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April 06, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-06

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Damages Mosher

Hall; Cause Unknown]


LOSS of $14500
Faulty Wiring Named
As Probable
No Smoking in Future
Says Assistant
Damage amounting close to
$1,500 was caused in the Mosher
dormitory last night when fire
broke out on the fifth floor during
the dinner hour. The flames were
under control of the fire depart-
rment in fifteen minutes, the re-
sulting damage, with the excep-
tion of one room, being due to
smoke and water. Probable cause
was said to be due to defective
While residents of the dormi-
tory valiantly sang "Hail to The
Victors" in their dining room, sirens
blew in the streets and firemen
attempted to reach the room in
which the fire had started with a
chemical, hose. This proved, how-
ever, to be too short, and a power
line was brought into the room
through the window.
Occupants Must Move.
Inez Bozworth, director of the
dormitory, stated that only the oc-
cupants of the room in which the
blaze started would have to live in
other rooms during repairs, al-
though residents of other rooms
badly damaged by smoke might
move for the time being.
Edward C. Pardon, superintend-
ent of building and grounds, made
the estimate of damage done, and
stated that it was covered by in-
surance. This loss, however, does
not representthe personal effects
of the residents, who will not b'
reimbursed for their losses unless
personally covered by insurance. A
more detailed inspection will take
place today, when a more definite
figure will be arrived at. Pardon
estimated that repairs, if started
at once, would be completed b the
time vacation is over.
Defective Wiring Blamed.
At first it was supposed that the
fire had been started by smoulder-
ing cigarette ashes, but later on
further investigation revealed that
defective wiring was probably r -
sponsible for the blaze. The f e
was first noticed by a maid at 6:30.
Neither of the occupants of room
509, where the blaze started, had
been in since 3 o'clock in the aft-
ernoon. Several girls said that
they had noticed smoke an hour
before, and presumed it came from
the incinerator. Mlle. Fournier, as-
sistant director of the dormitory,
said that smoking would probably
not be allowed in the dormitory in
the future.
The fire started in room 509, fac-
ing the court. All the doors of the
rooms on the front corridor were
open however, and the conflagra-
tion spread to that section. The
rooms of the dormitory, after con-
struction, were supposed to be fire
proof and built to prevent spread-
ing of fire.
Many inhabitants of the dormi-
tory complained of damage to
clothing done by smokedand water.
Occupants of rooms 509 and 508
suffered larger losses than the oth-
ers because of their proximity to
the origin of the fire.

Railway and Bus Rates
Cut for Vacation Trip
Special rates for Michigan stu-
dents going home for Easter vaca-
tion were announced yesterday by
the Michigan Central railroad.
Round trip tickets good only in day
coaches may be secured for the
price ordinarily required for one
way fare. Tickets will be valid on
T1m er]. -a an a rin+- +Mfthimc WPr


'at Columbia,



ease in Revenue Amounts to 15 Per

Above are members of the debating squad of Sigma Rho Tau, forensic society of the college of engi-
neering. They are, left to right: top row; R. G. Finch, '34E, D. F. Bleil, '32E, E. L. Fairchild, '32E, R. L.
Gillilan, '34E, J. D. O'Brien, '34E, B. C. Coats, '32E, J.A. Sanderson, '35E. Bottom row; B. D. Schroeder, '33E,
R. L. Price, '33E, E. A. Kazmark, '33E, E. C. Briggs, '32E, W. S. McDowell, '34E, S. C. Killian, '34E, J. C. Comar,
'33E, D. H. Larmee, '34E.


7,000 Invitations are Sent
Those Living in 500
Mile Radius.


Special invitations to the annual
Spring Homecoming, to be held
here May 6, 7, and 8, yesterday were
mailed to more than 7.000 parents.
and guardians of University stud-
ents living within a radius of 500
miles of Ann Arbor.
Invitations were also mailed to
400 high school principals, within
250 miles and to 165 alumni clubs
throughout the country.
It is believed by the Homecoming
committee, which is composed of
student leaders, Joseph A. Bursley,
dean of students, and T. Hawley
Tapping, secretary of the Alumni
association, that the special pro-
gram that has been arranged for
the returningaalumni will be espec-
ially attractive to parents.
A mother's and daughter's ban-
quet, which may also be attended
by women who have sons in the
University, will be one of the fea-
tures of the Saturday list of events.
This will be held at 1 o'clock in the
League. A father's and son's ban-
quet will be held at 6:15 o'clock
also on Saturday, in the Union.
Two of the outstanding events on
the program are the traditional
cap-night, which will be held Fri-
day in Sleepy Hollow, and a con-
cert to be given by the Men's Glee
club, the Women's Glee club, and
the Varsity band.
Caps, Gowns Ready
Seniors may secure their caps
and gowns at Van Boven's cloth-
ing store on State St., it was an-
nounced last night by David M.
Nichol, senior class president.
They have the choice of renting
or buying the regalia, which will
go on sale today, Nichol said.

