THE MICICAN DAILY PAGE ............ fiw? 719 i 1 , n aa r COM MITTEE Ioma,."'Astrologer W Has Many Clients; B" E [[CJ[O 'Future' Costs $ DANCE TICKETS TO GoOe O NSLE PLAYS M BE SUBMITTED NOW! 50 - i History of Sororities DELTA GAMMA [By Margaret O'Brien] Although it was founded in the symbols across it, but this was south, Delta Gamma has granted changed i4 1879 to a large gold an- almost no charters in that region, chor, which was customarily worn and it was not until recently that it at the throat. The present pin is .I 1 In the days long before the ex- tent of the universe was ever WEU1 dreamed of, some dreamy Babylon- ian in his mud brick house had the nmnitte Names Nominees for colossal conceit to imagine that the Five Positions on stars in their courses had an influ- ence on the lives of his fellow Central Board. Babylonians, and from su'ch simple ---.beginnings much of the superstition ISS LLOYD TO SPEAK ( of modern times has sprung. Evangeline Adams, the most cele- Counil ill ondctprated of all modern astrologers, liciary Council Will Conduct has established by her accuracy Meeting; to Be Held in and apparent sincerity a flourish- Lydia Mendelssohn. ing practice that the court seers of the middle ages well might envy. i She has, testifies the Christian Cen- etionsor the cJnrals o - tury, made America from its busi- of the 1933 Junior Girls' Play nes38 magnates to its housewives, be held at 4:15 o'clock, on Wed- star-conscious. day, April 20, in the Lydia Men- Whether by sheer guesswork, in- sohn theatre, according to Sal- tuition, inside knowledge, or actual occult power of perception, Miss Ensminger, 32. Adams /has prophesied accurately Nominate Five Positions. the outbreak of the world war, the ominations for the five positions stock market crash of 1928, and the -e been submitted, and are as deaths of many an important per- ows: for general chairman, son. Her personal and group horo- nces Manchester and Ruth Rob- scopes have spread the length and )n; assistant chairman, Marion breadth of the Fnited States, with .dings and Alta Place; chairman the result that she is now able to finance, Elizabeth Cooper and charge $50 for a single consultation. ,h Lovejoy; chairman of proper- Around her whirl numerous satel- Ruth Kurtz and Annie McIn- lites, whose total incomes are stag- and for chairman of pro- gering, and whose influence on ms, Prudence Foster and Cor- the supposedly hard-boiled Yankee e Fries. minds is amazing and significant. Negotiations Are Being Carri on With Noted Orchestras for League Party. ed Sen icr Women Will PresentI Performance at Annual Senior Supper. ese names were submitted by mmittee consisting of the two omore representatives on the d of directors, Ruth Duhme and on Giddings, with the addition ae other sophomore whom they e, Frances Manchester. Furth- ominations may be made from floor, although all proposed idates must be eligible. To Choose Committee. ter the election of the central nittee, the successful candi- s will choose a general com- e which includes a chairman tumes, two chairmap of danc- chairman of music, chairman ublicity, and a Daily assistant, rman of ushers, and chairman akeup. Some of these will be e this spring, other additions g made in the fall. I members of the class should ad the meeting, which will be essed by Miss Alice C. Lloyd, i of women, Jean B3otsford, '33, rman of this year's play, and e Ensminger, '32, chairman of judiciary council. Miss Botsford explain the requirements for various offices, and will tell ething of the work of the dif- at committees, and Miss Lloyd speak on eligibility. Judiciary Council Assists. he elections will be conducted the judiciary council, whose bers include Betty Ioudon, '32, Jane Inch, '32, ana Margaret rmack, '33, and Mary Barnett,l SOCIETY Sigma Kappa Sigma Kappa entertained Wed- nesday evening at a formal dinner. Among the eight guests honored at the affair was Mrs. Arthur Wood, one of the patronesses. Sweet peas of pastel shades and lavender tap- ers decorated the tables for the dinner. Kappa Delta A dinner was given Tuesday night by the members of Kappa Delta sorority in honor of the women having leads in the Junior Girls' Play which included: Mary Phillips. Vinselle 13artlett, Betty Van Horn, Virginia Koch, and Eleanor Riker. Orchid was the predominating color in the decorations. An election of officers for the coming year was held at the Kappa Delta house on Monday evening with the following results: Presi- dent, Leonore Snyder; Vice-Presi- dent, Eleanor Riker; Secretary, Margaret Keal; Treasurer, Alice Reek; Editor, Annetta Dickhoff. Zeta Tau Alpha An informal dance will be given at the house Saturday night, April 23. Mrs. Mary E. Tuller will act as chaperone for the affair. Betsy Barbour Tickets for the first annual} League dinner dance, which will beI held on April 30 in the main ball- room of the League, will go on sale immediately after spring vacation,E according to Evelyn Neilson, '33, general chairman. They will be priced at $4.50, the ice including the cost of two dinners, and the dancing afterwards.