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April 20, 1932 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-20

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VVWr-DNEH iTlA.Y, AT,,.IL 20, 1932/



I')LY i3


_ _
--- --mac _ _.-...... _..

golf 'T'eam

toOe es AantNoaloda

fi - g ll st; Twosomel Will Tee off at
1:30 for 18-Hole Match on
nTiversh~y Couirse.

New Doedger Star


Michigan's Varsity golfers will
pry the lid off their 1932 schedule N
when they eng age Michigan State
Normal's six sman team this after-
Iloon Dver the University course.-
Thejc men will be sent out in pairs,
starting at 1:30 and every five nun-
utes thereafter.S
Gaptain JTack Lfecsty will lead ..-
the Wolve rines against'the liiurons
which will be led by Dunlap. Trhe
other mnemb~ers of. the Michigan
team in. addition to Lenfesty will beJh i<leJhn oad
AeJolE DatnadBbjMontaque. Each player will go the
18-hole route.I
Jolly Turns in Low Scare. r
Alex Jolly turned, in the low score
of the season yesterday afternoon
collecting a 72. John Fischer,
sophomore star and one of the na-j
tion 's outstanding young golfers,
who has been on the sick list for:
some time, demonstrated that hel ;
has not lost any of his old skill $ { _'
with the clubs by turning in a 76
for his first round of the year yes-
terday afternoon. Other " Scores ,Associated Press Phao
have been good for this time of T lonry ()ueini ll recently trade d
year, there having been another 76,j to ilroalklyiI by thae Cincinnati club.
three 77's and several 78's. uccinlello, in his first year in the
Coach Trueblood announced last blig tune played a good ga me at seye-
nigh;; that eight members of the anid base for the Reds.
freshman squad in addition to the __
10 Varsity golfers would be given
free playing privileges on the Uni- Tennis Singles Play
ver-sity course. Tiryouts for these
p1. yinprivileges are to take placeilSatM na
thae rem'ninder of this week and/
mI1 t1iliiy he onso 8jhs mail play are to be turncedr Another of the feature events of
in by t ho: e trying to qualify for the th-e Intramural sprig card is the
privlegd, lacs.ill-Campus tennis tournament.
,It ainCons-istent. Play is scheduled 1,o7hbginl next.
Irath e(tUalifying rotinds ,Q1, Monday, with 80 entries a Field or.
Putts aeto()he run down ;nd (eani;ls'to be narrowed down in the cumrin -
are to he attestAoi ednd turnled inl<At atioi. The throne has been vacated1
the club house. The eight fc h- by Willard Wilcox, wiio has joi[ned
nii eevn h oetsoe il h ast qa.be selected tentatively for the privi-1 Matches in the doubles division
leged berths, but in order to retain of the meet will be run olV' the fol-
these playing advantages they must lowing week.
keep their scores down or othc ;
scoring more consistently will b,=
given the(ir places.
Tlhe samregula, ti tionts regarding .
t he conisistency of their golf per-
.taming? to the first year mnen will
1 ip)dly 'also to thae 10 'varsity players.

Tennis Team iWorks
Out for Net Meet
Against Detroit vs
Iie c t'1(lfron.1the i iplxr'y I~oa id
,ourts of the Tuntram ural butiding;,
for the second loutIdoor pra( t~ieo of
the season, Michigan's Varsity ten -
ais squad went through a strelmuous
practice on the clay at Ferry Field
yesterday afternoon in the prepara-
zion for their initial competition
Nith the Detroit Tennis Club squad
ni Detroit next Saturday.
The Detroiters will p~resent, as us-
ual, an array of seasoned veterans.
Phle Reindel brothers, Barton,'IHib-
bard, and others will probably con-a
stitute thleir squad, which liaidily
1lefeatecl the Michigan teamn in last,
year's mnatch. The meeting of last
season, held at the Tennis Club on
courts soaked~by a persistent driz-
zle, thoroughly demonstrated the
ability of the veteran Detroiters un-
der any conditiohs.
Getting used to the bound of the
hall and the feel of the clay under
foot will probably constitute the
main part of the Maize and Blue
squad's task for the remainder of
the week.
Six matches will constitute the
competition at Detroit according to
the latest report, and Johnstone,
will probably rely on six veterans'
from last year's squad. They will
probably include R y an, Clarke
Reindel, Pendell, Clark, and Snell.

I. )et oil's Sl flni uh' :>
LI71 t St. Li ds' ))itc! ier:sfor

f llr o li B t ,

hits to winlthe flp ati, eof (A-hI
s(ries, 8 k) 0. W101(0 111I l 111e
Browns to : Ix hits. W:sh ,14 ii'-~z
mained ill first Place With Ht'!
'riger, by trouncing the Alt hietis,I
7 to 4.
St. Louis ... . 000 000 000---0 6 1
Detroit...... 500 030 00x___8 11 11
Stewart, Kimscy, Polli, and For-t
i-eli; Wiiitehill and llaywarth.
First Gamne:
New York.. 002 002 100--- 5 8 0
fBoon...... 410 000 lOx--- (>it)10 0
Al len , And rews, antd Dickey ; 1 J
hamn, Moore, an d (Coninolly.
Second G uInc:


thie )-jav Os Winning 8- to 7 onr Wally
Brestriple. l t fum 9oludet
tLhn'r ii-aut lpitchers for 14 hits,
New York ge'tting 15 Uf the deliver-
ic-s of Cunningham and Bl.andt.
Bill TPerry tied the ga. me in the
n inth with his second hormer o1
the gamne.
In the only other game scheduled
in the National League, the Phillies
' ,juped on Wa ,ite Lloyt oe, Shaute,
and J7ackQuti"n for thirteen hit:,
win tug easily, 10 to 2. Ray fBenge
jwent. the 1otitefor 1ilrilerhia and
Iwas tnot Scored on unil i the sixth
1whe itWright (loute d out a horper


