquent Drivers
Local police yesterday issued a
warning to city motorists who have
not yet obtained new driving licen-
ses. The warning was directed par-
ticularily to those drivers whose li-
censes were issued between ,Jan. 1.
1925 and Jan. 1, 1928. They must,
obtain new permits before May 1,
as operation of a car after that date.
with a 1925-'28 license will be illegal
and lay the-person open to arrest.
Lauds 8 Michigan Men
for Contributions
to Progress.
Says Work on Disease
Infections Most
Ina resume of the past fift
years' progress in internal medi-
cine the names of eight Univer.
sity of Michigan scientists wen
mentioned by Dr. L. F. Barker
of Johns Hopkins who spoke lasi
night at the Michigan league be,
fore the :fiftieth anniversary con
vention of Nu Sigma Nu, oldes
medical Fraternity.
Infectious diseases have beer
the field of the most fruitful suq
cess according to Dr. Barker wh
mentioned particularly bacteriol
ogy and the work of Dr. Fredrici
. Novy, member of the executiv
committee of the medical school
Other highspots in the advanc
of internal medicine during tk
past fifty years included by Di
Barker were: X-ray progress, th
development of clinical methods o
diagnosis, work on the endocrin
glands, pasteurization of milk, an
work in pernicious anemia. Amon
the more important disease bacill
isolated, Dr1 Barker mentione
tuberculosis and syphilis.
Names 8 Michigan Men.
The University of Michigan me:
named by the speaker were the lat
Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, Dr. Novy, D
Cyrus C. Sturgis, Dr. Carl G. Hibei
Dr. Raphael Isaacs, Dr. Udo J. Wil
Dr. Frank N. Wilson, and Dr. Loz
H. Newburgh.
In conclusion Dr. Barker 'envi
sioned a phenomenal advance h
all branch'es of the seiene for th
next fifty years. He .said that
gres in medicine was like a snow
ball and that what the future h
in store cannot even be conjecture
at present.
Discusses Various Diseases.
In tracing the progress of th.
medical science Dr. Barker gav
technical explanations of many o
many of his points. It was estimat
ed by some hearers that altogethe
he had mentioned more than 1
diseases and devoted a word or tw
of explanation to each.
Among those not affiliated wit
the profession who were prese
was President Alexander- G. Ruth
ven who delivered a short talk c
Clinics, for which junior an
senior classes in the medical scho
were dismissed, were ofered in th
afternoon by Dr. D. C. Balfourc
the Mayo clinic, and Dr. M. .
Blankenhorn of Boston. Signs re
lating to diagnosis of cases aroun
the diaphram was the subject c
Dr. Blankenhorn's clinic, while D
Balfour gave a demonstration wit
patients suffering from gastric an
duodenal ulcers.
Three Negro Plays
to Be Given Tonigh
Outstanding in the opinion c
m.embers of the English faculty ar
three negro folk dramas, "TI
Bright Medallion," "Sokta" a n
"The Eyes of the Old" written b
Doris Price, Grad., which will b
presented tonight in the laborator
This presentation which is bein
done by a negro greek letter organi
Ization from Detroit is the first a
two such offerings of student writ
ten plays to be given this spring
"Uncle Joe" Bursley's Freshman
Luncheon club, which usually has
to rely only upon its voices for any,
entertainment, yesterday ate its
meal to the toe-tickling rhythmic
harmony or the self-styied colored
"B. and Brown's Washboard, Tub
and Jug Band," which reeled forth
its versions of Negro spirituals and
modern jazz numbers in such a
manner as to make the weekly af-
fair one of the most successful in
Upon special request the orches-
tra opened its program with Lohen-
grin's "Wedding March," in honor
of Wilbur Blair, president of the
club, who this week announced his
The pleasing baritone-and-tenor
harmony of the musicians' voices
mellowed the peculiar quality of
their instruments to produce a very
pleasing effect. The instrumenta-
tion, however, was not without its
novelties. It consisted of a wash-
tub, a washboard, three battered
brass cymbals, three "jazzbo" horns,
a self-supporting harmonica, a jug
with -which to imitate bass horns,
a tin can, a banjo, and a mandolin.
At present their stopping-place is
Detroit, but their business cards are
mostly blanks so that they may be
filled in with the address and phone
number of any temporary head-
The tall banjo player says he feels
Two Professors Guest
Lecturers Here Today
An illustrated lecture on "Life on
the Argentine Pampas" will be
given by Prof. Ray H. Whitbeck of
the University of Wisconsin this af-
ternoon at 4:15 o'clock in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
Professor Whitbeck was the edi-
tor of the Journal of Geography
from 1910 to 1918. He is a member
of the Association of American Geo-
graphers, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi,
and is the author of many treaties
on industrial and economic geo-
Prof. William A. Oldfather, emin-
ent classicist and head of the class-
and Mrs. James D. Bruce;
and Mrs. Henry M. Bates;
and Mrs. John R. Effinger;
and Mrs. Herbert C. Sadler;
and Mrs. Mortimer E. Cooley,
Dean and Mrs. Alfred H.
T ...,.... Y ..