-. Plans for the affair are rapidly getting under way, Miss Neilson stated. Negotiatiohs are being car- ried on with several well known orchestras, one of which has ac- quired a national broadcasting, reputation, and the final choice will be made at a near date. In addi'tion to liss Neilson, the central committee for the dance includes Josephine Timberlake, '32, assistant chairman, Ruth Kurtz, '34, treasurer, Helen Mason, '34, chair- man of music, Elsie G. Feldman, '33, chairman of tickets, Mary O'Brien, '35, chairman of decorations, Kath- erine Ferrin, '32, chairman of floor, Anne Mitchell, '35, chairman of food, and Katherine McGregor, chairman of publicity. The dance, which will be formal,, is a project initiated. this year to replace the traditional Mardi Gras, which was held last December in conjunction with the Sophomore Cabaret. The proceeds will be turn- ed over to the Undergraduate Cam- paign fund, to help defray the annual undergraduate pledge. The ticket sale will be limited to women, as the affair will be carried out on the plan of the Panhellenic ball, although there will be no dis- crimination in favor of sorority women. ,StudentsMake Effort to Know Instructors Studehts at Cornell University are making an effort to bridge the gap between themselves and their professors by inviting some faculty' member to dine at their, houses .once each week. The Cornell Daily Sun is encour- aging this idea on several grounds. Among other things, the discus- sions, taking an educational twist, open up new fields and channels of thought to the specializing under- graduates. "Most of the professors eagerly grasp such an opportunity to get acquainted with representative un- dergraduates. The house members have the enjoyment of association with slected professors," remarks the Sun in further commendation of the plan. "Manuscripts for the annual sen- decided to expand into that section a white enameled anchor, unjewel- for play, which is presented as a of the country at all. The scene of ed, except for upper-classmen and part of the traditional senior break- the founding of the fraternilty was alumnae. " fast should be submitted byMay the Oxford institute, in the Lewis The pledge pin is a small white 10, at least," stated Lois Sandler, school, at Oxford, Mississippi, on enameled gold shield, with the let- '32, who is in charge of the break- January 4, 1874. ters Pi Alpha inscribed on it. The fast arrangements. It should be a The charter members of Delta colors are bronze, pink and blue, one-act preferably, although two Gamma were Eva Webb Dodd, Mary and the flower is the cream colored short acts will be accepted. Comfort Leonard, and Anna Boyd rose. There isno open motto. The play should deal with some Illington, and when the first north- The altruistic work of Delta aspect of campus, if possible. It ern chapter was placed at Franklin Gamma has been carried on since will be presented with a cast of sen- I colege, in Indiana in 1379, at the its founding. During the World for women as a part of the break- instigation oi Mr. George Banta, a War, $30,000 was raised for the fast ceremonies. The breakfast Phi Delta Theta, he was made the care of Belgian children, in a na- will be held sometime near the and first and only male member of the tion-wide drive. A policy of student of May, and is the last function organization. loan funds has also been carried which the senior women attend in out, and more than $50,000 has been a body. The extension policy has been made available for needy women "If a suitable original manuscript highly conservative, and there are students to complete their college is not submitted, some other pl at present forty-five chapters, four education. Although preference is will be selected for presentation," of which are loca ed in Canada. given to Delta Gammas, women said Miss Sandler. "However, we There are no national central of- with other fraternal connections would much prefer an original play vices, but the fratermty is divided are not excluded. with a campus background." into