ESTABLISHED 1890 '"C -d *dM6 AN MEMBER SASSOCIATED PRESS I )L. XLII. No. 138 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1932 WEATHER: Showers today. PRICE FIVE ( _ _ _ . _ _.. 5 NAMED TO BOARD OF SUMMER DAILY; KLINE IS CHAIRlMAN Strikers Use Fists as Confusion Continues at Columbia University Present Senior Staff, With Fxception, Are 'Given Appointments. One STUDENTS MAY TRY OUT Publication Will Be Conducted on Graduate Basis Under New Arrangement. The appointment of an editorial board which will be in charge of The Daily this summer was an- nounced yesterday by Prof. Edson, Z. Sunderland, treasurer and act- ing chairman of the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. David M. Nichol; Carl S. Forsythe, Norris Johnson, Charles T. Kline, and Beach Conger, Jr., were named to the group. Kline and Johnson will handle the business end of the paper, while the other three will be in charge of1 the editorial side. Kline will also act as chairman of the Board. Paper to' Be Professional. These appointments followed the recent decision of the Board to conduct the summer publication on a professional graduate basis. This summer the paper will not be a student publication but will be op- crated by experienced men who will not be enrolled in the Summer Session. Those appointed, with one exception, constitute the present senior staff of The Da.4y. Richard L. Tobin, managing editor, will not be in Ann Arbor this summer.- Students, enrolled in Summer Session, it was explained, will be' able to work 'on The Daily if scho- lastically eligible, however. The five men a'ppointed yesterday will work full time, but it was stated that other might take part in the activity should they desire the ex- perience in publication work. Will Use New Building. The summer paper will be pub- lished, in the new publications buillding,located on Maynard street. 'h, plan under which it is to be edited is believed to be unique among American college newspa- pers and will be watched with in- terest throughout the country. The positions held at present by the men appointed are as follows: Nichol, news editor; Forsythe, citj editor; Johnson, assistant busines manager; Kline, business manager; and Conger, editorial director. COMMITTEENM FOR MILITARY BAL William Bird Chosen as General Chairman; Well-Known Band to Be Selected. NEW YORK, April 6. - (P) -- Bruised knuckles and blackened' eyes were evidence tonight of the seriousness with which Columbia University students went about their efforts to obtain-and oppose-the reinstatement of Reed Harris, ex- pelled editor of The Spectator, student publication. teveral women students were hurt slightly late in the day in a pitched battle between striking and non -striking students directly be- neath the window of' President Nicholas Murray Butler's office. Tear gas had been used earlier in a melee on the library steps where numerous strikers had made speeches. Harris, whose editorials charged among other things professionalism on the football team, was absent from the campus which resumed its quiet after 3 p.m., following conclu- Election of Pledges by Ph Beta Kappa Shrouded in Secrecy Pledges to Phi Beta Kappa, na- tional honorary scholastic frater- nity, have been selected, but they will not be announced until April 29, Dr. Orma F. Butler, secretary of the local chapter, said yesterday. The society voted at the annual meeting yesterday afternoon to send invitations to a number of students and elected officers for the next year. The list of new members, however, cannot be revealed until after the initiation ceremony at the end of the month. Prof. James W. Glover, of the mathematics and insurance depart- ment, was named to the presidency of -the organization for the succeed- ing year. Professor Butler was re- elected secretary, and Prof. A. R. Crittenden, of the Latin depart- ment, was selected to serve as a' member of the executive depart- ment three years. The new officials will take up their posts May 6 after the annual banquet. ORATORY CONTEIST' WIL ENTON!GHT University Will Choose North Central Representative at Final Tonight. k sion of most classes. Strike leaders said the one-day demonstration was '15 per cent effective, as they' ad-' journed the mass meetings and speech-making until Friday while preparing to return to classes as usual tomorrow. Vociferous partisans of Barris who attempted to "gag" the large and gilded statue of alma mater in front of the library caused a near riot as they flaunted a 15-foot strip of black crepe before the group they loudly dubbed "the athletic crowd."