Engineers to Debate
Detroit College Team
"Resolved: that the immediate
completion of the St. Lawrence
waterway is feasible," is the ques-
tion which will be debated when
Sigma Rho Tau, debating society of
the engineering college, engages
Detroit City college at 7:30, Thurs-
day, April 7, at the Union.
Carl Turnquist, Donald Davis,
and Edwin Barrows compose the
team which will represent the City
college engineering school. The
Sigma Rho Tau team, taking the-
negative side of the question, will
include E. L. Fairchild, '32E, B. C.
Coats, '32E, D. F. Bleil, '32E, and R.
L. Gillilan, '34E, alternate.


Lyle Passmore Chosen
of Organization by

of Governers.



Production Will


'The Importance. of

Earnest' in May.

An outstanding classic among the
high comedies of the English lan-'
guage, Oscar Wilde's "The Impor-
tance of Being Earnest," has been
chosen by Play Production as their
spring play to be given May 4, 5,
and 6 in the Mendelssohn theatre.
This drama contains the finest]
wit of the late nineteenth century,
according to Valantine B. Windt,
director of Play Production. "It is
distinctly a modern show and we
are going to do it definitely in the
modern manner," Windt said.
Reviewing the work of the year,
it was brought out that with the
production of Shakespeare's "Tam-
ing of the Shrew," and "The Mar-
riage of Convenience," the year'
work for the Play Production group
has been distinctly "heavy." "The
Importance of Being Earnest" on
the week-end of Mother's Day will
provide an easy and light climax
to the season's work, according to
Prof. Windt.
The only other show under ser-
ious consideration for this spring
was "Berkley Square."

Jules Ayers, '33, was elected pres-
ident of the S.C.A. and Lyle Pass-
more, '33, secretary yesterday after-
noon by the b, of trustees of the
Ayers has served as all campus
forum chairman for the last two
years, and was in charge of an offi-
cers training camp at Patterson
Lake last spring to which presi-
dents of Y.M.C.A.'s of various col-
leges throughout the state were
invited. This year he was a mem-
The secretary-treasurer of the
Interfraternity Council was elected
last night at a meeting of the ju-
diciary committee of this body but
his name will not be announced
utlafter vacation. No action was
taken on the rules regulating de-
ferred rushing.
ber of the executive committee
which secures the L.I.D. lecture ser-
ies that were sponsored by the
council of religion and the Socialist
club. This week-end Ayers will at-
tend a meeting at Chicago of new-E
ly-elected S.C.A. presidents of all
the Big Ten schools.
Lyle Passmore, '33, newly elected
secretary, and chairman of next
year's Freshman Rendez-Vous, has
served as chairman of the fresh-
man committee of the S.C.A. this
past year. He has been actively
identified with the S.C.A. for the
last three years.
The S.C.A. board will meet at a
later date to determine who the
remaining members of the new
cabinet will be.
Political Scientists Will Head
Survey to Be Made of
Local Governments.

Student Committee Will Support
Reed Harris, Distribute
Handbills, Tags.
NEW YORK, April 5.-(/lP)-Th
Columbia University campus seeth-
ed with excitement and rebellion
today, as plans progressed for a
student strike in protest of the ex-
pulsion of Reed Harris, editor of
the college paper.
A student strike committee, has-
tily organized, announced it would
flood the campus with handbills
urging students not to attend class-
es tomorrow, and distribute little
blue and white tags for protesting
students to wear.
Beginning at 9 a. mn. a protest
meeting on the library steps will
be held every hour, just as classes
convene, leaders said.
About 133 picketeers have been
selected, and 10 youths have vol-
unteered to promenade in front of
the home of Dr. Nicholas Murray
Butler on Morningside Drive, wear-
ing sandwich signs in the tradition-
al picketing manner.
Nearly 2,000 students gathered on
the library steps at a mass meeting
today at which vehement protests
Iwere voiced against the action of
Dean Herbert E. Hawkes in expell-
ing Harris following a series of crit-
ical comments of various university
activities he had made editorally.
Cheers greeted Donald J. Hender-
son, economics instructor, when he
addressed the meeting.
"My only regret," he said, "is that
I do not come to this mass meeting
with 100 percent support of the
Late in the day, a petition was
circulated among faculty members,
and it was reported several signa-
tures had been affixed.
"The faculty is coming through,"
declared Rob, F, Hall, student pres-
ident of the Social Problems Club,
who led the meeting.
Adelphi Discussions
of Political Issues
Climax in Filibuster
Climaxed with a filibuster for
Herbert C. Hoover and the Repub-
lican party in the 1932 elections, the
Adelphi discussion of presidential
issues and party representatives
held last night resulted in a draw.
The Republicans, outnumbered
nine to one, defended Hoover
against a barrage of attacks based
on the unemployment situation, his
part in the world-wide depression
and an accusation that the G.O.P.
has deteriorated into an ultra-con-
servative party.
Ridiculing the Republican reti-
cence to take ar issue on the prohi-
bition question, the Democratic
faction favored light wines and
beers for a campaign platform with
a promise of eventual elimination
of the Volstead act. Gov. Franklin
D. Roosevelt was selected as the
party choice for president to oppose
the man whom it was asserted,
"was chosen only because of a
dearth of leaders outside the Demo-
cratic party."_


