k .Y, A/PRIL 20, 1932 ATIE MCIG, '_TANDAILY PACT E FZVV PAGiS F1V~ i R NoTAAM J I .. 1'1 n -. m r m ma r a I--mat ra l £leG-C __ _- _ f UHRNIEN UF PLRYJ will BE SELECTED Nominees Picked by Sophomorest for League Board of Directors. TO BEGIN PLAY PLANS ]Election Will Be Conducted by L e a gue Judiciary Counci. Women of the class of '34 willa meet at 4:15 this afternoon in the3 Lydia Mendelssohn theatre of thec League to name give hem ers of the central committee for their Junior Girls' play. .These women will in turn name the remaining members of the general committee this spring, and tentative work onl the play will get under way. t Ten Are Nominated. Ten nominees have been p4,(, up foi* the offices, but the nominations should not be regarded as closed, for they will also be accepted from the floor. All proposd candidates must be eligible. Nmntofrtechairman are Prances ManchesterI and Ruth Robinson; for assistant chairman, Marion Giddings and Alta Place; for treasurer, ElizabethopradRt.Lvoyfo chairman of properties, Ruth Kurt and Annie McIntyre, and for chair- man of program, Prudence oster and Corrine Fries. (Others to be Named. The nominations were submitted by a committee consisting of the two sophomore representatives to the League board of directors, Ruth; Duhme and Marion Giddings, andj a third sophomore chosen by them. Frances Manchester. 1 Other chairmen who will beI named by the central committee at an early date include the chair- man of costumes, two chairmen of dancing,, a chairman of music, a, chairman of publicity and a Dailyr assistant, a chairman of makeup! and a chairman of ushers.X Dean Lloyd to Speak. I Miss dice C. Lloyd, dean of wo- i amen, will address the meeting on1 the subect of eligibility, and Jean1x Botsford, '33, chairman of thisE year's play, will speak on the re- quirements for the various chair- manships. The election will be conducted byr the judiciary council of the League, and Sallie Ensminger, '32, chair- man, will be in charge. Other mem- bers of the council who will be present are Betty Loudon, '32, Jane Inch, '32, Margaret Schermack, 33, and Mary Barnett, '33. Memberst of the board of directors will also assist. Cauc using is strictly prohi-;c bited, according to Miss Ensminger.'( the usual penalty of disqualification3t from office-holding or voting be-;e ing, imposed.t A.AU.W. LEAGUE t TO GIVE BRIDGE Local Merchants Offer Prizest for Benefit Party.r A benefit bridge is beng; spon-l sored by the Junior group of the American Association of Universityr Women which will be held at the NEGRO WOMEN GRADUATES OVEf f ~~~r T~TVTAHN EBR SUCCESSFUL IN PLAY P kO) CTIN I d.UL~I IU HEAR MUYSKENSI By B. A. C. '34 produced; leoze>v rittcn b Mjz P. haningViewoins i That drama is the most natural Gre whl tdn ee eea Subject of Talk Spec form of expression of the negroI one-act plays which she has writ- ; -e ine-n ohr i~rrs race is nowhere more convincingly created byr The Negro Playhouse FirsY~~onnPri'aigPga ~~~c r1u.So Prof. John Muyskens of the speech demonstrated than in the splendid Setlemet.argtVewtponts tnhSeeChatga work done by two colored women Doris D. Price a graduate student Eusaval nFairi D;iSut, dprtetsoeo h Cag both of whom have been students in the University at present is thej Annual Event, and Relys. meeting of Athena, women's speechi of this university at some time in at r. outstaindiig exi pile Ofw a -..._.I society, held last nigh in the Ath their career,.a edn yanidsrosd- Frshman pageant ranks were First tyouts for the annual ena room of Angell Hall. de rsmnMiss