f : i THE MIC H TGAN DAILY D-AILY ,:..... ' F I r ti..... WA.A. Members to Hold Annual I LEAGUE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES H OF OI l v-nE HLSIIIfTO }, { ) ! I I ;) Marbara Bau,'33, 1-Ice Wi who have been named as candidates annual election which will be hl prominent in_ activities while on cam] +! i t t , r 1,7_______II -- "rMu Phi Epsilon Ceremony Held Alpha Chi Omega. atHoeofMs.Mrly Alpha Chi Omega entertained at Hme o Mrs Morey; several.. guests. at their home tlfis Six Admirtted week-end. Miss Nancy Jones of f - Detroit was guest of Miss Alice Ulh- Initiation of six women into Mu man. Mrs. Paul 'Krause of Detroit Phi Epsilon, national honorary mu- and Mrs. Georgia Blartlett of South sic sorority, took place. at 3 o'clockBnd niawrhus uet Saturday, afternoon at the home of o h ooiy Mr,) Joh Woley.Thos intiatd IAlpha D~elta Pi. .k Mr. JhnWorey.Thoe nitate IAlpha Delta Pi held pledging were Marian 'Works, '33SM., Helen Modyatronro isJn itt, '33, and Catherine Ilfeeson, '33,'Bentley '33SMV., Virginia wardMna feno o isJn s- For the League presidency in the&I'Mardell Carder, '32SM., Margaret an.y'3,oCaonileMr- di tomorrow. All three have been Swetnam, '33SM., and Mrs. 'Laura Mr.ToaRedwlenrti Littraeylemdewhof asforery.anthe members of the sorority with - - onoarymemer f te srorty. a party at her home Thursday eve- Saturday night a formal banquet nn recording sec-retary, Ruth, Ruhme,, was held in the League building in '4an MrinGdng,3,foIhnrofteewntaesPtoning. paEsio tPi treasurer. There 'are two candi- ;esses, actives, alumnae, and honorMisChanteisldanous Pe-s clat s for senior membership on the guests were present. Thelma Lew-, toskey, Mciai os-us judciay cuncl; aneFeceA'eris, instructor in voice, was toast- of Alpha Epsilon Phi this week, '33, M~~v I~he mistress and introd 1ced Mrs.% Reva atrwihsewl ii nDtot 3,and Mar.~garet Keal, '33. h Brown, who Spoke in behalf of the Helen Newberry. present junior members, MargaretalmachpendVrJon Alumnae week-end was. held by Schermack, '33, and Mary Barnett,I son who welcomed the initiates int Helen Newberry this past week-end. '33, will lild ofice again next year, th1w active chapter. ' flElizabeth Ch ynoweth, '32, was rn. and dte hairman will be mtaed 11#ac4i initiate res~ponded1 with a ~charge asgeneral. chairman. iabel- frfmi among these three.short talk. The banquet was also I Currie,'3,mngdteine Four women are running for theI given, in. honor of Ragnhild Moegien audyeeigi oo 1 I SM, Katherine Funkhouser,° '33, andjth guests. The themert of paresi- position of senior representative on Gwendolyn Pike~ '3.3, who were iii- denitial elections was carried out in the boar~d of directors, including tbated last fall, the entertainment and decorations. Janet Allen~, '33, Vinselle Bartlett, Decorations were carried out in a Jean Hart acted as toast mistress., '33, Aileen Clark; '33, and Adele Ew- scheme of purple and white, the Elsa van Slyke, '35, and Ruth ing, '33.i sorority colors, with spring flowers; Duhme, '34, were the candidates. Candidates for junior member-I in keeping with' the colors.i After the dinner the alumnae at- ship on the judiciary council are tne h uirGrs ly four in number, two of whom will NTC be selected. They are Ada Black-NTC Phyllis Swift, '34, and Josephine 17 BiROiWtraural Eimmin Woodhams; '34. Nominees for theI meet will° commence at '7:4:i + two junior representatives to the o'clock tonight in the Union& board are Margaret Allen, '34 pol. Anyone desiring to watchgm' , Isabel Bonicave, '34, Jeanette Dot-! are invited to do so. wiler, '34, and Grace Mayer, '34Ed. 1-___________F____1 T TU M 1 .= J ;. y. a' " . ' -,, : . , , 7 '{ 4 k e { k ,{i 'r a L ffi i Y i, l 'i js ,, .ti , t , .,, :s . , . , kirid modell pec& * r~o authentic chance to btain o~ Frck v/ith a dash of ud'acity wifhoid , i Ii 1 I i y ,.I1 1 ," airAYoN IfE, Iq P r '',j MILLINERY COATS. Mol"Mommmom " 1 . 323 5. MAIN N P~l RIGHT WHEN YOU ARE WANTING NEW STYLES FOR SPRING- T H IS V WEEK o ONLY / .1= 45 and $4.45 q Valuies to $7 Choase from: BLONDE SAN BLONDE Pl \PATENT SAN PATEN'T' Pi \~7f WHITE SAN 4DALS-- >UMPS- [DAbS-- xUMPS-- 4DALS-- I I