THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 1 ~, ~932 1F ished every morning except Monday during the University the Board in Contro of Student Publications. ber of the Western Conference Editorial Association. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- >n of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news published herein. red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second tter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assislant er General. cription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 es: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, i Phones Editorial, 4925; iuiiness, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2S MANAGINf; EDIT1OR RICHlArIU1,,L.TOB IN itor ...................................David M. Nichol tor.............. ......................... Carl I'orsythe Director........................Beach Conger, Jr. ditor-........ ...:e:M T..........hldon C. l tl lrt(n Editor.............................r.r:etr M. ehrpsoe News l'ditr.........................Robhert 1. Piere CAMUS OP NWON Lelters pulshedl id'n this column shoul not he co str ed as expressmng the editorial opinion of The Jtil-. Anoiymois ern- nimnications will he disregardc'd. The nans of coflimnn icants will, howecver, be regard(l as confidetial upon reunest. ('on tih- utors are asked to Le brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. SAL0E SPRING SUITS All shades $OO All Alterations t C t 1319 South Un'versity WANT ADS PAY 'ii is To The Editor: r NIGHT EDITORS t. Ciilbreth J. Cdljen K'nnedy Jame( Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosettal IKarI Seifl'ert George A. Stan Inglis Jones W. Arnheim F.. Blankertz C2. C;ampbell COnnlellanl i. i eutsch einber Sports Assistants J o!l WV. Thonias REPORTERS Ibrold F. KMute lliin S. Al ;irshll Rld "Matin Ilry lM< yer Allbert 1. Newman .;. cerome Pettit Pr-udence foster Alice Gill,(: t rance l r:ihester fElizabeth Mann Charles A. Sanford' John W. Pritchard 1 '. i lt Schaaf k rack!& y Shaw P arker Snlr Clen I,. Winters Margaret ' ri'n I sepecrl mStark I lma \adsu'orila Josephine Woodhatins Carver e Colling Cranall eldnuan BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 rME TI. K.IN........................ Business Manages S . IJOHNSON ....... .. .Assistant Manage Department Mansagers ing ...... ...................... ...... Vernon Bishop ing Contracts-...........................arry R. Begley ;ing Service............................Bytroni C. YeddeT ions .... ..............................Wllinam I howi ----........................ ichardStrt"i 's uSniness MAnager:t'.......... .... ........Ani W. VerrIlU American students may be proud that J. F. Green, Yale, 1932, in addressing the World Disarmament Conference in Geneva as representative of the Na- tional Student Disarmament Council (U.S.A.) made a deep impression on the delegates. Following are the' main points of his speech: "After contemplating the events preceding the catastrophe of 1914 we remain unconvinced as to the wisdom of our predecessors. . .. We respect the noble war dead, but we question the judgment of those responsible for their death.I "Organized slaughter, we realize, does not settleE a dispute; it merely silences an argument.... "The other speakers have much at stake; we have even more, for we are literally fighting for our lives. I stand before you as an attorney for the defense, pleading for a reprieve. It is my generation which will be called upon to surrender all we consider worthwhile in life in order to become targets for machine-gun bullets and victims for the latest poi- sonous gas. It is the young men and women of my age who will be commanded to commit suicide. It is my generation which will be requested to destroy the best of human culture, perhaps civilization itself, for causes which future historians will discover to be erroneous, if not utterly stupid or actually vicious. We have thir lost interest in being prepared for cannon fodder. "In a sense, I am presenting an ultimatum, rather than a petition. For behind your deliberations stands staring down at us the specter of Death. We desire to live and to live at peace. We desire to construct a world society providing freedom, equal opportunity, and a sense of security. We desire to make possible for every human being full development of person- ality in terms of thqe highest human and spiritual values we know." The universality of these ideas is demonstrated in a remarkable manner by "Broken Lullaby," a film based on the play of a French author, directed by a German, and marvelously portrayed by an American cast. "Broken Lullaby," the talkie now playing as the "Majestic" theatre fulfills all the demands to be made of a work of art in the highest degree. To use Tolstoy's terminology, "It infects the spectator with the feeling which the artist experienced." Maurice ! Rostand, the famous French author, is the artist in this case. Those who are seeking a solution of the great problem of our day: War-Peace-Religion, are urged to see this film which combin~es great actin; with a wonderful theme. Nancy Carroll seems little suited to her role but L. Barrymore and the rest o" the cast are hundred per cent satisfactory. The film runs through Tuesday. F. S. Onderdonk. Ii-___________ .