! A moment after Arthur old- schmidt soundly proclaimed his "sad duty to announce that we are going to gag alma mater," the crepe was the medium of a tug-'o-war. As he started to climb .the statue, a watchman tried to pull him down. The ranks of the strikers were parted by a flying wedge of be- sweatered and noticeably husky young men coming to the watch- man's aid. Shelly Wood, six-foot oarsman, grabbed the crepe and his team- mates hustled up. The athletes were vastly outnumbered, but when the tussle was over they were dragging the crepe in the general direction of the gymnasium, with o}ne strug- gling figure still hanging on. WOMENSPROVE Of HRPSMICHENR League for Prohibition Reform Denounces Congressman as Undemocratic.' A ch rge that Earl C. Michener. representative from the second dis- trict in Congress, acted in an "un- democratic manner" in the recentt vote against the proposal to submit to the states the problem of prohi- bition control, was voiced here' yes- terday by the Women's Organiza- tion for Prohibition Reform, an or- ganization which, it was hinted will launch a campaign to defeat him in the next congressional elec- tion. The charge against Michener was made by Mrs. Myron B. Vorse, of Detroit, vice-chairman of the state division in charge of organization, at a meeting held in the League. Other plans, if any, pertaining to a probable campaign, were not dis- closed. After terming existing conditions "intolerable," the discussion was enlivened by questioning of pro- ponents of the present plan, among them Mrs. Thomas H. Reed and Mrs. Victor Brown, of Ann Arbor. both actively associated with anti- saloon league activities. Mrs. Frederick M. Alger of De- troit, state chairman, said, "Never was there such a challenge to American women to fight ftir the future of their country. Patriotic women must answer it; we must throw aside their timidity. We must strive to bring about temperane and to do so must defeat our worst enemy, even as we fought the sa- loon 12 years ago." Hold Burial Services for Former Student The funeral of Edward Loud Neal, '29, who died Tuesday at the Harv- ard Infirmary, Cambridge, Mass., following an operation, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Neal residence, 907 Lincoln Avenue. Neal, who was an active student on the campus during his under- f graduate days here, was a senior law student at Harvard. SICN 1RAY CORRELL TO FRISHS MUSIC FOR PRESS DANCEI Detroit Band Chosen by Sigma Delta Chi After Several Weeks Deliberation. TICKETS ON OPEN SALE Senate Committee on Student Affairs Grants Late Permission. Ray Gorriell and his orchestra, of Detroit, will furnish music for the Gridiron dance April 22, it was an- aounced last night by Beach Cong- er, Jr., chairman of the arrange- mrents committee. The affair is be- ing sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraterni- ty. "We have been in touch with sev- eral orch stras from Chicago,Cleve- land, and Detroit," said Walter B. Rea, assistant to the dean of stud-' ents. "We selected Gorrel's band after several weeks of considera- tion." With 150 of the 200 tickets placed on sale by invitation already sold, members of the ticket committee were confident last night that the entire allotment will be sold by the beginning of Spring recess Friday. "Judging by the way requests have poured in during the past few days, we could almost guarantee a complete sell-out by the end of the week," members of the ticket com- mittee said last night. IDance to Be Formal. The dance, which will be formal and is to take the place of the old Gridiron banquet, will continue un- til 2:00 o'clock, it has been decided. Members of Sigma Delta Chi said that late permission for the affair has been obtained from the Senate Committee on Student Affairs. Tickets, which until this week were sold only through an invita- tion list consisting of the names of prominent: campus leaders4 -,were placed bn open sale only after re- sponses were received from the greater part of those invited, it was said last night. A list of prominent students holding tickets for the dance has been compiled by members of the ticket committee. It includes John A. Tompkins, '32, captain of the hockey and baseball teams; Jack. Wheeler, '31, member of the 1930 football team; Ivan Williamson, '33, football; Robert Montague, '33, golf; John Lenfesty, '32, captain of the golf team; Robert Miller, '32, captain of the swirmming team; Iv- an Smith, '33, swimming; John Sehmieler, '33, swimming; Emerson Reed, '33, captain-elect of the hock- ey team; Raymond Altenhof, '33, basketball; and Omer LaJeunesse, '32, Stanley dfozer, '32, and Maynard Morrison, '32, all of the 1931 foot-. ball teant. Council Members Get Tickets. Student Council members who have purchased tickets to the dance are: Edward J. McCormick, '32, Howard Gould, '32, Howard Worden, '32, Hugh