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April 07, 1932 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-07

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Associa ed JW' s Phote
Alonzo A. Stagg, one of the 'grand old mes' of football, who is now t
beginning to coach his forty-first eleven at the University of Chicago.
He is shown giving some pointers to Don Birney, of Grand Jsland, Neb., v
who will pilot the 1932 squad. -
V STI LINKSMEN Browns Show Poor
Form as First Tilt
WLL 11ME T0TODAY of BallYear NearsE
By Fred A. Huber1
Large Squad Expected to Report Says Bill Killefer, 'I've got the St.1
to Trueblood This Afternoon Louis Blues' for the Brownies are
at University Course. not responding to the conditioning
Coach Thomas C. Trueblood has process. In other words the St.
issued the first ca for candidatesLouis ball club isn't facing the
for the Varsity golf team. Anyone opening of the 1932 baseball season1
for he arsty olf eam Anonenext week with high hopes.
interested is urged to report at the
b With an uncertain and aging out-
glub house of the University golf field, a somewhat inexperienced
course t h i s afternoon at 4:30 infield and only a pair of steady
o'clock. hurlers the Browns' boss visions a
Included in the list expected to hard battle to even land his squad
re p o r t are Montague.Iowarin the fifth place berth that they
Fise orLenfestyRgot, DanDayd earned last year.
Fischer, Lenfesty, Root, Dan Day- Goose Goslin, who is slowing up,
but always a ball-pounder will be
back in left field, with Fred Schulte,
Anyone interested in trying out a not overly hard hitterin center,
for the Varsity golf team report mnd right field a puzzle.
to Coach Thomas Trueblood at Larry Bottencourt, whose fielding
the University course this aft- borders on atrocity, Tom Jenkins,
ernoon at 4:30 o'clock. a brilliant defenjve player, who
can't hit, and a newcomer from
Milwaukee named Kloza are all
ton, David, Loveland, Ed Dayton, bidding for the berth, although Red
Bergelin, Heppes, Hand, Redness, Kress may again play in the gar-
Schloss and Hanway. 'den. Although the best hitter on
At the meeting this afternoon te squad, he is far from the stead-
plans for the coming season are to lest fielder.
be discussed. An ambitious sched- m catching will be very capably
ule has been arranged and it is ne- ~handled by the briliant Rick Ferrell
cessary that the squad get down to and Benny Bengough, who is stag-
work immediately. The opening ug a successful comeback. Burns,
match is scheduled for Saturday KL'ess, Mellilo and either Levey or
April 16 with the Detroit Country Sfori will get the call in the infield.

5 T H N P&i' "
Australian Gelding Threatened
New Earnings Mark Before
Death Ended Career.
The sudden death of Phar Lap,
he "Red Terror" of Australia, has
emoved from the turf one of the
most popular horses that ever ranI
under the wire. His death also re-
moves a racer that was destined to
nake a new record in earnings that
would probably stand for years. I
This famous gelding, whose nii:m r
signifies "Wink of the Sky" in
Senegalese, arrived in San Fran-
cisco in January, and without any
preliminary races, stepped out to
defeat some of the country's best in
the classic of the West, the $50,-
000 Agua Caliente Handicap. 1
Near Earning 'Top.-
Foaled in Australia of some of the
best of English blood, the giant, red
horse had earned for his two own-
ers a total of $282,000 which placed
him near the top of money earn-
ers. With no new worlds left to
conquer in Australia, he was trans-
ported 10,000 miles to California in
a specially constructed stateroom.
In winning the Handicap, Phar
Lap was staked up against Spanish
flay, shipped from New Orleans for
the classic, and the favorite. But
the "Red Terror" won easily, ad-
vancing his total earnings to $332,-
750, second only to the famous Sun
Beau in all time winnings.
Of English Blood.
This total far surpassed the sum
won by such horses as Gallant Fox,
Zev, Mate, Twenty Grand, and
Blue Larkspur of U w American
turf, and l ig]is. of i; ;- g li
Phar Lap hs a Iek:round for
his success in some of he best of
English blood. His sire, Night Raid,
was bred in England in 191 and
sent to Australia in 1920 being
placed in the stud almo immedi-
ately. The combination Night Rid-
Entreaty, contained sush blood as
Et. Simon, Spearmint, the famous
Blend Or, Radium, and Maxim,