__ _ _________ _______ _______ Residential Summner School Julfie / - u 'ina i i,. rt Country Freneh staff. Only iFrench spokcm. Elecnentary, Intermediate, A di y a ii c c d. etertainments, sigto cig sors etc Fee $140, Board ad Tution, June 27-July 30. Write for cir- cular t'o Secretiry, JResid.tmla French Summer School. McGILL UN"VERsITY A-3 2 Montreal, Canada F R E NC H CO ca S __ I.. ROWN-CRESI INVESTMENT SECURITIES ordv. oomid ow of ex. -hngg Account orned e #iervtlve margin. Wophon.- 2327 ANN ARBOR RST BLDG. to ROCS ....,. 1 "and.2E.U W a. a OD A",istants Flronson Arthor F. Kohn E. Bursley 7irnai'd SrlnaCke lark Grartoo WV. Sharp Fiau m J ,'' ' I onald A. Johnson, Ii Dean Turner Don Lyon Bernard' it, Good a Pecer Virginia Mc Comib II den Spaencer ne Fischgrund Caroline Aosher >lua'Spencer Gallnueyer Ihelen Olson i~aibryn Stork erine Jackson flelen Scer ide glare Unger thy Laylin May Seefried Mary 'lzabeth wats NIGHT EDITOR-KARL SEIFFERT TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1932 loosing the )unCil President 'HE Student Council, which has been making an honest attempt to instill some spark of lent government into a campus where student ernment seems impossible, is now confronted h another dilemma. The problem that they facing is the method of election of a president heir body. The Councit has repeatedly reftised to recog. campus political parties on the campus. They rn, unjustly we believe, that when a man be.. tes a member of the Council that he burns his :y bridges behind him. They are further convinced that the president heir body should come from the Council itself, e the man that has this position should know ething of the workings of the campus. Assuming these two premises, their problem ames this, shall the Council itself elect its ident, from the junior members, and thus blish an oligarchial governing group, or shall' president be chosen in an all campus electiorn h the junior members as nominees, and thus w political parties to chose their men. The Council has gone on record as supporting mipromise which is even more dangerous. They e decided t1'at they shall pick two candidates n their junior representatives and allow the pus to chose bletween them. This plan presents both the faults of the other. possibilities. It both establishes a political; archy and also allows campus politicians to e the final word. At any time that the Council tains a majority of men from any campus party. men from the same party will undoubtedly be candidates. Since, regardless of what the Council says or .ks, politics will enter into any election held n the Michigan campus, it would be far wiser the Council to put all four of the junior repre- -atives on the ballot and let the campus politi- s, rather than Council politicians, fight the e out. 5 1.css asn .i 5jj t.,. 2 2.ryt t 1 At %00 l"2' S"7' .19,31 MADE HISTORY IN SHIP ELECTRIFICATION BECAUSE the combined horsepower of turbine-electric equipment irl- stalled and now in process of construction passed the one million mark during the year. BECAUSE the President Hoover, first all-electric ship built in America for commercial transoceanic service, completed its first round trip to Asiatic ports. BECAUSE the Talamanca,'the first of the largest e4ectrically propelled fleet ever laid down, was delivered to its owners. BECAUSE elec- trification-an American contribution to marine transportation-was adopted by the leading shipbuilding countries of the world. BECAUSE, on the high seas and on inland waterways, electrically propelled ships established new records for speed and continuous operation. 0 General Electric engineers not only pioneered the application of electric propulsion, but have made many contributions to its development during the last two decades.