t- Much


LANSING, April 5.-(/P)-The house of representatives voted
today to reduce the mill tax limitation for the University of Michigan
to $4,182,724 from $4,928,852, and only seven votes prevented a more
drastic cut to $3,750,000.
The reduction agreed to by the members of the house was that
recommended by Gov. Brucker and accepted by University officials.
The house also passed the bill reducing Ml.:higan State College's
appropriation to $1,394,241 from $1,640,284.
Rep. Richard A. Macrae of Detroit sponsored the amendment
tn cut the University limitation to $3,750,000 and was defeated by

One Fraternity Has
aWhile the rank and file of
Michigan's Greek brothers are
spending sleepless nights wor-
rying about the deferred rush-
ing problems and many a har-
rassed frater has aged unduly
in the past six months, Phi
Beta , Kappa, king o f t h e
Greeks, has developed a prob-
lem all its own.
The Michigan Phi Betes are-
n't worrying about getting new
members. They 'are trying to
figure out a painless way to ex-
plain to innocent but determin-
ed "applicants" for member-
ship that Phi Beta Kappa is an
elective organization.
According toOrma F. Butler,
Ph.D., assistant professor of
Latin, curator of archeological
collections, and secretary of the
local chapter, nothing is more
embarrassing than to be faced
with the problem of explaining
to an eager aspirant for mem-
bership that the only way to
get into the club is to be elec-
The road to membership in
the world's most famous honor-
ary scholastic society is a diffi-
cult one, it seems. Not only
must a candidate for member-
ship be passed by- a committee
of members, but his record
must be examined and declared
acceptable b y a University
group as well, and finally, and
not the least of the stipula-
tions, is the fact that a single
"black-ball" will disqualify the
Political Science Tour
to Visit State Capitai
The political science tour for stu
dents in the elementary courses o'
the department will leave from it
front of Angell hall at 12:30 o'clocl
today for Lansing. All students i7
the second semester of the basis
course are eligible to go.
The students will visit the legis-
lature, which is meeting in specia
session at present, and observe thf
procedure. Later they will be guest
at a dinner to be attended by som
prominent men of the capitol an(
will return to Ann Arbor this eve
ning. The trip will be under th,
guidance of Prof. James K. Polloc<

L %.P t- L7. i a' .., v ..:... ..,. ,. . .. . ,. .. ,..

Acording to a statement last
night from Junius E. Beal, re-
gent of the University from
Ann Arbor, the University as
part of the state government in
Michigan is in a position to
face budget cuts similar to
those being put into effect in
other branches of government.
No plans have been made as
yet, he said, toward formulat-
ing the year's budget in accord-
ance with the reduction.
President Alexander GButh-
yen and Shirley W. Smith, vice
president, were silent regardinig
the appropriations t and the
opinion of the University in re-
spect to it.
ation." He said University officials
will refuse to accept a larger cut.
Reject Macrae Amendment.
The vote by which the house re-
jected the Macrae amendment to
limit the University mill tax to $3,-
750,000 follows:
For-Bradley, Vernon, J. Brown,
Bruce, Burleson, Bushnell, Buys,
Miles M. Callaglhan, John H. Cal-
laghan, Crandall, Ate Dykstra, John
Dykstra, Feighner, Frey, Goodwine,
William Green, Helme, Holbeck,
Johnson, Kimball, Kirkwood, Mac-
rae, McBride, McDonald, McNitt,
Miller, Morrison, Phillips, Powell,
Reed, Robertson, Fias, Thomas,
Town, Fred Wade, Ward, Watson,
Against - Anderson, Armstrong,
Bernard, Bartlett, B i r k, Boyle,
Biy, Brake, Burhans, Calvert,
Campbell, Cheeney, Coates, Culver,
Cuthbertson, Dacey, Daprato, Dar-
in, Douville, Fuller, Haight, Harnly,
Hartman, Hinkley, Huff, Hull, Jack-
son, Jeffries, Jewell, Mackinnon,
V'cColl, Murphy, Natting, Nichols,
Osborne , ck, Ripley, Scott, South-
vorth, P g ian, VanBrocklin, Frankc
Wade, Wardell, Wreford-44.

