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April 08, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-08

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fltdi ian
very morning except Monday during the University
ard in Control of Student Publications.
the Western Conference Editorial Association.
ated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
S (news dispatches redited to it or not otherwise
paper and the local news published herein.

"Good Sport"

at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
ion by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
nn Arbor Press 4uildin, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
cones: Editorial, 4925 ; business, 21214.
Telephone 4D25
................................. David M. Nichol
.............. .................l. Carl Forsythe
ctor ...........................Beach Conger, Jr.
----t-... -................Sheldon C. Fullerton
for......................... Margaret M. Thompson
rs Editor.......................... Robert L. Pierce
breth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
d A. Goodman Jerry. Rosenthal
1Karl Seibfert George A. Stautci

Sports Assistants
s Joli nV. Thomas
-nheim Fred A. Iliher
mkertz Il:wold F. Klute
mpbell I m S. Marshall
,an Nolarid Martin
tsch llrurv'J Teycr
cdman Albert . Newman
I. Ieronie Pettit
Prudence Foster
i Alice (ilhert
I Frances Manchester
Elizabeth Mann

Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C. :fart Schaaf
]3rackly Shaw
Parker Snyder
Glenn R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Beverly Stark
Alma WVadsworth
Josephine Woodhams

Telephone 21214
KLINE........................ Business Managei
JOHNSON,...................... Assistant Manager
Department Managers
............................ Vernon Bishop
)ntracts........................... Harry R. Begley
rvice ...........................Byron C. Vedder
......................... William T. Brown
... .......................Riehard Straternek
tess Manager...................... Ann W. Vernor

Linda Watkins, not so well-known to movie audi-
ences, makes a visible impression as the faithful,
deluded wife in "Good Sport," the modern domestic
relations picture at the Majestic.
She searches for a city apartment to occupy while
her husband is abroad, only to find that the one she
wishes to lease belongs to her husband's inamorata,
abroad with the husband. Just another of those co-
incidences so common in the movies.
The remainder of the story folows her activities
as she moves into the apartment and leadt the life
(apparently) of a young lady about town in order to
discover the lacking qualities of a wife who loses a
Then John Boles, as the better man, steps into
the picture, trustfully woos Miss Watkins, and the
rest of the picture follows the course of least resist-
ance. Both Mr. Boles and Miss Watkins serve
admirably in their places, especially since Boles
doesn't mess up the picture with the singing of love
songs, as so often happens with his roles.
Allan Dinehart is Miss Watkin's ipeffective hus-
band; Hedda Hopper is the usual sophisticated
mother. Greta Nissen, with her usual seductive form
and lack of ability to act (or maybe it's just the kind
of acting we're afraid of), plays the kept woman of
the erring husband; Minna Gombell is one of the
young ladies who assist the wife in learning the art
of husband-keeping. All do the type of work expected
from) such characters; none are outstanding.
E. J.P.
During the past year there has been no dearth
of motion pictures based on public dance halls, and
that fact ,coupled with a gangster plot, keeps "Danc-
ers In the Dark" frofn beirng a commendable show.
Miriam Hopkins, who almost established a reputation
for acting by her performance in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde," is slipping farther and farther toward the
limbo of forgotten faces because she hasn't been able
to find another role so admirably suited to her par-
ticular talents. In "Dancers In the Dark" she plays
the somewhat difficult role of Gloria, a prostitute
with a heart of gold well enough to get by, and that's
about all. Jack Qakie and Eugene Pallette go a long
way toward dragging the picture out of the mud, nor
can we fail to mention the little blonde girl with
the Polish accent (we think it was Polish) who be-
sides being the best comic relief in the whole picture
sings a song that will rot your socks. That song alonc
is worth your half dollar.
There is an animated cartoon that is better than
the ordinary, a comedy which is exceedingly funny
in spots, and a wohderful, wonderful news-reel in-
cluding such attractions as the denouncement of
prohibition by Mrs. Scandrett and Dr. Lorenzo, anc
the first football practice at Notre Dame. Hurrah!
.J. S. M.
Heal1th Education