seven provinces, each under The local chapter of the fraterni- the guidance of a secretary. The locaiher of the fa) i national officers are the president, (Continued on Page 6.) two vice-presidents, the secretary- . editor, and a treasurer. . ATHENA AND ZETA The Anchora, the fraternity pub- PHI E TA TO MEE T lication, is issued four times a year, OUTDOO R PROG AMIiand has been in existence almost Neces.ty for Social Sororities sincwasthfounding. The originalessndyFrterti ---pin was a gold H- with the Greek and Fraternities Will l Open Practice to Be Held From 4 to 6 o'Clock Daily for Coaching. ATHLETIC SOCIETY Miss Emily White Gains Position as Section Chairman at Recent Convention. Dr. Margaret Bell u was elected as vice-president and Miss Emily White, of the physical education department, was named section chairman of the Mid-West Society of College Directors at the conven- tion held at Columbus, Ohio last week. Miss Dorothy Beise, of the physi- cal education department, read a paper on "The Administrative Use of Brace's Motor Ability Tests," which was very well accepted. Miss White talked on "The Necessity of the Experience in Rhythm." In con- cluding her talk Miss White said, "If rhythm is a vital factor in all life, if rhythm is a part of our motor make-up, if it is a common element in Physical Education ac- tivities, if there is no efficient or beautiful co-ordination without rhythm and if transfer can be more easily effected through the medium of rhythm, then training in rhyth- mic response and movement assures a singularly important function. 4 PERMANENT WAVES .1 Gracefulness Remains Most Desired Featurel Beginning the spring intramural I SYRACUSE, N. Y., April 6.-Fem- program the baseball tournament ini'ty and gracefulness are still the will commence the week after most desired features of the mod- ern girl, according to the results of spring vacation, April 13, when a questionnaire presented to the teams will hold practice at Palmer students of Syracuse university. Field. Long or bobbed hair, a minimum Open practice will be held from 4 of makeup, and abstinence from to 6 o'clock Monday, Tuesday Wed- tobacco and alcohol were listed as the most important attributes of nesday, Thursday, and Friday. Any the ideal girl. team desiring practice will get Drinking, even in moderation, coaching and competition every was classed as particularly undesir- day able because of its harmful effect on the health, which in turn was Be Debated. Preparation for the annual de- bate between teams representing the two women's forensic societies, Zeta Phi Eta and Athena, will con- tinue during the vacation- The debate is to be held on April 26. The question which is being de- bated this year is: "Resolved, that social sororities and fraternities should be abolished at the Univer- sity of Michigan." Athena will have the affirmative side of the proposi- tion and Zeta Phi Eta will have the negative. The women who will represent, Athena are: Carol Hart, grad., El- eanor Blum, '34, and Lucille Old- nam, '32. Elva Pascoe, '32, Maribel Smith, '34, and Ethel Howard, '35, will speak for Zeta Phi Eta. G0~jT. Take advantage of our low end-of- season special prices. All waves complete with shampoo and set at no extra charge. t ., .- , , ' ' '° -ter WAVEOLINE SYSTEM-A real wave at a popular$30 price ....................... 00 MARCELINE OIL WAVE-a recondi- tioning oil system.............. CURLINE PROCESS -- Our very best $6.00? wave ....................... Shampoo, Finger Wave, Arch, Marcell, Manicure, Facial, Hot Oil, any one soc, any two 95- PUBLIX BEAUTY SHOPPE 202 E. Liberty St. Phone 23414 A The round robin will commence pril 25. Games may be played at o'clock and at 5 o'clock every aft- rnoon. Four fields will be avail- ble, so that eight teams may be laying at the same time. Each team will play three other eams which meet at the same our. Those winning two out of a )ossible three games will enter the traight elimination. Each organ- zation must be represented by six 'omen, the minimum number for L team. Athletic managers will meet Vednesday, April 20, to discuss3 aseball, golf, tennis, and archery. 'hey must be prepared to give the ime preferences for their repre- entative houses. 