Conklin, '32, Noel Chand- ler, '33, Edward W. Kuhn, '33, and Harry Benjamin, '32., Statistics in the possession of members of the ticket committee show that Beta Theta Pi leads all other fraternities on campus in the number of members already in pos- session of tickets for the dance with 10. Zeta Psi is second with 8, while Chi Psi is third with 7, and Alpha Delta Phi, Theta Delta Chi, and Sigma Chi have 5 each. Plans to present the Oil Can, badge of the faculty's "Loquacious Lubricator," at the dance were go- ing forward yesterday. Members of Sigma Delta Chi admitted that the 1932 recipient of the token and ti- tle had been tentatively selected, but refused to reveal his identity. Prof. Brumm to Speak at Socialist Meeting Prof. John L. Brumm, of the de- partment of journalism will address a special meeting of the Student Socialist Club on the question of "Editorial Freedom in University Publications" at 8 o'clock tonight at the Michigan Union. The dismissal of Editor Reed Harris from the staff of the Colum- bia Spectator has brought the ques- tion of editorial freedom and re- sponsibility to the attention of the University students interested in student publications, the club point- ed out. AIDS LINDBERGH A " Associated Press Photo Ma.j. Charles H. Scboeffel, second in command of New Jersey state police, left for England recently on a flissiOn in connection with the searc or the L NZdb:rgi km y. InspeCtion Confirms Fire Damage FigureP Inspection of th w fifth floor of Mosher, dormitory yesterday by members of the buildings and grounds staff confirmed the damage figure of $1500 due to the fire Tuesday night. The inspection also revealed that defective wiring could not have - been the cause of the blaze, but that a drsser lamp, the shade of which caught. on fire, prob- ably started the fire. Buildings and grounds offi- cials stated last night that re- pairs would commence Friday morning, and would be com- pleted before the end of Spring vacation. Only one room in which the fire started, and the opposite room, were damaged by flames, the remaining loss being due to smoke and water. COUNCIL NAMES ELECTION DATE President of Governing Body to Be Chosen May 18. The president of the Student Council will be elected on May 18 in the regular all campus elections and two candidates will be chosen from the junior members of the Council to run for this position, it was decided at a meeting of this body last night. Before the changes can go into effect, an amendment to the con- stitution must be passed by the Council and approved by the Sen- ate Committee of Student Affairs, it was announced. If the amendment is passed, the Council itself will nominate the two candidates for this office. The Council further decided tc attempt to arrange an interesting program for swingout and also t work out some plan which would lessen drinking at this affair. Caps, Gowns Ready Seniors may secure their caps and gowns at Moe's Sport Shop, on North University avenue, it was announced last night by Da- vid M. Nichol, senior class presi- dent. They have the choice of renting or buying the regalia, which will go on sale today, Nichol said.' Caricatures Campus Self-esteem and dignity of stud- ents all over the campus have been falling victims to the cogent cari- catures of Leonard C. Ward, trav- eling sketch-maker who has been visiting fraternities and sororities during the last two weeks. Ward, who has been caricaturing for the past three years in colleges in various plarts of the country, glances swiftly at a profile of his subject and somehow manages to draw a true resemblance, and at the same time distort slightly ir- regular features mercilessly. While onlookers laugh raucously Ward spreads a nose over half. a page and plays havoc with a reced- ing chin, and as the crestfallen subject looks sheepishly at the fin- islted product "friends" assure him that it's a perfect likeness. The peculiar part of it is that no one seems satisfied until he has seen hi own countenance in wild lines of black anl white. Ward works siftly, taking about as much time per caricature as it takes you to read this article, yet he never erases and rarely starts -over. "Sororities are good places to work in," Ward td one group of fellows last night, "the girls are good sports about seeing their faces in comic and then most of them come around on the sly to have me do one, and see how 'good looking' I can make it." - Ward will "work" Michigan until this summer vacation. MILLS ADVCATS TAX BILLCHANGES Treasury Secretary Asks Lower Income Taxes; Criticises Farm Board. WASHINGTON, April 6. - (P) - The center of congressional discus- sion-the billion dollar tax bill- today caused another trip to