J. Frances Green w10O n votee of the art of pay v,,iing. declared ±iii oen to any andI- ll sprnt, hores hw e~d r]dinge xi- Members of the Athena debatet ceived her Bachelor of Arts degree ~i s~ Price has w "iltien the three as pra: .wh T!IIt to dane c bition snosorttciby ' egasus will be team, which includesCrl at frmMcia bu oryears aooeatplas ob presented thsZ y held t n igit. All women on campus1 grad., Eleanor Blum, '35, and Lucillet has done an unusuial and interest- Fiday night at the Laboratory 2 M5 tewM~r ick aes biiyi iigae ihm 3,hl asotdsuso ing piece of work. While a student Theatre. She has had previous ex-' fr e-hmnan > ircnt sponsr. "Any asked to jnic t at 7:15 o'iock in thej of the benefits of sororities and1 nerg, Miss Green took Professor ' penaence in writing though not in . ;.-, t : who is interested. lobby of the Leoag e Ii :iiing. fraternities in preparation for ther ,-"Ne's course in laywritIng n1o',the field of drama. However she! ifr <_ un ;, la ibr Gymnas- Original drils, s tu nts, and relays t~aet ehl ihZt h with the thought of a personal ca-! felt that drama ltlist be 11,,'i- i before thce cd of this week,"will feazture this she Bwich is to1 Eta, speech sorority, on April 26th.i reer as a dramatic writer. bile too mate mode of expjression, and has beld the r latterartt of May. A t coreas w.el as courses in been very succssful in this, her!se eiae. band will accotpay.thepr frt ~IffhT Play Production in order that she first attemnpt at portraying the life Practiee has been gon g n egu- mane. F.:1 women who trfy out ar 3P th~lI might prepare herself to foster thei and custom of her people in d_°a- lary, and the inrtiest of the ,p ar- to bring fity ciat. If there are LIIUIS I IiAflI It development of dramatic art in all ma. iopants is hlding, up well. We- any who wivll not be ble, to attend. its phases among the members ofl LearninifKS iCt a cor-c ras of-Mein must notify their dance grocup the t~yot the> honi call Con- her own race. fered here ii plnywriItng, Ms;, chaarmon i unable to attend Prac- stance Krentleu at 5718. T Pt In spite of almost unsurmounit-;Price came phore i r nd tt _« s Itc. and therpae]ilb: pie ulsnsiigoatc sbe il ',Ial ifclis is re a tr ~a s in the final cording to iss Gre n's own re-t1> W' .spseial etc ot. VWomefn who try out tonilit Entries for the spring te nis mrkngtey ssrte ihntan re-lma reatia;airge t o ocome out, will b^ cljile for memsb~rhip to ,tournament must be made by to- t a r v e yw s lars wihso ebe b ., knu- , a F VV % A i %M s inc , the pag ,eant; is not a tprfes- Pe1sus .1 night according 1;o Jean Porter, '34, MI~fJ O1LA Ccile Will Send Delegates to Dance Symposium Held .Here. Five colleges are sending groups to Ann Arbor to join the University of Michigan in a dance symposium, the second of its kind to be present- ed by American colleges, to be held here at 2:15 o'clock Saturday after- noon, April 30. The purpose of this symposium is a social get-together to see what other colleges and normal schools are doing , in the dance today and to incr eehe interest and broaden the z,1r is ,ndinp in this field, ac- cordin ,g to Miss Emily_ White, in- struc..or in physical education for womaen, who is responsible for bring;:inhe s ymposium to the Uni- verit of Michigan. CGroups have come together be- foref~rathlticcompetitions, buit this is the ;first time in this part of th- country that people have joined togethlier in the interests of the danIce. The iirst atternnt was made about two months ago at Barnard CoLeg-e. At this time Wellesley Col- lege, Smiith