DAAI 7,1~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY- en D eW~tt I oPrs dny f L a PAGE FIVE tt.- 0 - Women From Entire State Come included the Misses Here to Attend Dispute on 3m rkhardt, Katherine ::b^ y Lee Watkins of Public Question. Delta Gamma. N.ipha hoak;e Delta Gamma honored Mr. and I arb ar EI /rs. Albert Pulling at dinner Tiies- Phelp's. and - Washington, D. C. 1Helen Newberry. rHclcen Newberry is entertaining; the, leads and central committee of the Janior Gins' Play at a dinner Piur .uay evening. Helen Louise Corwin is in charge as social chair- man1.. Kappa Delta. pr~~;flowers decorated the .~p eltahousc for the spring .ormU dnce given1 Saturday night. I iO 2.U iCwas furnished by the -ie Lnc~instAmbassadors or- rh i'. The Misses, Katherine aor ;fOtosePointe and Isabelle 7-kO 1 eri were guests at e iar. Chaperning the dance w ~c xirs. nnaDillinghiam, Mrs. 3lasLc UrlyMrs. Maud Thomp son, nd ~ Mary Tulier. From the women's standpoint present conditions under prohibi- tion are all wrong, according to Mrs. Fredrick M. Alger, head of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform in Detroit who spoke yesterday in the League building. The old time saloon was innocent compared to the modern speakeasy, according to Mrs. Alger who brought out facts and figures in rapid fire to prove -that women and even children were consuming liquor today in quantities hitherto unprecedented. Preceding the meeting of speech- es and questions at 2 o'clock was a' central meeting for the anti-pro- hibition forces from the entire eastern Michigan area. Hist.Lry or Sororities DELTA DELTA DELTA the ' i lin Delta -v a as founded atf Bolr uiversity on Thanksgiving icd y b fu members of the class f i;:'j a ta haw, Elenor Dor- 1 bon ar- ~Fond FloenseIsabelle Stewart, jfl ad ishol orga Breed. They as- >ue ---d .P temseventeen menu-1 ~tdbr fth owrcae, their pur- : ir_,os bigb cysalz into unity te v-.ren-hpswhch would lead the a ioi wrthwhaile college life. L. Te g~owthof the sorority and cille its poic o expansion has been hipti smd c, ofscholarship and the pe'rsoa achievemaient, and it has of placedeight- Three chapters to nate, hreo bing located in Can- the ad sday TeTiet h official publica- ests t-)n o F th)e gop was first pub- sioil lih in 19, and appears four pers tesayea, n; isued from the cen tral offices -:t Evanston, Ill. The at badge is a gold crescent, enclosing, erne ti xeeu stars with pearls as their ced centers, three deltas in black enam- el adorning the base of the cres- d at cent. The pledge pin, of green Loon. enamel, is an inverted delta sur- rounded by three deltas. The col- Ta uj ors are silver, gold, and blue, and on's Three hundred different persons )"rt- were employed last year at the Unii- o ofI versity of Michigan in research onI problems of engineering.E met O'Brien____ ___ any vocation that they fancy, there ,it - ve " o s el -f r P s - iabsolutely no field for women in Ffyfve"osvltfrPei the emblems are the pearl, the piepaenogycorigtPofE- dent" clubs in Alabama have a and he ansymieontoagyeorde intorgo.oErmembership of between 20,000} and The altruistic work is carried ad paleontology department,di300. by means~ of endowment funds, to- rector of the museum of paleontol -________________ ogy, and curator of vertebrates. taling more than two hundred Professor Case said that they do thousand dollars. The~ money is not wear thick enough shoes and Pr~e-Vacationi usedin constructive ways, such as they are not strong enough to aid in chapter home building, vis- "fetch and carry," which is an im- iting delegate expenses, loans to portant part of the job. In fact, Q undergraduate Tri-Delts, the print- they would be nothing but a nuis- H at Saie ing of various publications, and the ance around a camp where the sci- compilation of the history of the entists live in tents, drink bad wa- organization. A new endowment ter and often go. without meals, he Today fund is being sponsored in connec- said. tion with the semi-centennial anni- "I would not have a woman versary of Delta Delta Delta, which, around my camp for $900," said will be used to aid worthy stud- Professor Case. 95 1 ents, regardless of fraternal con--_________ nections, through the forms of Approximately 265,000 bales of (Continued on Page 6.) cottQL were in the pools of the Mis- These are 'real values And -_sippi coopertive associatio Mrs. Clarence Humphreys o f March 1. b iet hperyt Marshall, Mo., recently filled an or-tae dvngeo th der from the Philippines for two "tkavnaeo h country-cured hams. DRESSMV[AKING- REMODELINGfive selection . . straws If you write. we have it.inalteew es Correspond1ence Stationexy, Your wardrobe made smart and i l h e ~s rdotn.n Pens, Ink, etc. wearable. Prices moderate. Ty'pewriters all ma~kes.j SHIRLEY'Sy 0retn Cad fo M0 r R 715 orTH UniversityJacobson s Greeting CaRsfR evI -1.75 th UniversBOX 31-4 S. State St., Ann .Arbor ' K9 sits on the top of one's head. An-1 farms are estimated by the dep other is the graceful Agnes turban ment of agriculture to be ire( which is made of velvet. An espe- mortgage debt. dially chic style with prints, is thec - -- -_ r small straw turban edged with flowrs. -- --- ., -i From Nature's Undrgrozi EXTRA SAVINGS TOMORROW-NEW ARRIVALS' ULTRA SMART, tric S 'torehoisc - I ARBOR SPRINGS W,,ATER CO. 416 'Wert Iiiuron Phonie 3270 11 ALLSIEUA~$ N 5SYE CHILLIE 'JES U; I I NOW SELLING AT ONLY W 5 I I U rn~ TM .. - . . . U I I I:~V~~ ~ -