0 lowe rs -a compliment ~ ~ d.e ~ said to be responsible for their beauty. M >rs tly "is he n embers of the board of di- An informal dinner was held last will help in counting bal- night for members of the cast and aucausing of any sort is the central committee of the Junior prohibited, any violations Girls' Play. MiriamtRoot was social rule subjecting the offender chairman. r whole house to disqualifi- Delta Omicron from voting or holding of- Delta Omicron, national musical sorority, held its formal initiation Sunday afternoon in the League . U. W. PLAN TO chapel. The following women be- ,D BENEFIT TEA came members of the chapter: ______Dorothy Benjamin, '32SM, Detroit, Michigan; Elizabeth Walz, '35SM, s to Aid Fellowship Fund Saginaw, Michigan; Lois Zimmer- National Organization. man, '35SM, Detroit, Michigan. ChoiceI More than a gift-- FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts. Frederick B. Fisher Peter F. Stair Ministers 10:30 A. M.-Morning 'Worship. "THE GLORY OF LIVING." 7:30 P. M.--Evening Worship. "INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP." (Rotary Club Service) (Men to be scatcd in auditorium- women in balcony) Both sermons by Dr. Fisher. for any and all occasions -1 mbers of the Junior American iation of University Women >lanning to hold a benefit e on April 30 at 2:30 o'clock at tome of Mrs. L. W. Oliphant in_ )n Hills. airman for the bridge are as ,vs: General chairman, Mrs. e Rittershofer; refreshments, Alta B. Atkinson; tickets, Miss thy Ogborn; publicity, Miss 'aret R uat h Smith ; tll'ies, s, and rules, Mrs. Donald Mc- reception and invitations, Franklin Kuenzel; entertain- ,Miss Anna Dunlap; and portation, Miss Ruth Merrick. e money received from this e will be sent to the fellowship of the National A.A.U.W. Any- desiring a table shoul: ma ngements as soon as possible- nothing can express your true sentiments quite like flowers. Birthdays, weddings, anniver- Sou do not have to spend 60c at 11 Pullen Cafeteria saries, sickness and many other occasions demand the sending of beautiful floral greetings. We endeavor at all times to render the best service possible. III on Sunday. All over 60c Free! nTe ANN.ARBOR FLORISTS, Inc. PULLEN HILLEL FOUNDATiON Cor. East University Ave. & Oakland Rabbi Bernard -I,.er, Director Philip Bernstein, Assistant to the Director Services will be resumed after vaca- tion. Students who wish to have Seder and other Passover meals at the Foun- dation are urged to send in their reservations as soon as possible to Philip Bernstein. THE WESLEY FOUNDATION State and Huron Streets WESLEY HALL E. W. Blakeman, Director Sunday, April 10, 1932 We invite all our students to remem- ber the Spring Parley directed by an all-campus committee and fif- teen professors to discuss "Life Philosophies," April 23 and 24 at at Michigan Union. 12 M. Class. 6:00 P. M.-Guild Meeting. An in. formal discussion on "Christian Purpose." ST. PAUL'S LUTHERN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Liberty St. C. A. Brauer, Pastor Sunday, April 10, 1932 9:30 A. M.-Service in German. 9:30 A. M.-Bible School. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. "A Testimony of Jesus Concern. ing Himself." No student meeting this Sunday and following Sunday. ZION LUTHERN CHURCH Washington Street and 5th Ave. E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-Bible School Lesson topic: "How Sin Begins." 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship with sermon by the Rev. W. G. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURC! Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, Minister Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister 9:30 A. M.-Bible Study Class for Freshmen Students at the Church House. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon: "Character is Catching." 12:00 Noon-Discussion for Upper- classmen in Ethical Issues in Cur- rent Events. 5:30 P. M.-Social lour for Young People. 6:30 P. M.--Young People's Met- ing. Play given by members of the Hoover Sunday School. ThE FIRST BAPTIST CHURC E. Hury, below State R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, Minister for Students. 9:30 A. M.-Church School. Mr. Watt, Superintendent. 10:45 A. M.-Dr. G. G. Crozier of Assam, East India will speak. 5:30 P. M.-Social and Devotional Hour. 6:30 P. M.-Arthur Bernhart will be the speaker. FIRST CHURCH CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Service. Sermon topic: Are Sin, Disease and Death Real? CAFETERIA 216 4th Avenue 122 East Liberty Street Phone 6215 III 11 WE TELEGRAIPH FLOWERS AIR ' I O THEC TER SALE OF TICKETS FOR THE t BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH South Fourth Avenue Theodore R. Schmale, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-Bible School. f .(n A '.A TA- . . [t .IF AT SCHOOL OF MUSIC BEGINNING 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow- 11' _ i