rovne '" THE MICHIGAN 'u ty is Published every morning except Monday during the University rt by the Board in Contro'l of Student Publications.t Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- >lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise dited in this paper and the local news published herein. FEntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secondt ss matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant tmaster General.f Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50] Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, :higan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.C EDITORIAL STAFF .ATelephone 4325TI * MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN ws Editor....................................David M, Nichol y' Editor ...................................Carl BForsytheC itorialDirector ............................'Beach Conger, Jr. rts Editor .............................. Sheldon C. Fullerton f men's Editor ..........................Margaret M. Thompsonr istant News Editor .......................... Robert L. Pierce NIGHT EDITORS nk B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stautei Sports Assistants an W. Jones John W. Thomas Charles A. SauforoS REPORTERSf nley W. Arnbeim Harold F. Klute John W. Pritchard nald F. Blankertz ohn S. Marshall. joseph Revihanf ward C. Campbell Roland Martin C. Iart Sehaaft mas Connellan II enry Meyer B~rackley Shaw ert S. Deutsch Albert H. Newman Parker Snyderf d A. Huber I:. Terome Pettit Glenn R. Winters t jam Carver Prudence Foster Margaret O' Rri-n V trice Collins Alice Gilbert Beverly Starkf ise Crandall Frances Manchester Alma Wadsworth e Feldman Elizabeth Mann Josephine Woodhams BUSINESS STAFFt Telephone 21214 ARLES T. KLINE ......... . .......Business Managei iRRIs P. JH oN . . . Assistant Ma ?aet and this was blown into high dunes, and cemented by the rain. 'And so, Best Beloved,' was written the second chapter of Bermuda. When I stand upon the summit of Nonsuch and look eastward toward Coop- ers, or south to Gurnet or west to Castle, I see every-, where the paper-thin records of past wind-borne sand (more euphoniously, aeolian), once fine as pow-' der, now hardened into limestone or very marble. And when I dive four or five fathoms down to the bottom of Nonsuch bay, or farther out, at Almost Island, on the edge of the ocean abyss itself, thereE again are everywhere the fixed records of ancient dunes." This is about the extent of the science he inflicts upon us, and a sugar-coated pill it is. But then!. . "Peering down I could see nothing but a. foggy blueness--it looked as if I were dropping off the rim of the world into starless naked space. I had no feeling of bottom at all; it was a real connecting link between my Almost Island meanderings and the miracle of view from the Bathysphere, two hundred fathoms down. I stopped halfway, swung around, and found myself clear off in cosmic space. There was no sign of reef below or surface overhead :. . a cloud shut qff the sun for the moment and the dusk' was eery--unlike any earthly twilight. The fog-blue spaces swirled past; I could actually see thinner and' denser areas, probably the shift of light from the face of the wave-mirrors high overhead. I swivelled half a circle and entered a galaxy-a whole constella- tion of great jellyfish . . . There came to me a pro-{ found feeling of the permanence of the evanescent; these one-half of one per cent of life filling the ocean with their myriads, with adequate provision for the future , Thus his masterly description of "dangling ... the supreme achievement in helmet diving." Well, he writes; 260 pages of delight, in as many3 moods as there are species. From sombre and CAL 2-12 T L DAILY Lost CLASSIFIED 4 tCALL J, 2-1214 "rz11 -L1LJ -ti, -i L111L1 )). 24 Meal Flat Rate, $9.00 SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY . .t 11 - . - 1- i School of Nrsing of Yale University A Profession for the College Woman interested in the modern, scientific agencies of social service. BACHELOR OF NURSING Present student body includes gradu- ates of leading colleges. Two or more years of approved college work required for admission. A few scholarships avail- able for students with advanced quali- fications. The educational facilities o.Yale Uni- versity are open to quaified students. For catafog and informtaion address: The Dean The SCHOOL of NURSING of YALE UNNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN . CONNECTICUT 4 = I . i i CLASSES NOW BEING FORMED Shorthand Stenotypy Typewriting Bookkeeping Calculator Dictaphone Secretarial Training DAY AND EVENING Hamilton Business College State and William Streets Ann Arbor, Michigan Phone 7831 .