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April 08, 1932 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-08

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. Ii

ublication in the
f the University.
he President until

Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.



No. 139


President and Mrs. Ruthven will not be at home on Sunday, April 10.
le student tea on Wednesday, April 13, will also be omitted.
Automobile Regulation: The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for
e Spring vacation period beginning on Friday, 12 noon, April 8, and
iding on Monday,.8 a.m., April 18. W. B. Rea,
Assistant to the bean.
Diploma Fees Payable Now!
Early settlement is necessary for the preparation of diplomas. In no
se will the University confer a degree at Commencement upon any
udent who fails to pay this fee before 4 o'clock, p.m., May 25. In case
.e Faculty does not recommend any payor, the fee will be refunded on
rrender of receipt for payment. The above applies also to fees for all
ecial certificates.

Seldom publicized is the work of
the Bureau of Co-operation with
Educational Institutions,theadedby
SProf. G. E. Carrothers of the educa-
tion school. It is this department
which makes it possible for stud-
ents from 600 accredited high
schools in Michigan to enter the
University without having to sur-
mount the barrier of an entrance
The bureau has until this year
existed as the Division of High
School Inspection. By action of the
University council last February, its
work was extended to include co-
operative activity with junior and
senior colleges in the state, in or-
der to keep courses of study ap-
proximately parallel, and thus re-
lieve the-difficulty usually found in

Sachs, Speaking on Nimctcentlh
Century, Calls It Most

transferral from one college to an-
Of primary importance, however,
is the routine work that occupied
all the time of the bureau before
its activities were extended. Ap-
proximately 600 of the 725 high
schools in Michigan have been ac-
credited-several of them, notably
Ann Arbor high, for more than half
a century.
Although most of these are larg-
er schools, there arq in the list 51
with only thiee teabhers, and 101
more having only four on the fac-
ulty. With figures of this sort, the
uninitiated may question the value
of the accrediting process.
Nevertheless, the decision is so
important that the North Central
Association of Colleges and Second-I
ary Schools, an organization com-
prising 2,480 high schools in a wide
region, requires that a Michigan
school must be accredited by the
Uniiversi ty before it can be passed
by the associatioo. Michigan has
entered 211 of its schools iii the as-
sociation, or nine per cent or the
Tr roe (cofinite standards, relating
1o preparation of teachers, teaching
load, and equipment, must be met
before a school is held eligible to
seid its students to the University
withoilt an entrance examination.
First, all teachers of academic
:subjects must have a college degree.
Although at present this railing is
limited to academic teachers, the
bureau is lookin3 toward extension
of pl J>rinciple to include each
's en ii re faculty. A develop-
I, ,l; in 1 . his (i reetion is evidenced
H rm, jifp'roar worked out by
. . V. Mloore of the m iusic
chou1, (ral ining a four-year 1)ro-
' IOU ; I i isiteachers to imeet
Stieli;:, rtqgii'i~neflt. The programn
has hot as yet been approved..
Leder of 'Bolters'

One Case Discovered in Senior
Class; 21 Per Cent Found
at Pennsylvania.
Michigan senior mnecrcal students
are healthier than the medical stu-
dents of Pennsylvania, at least as
far as tuberculosis is concerned, ac-
cording to recent investigations. X-
ray examinations of the medical
students in Pennsylvania authori-
tatively reported as showing defi-
nite evidence of tuberculosis infil-
tratio'in 21 per cent of the seniors.
This is an unusually high percen-
age. A similar study of MichiganI
senior medical students has just
been completed with the finding of
only one very early case. This is
only 0.8 per cent and checks with
the health service's other exper- 1
iences with the disease.
The Health Service for March this
year showed a great increase over;
March, 1930, in the number of dis-
pensary and room calls, infirmary,
and hospital patients, and acute
r ir fn infopin rrntirr



Donald Loftus, '6, told Chicago
police that he singlehanded had
roblwd more than a dozen hanks
from California to.Ohio, and taken
more than $100,000 loot. ie was
arrested at Mishawaka, Ind.