College, New York Uni- vir- it , and V1assar College came tog-ether -_o j ofin in the presentation of a dan;1ce symposium, the first of its kind in the country. Michigan is the second to follow. The colleges and normal schols that are expected to take partar University of Michig~an, Michigan. State Normal of Ypsilanti, Battle Creek Normal School of Physical Education, Central State Normal of Lansing, and Detroit Teachers' Cob. lege. Each group will give a half hour's demonstration of technique and dances to be followed by a summary by Miss Ruth Murray of Detroit. Anyone that is interested is invited to come. There will be no admis- sion charges. scripts, and a great faith in God."' Ch airs for the performance were Obtained from an old butgher in the neighborhood who supplied meat boxes. "Atmeria" includes a children's theatre, which introduces drama as r constructive activity into the lives of the "toughics" of the district. Several plays of merit have been Nt yOga", dSok-yF1m- ganiza tion nsnu dhl t U 'ittilrcento~ n fl -iVd~ d[ the homeoio' A011, {)feAS a ? is. Albert ..Legn, at 171 Cam-' bridge Ron U. Teorg ztinhsbfen in ex- istence for the: past t n e o ' fou l- recognized on 11his campus. T Four Sororities to Be in Charge Campfire Sorority is composed ofa of League Tea Given for1 group of women interested in p ro- me~ ;t i m1erecti 'uui1 Ie; Play Cast, and welfare. Any woman wh .c been a campfire girl, an d has Members of the cast, choruses, ed the degsree- of woocigaflierr IS and central committee of "No Man's eligible for membership. Land," this year's Junior Girls' ! Patronesses,- those womr1en"rwho play, will be honored at the eighth; are interested inspnoighs League tea, which will be held from work, are: Mrs. Clarce - n pe 4 to 6 o'clock :Friday afternoon in ;I Mrs. Eula Abeery; Mrs.Cnd the main ballroom of the League.. Gcorg, i'rs. R. P. Finley, ea Ms Four sororities will-combine in qtr-~ Albert Logara. ranging the affair, including' Alpha 1 Itiation Ocrem~oni eswrehl Phi, Kappa Delta, Phi Sigma Si gma. last week for the follow ing wv;on: and Zeta Tau Alpha. Ruthi Coles, '35. Car,,oline WiVser, '35,! A program of hits from the play Vera Andres, '2 l of Ann Arbor, will feature the entertainment, land Jeanette E. Putiman, '35, of some of the best numbers from the Willeamston. The active member- production being presented. Betty{ ship at present includes 'about Van Horn will feature the popularj twenty five \ or en. Accid "'u I"'gnera l pagean in he m 00:'. 'e rainks number 15 girl:.c- cap rdo th~e 96 s- pirant s wh'had Jened the page- aplt !'iV ' . i15tim~e. ~ T PDPT ICE 6 'lc- c ' aftrno.on for the roynenelc; a) U I ,ek.t the field 11: ~ ~ ~ F rni '( ~;;Rth Hassinger in pepaatio fo th round robin whic wil bgin.MonayApril 25. A lul Is ra i ~'. cessary for r 'eii~'I : 'dA lplayers may! ;ssu-e s'~hin. For the roundj i_ =i ix:,~e~ ae necessary for' a~~~~n an.Olyunehand pitching x~''I ~ i-ed Eaeswill be 45 feet! inlegh Games; may be played at 4'oclock and at 5 o'clock on Monday and! Wedncday.Three fields will be ini use so:; ha s .z teams may playj each our.Organizations must!I n u is toight for their tine Key im'~ fr playing. SU ed ''Wht the ye;1-dressed co-ed vil1 won; a c seenyesterda'y on ca n pln;>. ft{ v sanegg-yshlal polo s-noulder anid xlullsleves that be- camne snug iorigyhtu under -thzle elbow. The suggestioan of a hat, was the same colo-r as the coats and perched fan' over the rig ht; eye. Her "gilly tie" sport shoes wore of the same light; color aml ticed smartly over theo webbiest of hesm. A