-! i II: )) 11 a I ;it AV V iC , s. v ,J 1 ..................... n a a c " ao~ . .,.- - thoughtful reflection he passes to supremely objec- ~dvertisingDepartment Managers-- zr Advertising . .... ........................ Vernon Bishop lve ecstasy; he never allows a single i1dea to become Advertisg Contracts............................harry R. Begley old h repetition. H simply . . . writes. He is. Advertising Service............................Byron C. Vedderty Publications...................................William T. Brows perhaps, one of the few essayists of today from whose AWon's Business Manager......................Ann W. Ve no: charm or power not a jot is substratced by analysis. ' AssstatsHe is... Beebe. Qrvi Aronson Arthur F. Kohn Donald A. Johnson, I-s -.eb W orth of Y our Confidence Gilbert E. Burley ernad S hnacke )ean 'turner Allen Clark Grafton W. Sharp Don Lyon RoBer Viina o benaer Good 1t f :I. ~ I~1~1~JML ' Through "Fifty Years of Faithful Service" this bank Maxne igrundye relin eosh rthryni Stcer has proved itself worth of the public's confidence. Katherine Jackson Helen S ebude (Plarei nger DAMIES FRANTZ Dorothy Laylin May Seefried glary Elizabeth WattA You, too, will find us worthy of your trust, and ready A Review by Jerry losenthal to serve you to the best of our ability. NIGHT EDITOR-JAMES H. INGLIS Without a doubt, one of the finest executed and i With this assurance, you are invited to bring your - brilliantly performe piano recitals yet heard in Anr ' banking business here. Both our Main and Branch WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1932 Arooreswer.icldn .paace o Arbor, or elsewhere (including appearances py mOre Office have complete banking facilities. ' famed individuals), was given last night in Lydia I Mendelssohn theatre by Dalies Frantz, young An Hopes Dwindle Arbor stucient. A program necessitating not only a Established 1882 ", \finished technical development but also a firm gras: for The Democrats of every bit of the expression which composers put into their works was his offering and, suffice it te iT HE Democratic party .appears at present to say, Frantz combined both these elements to a degree; - Ihave little chanice of success in the Presiden- which puts him in a class, not with the ordinary run F ~'v ' :ial election next November. For the moment, of younger piano prodigies who 'ao d fame through . riserC gin Ca De atiiK prospects seem quite black, although outwardly proportion, but where artistry is recogn:zed for what orth Main Street South State Street :hey are the best the opposition has had since 1916. it is worth.Noh Franklin Roosevelt, in the first place, seems True, he did not have the artistic nonchlance s- :o have the nomination sewed up. Delegation after characteristic of veterans and did appear to be more Member delegation has gone over to the New York gov- aware of his audience than seemed warranted but the Federal Reserve - ernor's camp, defeating "Alfalfa Bill" Murray and superb technique and sympathetic understanding of System Al Smith. And for this reason, party harmony, what he was about kept the well-filled theatre com- i highly desirable factor in such a year as this, pletely aware of the fact that here was a recital and t ias dwindled to a negligible amount. Even after an artist of importance. -- Mr. Raskob's prohibition outbursts had been ex- It is not merely a vagary on the part of this re- plained away, the future seemed rosy. Now comes viewer to say that Frantz, if he continues in the sam active oratorical opposition from the last candi- nanner as he portrayed last night, will go more thanr, late, former Governor Smith, who, it is rumored. a little distance in the music world. No one, whc nay get a few delegates from Massachusetts, and heard him play Mozart, Beethoven, Bach and Franc H nay also take to the stump for Hoover if Roose- without a flaw and with a truly remarkable expres- relt is nominated. sion will take issue to this for the faithful perform- This state of affairs is unfortunate for the ance of these four, grouped on one program, i Democratic party. And perhaps it indicates possi- nothing else, certainly prove the worth of any onc >le trouble should they put their candidate ipto the pretending to be more than an ordinary music roow White House. Governor Roosevelt is not the most piano player. E apable man they could select. But he has lined Frantz opened his program with Moza's "Sona- ip delegate after delegate, and unless he fails tc tine in C Major," which, as the composer and his ag met the two-thirds majority on the first few ballots, intended it, is a composition made for sheer an he apparently will be nominated. And this pros- absolute