Candidates for degrees or certificates should AT ONCE fill out card
offlce of the Secretary of THEIR COLLEGE or SCHOOL, pay the
ashier* of the University and have card receipted, and file indicated
etion of this receipted card with the Secretary of THEIR COLLEGE
SCHOOL. (Literary College students please note that blank forms
iould b- obtained and receipted cards filed in the Recorder's Office,
om 4, University Hall.)
Please do not delay till the last moment, but attend to this matter
once. We must letter, sign, and seal approximately 2,500 diplomas
i1 certificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early
tyment of the fee and the resulting longer period for preparation.
Shirley W. Smith,
Vice-President and Secretary of the
University of Michigan.
Fhe Cashier's Ofllce is closed on Saturday afternoons.
Season May Festival Tickets: The "over the counter sale" of course
ekets for the May Festival will begin Monday, April 18, at the School
Mu"Isic offece.
Orders received by mail or left at the office prior to that date, will
filled in sequence in advance. Course price $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 (six
ncerts), except that if Festival coupon from Choral Union season
ket is returned, the price is reduced to $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 each.
Students, School of Education: Permission to drop courses without
" grades will not be given after Friday, April 8, except under extra-
dinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped un-
s it has been reported jn the office of 'the Recorder of the School of
ucation, Room 1437 U. Elementary School.
Women Students Remaining in Ann Arbor During Spring Vacation:
e have in the office of the Dean of Women a list of houses which will
open during spring vacation for girls who are staying in Ann Arbor.
Sorority House Presidents: If any sorority houses are to be open dur-
spring vacation, please notify the office of Dean of Women at once.
Actuarial Examinations will be held in Room 406 Mair Library on
nday, April 18, from 9-12 a.m. Afternoon examinations in Room 3201
gell Hall from 1:30-4:30.
An Exhibition of 51 paintings from the 3tth annual exhibition of
e Art Institute of Chicago is being shown in the West Gallery of the
unmni Memorial Hall under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Associa-
1n. The exhibit will be open from 1:30 to 5 o'clock until April 12.

Presentation Sabers Attached
to Programs Bearing Seal
Selected by R.O.T.C.
Miniature black an( gold presen-
tation sabers engraved "U. of M.
'32" have been chosen as favors for
this year's Military ball. The tiny
swords are attached by-a blue tassel
to a dance program bearing the
University seal.
These favors are more ornate
than those of last year. The scab-
bard is of fiber, and the handle
inset .with black enamel. They are
of the same length, eight inches
Purchasers of tickets may secure
them at the ball or at Balfour's.
Ticket sales to R.O.T.C. men were
started Thursday. They will be
thrown open to the public immedi-
ately after spring vacation. Mem-
bers of the Army and Navy club
may purchase them during vaca-
Although the orchestra will not
be made known until students re-
turn, members of the music con-
mittee stated that it is popular on
the campus, and played at one of
the largest class functions last year.
Try dropping in some
t i m e, for delicious
home made ice cream
-It's good!-So are
the other foit n ta in
specials at
Sugar Bowl
109 South Main'

Addressing more than 150 persons;
in the west gallery of Alumni Me-
morial hall, Paul J. Sachs, profcs-
sor of fine arts at Harvard and as-
,, iate director of the F mu-
Seum, thoroughly covered the a t of
Prance d(1 j wrin 1r1 i Wi tee II.n 3
"No period,' id ' ,r>0 IIS
-was ever more cncos( t r
than was this one. Yet i v
pended more u po the isoi jiasi
for' theimisirto ha nth(-
age preceding them."
Professor Sachs correlated the
art movements of that century with.
the political developments. "The
neo-classic movemen, he said,
"approximated the revolution of
1789, the romantic movement was,
coincident with the revolt of 1830,
the period of realism began with
the revolution of 1848, ihe time of
impressionism came with the agi-
tation in 1870 and the cubist move-
ment preceded the cataclysm of the
World War."
Illustrating his lecture fully with
many slides, Professor Sachs refer-
red to every important painter and
drawer of the nineteenth century,
dwelling at great length upon the
leaders of each movement.
"The greatest masters of this
century," he said, "copied with rev-
erent care the work of their pred-
ecessors before tlley felt able to do
creative work themselves. Through-
)ut this restless century, however,
they were always searching for a
new ideal in art. Influenced pro-
foundly by the political upheavals
of the times this endless search
found expression in the large num-
ber of artistic movements."
Professor Sachs is a well-known
authority upon this subject, having
done a great deal of research in it.
He was secured for this lecture by
the Ann Arbor Art association and
Mrs. Bradley-Moore Davis, its pres-

