r THE MICHIGAN DAIL.Y THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1932 d every morning exceptNMondlay during the University Board in Control of Student Publications. of the Western Canference Editorial Association. sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- of all news dispatches credited to it or not , otherwise this paper and the local news published herein. at 'the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second . Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant General. tion by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, 'hones; E+'ditorial, 4925; Uutiness, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF1 Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN . .......................... David M. Nichol .............................. Carl Forsythe rector ...'.. .................... Beach Corer, Jr. )r ........ ... ...........Sheldon C. FullertoW li Etor ............ Margaret M. Thompson ws FBditor .... ,... ............obaerti L. PierceI KU R and*DRANA Musical activities in Ann Arbor will rest until after vacation when student recitals and other forms of presentations will be the fare for local music-patrons., In Detroit, however, the annual two-week season of THE GOLF COUPSE IS NOW OPEN Wp hnar d 1t+3a d 1i flh T TiU r the Detroit Civic Opera will start Tuesday and will versity Golf links were to open to continue through April 23. the playing public so we hurried The Detroit opera, though admittedly not ranked down right after lunch to be the as the best, presents a varied number of the leading first ones of the season fully ex- and standard works every year which have always pecting to be able to play a nice proved highly enjoyable if not musically perfect. "La leisurely practice round without Traviata," "Tosca," "Haensel and Gretel," "Romeo anyone else on the course. Needless and Juliet," "Madame Butterfly," and "Aida," are to say, the links were crowded to listed on the program. Students, not going home for capacity and when we drove from Spring vacation, will find it worth while to hear some the first tee there was a gallery of of the singers who have been secured. some thirty-thousand people there After vacation, the Varsity band will again present to watch us do it. Our golf game, some of its weekly Wednesday night concerts on though not so bad is not so good campus while the Glee club is also planning a num- either, and considering the fact ber of appearances. that our clubs have been in cold storage all winter it is not so sur- "Grand Hotel," the immortal play by Vicki Baum prising that we whiffed the first starring Eugenie Leontovich and Sam Jaffe, will close' 6o attempts. Then with our ears at the Cass Theatre Sunday night giving those who the color of a ripe carrot we dug in are going to remain around these parts for another our toes, took a vicious cut, and our few days an opportunity to see the drama which we brand new 1.68 1.68 golf ball went havcn't forgotten yet despite the four months since soaring thirty feet down the middle it was seen. of the fairway. Well, what of it? Monday night at the Cass, Katherine Cornell We bet you wouldn't be so good y n h h, . rn -C n e- e ith e r ! NIGHT EDITORS ibreth J. Cullen Kennedy James td A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal barl seiffert George A. Stautce' I,, Inglis Sports Assistants ones John W. Tbonas REPORTERS Arnheim TFred A. fluber Blankertz harol F. Kltte Campbell l . a rshall nnellan Noland Martin Deutsch Ifei-ry Meyer Friedman Albcrt H. Newman i;. Jerome Pettit ver Prudence foster line Alice Gilhe't dal I-rnices Aanchester an Elizabeth Mann Charles A. Satford John W. Pritchard Joseph Revihan C. Tart Schaaf Ilrackley Shaw Parker Snyder Glean R. Winters Margaret O' Brien Bv'rlv Stark Alma Wadsworth Josephine Woodhains BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. KLINE........................Business Managei P. JOHNSON...................... Assistant Manager Department Managers ......... ................... Vernon Bishop- Contracts ........................... arry R. Begley Service ............................ Byron C. vedder ............................. William T. Brown ....................Richard Stratemeir usiness Manager.....................