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April 05, 1932 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-05

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T __ _ _ _T._ _
5 i.


Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped after April 8 will be re-
corded with a grade of E.
Varsity Band: All members rport for concert in Iill Auditorium not
later than 7:45 o'clock tonight. Nicholas Falcone, director.

Spring Vacation: Information in regard to special student rates for of the Chapter as possible w l
the vacation period may be had at the Parrot from 12 to 7 p.m., daily. present on this occasion.
Orma F: Butler, Secretar

on t
to b

ublication in the
the University.
le President until

Bulletin, is constructive notice to
Copy received at the office of the
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday..

all members
Assistant to




No. 136

Gargoyle Business Staff: Meeting of entire staff and tryouts at 4
o'clock. Tryouts be in office at 3:15 to mail out magazines, due
Political Science 2-Trip to Lansing: The busses will leave at 12:30
nm Wed~nedg1 Anril A f rm in frnnt M An-1 N-aHll

beta Phi Eta meeting of pledges and actives at 7:3d p.m., to decide
he plays. Election of officers will follow. Every-member is requested Readings from Tentyson: Mer
e present. bers of the Interpretive Arts Socie
will give a program of readin
Theta Sigma Phi meeting, 7:15 p.m., at the League. Matrix articles from the poetry of Tennyson, c
Wednesday, April 6, promptly
7:15, in Room 302 Mason Hall. A
Engineering Council meeting, 7:30 p.m., in M.E. computing room. interested are invited.

President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students on Wednes-
day, April 6:
Notice: In response to numerous' requests there has been printed a
supply of small notices for the outside of office doors, these notices read-
ing: "Positively Nt Soliciting. University of Michigan." Any member
of the faculty who desires such notice for posting on his office door can
secure the sign by application at the Business Office of the University.
A. G. Ruthven.
University Lecture: Professor W. A. Oldfather, Head of the Classical
Department, University of Illinois, will lecture on the subject, "Levels
of Culture,' on Friday, April 29, at 4-:15 p.m., in Room 2003 Angell Hall,
The public is cordially invited.f
University Lecture: Profsssor Edson S. Bastin, Head 'of the Geology
Department;University of Chicago, will lecture on the Origin of Copper
Deposits, Thursday, April 7, at 4:15 p.m., in the Geological lecture room
(2054 Natural Science building). The lecture will appeal especially to
students cf geology and mineralogy, but is open to the public.
Oriental Women: The gaus which is taking the girls to East Lansing
on Saturday, April 9, will leave the Michigan League building at 8:30 a.m.
All who are going are asked to be prompt. Will anyone who has not
notified this ofIice, please do so by Tuesday, April 5, in order that trans-
portation arrangements may be made. Alice C. Lloyd,
Dean of Women.
Surplus Nursery Stock will be on sale at the Forest Nursery, near the
Botanical Gardens on Packard load, April 9-16. N. L. Munster,
Forest Teclnician.
Graduate School: Students enrolled in the Graduate School will not
be permitted to drop courses after the Spring Vacation. A course is not
offw1 ially dropped until it is reported in the office of thq draduate School,
I'.oom 1014 Angell Hall.,
i Students, College of Engineering: The final day for the removal of
incompletes will be Saturday, April 9. This is in accordance with the
ruling that if credit is to be given for a course, the work in the course
mnust be completed by the end of the eighth week ofl the semester of
residence next succeeding that in which the course was elected,
University Symphony Orchestra: No rehearsal (today) or Friday.
Rehearsals Wednesday and Thursday of. this week. Morris Hall.
Students, School of Education: Permission to drop courses without
"E" grades will not be given after Friday, April 8, except under extra-
ordinary circumstances. No course is-considered officially dropped un-
less it has been reported in the office of the. Recorder of the School of
Education, Room 1437 U. Elementary School.
New Freshman Pageant Rehearsal Schedule:
Renaissance ............... Tuesday and Thursday, 3:00-Barbour Gym
Strauss,Waltz and Gavotte. .Tuesday and Thursday, 4:00-Barbour Gym
Greek Warriors and Greek
. Priestess..,..........Tuesday and Thursday, 4:30--Barbour Gym
rnitive .......... ........ Tuesday and Thursday, 5.00-Barbour Gym
Modern......... ..Monday and Wednesday, 4:30-Barbour Gym
Ballet..................Monday and Wednesday, 5:00-Barbour Gym
Please be prompt. Come ready for work with either dance or gym
clothes. Heads of dance groups please come a little early if possible.