Considerable i n t e r estw Elliott, Miller, Asbeck, Hudson, hard to pick the top-notche:
w .Coach Fisher continued. "The pe
Aiwu last night at the initial Jablonowski n Majors. formance that stands out offha:
occamasion of the Varsity gym .is the doible victory turned in
r ats' annual "Circus," held in By Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Don Miller tin 1924 I think) ov
the main gym of the Intramural "Who is the best baseball playex Illinois and Iowa. We played II
builcling. Scores of students at- ever turned out at Michigan?" nois on Saturday and Iowa
tended to watch the tumblers go Coach Ray Fisher of the Varsity Monday and as Jabby was only
through their antics and put on diamond squad thought the ques- sophomore then I kind of hated
an interesting show. tion over for something less than send him in against these tear
The precision and rhythm ex- a second befoi e vouching his reply. especially dangerous that ye
hibited spoke well for the coach- "I'd say George Sisler, who grad- Well, Don pitched them both, a
ing of Bill West and gave many uated from here about 1915 is far won both by shutout scores. Th
of the fans their first idea of a d away our best product. That -kind of pitching is all right!"
what is expected of the Confer- goes for all time and for just about Oddly enough, the giant Fr
ence gymnasts. This show mark- any position you can name. He Asbeck, who will be remembered
ed the final event on the Varsity could (and did) fit in anywhere. at Northwestern's nemesis in his t
card, the squad having placed first base, the out'field, in the 1ox, dergraduate days here not long a
fourth in the Big Ten this year. and as utility infielder. And not never functioned effectively in 1
______only that, but his major league major leagues. "Fred was a f
~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~ career was one of the most famed pitcher here all right," the Vars
of all-time," Coach Fisher added. mentor said.
Natators Will Depend It was not as easy for Coach Could Use Pitchers.
Fisher to select the most finished Asbeck's team-mate and fell
on Veterans for Next player produced under his own pitcher, Bill McAfee, is anoth
Conference Campaign tutelage. Fisher, who has been here whom Fisher would welcome ba
1r E during the twelve-year period 1921- with open arms to bolster t
Michigan's defense of its confer- 1932, has seen such fine ball-players year's rather weak pitching cor
as Elliott, Miller, Jablonowski, As- He is now with the Montreal Roy:
ce and n a t io n a l swimming beck, and Hudson come and go, all under option to the Boston Brav
crowns in 1933 will have to rest on of them to major league berths. "I could use any of those pitch
the members of this year's cham- Difficult Task. this year," Fisher-smiled. "Just w
pionship aggregation with very lit- "It's a difficult thing to pick the I won't say."
tle help from the ranks of this sea- best of those men," Fisher caution- Coach Fisher knows whereof
son's yearling team. Out of the ed. "Of course, all except one, Hud- speaks, having had, in addition
nine men who were awarded num- son, saw most of their action here 'his twelve years of coaching he
erals only three stand any chance as pitchers. Of the pitchers, prob- 1 eleven seasons (1909-1921) w:
of making the Varsity grade. ably Pete JablonoWski actually had major league clubs, nine with
Those who look like potential col- the most 'stuff' on the ball, al- New York Yankees and two w:
or bearers for the Maize and Blue though Fred Asbeck and Don Miller the Cincinnati National league o
in the water sport are Robert Ren- were equally effective, at least fit. He took over his new duties 11
ner, David Conklin and Ogden Dal- against college batters. Every one immediately on concluding his b
rymple. And to make matters of these men went to the majors, league career, coming in the spr
worse as far as this freshman ma- too. of 1921 direct from spring train
terial goes all three of these men "Of individual games it's just as camp.
are free stylers.
This year's freshman team was
one of the worst that Michigan has
had in a number of years. Fortu-
nately, however, the Wolverines do
not need to count on any help from
the lower ranks for their title de-
fnse as the strongest part of this
season's squad will be back again.
Only four of the thirteen letter
winners will be lost to the Wolver-
ines by graduation. The four are
Captain Robert Miller, Ivan Smith,
Sid Raike and Bob Ladd.
It is estimated that Toledo golf
enthusiasts spent more than $600,-
000 during 1931.



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