Arthur F. Kohn
sty ,ernard Schnacke
G rafton W. Sharp
Virginia McCorb
;rund (aolin Mosher
-o IIc Schimide
n May Seefried

Donald A. Johnson, Il
I ean Turner
J)on Lyon
Bernard H. Good
Ilelen Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
lEathryn Stors
(Tlare Unger
M\lary Ei;ieh Watts




iRE at Mosher hall Tuesday brings to
reground a circumstance that authorities
iiversity should investigate immediately.
no compulsory insurance covering the
>elongings of students living in dormitor-
ming houses.
>sher, several girls lost personal belong-
sisting mostly of clothes, which were
ndreds of dollars. They will not receive
>ensation for this even though the firel
occured because of defective wiring, al
for which the authorities in charge of
iildings are to blame, not the girls them-
ss to individuals might have been very
ater if the 'fire had occured in one of the
ern dormitories or in a rooming house,
building itself was less fire-proof.
:he University authorities force students
approved rooming houses, they should
host in their power to protect them while
taying there.
present time in Mosher-Jordan, each girl
1 to deposit ten dollars at the beginning
r to cover any damage that she may do
:>m. This is repayed at the end of the
might be a good idea for the dormitories'
ne of this money to take out an insurance
t would 'cover any loss to individuals.

Not content, with their series of
personal appearances at the Mich-
igan Theatre the Glee Club trooped
into Chubbs' Cabaret en masse last
Wednesday night for a cup of cof-
fee and a sandwich, and just as we
thought they would[ began to sing
a lot of their lousiest songs. Some-
one ought to lock the Glee Club up
in a cool, dark place.
By John Clarke.
Synopsis: Jack and his Uncle
are searching for a treasure in
Africa. They are on their last day's
"We're n e a r1y there, Uncle,"
panted Jack breathlessly. "I never
saw so many hills before in my life.
What time is it?"
"It's only four o'clock," said
Jack's Uncle. "It's funny that we
haven't been warned again. I ex-
pected to be dodging knives and'
bullets all day," laughed Jack.
"What is that ahead?" exclaimed
his Uncle.
"It looks like another dead man,"
replied Jack. "Hurry and we'll
see." It was a dead man. They
searched his pockets and found
nothing of especial interest except
a paper which identified him as
John Mance.
"W4y he probably threw those
knives," exclaimed Jack's Uncle,
"because the initials of "M" were
carved in the handle."
"Look," said Jack, "here is 3 or
I of the same knives in his pack."
"He has been shot," said his
"His partner probably got tired
of this place and killed him so he
wouldn't prevent h i m getting
away," put in Jack.
"Well, at least we won't be both-
°red by them any more," said Jack's
Uncle. At seven o'clock they reach-
ed the base of Treasure Mountain.
One queer thing about the treasure
was that it could not be seen after
four o'clock in the afternoon. In the
:morning it could not be seen until
ten o'clock.
At about ten o'clock Jack and his
Uncle went to the base of Treasure
Mountain and there was th treas-
ure, a nice pile of it a short dis-
tance ahead of them. Jack moved
forward and the Treasure also mov-
ed ahead.
"Well, I'll be," exclaimed Jack, "it
"That is what we have to figure
out," said his Uncle, "and what we'
(To Be Concluded)
Dear Captain Chuck:
I was certainly surprised when
you asked me t'o write a poem, and
the first thipg that came into my
read was the Junior Girls' Play. I
thought that what with the girls
working so hard for it and getting
so little recognition for their ef-
forts, it was only right that I should
immortalize them, kind of, in a po-

tem. My first start was this:
The J. G. P. is over,
And we are going home.
For we are going home.
Going Home.
But right away I saw that this
wasn't quite the thing. It didn't
- sound just right. S o, nothing
daunted, I sat down again and
wrote the following:
Now the J. G. P. is over,s
Ladies hear their classes call.
Bringing news of mnidsemesters,
Isn't this a fine world, to be sure?
And there we will have to let things
rest. Immortalizing the J. G. P.
isn't as easy as it sounds, I guess.
Very Sincerely Yours,