th( capitol\ by Secretary Mills and en- suing criticism of several of the measure's provision before the Senate finance committee. Meanwhile, consideration of th independent offices appropriatior measure brought a scathing attack upon the farm board from Rep Woodrum (D. Va.) in which h assailed the salaries paid employee: of cotterm and grain co-operatives. He put the blame on the board and Rep. Vincon (D. Ga.) chime in with a demand that it be abol- ished. It found a defender, however in Rep. Simmons (R. Neb.). Secretary Mills called for lowe income taxes in the pending meas- ure and made other suggestions fo changes. Meanwhile, two Demo cratic senators, Walsh of Massa- chusetts and Tydings of Maryland started a movement to keep furthe tariff levies out of the bill. The recommendations by Prohi- bition Director Woodcock of th prohibition bureau, and Commis- sioner Doran of the industria alcohol bureau, drew attention be- fore a House judiciary sub-commit tee. They suggested abolition of th 10-day time limit on prescription of whisky by physicians. , The World Court issue was befor the Senate foreign relations com- mittee once more. Secretary Stim. son assui'ed the committee that th rights of the United States are full protected by the Root protocol bu' a number of senators who, hav been against court entry from th first are to be convinced. I Students Turn Comic LATEST CONTAC GIYES NEW HoI as Traveling Artist Norfolk 'Go-Betw N BABY SEARl Reassured Baby Is Safe. TRIP KEPT SECRET Rumor Child Returne to Mrs. Morrow Unfounded. HOPEWELL, N.J., April 6.-()- A description of a fresh "contact with kidnappers of the Lindbergl baby reached here today as an un explained wave of optimism for th child's safe return enveloped th Sourland countryside. Back home from a mysterou four-day airplane trip, John Hughe Curtis, one of three Norfolk, V intermediaries, told briefly of estab lishing the new contact and sa he had been informed the baby w, well. Significance was added to hi pronouncement by a statement h also had seen Col. Charles A. Lind bergh while away. This for the first time connecte the activities of the Virginia tri with the two unexplained tr: made early this week by the famot flier. Explains Mystery Trips. On both occasions-Sunday an Monday-Lindbergh was reporte seen in a plane near Martha's VinE yard, Mass., the former day in von pany with three unidentified men Curtis said he was not at libert to disclose where he had met ttl colonel. He did not say how muc time he had spent with him, nc whether they had gone anywhe together. Upon his return to Norfolk in Navy plane, piloted by the sanJ officer who flew another of the lt termediaries here to'-see Lindberg several weeks ago, Curtis went il conference with his two associates Then he issued the followir statement: Lindbergh Contacted. "On my trip I made contact an was informed by my edntact th the child was well. Saw Col. Lin 'ergh personally, but am not a iberty to say where. I regret mr inability to say more at this time He had spent two hours beh ;losed doors with Dean H. Dobso Peacock and Rear Admiral Guy F 3urrage, retired, before making t announcement. Meantime, a report came fro: Falmouth, Mass., that a man, woman and a child had been see in a boat in Waquoit Bay, which only a short distance north c .Martha's Vineyard. The boat was said tq be headix toward Great Neck, Mass. Sta oolice began a search of the wood region in that section. 'Although it was possible the ri )ort was only another of the thoi sands of wild leads turned up in ti 36-day investigation, interest vi ittached to it because of Lin :,ergh's trip to that section and ti 'ossibility Curtis alo had be there during the past four days. Child Not at Morrow Home. Rumors the missing child alrea 'ad been returned to his paren )r to the home of his grandmot r, Mrs. Dwight W. Morrow, at E ;lewood, spread from coast to coa luring the day. There also were persistent r :orts, one attributed to a pers ,onnected with the investigati ':hat the return of the child w nly a matter of hours off. Col. H. Norman Schwartko state police superintendent, in vi )rously denying the21-month-d Soy was back, said: "When the ba 's returned, the news will b rele 3d through Trenton." William Bird, '32E, will act as the general chairman of the 1932 Mili- tary Ball to be held April 29 in the Union ballroom. Although the name has not been announced, Edward C. Spaulding, '33, orchestra chairman, declared that a nationally known band would be selected.' The following men have been ap- pointed chairmen of committees: favors, Garland C. Misener; tickets Charles Claypoole, '32E; decora- tions, Paul Firring, '32E; publicity Gilbert E. Bursley, '34; and floor. Arthur