by Sev

the narrow margin of 44 to 37.
Advertising Appropriation Cut.
Two other appropriations for
state expenditures, however, were
slashed much more drastically than
Gov. Brucker had recommended.
The sum for advertising state tour-
ist advantages was reduced from
$100,000 to $50,000, whereas the
governor had recommended -a 15
percent cut. The anti-bovine tub-
erculosis allotment was cut from
$150,000 to $100,000.
Charges that the "University lob-
by" had maintained the institu-
tion's mill tax at its present fig-
ure were made by Rep. Macrae in
asking for a limitation of $3,750,-
000. Rep. Gus T. Hartmnan, chair-
man of the ways and means com-
mittee, warned that "we will lose
the 15 per cent cut if any further
reduction is made in this appropri-



A&A. i;V T iIM1R f -sv w. r...a as ar .,. . w-..

Reduction Is
n Votes.

'Spring Is Here,' Declares
Gargoyle; Appears Today


Spring IS here!
If you don't believe it, watch for
the April issue of the Gargoyle
which will appear this morning.
Along this same line, there is an
"Encomia" on Vice President Clar-
ence S. Yoakum which explains for
the first time how the former Dean
of the Literary College at North-
western University spends his time
at Michigan. Incidentally, there are
some startling revelations.
"Then," says the Gargoyle, "with
that look of the intelligentsia, pic-
tured by the artist above, he hauls
n,,+ n hnntam rn-ter anti a verv r

stupidity of the political mind at
Michigan-," Gargoyle exclaims and
mentions names which have be-
come so prominent in the past few
weeks, including President McCor-
mick, President Ruthven, and a
certain Mr. Stevenson.
Professor Lowell J. Carr's recent
attack upon the fraternity as an
institution is the subject of one of
the number of Campus Talk's in the
issue for this month.
"After all," the magazine com-
ments, "who are we to deny any-
nne the nrivilete of crvina out

Following a meeting yesterday in
the Union of the State Commission
of Inquiry into County, Township,
and School-District government,
Dr. Lent D. Upson, director of the
survey which is to be conducted,
announced that the following coun-
ties had been selected as typical for
detailed study: Cass, Roscommon,
Antrim, Kent, Oakland, Luce, and
The study is to be made under
the direction of Professors Reed
and Bromage, of the political sci-
ence department of the University.
The announcement followed a
discussion to determine a schedule
of diata to be obtained by field in-

Radium treatments administered
by untrained persons or the indis-
criminate use of radio-active wat-
ers may well be the hidden cause
of cancer or other serious degenera-
tive disease which may not appear
until years after the treatment has
been stopped, according to a warn-
ing issued by Dr. Carl V. Weller, di-
rector of the pathological labora-
The danger of radium or radio-
active substances when used by in-
expert hands lies in the fact that
minute portions of the dium may
be absorbed and gradually deposit-
ed in the bones or other tissues.
Once thus established the radio-ac-

little weakening of its power. S(
penetrating and so powerful are th(
radiations that a quantity of radio-
active matter as small as one one-
hundred-thousandth of a gramr
may cause death years after it way
absorbed into the body, Dr. Wellej
points out, so that the careless use
of radium or radium appliances, o,
working in air laden with radio-ac-
tive dust may produce eventuall3
fatal results if continued for only
a relative short time.
Many degenerative diseases o
the tissues may be the final sign o1
the activity, cancer and some type:
of anemia being commonest, a,
shown by workers engaged in watch

One Killed, Another
Injured as Cars Crash
Two automobile accidents in the
icinity of Ann Arbor resulted in
,he death of a man and serious in-
jury to a local woman yesterday.
Clement L. V. Tucker, 35 years old,
:f Detroit, died at St. Joseph's Mer-
:y hospital five minutes after he
!tad been admitted when witnesses
who saw his car, in which he had
been driving in the vicinity of Dix-
boro on Ford road, leave the pave-
ment and come to a stop in an em-
3ankment after crashing through
two fences. Sheriff's officers said
last night that there will be no in-

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