Health Service

r Se sion

rowth in attendance at summer terms of
rsities and college's in the United States
t decade has been a steady ohe. This is
noticeable here, where, under the care-
istration of Dean Edward H. Kraus, the
e has reached a figure approximately half
Le regular session. In the 1930 session,
nt of the students enrolled were in the
school, a fact which is significant of high
easons for this growth are varied, but
several which stand out above the others.
re has been in the last few years a tend-
iorten the period of instruction by short-
number of calendar years in attendance,
hich generally makes itself manifest in
economic distress. Second, there has
r by year, an increasing desire on the
ose actively engaged in professional pur-
cure more knowledge, a fact which is to
whenever there is an increase in the
of business. This is true not only in the'
aching, where ligher degrees are more
in demand, but in other business pur-
ammer session of the University offers
dent a curriculum comparable with that
,ular term, in addition to a varied list of
Such as lectures, concerts, and plays. For]
nt who finds himself in difficult straits
r, the summer school offers a neat way

One frequently sees people who have diagnosec
themselves as being anaemic. Now anaemia is
decrease in the amount of blood as a whole, its cor.
puscles, or certain of. its constituents. The diagnosis
can be made only from a blood count and a blooc
examination. Certain people may have a pallor whiclt
the casual observer would consider as anaemia but
their blood count may be quite normal.
The total number of red blood cells is normally
4,500,000 per cubic milimeter in women and 5,000,00(
per cubic millimeter in men. The hemaglobin of
coloring matter of the red blood cells may be de-
creased while the blood count remains normal s(
that both factors have to be examined.
Any anaemia occurring from loss of blood, undei
nutrition, chronic poisoning, or in the course of som(
other disease is called a secondary anaemia. So th(
first step in treatment is the determination of th(
cause of the anaemia. There is, of course, an acut
anaemia after any large hemorrhage. Here the cause
is quite obvious and improvement is usually rapid is
there is no more bleeding. Any small hemorrhage, i
it occurs repeatedly, as in chronic nose bleeds, mad
cause anaemia, Focal infections such as from septR
tonsils or abscessed teeth may act as chronic poison-
ings and bring on a secondary anaemia. The clear-
ing up of these infections usually does a great dear
toward improving the anaemia.
Hemaglobin contains iron and in order to improve
the hemaglobin content of the blood, it is ofter.
necessary to increase the iron intake of the body
This may be done by dietary means, eating more of
the foods which are rich in iron such as whole cer-
eals, egg yolk and leafy vegetables. This may be
supplemented by taking some preparation of iron.
but this should be done only under a physician',
directions. To get results it is necessary to take the
iron in large doses. Most of the patent medicine,
labelled "blood builders" and so on, do not contain
enough iron to be effective and are simply a waste of
In 1925 it was found that small traces of copper
in the diet would make iron more readily convertible
into hemaglobin. There was an influx of copperized
foods and copper compounds., However, the well
balanced diet contains sufficient copper so that all
these extras are usually not necessary.
The main points, then, in treating secondary
anaemia are: a determination of the cause, an ade-
quate diet, good general hygiene and supervised
If as he says, Gen Smedley Butler always asks the
Lord to help him say the right thing, we are afraid
his voice grows weak as it travels upward.
All evils pass if you have patience. It isn't very
long since the Anti-Saloon League practically ran

Bringing Hawaii within speaking distance
of the United States is one of the latest
achievements of the Bell System in its pro-
gram of telephone service extension.
Five years ago the United States had tele-
phone connection only with Canada, Cuba,
and the Mexican border. Since then, Bell
engineers have so developed radio telephony


Australia, Bermuda, Samoa, and Hawaii is
daily routine. Today more than 31,000,000
telephones 'can be reached - approximately
92% of all the telephones in the world!
Making the. telephone practically world-
wide in reach promotes understanding be-
tween nations. It has far reaching effects con-
mercially and nolitically. That's what tuts

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