light beige; bag and loves comnpleted the out- f it. tennis manager. Women should sin up either at Barbour gymnas- ium or at the Palmer Field. house. Three separate tournaments will feature the season, a singles tourn- ament, intramural doubles, and mixed singles. Those who sign up also state which one they are en- t'ering. All sororities, dormitories, and League houses, arc eligible for the intramural doubles and they may enter as many teams as they wish. The mixed doubles will be held for both men and women. Permits to play on the women'sI ^ourts will be issued to those par- t icipating. The list of matches will be drawn uoand posted the latter part of the week in. the Palmer Field house. ,i A young lay with a flare for 1 he dramzatlo.con ixo'd sayt, if you h11 seen the V nioc' lckand whii costume wihoewomlan ciio".. for c.ampus -sear' o);.,Tuesday lmorn- A cleverly tiited coat with tri- angular lapl;,, al 7liued in white; corduroy, and s nary'vi skirt whirch extended wll below1,the knee, give that charm-ingly slim effe:ct often difficult to achieve in a 'two pieceI ensemble. A white cloche hat with the popular dhip over the right eye= accentuated the piquancy of the outfit. \Vrite and black spore shoes, a wite' patent leather bag, and whitec gloves completed the outft. SEE7THESE ETHYLE M. DIC MODISTE Streetwear for Coat 41ltcralio)"s-lli em DIAL 21129 620 EAST LIBERTY v ; a x k, "Hungry Co-ed," Virginia Murphy will sing some, of her songs, and Vinselle Bartlett a nd Margaret Schermnack will offer dance special- ties. TI' will be served from 4 to 6 o'clock, and Jean Botsford, general chairman, Margaret O'Brien., au- thor, Margaret Ferrin. assistant chairman, a nd Barbara Braun, treasurer, will pour. Maxwell Gail's orchestra will play for dancing, and tables will be available for bridge. Parrish Riker, '33, who played one of the leads in the play, is in charge of arrangements, and mnem- bers of her committee include rep- resentatives from the four houses concerned. They are Corrine Krent- ler, '32Ed, Alpha Phi, Jean-nc llcw- itt, '34, Kappa Delta, Helen Wald- man, '32, and Gladys Schroder, '33, Zeta Tau Alpha. Kappa Beta i In^-:.a es New Kappa Bet a Pt, legal sorority, for- mally initiated Lillian Kovinsky, ' 33, Pontiac, Michigan, on Wednes- day, April 6, in. the Cave of the League building;. The preceding da ly, ;election of of- ficers was hold. 'Those appointed to the various positions were: Helen Wiliet tocdean; Ka thIerAine1cmpfo E'3tL, rgsrr vit aulras skay, IML, social chairmn...,. _. . ;r tC 1 ! .i.! , ft ' N. . ft 'c 4, J}1 :i, }- R _' 1 3a _. A __ x; 1. , .,_ £Qi - , g 4 p'': ''-:f. : V Y .t Z ~ i hS( .. -' y .actg. ai>.. . . "' mylFnrse Q^,, i, sltf ^ Y 3 \ Nr r " l b K i .' , ,' Z .i - - - = .,t, fi ! - r a x a '+.., "? ~ YF' ' b, ... , f _ 1 -' _..-- , .f ',1 ,-._ , ;_y , ^ 1 r ; , : 1:,, _ -f _. _r - y ft r _ . _ t _.i4, . ".. . .. * ...z ;. 77 ' IOt f i i I No other ships like toe Mt~HEA17- casba .i~ rs 0esfhn 4 , I I i !, MOSTr STYLES a s, ^E'-'1' a :.r' k < i r- fa +' 4y , c .'.t" y7 935 s ;F;. ' ., 1 ". i1 t?, t n ;'( i. i :: z k;' ;..a r-i !. 4r'.' 2' R '4 a '''2 .2. 'j:=: ,\ -a t . , r90: 2 1 ;', ^ \ ,,3, ' ,N" x2? a '1 ' : C? '' J :_ )'.. t o to egnize ie ockfl Jacqueline quality a at Tly . ruted prices. A comnlete r n f i.r ndmaterials are now available for your approval. frf / The Styles Are SimlyExuisite! ~co Somne with rich fur triming, others in theclsc I tailored reefer and polo styles so popular for sports ' wear . and all of thema a real value at these I prices. I' (Lf401 4 I I