W. Harbison, '35. The price for tickets has been re- duced to four dollars. They will ge on sale in the near future, and be sold to members of the R.O.T.C. be- fore being thrown open to the gen- eral public. Favors are not selected but will be of a military nature. Formal dress or uniform will be worn by all men attending. Reach Semi-Finals in Debating Group Semi-finals of the elimination contest o f the Michigan High School Debating League have been reached, it was announced yester-' day by James M. McBurney, of the speech department, director of the league. Oxford, Pontiac, Muskegon, and Mt. Clemens remain in the contest. The semi-final debates on the question, "Resolved: That the State of Michigan Adopt a System of Compulsory Unemployment Insur- ance," will take place April 15. The in winnro f thes edebates will Finals of the University contest to determine Michigan's represen- tative at the Northern Oratorical League contest, to be held at Cleve- land May 6, will be staged at 8 o'clock tonight in Lydia Mendels- sohn theatre. Nathan Levy, '34L., president of the Oratorical associa- tion, will act as chairman. The order of the speeches, as an- nounced by Carl G. Brandt, of the speech department, who i s i n charge of the contest, is "America's Answer to Socialistic Propaganda," by Joseph Legats, '32; "Influence of the American Frontier," by Alan V. Lowenstein, '33; "The Force Without or the Force Within," by Dorothy Daniels, '32; "Carbon Cop- ies," by Alice Boter, '33; and "The Battleship Bubble," by Fred L. Johnson, '34. Judges of the contestants are Professors Hobart R. Coffey of the law school, R. D. Hollister of the speech department, James K. Pol- lock of the political science depart- ment, a n d Professor Emeritus Thomas C. Trueblood of the former department of public speaking. There will be a conference of the judges before the final decision is given. THREE NEGRO PLAYS OF GRADUATE STUDENT WILL BE ENACTED HERE By James H. Inglis. As a result of the discovery of what is believed to be a first rate playwright among the drama stud- ents of the graduate English de- partment, three one-act negro folk plays will be presented April 22 at the Mendelssohn theatre. p Doris Price, grad., a member of the negro race herself, during the past year has written "The Bright Medallion," "The Eyes of the Old," and "Sokta," which taken together comprise the most exceptionally fine piece of drama composition which has been discovered here within the past several years, in the ooinion of Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe philosophical solliloquy of an aged and blind negress. This speech, ProfessordRowe said, is the climax of the play and depends on the beauty of the speech rhythm. Unlike the other pieces, "The Bright Medallion" has a large cast, has a complicated plot structure, and provides a lively sequence of plot episodes. "These plays," Pro- fessor Rowe stated, "are unlike anything I have ever read." Delta Sigma Theta, negro society of the College of the City of Detroit, will produce the play and bring it to Ann Arbor for production under the auspices of the English depart- ment a'nd Play Production. The theatrical groun, Delta S i g m a WASHINGTON, GOETHE CONTRASTED BY BRESLAU PROFESSOR IN TALK By Karl Sei ert. genius that carried all before it A comparison between tie con- Goethe soon became the mos' tributiAons to civilization of George prominent writer of Germany an( Washington and Johann Wolfgang later of Europe." von Goethe, greatest of all German The second period, during whicr poets, was made yesterday by .Prof. he lived in Weimar, .was character- Unisy r - zed by greater seriousness and the Eugen Kuehnemann, of the Uver levelopment of the intelectua sity of Brslau, speaking in German develypmhtfmthebis lf hi "Goethe und Deutschland," be- p urity that formed the basis of hi. on ' ae n e unhand -later accomplishments, accordint for an audience of students and tO Professor Kuehnemann. faculty members in Natural Sci- Travelling later to Italy in search ence auditorium, of rest after a number of years of "Washington," s a i d Professor intensive work, he entered upon the Kuehnemann, "brought a free peo- era of self-discipline and self-sacri- ple to a free country, while Goethe lice, from which he derived the with his poetry opened the freedom greatest happiness of his life. of Germany to the German people." Returning from Italy, he became Tracing the life of the great po- acquainted with Johann von Schil- et. the centennial of whose death ler, whose companionship, said i t" 5 5 A Few Are Still Looking There are still some students looking for a convenient way to get home. If you are driving from Ann Arbor tomor- row advertise the fact