*Ann W. Vernor comes for a lmited run in "The Barretts of Whim- pole Street." Its lengthy run in New York and the number of press notices which have been received give proof that it must be good and should prove de- cidedly worth-while for a trip to the city. The Detroit Civic theatre is offering "Michael and Mary" with Donald Randolph and Joan Madison. J. E. R. ART THE SECRET OF TREASURE MOUNTAIN By John Clarke. Synopsis: Jack and his Uncle are on their way to Treasure Moun- tain in quest of a treasure. They find a dead man by a spring who has been stabbed. Jack's Uncle is nearly killed by a knife hurled through the air. It is the same as the one that was found in the dead man's back. One of the servants has just come in with a message which he said two men gave him to deliver to Jack. Assistants n Arthur F. Kohn rsley lh'ru.lid schiiacke Ionald A. Johnson, II Dean Turner Graiton w. Sharp Don Lyon iBernard . Good Work that is being done now by Chicago artists is on view at 'Alumni Memorial Hall. This exhibit ckler V Irgzinia AlecComb Ilele(n Spencer ischgrund ('aroliuc Alosher atiryn Spencer was brought here by the Ann Arbor Art Association msyer ieln Oson i athryn stork and will be exhibited for two more weeks. It is a JaicksoIn 1i1 den Schmuade C':ire lijnger [ aylin M1ay Seefri'd Mary Elizaheth Watts most stimulating show, one with many points of view. The majority of the pictures are thoroughly modern in manner of execution, and for the most IGHT EDITOR-GEORGE A. STAUTER part express original ideas. Some show the influence ..S of prominent French and American painters. The THURSDAY, APRIL 7,11932 portraits offer an opportunity to make the compari- son of techniques. The large picture of "Matianita," by Paul Treblecock uses the dignified, traditional Wood Award method of naturalism, whereas Flora Schofield in "Just Seventeen" is impressionistic. Both are excel- lent. "Just Seventeen" has an amazing amount of ries light in it, and form is very well felt. The color and design are good. Another study in personalities- is RENTLY the, Board of Regents shut its Michael Sileikis's "Housekeeper," a wistful-looking s, went wild with so much money on its oldservant standing in front of the kitchen range. r wasn't thinking at all when it passed, on This is an especially well planned composition, and 1931, a resolution giving to Assistant Pro- is a good study in faces. In great contrast to this is the exquisite "Rose," painted by a successful artist, 3ennett C. Weaver $3,000 for administering Jaroslav Brozik, now living in Flint, Michigan. This pwood Prize contest and $1,000 to Asso- is by far the most sophisticated painting in the exhi- rofessor Roy W. Cowden for being his bition and for color, the richest and most subtle. The t. gradation of- the blue background from one side of rding to the will left by Avery Hopwood, the picture to the other is a marvel of technical skill. The flesh seems to be built out of masses of color, ey is to be used for awards to those stu- almost as a sculptor would, yet it has a painter's who perform the best creative work in the feeling for color. In addition to this consideration dramatic writing, fiction, poetry, and the is his fascinating interpretation of the girl's face The number and value of the prizes shall which s full of mystery, aloofness, and charm. AI e discr etin of the faculty or other govern- face that is stibtly complex, necessitating a contem- plative approach. y of the University . . . ." . The Regents, "The Brown Girl After A Bath," by Archibald e' clearly overstepping their bounds when Motley, Jr., is a feast of color-purples, browns, reds re a $3,000 salary to a member of the fac- .-and other rich tones. The picture is painted in 10 is already being paid the customary the older manner of careful naturalism, but is very t professor's salary. Cowden is receiving attractive. >ut at the same time is having the like Theodore Roszak's "Hostess" is indeed an enigma deducted from his regular compensation. as Prof. Slusser has said, but it is provocative. One :ly the awarding of salaries for the admin- interpretation of it is that it represents the feeling of i of the contest it not in keeping with the ennui and weariness that follows a life devoted solely the bequest. It is a far call to think that to cards, billiards, horse-racing-and other things as Iopwood intended that a man, already re- suggested by the symbols he has incorporated in the a livable salary, should 'receive an addi- picture. As a color study, it is arresting. The red ne for taking charge of a literary contest, and yellow stripes of her costume are splendid con- ly at the expense of a major award. trasted with the emerald green of the floor. Her hermore, as far as has been ascertained, form is well placed in the space he has made around 's 4uties are not sufficiently arduous to her. e amount he is receiving a fair compensa- An original interpretation of Chicago is William i a two-month's investigation, it was found Schwartz's "In Chicago Harbor," He expresses the duties consist of advising students (shared 'turbid, dynamic spirit of Chicago in virile, energetic ler members of the committee), presiding lines of the blue-green water. The composition is nmittee meetings amid executing decisions well balanced, partly because he has taken liberties :ommittee, and handling correspondence. I with nature and reworked the scene to suit himself; pmittee shares the work of sorting out a