p .zz., sVUI~tiJ ay, p c, Irm n on otttt ng et matt
The Poetry Society of the University of Michigan meets at 7:30 p.m.,
in.Room 3227 Angell Hall. Applicants to this society must submit ori-
E.M. 2A: The class will meet today at 1 o'clock in the testing lab- ginal manuscript to Miss Jean D. Crawford at Martha Cook.
oratory. __
Junior Research Club, 7:30 p.m., in Room 2082 N.S. "Oxygen del,-
Economics 171, 172, and 173: Mr. Charles 1. Couchman, President of
the American Institute of Accountants, will speak in Room 1025 A.H., n o
today, at 4:15 on "High Lights of Accountancy." between molecules in gases," ames . wens.
- International Relations Club: The Minorities Problem will be the
Make Up Examination: History 12, Lecture Section I, for absentees subject of discussion, to be opened by students from Hungary. Political
of mid-semester, Wednesday, April 6, at 4 p.m., Room 4001 A.H. Science Seminar room, A.H., at 8:30 o'clock.
Physics Colloquium: Mr. J. G. Malone will talk on the "Dielectric Christian Science Organization meets in the Chapel of the Michigan
Constant in Polar Solution," at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1041, East Physics League at 8 p.m. All students and faculty are invited to attend.
building., All intereste(d are cordiallA invithd to attend. ----.
Pai lleltentic l)eleg'ates: Regular meeting of Pan'Helleic, at 4 p..m.,
EVENTSTDAY inthe Cave.
School of Business Administration: The monthly assembly will be _

A.S.M.E.: All Student Meetin

Wednesday, April 6, at 7:30,p.nm., in
the lecture room of the West Engi-
neering Annex bldg. Walter Kranz
'32E, will talk on "The Canning In-
dutry." The talk is to be illustrated
with a two-reel motion picture. A
announcement about the May din
ner Meeting with the Detroit See;'
tion' will be made at this meeting
Everybody Welcome.
Ann Arbor Chamber Music S'aI
eiety: The annual meeting will
held Tuesday, April 12, at 3:30 p.nk :
in the Michigan League. Notice the
change of date. All interested in the
future of this organization are
urged to be present.
hillel Luncheon will be held on
Wednesday, April 6, at 12:15 p.m
at the Union. Mr. Valentine B
Windt will speak.
Students Attending Aeronautical
Show on student tickets will have
to furnish their own 'transportation.

held at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Mr. Charles B. Couchman,
president of the American Institute of Accountants, will speak on the
subject "High Lights of Accountancy."
A.I.E.E.: Motion pictures on "Automatic Substations," "Automatic
Arc Welding" and the "General Electric Student Training Course" will
be shown in Natural Science Aud., 7:30 p.m. The public is invited.
Athena: The members and the coach of the Athena-Zeta Phi EtaI
debate tcam will meet in the Athena room at 8 p.m. There will be no
general meeting this week, but all members are requested to remember
the first meeting aftei Sprii- Vacation, April '19, when Dr Muyskens will
speak to the soeict.y.
Adelphi: A in l.er-poxty lebao Lunoil the cnpa ign issues for the fall
elections will be the program or the open meeting, All freshmen intend-
irg to try otit for the Alpl a Nu debato aro required to attend and
participate. 'hc meeting will be held at 7:30 'p.m., in Room 4203 A.HI.
Alpha Nu meets at 7:30 in Alp'ha Nu Room, fourth floor Angell Hall.
An open forum discussion will be held on "Government Planning." The
-general public is cordially invited and those interested in affiliating with
the organization are especially urged to attend. Try out speeches will
be heard tonight.

Camelot ExhJibition: The University Chess and Checker club is spon-
soring a Camelot Exhibition by Newell Banks, one of the leading Camelot
players of the United States. The exhibition will be held this evening at
8 o'clock, at the Michigan Union. The public is cordially invited.. There
will be no admission charge.
Michigan Dames will have a social meeting of bridge and sewing at
8 p.m., in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. All former Dames of
this or other universities are invited to attend.-

Faculty Women's Club, Playread-
ing Section, meets at 2:15, at the
League blildin2.

A Hole In the Wall


Phi leta Kappa, Annual Meet-
ing: The annual mneting of Alpha
Chapter in Michigan of .Phi Beta
Kappa will be held on Wednesday,
April 6, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 2003
A.R. Thet election of -new members
and other important business will
be under consideration at this time.
It is hoped that as many members

That's all our showcase is-but
'did you ever think of it that way?
No, because it always shows a good
picture, well framed, of someone
you know.
Is your room a hole in the wall?
n a few days the winner of the
$16.00 name contest will be an-

_ .

ers nn ,
re Chea
i J
Dow's the tame to decorate--For one week we are offering our





Studio: 332 South State Street

Dial 50:

W wAR s


~c ;vForeve



I \
. .

These are the coats
These are the Suits
You'v ee skigfor

I ' .
' '
_ 2


THO'S. HEATH SAYS- ."why wait .. . the urge is in the


air ... dress up in new Thos. Heath clothes.
different . .. something that is smarter . .

Something, that is
something that is


lore serviceable.

These suits and topcoats for spring are out-

standing-handsome-perfectly styled as always.
ou just what you rve been asking for."

We can show




The polocoat and standard double
breasted and single breasted belted
back are quite the outstanding gar-
ments and, we have them in all
shades of grey and tan.
$2950 to$3500

- IA


As at Palm Beach this year, the
with black sole will be worn by the
majority of men, beginning early
in April.
$700 Ss
Other Sport' She .00



Now that the spring parties are
under sway and it is high time for
a change in attire, these double
breasted flannels and single breast.
ed worsteds are the only thing. Be
well dressed always.






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