N\ew NYork (iants and thel
firav(%, St!t.'d aI:mIi to-elin i-

32 nterfi-aternityJ
Ball.Nines to Beoin
Spt~ing Card Today
Wit'llhe01(a ailurahltiof the
Ibai. ceb)il I seasol i, 32 frat :triiity niines
5uiidy iit oe cllou il hloalOi Ii~i
ninsat. Soidtlt l rry Field thisj
afternoon. 60 teams have been di-,
vided iDnto five leagues for the corn-
Phi Sigmna Delta, champs for four
season-is, 'who have won 43 conisecu-
tive gamnes, will make a strong bid,
for the title again this year.
Faculty encil udependenlt teams
being fi1rnio(d will b):'gIn play next
week. 't'he MichiganIldetrs will de-
teiid their Tni epedent crown,
whil he ;riilie ob)its strive to keep
the faculty belt.
The schedule for tomnits games
follows; at 4:15---Alpha Kappa
Lambda -Delta P1hi.; Psi Upsilon-Phi
Kappa Lamibda: Delta Tau Delta-
Alpha Tau Omega; Sigma Chi-Phi
Kappa Tau; Delta Kappa Epsilon-
Theta Delta Chi; Chi Psi-Sigma Al-
ohia Mu; Pi Lambda Phi-Chi. Phi;
Delta Sigma Pi -Delta Upsilon.
At 5:15 the games are carded: Phi
Lambda Kappa-Delta Sigma Phi;
Sigma Nu-Pi Kappa. Alpha; Phi Sig-
ma Delta-Sigma Phi; Phi Gamma
Delta-Phi Chi; Beta Theta Pi-Phi
Sigma. Kappa; Tau Delta Phi-Theta
Xi; Phi. Kappa Psi-Theta Chi; Del-
ta Sigma Phii-Kappa Delta Rho;
Phi Mu Delta-Lambda Chi Alpha.

Willis JWard Is Heavily Counted
on to Score Points.
Freshman track, whose outdloor
season is scheduled to opei. May 7
in. a duel with Illinois, is progress-
ing in its daily practice seosions
with Coach Doherty. An abbreviat-
ed spring program, consisting of
the tilt with the Illini yearlings and
another telegraphic meet with Ohio
State's freshman team, was an-
nounced yesterday.
The yearling thinclads are show-
ing especial promise in the hurdles,
the high jump, the broad Jump,
and in the distance events rather
than the dashes.. In the added out-
door evens, the star: of the Javelin
Willis Ward, the hope of the year-
ling aggregation, U s!absent from
track practice for the sake of spring-
football, but he is expected to b~
back for the meet' in time to take
the high jump laurels, in which he,
holds t h e all - American inter-
scholastic record, and to run up a
score in the hurdles and the broad
jump, in which he set new fresh-
man marks.
In the telegraphic meets during
the indoor season, Doherty's cinder
aspirants lost to both the Buckeyes
and the Illini, but with the added
practice and the addition of new
Imen expected to turn out, the
freshmen are ceded at least a fifty-
fifty chance to pull off their coup.

New York . 102 000 360 6' 11 1 ; with B-oone on first. The Phillies'
Boston....... 001 110 000_-- 3 6 4 p litcher alwd 0only five hits and
Rhods ad Dcke; Lienbe ad Istruck out seveon batters. Hack Wil-
BRry. adDcky Lsn I n son, B ooklyn slugg-er, was out of
Washington 203 100 001- 7 15 0 Itegm u oa nuyt i
Philadelphia 000 030 100-- 4 11 1. leg.
Weaver, Marberry, and Spencer; j Pos. . 000 011 3101 000 2- g814 1
Walb erg, Reminl, and Cochrane,1 N. Y. . 000 012 003 000 1- 7 15 3
eving. ICirnninghiam.,lBranch, and Spoli-
Cleveland .. 000 000 211- 4 9 41 rer; Walker, Luqluo, lubbell, and
Chicago .... 001 001 000- 2- 5 1 O'F arrell.
Philadelphia 2930 210 032-1.0 13 1
YESTERDAY'S HOME PUNS r Brooklyn ... 000 002 000---- 2 5 2
Combs (2)............. New York I Only games scheduled.
Dickey................ New York
Gehrig................New York YESTERD)AY'S HOME RUNS
Lazzeri............... New York Terry (2) .............. New York
Cronin.............. Washington Wright...................ooklyn

(';etldidate's fcw if'(-hnuwn tren-
lily team 3 'creit to In- tayion
Dr. May's gymnastic classes who
hjave selected teninis for srn
John .lohmmstonev, Tennis Coati.

This fine store is not agoing out of bu umess, but
due to constantly changing conditions we find ourselves
overstocked. Oui- stock consists of the finest trierchan-
dlise made. Spring is here, you need many new things
to complete your wardrobe, our prices are surprisingly
low, based on today's wholesale prices. We are show-
ing the same high quality merchandise you have been
accustomed to getting here, the best fitting clothes in
the city. Why? because we are the only real tailors
in Ann Arbor, in the ready to wear business. M'Ir. Del
Prete designed the Michigan model, buys the woolens,
and fits each man to perfection in his own shop, thus
guaranteeing you perfect satisfaction. Come in today.
See what we offer. Compare.


°'r /tas/e-

1030 p.m. E. S.T. 10:30 p. m.E. S.T. 10 p. m.' E.S .
SHILKRETS ORCHESTRA every night but Sunday


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