legitimate means for an artist if he makes his pic- ipts for the jcldges, delivering lectures to ture more expressive by such a practice. A quieter tending to enter the contests, making rule aspect of Chicago is revealed in Carl Preussl's "At any passing upon the eligibility of candi- Night:' A pleasant beach scene at night is June Knabel's "Oak Street Beach." The forms are solid payment o a $3,000 salary to one man is and luminous in the dusky scene, and the soft colors Ly .o be condemned since it has necessi- are quite pleasing.I ropping one major award consisting of "Room 203" of Ivan Albright"causes comment of vhich might have gone to some student all kinds. It is grotesque and disagreeable and mor- erving of it. This dropping of one award bidly realistic. There may be a place for this type essitated, it is said, because of a deprecia- of work in art, but very gw people can enjoy it. the income expected during the year but A well known artist, Davenport Griffin, contrib- have been avoided by the elimination of #jtes "Lavegah," which is valuable as a study in planes ess salary. and angular repose. In manner of conception and budget, which was published in February, in expression it suggests the Egyptian. n clhanged in some respects due to the For sheer charm of color Helen Campbell Taylor's tion but no new one has as yet been seen. "Interior" is utterly lovely, arousing the most pleas- 'g1et is as follows: ant thoughts in one's mind. hand, Sept. 30, 1931..........$ 4,009.28 The most competently executed still-life is, I mate income from Oct. 1 I think, that of Constantine Pougialis. Textures are ugh June 30, 1932 ............$15,000.001 satisfactorily rendered and the colors are quietly PART V Go back or- DEATH read the mssage. "Well, I guess not," exclaimed Jack's Uncle, "not after having come this far. We have as good a claim as they for the treasure. They started on the next morLm- ing but before they left, Jack and his Uncle loaded their pistols and rifles. Alar, Rasu, and Kashua, their most trusted servants were also armed. Alar had a pistol, Rasu a rifle, and Kashua, a big man of six feet, carried a hatchet and a club. The other two servants had knives in their belts. In the dis- tance they could see the top of Treasure Mountain. On the way a rifle shot was fired, not with the intent of killing but with the purpose of scaring. An- other warning was thrown to them [that night. Sentinels were posted. From eight to twelve o'clock Alar and the two servants with knives watched. Then from twelve to four o'clock Jack and Kashua watched. From four o'clock to six Jack's Uncle and Rasu watched. At six o'clock everyone arose and prepar- ed for the day's march. One more day and they would be there. Would they? If their unknown foes de- cided to carry out their threat awould they reach their destination? Tomorrow would tell. (To Be Continued * * * Students in Professor Verner W. Crane's American History Lecture (Tuesday at ten) were charmed and delighted at the inspiring lecture on "The Rise of American Sports." Epeially choice were the remarks about Lulu Loomer, the demon wo- men's walking champion of the UnitedI Stjtes, and about John L. Sullivaan, the first boxing champ. We were hoping Profes- sor Crane would break down and give us his predictions as to pennant possibilities in the American League for 1932, but he 0idn't. Too bad, professor, too bad. NEWS ITEM The following is a strictly au- thentic news item written for the Women's Page by one of the Staff tryouts (feminine For some rea- son or other the Women's Editor decided not to run it and turned it over to us. Here it is: "Men never marry the girls they pet," according to IRever- end Walter H. James in a speech bfore a group of North- western girls. "You will never find the best there is in a boy by petting," the cleric contin- ued, "nor will he find the best there is in you." e ~ ~ ~ ~ I i;I -_ - ,- ;., Earl V. Moore.. Muirector Frederick Stock .. ...............Orchestra Conductor Gustav Holst ........... ..1 ...... Guest Conductor Eric DeLamarter.... ........... Assistant Conductor Juva Higbee .... Children's Conductor GOETA LJUNGBERG (Yota Yungbairg) So A daughter of thc Godw."SeMetropolitan Opera Cop -Vwedi --Prima i.o.a rds .... Swards $19,069.28 9,500.00 . ................ 2,000.00 .......... ....... 300.00 ...... ....... .. 1,000.00 .... . .,. . ......... 4,000.00 pleasing. As a group, these pictures are interesting; some few are genuinely outstanidng. If Ann Arbor should wisi to retain any of these pictures, this is an un- usual opportunity, for the prices are quite reasonable. . Harriet Dyer Adams.- A dispatch from Moscow states that mass produc- tion has failed in Sovietdom, factories are idle and labor is to h cirhel. The lno r the r mmuimi cnses .. .... . el Jrhrseen. ... . . ...$ 16,,800.00 that with a denpriatin I 1I 1 1