- By th complete electrification of the President Hoover, and the six new ships of the United Fruit Company's fleet, college-trained General Electric engineers have made another striking contribution to American shipbuilding and world trade. GENERAL *ELECTRIC y.C ' dJk. EXCUSES Health Service When the creation of the Health Service here was proposed in 1912, it was predicted that the depart- ment would become little more than an excuse bureau. If some students had been given their own way, the prediction would probably have been true to an unfortunate extent. The question of excuses has not run away with the department, but it has always been a minor problem. It is a problem in al? such departments of colleges where excuses for class absences continue to be required. Soon after the establishment of the department in 1913, the present policy with regard to excuses was adopted. The policy is based upon the desire te conserve professional service for the most important medical assistance to the student and incidentally to assist the class instructor. There is good theoretical ground for requiring all class absence because of ill-E tc' - inl -. th. hi.. tr..s hi'.nlk 1-i- r, t tv-n b-rn , an t' i n, in s t-o i ne s Lo clear arough Gs epJar mn, it has not been found advisable and only in particular situations. itu IId pracb ce '.It is desirable I I TC and ]DRAMA I rious notes of interest have come to the atten- >f this department, among which include a recital by one of the better of modern com-1 which took place in Detroit last week, another recital tonight by Dalies Frantz who ranks e of the better pianists on campus, some com- on the May Festival program, not long distant. ecent plays in Chicago and Detroit. night's piano recital which takes place at 8:15 C in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre will bring one outstanding piano students on campus to the rt stage. Frantz recently received the Naum- Award which he won in competition with pian- 'om every part of the country. As a result ci access, the Naumberg Foundation will present a his New York debut next fall. antz has also won the Detroit Symphony orches- uditions and, as an example of what ability >uthful artist has, received a standing ovation recital he gave' with that organization a short ago. Guy Maier, Arthur Schnabel, of Berlin, The policy is to supply only counterstamped state- ments of facts of illness or clinic attendance which are verifiable by office records. These facts are to be used by the instructors or whom ever they con- cern, as a basis for excuse or not as they choose. There is no apparent reason for changing the policy. although it is subject to possible abuse and frequent- ly results in unpleasant student reactions. Thcre is good reason to think that these state- ments have been forged by students and a statement cannot be refused a student who reports at the clinic at a certain time however much professional and other student time is wasted in trying to account for an alleged but obscure symptom. An unpleasant situation often arises when a stu- dent asks for a statement of prior illness for which no service was given and of which there are no defi- nite signs. Instructors sometimes send the student for such statements. It is obviously impossible for the department to issue a satisfactory statement of fact covering most of such situations. Emotional signs of resentment are apt to occur before the stu- dent appreciates that his word should be as good to the instructor as to a physician. Mature and thinking students in such situations have admitted that requested statements should not be issued. Time consuming explanations are sometimes required be- fore the student appears to understand how worth- less our statements would become if they were issued every time a student did not feel like getting up for an eight o'clock at which an unexpected written was given. The student may need to be told that his own opinion of and respect for the service in general would fall if he knew that statements and signatures were issued with so little concern as to the real facts. I It is true that students may need only a day's rest in bed. which they should be encouraged to take for an ocasional cold, but this department should be c lled upon to i:ue only such statements as are COLLAR I.JOLiERS - _T 2 . EVE N SETS CUFF i.NK' - CuLLARi BUTT'NIa C.'LAU P'iNs KCUFFr UF TON PIP (for mnn ) A SK any girl you know to nape her favorite smoke-for men! Ten to one she'll say a pipe! She's discovered-trust her bright little eyes-that it's the BIG men, on the campus and off, who welcome the mental stimulation and relaxation they get from this real. man's smoke. And if she's very wise in the ways of smokers, she'll go one better than that. She'll tell youu the men who know, smoke Edgeworth! She likes a pipe- No two ways about it, you do get a doubly satisfy- ing smoke wren you fill up your pipe with this famous old blend. It's a happy combination of choice burleys - cut long to give you a cool, slow- burning smoke. And its mellow flavor and rich aromahavemade Edgeworth the favorite pipe tobacco on 42 out of 50 cam- A real man's smoke- puses. Help yourself to a pipeful next time someone pulls Edgeworth out of his pocket. Pick up the familiar blue tin yourself at any good tobacco stand. Or for a special free sample packet write to Larus & Bro. Co., 105S. 22d St., Richmond, Va. SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleYs, with its natural savorenncdyEde In.Yarsity Laundry Service I h moues rrr There Is Economy 11 new. [ 4 HE0 worth's distinctive t