resprauory nieconsi. ie num- .
ber of dispensary calls jumped from History of Sororities
7,18 to 10,209; the number of room -
calls from 194 to 264; infirmary pa- (Contivitted From Page 5.)
tients from 116 to 165; while the ty was established in April, 1885,
number of hospital patients drop- with six charter members. It was
p!d from 40 to 22. not organized from a local group,
The February increase in colds but was founded from the outside.
continued until about March. The Prominent Delta Gamma alum-
colds were generally'mild, although nae include Grace Abbott, chief of
there were the usual complicntions the children's bureau in the Unit-
nd (ft death. ed States department of Labor;
--------Ruth Bryan Owens, daughter of the
late William Jennings Bryan, and
Omember of the House of Represen-
tatives; Ada L. Comstock, former
clean of wmna h nvriyo
Minnesota and Smith college, and
Flpresidentof Radcliffe college since
1923; Edith Abbott, of the Univer-
sity of Chicago faculty, a social
Professor Says Junior College worker, and author of several books
Transfers Show Better on social service work; Elsie Sing-
master, novelist; Margaret Wilkin-
Scholarship. son, poet and author, and Mrs. Har-
riet Connors Brown, author of the
Superiority in scholarship over all famous "Grandmother Brown's
other groups is evidenced by junior Hundred Years."
college students who enter the
University in their fifth semester, Four schools next fall-possibly a
according to a recent article by fifth-will have Gopher talent di-
Prof. Wray H. Congdon of the Edu- recting their gridiron squads for
cation school, writing in the Junior the first time.


College Journal.
A statistical study of three groups
- students entering from high
schools, from junior 'colleges, and
from higher institutions - indicat-
ed this superiority. The figures
were taken from a study of the
graduating classes from 1924 to
"So far as this study is indica-
tive," says the article, "the follow-
ing conclusions seems to be estab-
lished; the junior college students
have higher scholastic records be-
fore entrance than either of the
other groups; they maintain this
superiority during their period at
the University; they have fewer
cases of disciplinary action; they
graduate more individuals; they
have a smaller number leaving with
doubtful scholarship records; and
more members of the group receive
honors at graduation."


Associated Press Photo

Solid Brick
Tutti Fruitti

Cosmopolitan Club
.ational Program of

members are cordially invited to attend the In-
the Perry school, Packard street, at 8 o'clock.

Mrs. Ruth Haynes Carpenter will
head a delegation of bolting Minne-
sota democrats to the party's con-
vention in Chicago to contest for
seats with "regulars" from her state
who favor the nomination of Gov.
Franklin Roosevelt.


University Lectures
Monday, April 18, 4:15 p.m., in Natural Scie ice Auditorium, Dr. A. C.
ward, Cambridge University, England: "Plant Records of the Rocks"
Friday, April 29, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium, Pro-
sor R. H. Whitbeck, of the University of Wisconsin: "Life on the
gentine Pampas" (Illustrated).
Friday, April 29, 4:15 p.m., Room 2003 Angell hall, Professor W. A.
ifather, Head of the Classical Department, University of Illinois:
wvels of Culture."
Research Club: The annual memorial meeting will be held Wednes-
y, April 20, at 8 p.m., in the Ballroom of the Michigan League. Papers
"Spinoza," by Professor DeWitt Parker, and "Leeuwenhoek," by Dr.
ri V Weller will be presented. The members of the Women's Research
ub and the Junior Research Club are cordially invited to attend.
Faculty Women's Club: The annual luncheon will be held at the
chigan League, Thursday, April 21, at one o'clock. Dues may be sent
Mrs. C. B. Joeckel, 841 Oakland, or may be paid at the luncheon.

Phone 23181


Main Streets' Only Night Club

x y '._ , Cy
A kN~ :


Featuring "Benny" Benson's Wolverine
No Cover Charge
Dancing-6 to 7; Fri., Sat. and Sun.-10 to (?)


i 6

esbyterian Young People's Society:
tudent Forum at 6:30. The,--
in is to be in charge of the
r Sunday School-

Sunday-Social Hour at 5:30,I1



.... -- .p.. .. ..1 ,--- - ------ . __ _ , , .er .
- .: :


1 R 7s go s
col er tea

Banners Are Cheaper
Now's the time to decorate-For one we we are offering our




The enviable record you have made during the past month
at the Western Conference, the National Intercollegiate, and
the National A. A. U. meets has brought to Michigan not only
every collegiate title in your sport, but a high place in non-col-
legiate competition.
We sincerely appreciate the fine work your have done, and
extend our heartiest congratulations.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank



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North University

Orgdnized .1869



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fingerle operated


open during vacation


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