beauty. The very fact that Mozart is sc >ect has turned the thoughts of many doubting sheer and absolute is what makes him really diflicul Republicans back to the party. to interpret. Artists of no great ability can pla3 The Republican party, on the other hand, has Tchaikovsky, with all the interpretation and expres- yone ahead with confidence and harmony. Senator sion that the composer wanted and still not be goodcI prance is expected to lose heavily in his home but it takes more than the average musician to pla - tate in the primary, the only one to date in whicl a Mozart work with the necessary delicacy ant President Hoover's name has been entered. The finesse. Frantz, though not so impressive as in hi'. I ise of confidence in the present administration will following numbers, proved this point with a poignant >robably vindicate its course during the past three intelligence. gears at the polls next autumn. It was the Beethoven "Sonata in A flat MajorS which really showed the artistry of the protaganist W ENT OUT OF STYLE YEARS AGO One sensed that every bit of temperament, a definitN 3 0 ' S Irequirement for Beethoven, was being poured into hi. fingers, and followed by the trying and difficult Bach group, success was assured once and for all. Weber NONSUCH, LAND OF WATER, by William "Rondo in C Major," requiring a technical deftnes WHEN steam-heated houses and closed auto- Beebe (Brewer, Warren & Putnam, 1932) $3.50 too often lacking in those who play it seriously, fin- mobiles came into style; red flannels and ear (Review Copy Courtly of W hr's Bookstors) ishaed the first half of the program which kept onemoie caentsylrdfnesadea (C-f s smarvelling during the intermission. muffs went out. Time was when people pro- A Review The second half, every bit as important but not tected themselves against the weather with all by John Pritchard as glamorous since any doubts had already beer A remarkable balance of two elements-subject removed, included 'four more-modern composers sorts of heavy clothing n the outside -and all natter and style-is always apparent in the work Prokofieff, whose "The Love for Three Oranges," ha )f Beebe, who is director of the department of trop- passed the novelty stage, was the opener and th( kinds of hot, heavy foods on the inside. cal research of the New York Zoological society. His "March" from the aforementioned suite merely bore ubject matter-nature in all its manifestations-is out Frantz technical and expressive ability to the But no longer! Now, you'll find that winters rarious, wide in range, but never bewildering. His extent that repetition was necessary. seem much milder--and most of it is due to style, while it falls short, to a certain degree, of Lizst's "Sonnette del Petrarca" was the nexsto being impeccable, is nevertheless, in the humble offering and gave additional glory. "Der Jongleur," I modern living conditions. That's why crisp, )pinion of your somewhat immature reviewer, the by Toch was played as only young contemporary nost exotic in moden literature. artists can play it. I again state that it is the present ready-to-eat flakes at breakfast are such a One can find no important fault with "Nonsuch." and immediate generation of pianists who are only healthful dish. You feel better, work better, :t is the culmination of his artistic achievements. eligible to play modern composers: One cannot help Ws work in 1908--that popular book of essays called but have this contention borne out when he repeated- I and enjoy your meal more. 'The Log of the Sun"-was delightful; but through ly hears present day music as played by pianists in he years his experience has grown richer, his skill their twenties and thirties against the same rendered Try a bowl of Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes. nore pronounced, until at last he has reached the by the older ones who are entirely out of sympathyY polnt where his readers gasp at least once for every with what the new music stands for. You Mage. And that, when no sensationalism is involved,i Cesar Franck's "Prelude Chorale and Fugue," was these better bran flakes are s an achievement! }a fitting climax for the evening because of its power j UO4 Nonsuch, a somewhat mystifying word, is highly and varied motives, which though obviously meant; made of whole wheat with i scriptive. It is Beebe's name for Bermuda-not for organ, can be and was last night something which its rich store of nourish- he Bermuda of thirsty millionaires, but the Bermuda is exceedingly effective in the hands of an accom-; BRAN RKE >f nature-lovers. And however much of a scientist plished artistment. Just enough bran, BRA FARS0 m;,,, A;7 ,,+ 'S. , + + L . 1 -... ., , , . ,. . iv n1 .., 'U w