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April 05, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-05

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Published every morning except Monday during the University
fear by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively, entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General

Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50

Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Aibor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Buiness, 21214.
Telephone 4925 '
News Editor ..............................David M.. Nichol
CiEditor.............. .................Carl Forsythe
Editorial Director .... ............ ....Beach Conger, Jr.
Sports Editor ...........................Sheldon C. Fullerton
Women's Editor...........,.............Margaret M. Thompson
Assistant News Editor........................ Robert L. Pierce

Yrank B. Gilbreth
Roland A.
Brian W. Jones

J.Cullen Kennedy James
Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal
Seiffert George A. Stauter,.


Stanley W. Arnheim
Donald F. Blankerts
Edward C. Campbell
Thomas Connellan
Robert S. Deutsch
Albert L. Friedman

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
Fred A. Hubler
Harold F. Klute
Cohn S. Marshall
Roland Martin
Henry Meyer
Albert H. Newman
E. Terome Pettit
Prudence Foster
Alice GilbSt
Frances Manchester
Elizabeth Mann

Charles A. Sanford
rJohn W. Pritchard
oseph Renihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker Snyder
Glenn R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Beverly Stark
Ama Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams

this government has reached the limits of injustice.,
This year the government repressions have taken
a very strange form. When the government failed
to do anything according to law, it has been trying
to crush the fine sprit of Independence of the people
by ordinances. These ordinances are ta very clear
sign of the political bankruptcy of the governing
nation, as any one can see. The government officers
are confiscating the properties of even the relatives
and friends and, even neighbors of congress workers.
The treatment received by the congress workers is
even worse than that given to thieves and murderers.
The physical tortures undergone by the congress
volunteers are too brutal and inhuman to be describ-
ed in decent and polite language.
The repression in Ahmedabad this year is worth
knowing. In order to-Teed our own starving country-
men, and laborers working in mills, we are',doing the
work of picketing foreign cloth shops-because unless
'foreign cloth trade is stopped our own cloth industry
(hand as well as factory) cannot prosper. The pickets
are always peaceful and invariably non-violent. Still,
when they are arrested, they are tortured to no end.
Last Sunday the ladies who were arrested in the
procession were grossly abused by the police officers
and one lady-Kanchanben, by name-was attacked
by the police, her very clothes were torn; qne man
volunteer was beaten so ruthlessly that even after
six days he is unable to leave his bed. If the world
has any sense of justice it, should send its protests
from all over its surface. Many non-congress men
and women of Ahmedabad including Divan Bahadur
Harilal Desai, Lady Vidyagauri Ramanbhai and Lady
S. Chinubhai have seen the Commissioner and the
Collector-with no apparent success. After what
happened last Sunday, we the women volunteers of
Ahmedabad know not, where the government offi-
cers' brutality would lead to. So in order to kill our-
selves if our honorisattackedby the government
rservants, we have armed ourselves with 'Kirpans'-
(knives). We are non-violent congress volunteers,,
we would never dream of using the 'kirkan' on any-
body else, but we would rather kill ourselves than be
poluted by the government officers. We have nothing
to say to our treacherous brothers who have dared
to touch the, person of one Qf 6ur sisters. May God
give thefn stength of mind and purity of heart,
which they lack so much!
If the British authorities think that they can kill
the movement by these methods, let them clearly
understand that their mistake is a huge one. God
will not tolerate these kind of things for long-and
in the end TRUTH will conquer.
Vinodinee Neelanth.


' l/ ay




Miriam Carver
Beatrice Collins
Louise Crandall
Elsie Feldman-


Telephone 21214
CHARLES T.JKLINE......................Business Manages
NORRIS P. JOHNSON................... Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.............. .........,.....Vernon Bishop
Advertising Contracts.................. ......-Hary R. Begley
Advertising Service..............4..........Byron C. Vedder
Publications ................................. William T. Brown
Accounts................................Richard Stratemei
Women's Business Manager............... .... Ann W. Vernor

'Orvil Aronson
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Donna becker
Maxine Fichgrund
Ann Gallmeyer
Katherine Jackson-
Dorothy Laylin

Arthur F. Kohn
Bernard Schnacke
Graf ton W. Sharp
Virginia McComb
Caroline Mosher
Helen Olson
Helen Schmude
May Seefried


Donald A. Johnson, Ii
Dean Turner
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good-
Helen ,Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare, Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts



Judge iIerson _
go, is known throughout the United States as the
judge who sentenced Al Capone to 11 years in the.
Federal penitentiary. Today, in Washington, com-
mittee hearings are being held in Congress by
Congressmen who do not think he deserves pro-
rnotion on the federal bench.
In the course of these hearings, the story of
how the information, by which Capone was con-
victed, was gathered was revealed. And yet forces
.-are already at work ,to prevent this man, who over-j
rode an agreement made between the prosecutorl
and the gangster, who, in spite of intimidation
which had kept other officials from touching gang-
sters, sentenced Capone to, jail, from being
promoted to a, higher position.
Judge Wilkerson, although he was not alone
responsible for the outcome of the action, con-
tributed considerably to its success. The convic-
tion of Capone alone had done much to increase
confidence in law and order in the United States.
We hope that more leading gangsters may be
brought to justice, and that they encounter such
firmness as met Mr. Capone in Judge Wilkerson's





Crack at Students
(The Daily Texan)
A hard crack at the students of the colleges and
universities of the country was made recently when
Henry M. MacCracken, president of Vassar College,
said: "Students are not people because they do 'not
function as people should. They are not influential
as they should be inthe management of their col-
leges or in the control of public opinion."
If colleges and universities of the country will
throw off some of the medieval shackles and ancient
hide-bound subject matter and methods of the
ancients, and will rebaptize the higher educational
institutionso of the world in the gulf of real human
need they could rededicate themselves to the best in
the ancient culture and finest of the new. Young
people would not be bound so closely to traditional
class rooms and they could be trained to tie the flesh
and blood of live learning to their every day life.
True some coleges and universities of the country
are becoming mdernized, and no balanced thinker
would contend that this age should throw into the
discard the best in the culture of the past; but it is
equally true that some are not, and, that 'there is
need for those who will demand that the present col-
lege curriculum be not topheavy with the limited
vision a'nd culture of bygone days.
Letters published in this column should not be construed as
expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants
will, however, be regarded as confidenti-l upon request. Contrib
utors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 3oo
'words if possible.
On The Indian Question
To The Editor:
It is a well known fact that every nation must
have a right to govern itself. The attempts of the

To The Editor:
Readers who enjoyed the excellent article "Horror"
from the Daily Princetonian in "Editorial Comment"
of April 3rd will be interested to learn that the "Freie
Jugand,' Berlin C 2, Parochialstr. 29, published 2
volumes co taining several hundred war photographs
about ten ears ago. The first volume "War against
War" by Ernt Friedrich has text in nglish and 3
other languages. Francis S. Onderdonk.
The Bitter Pills of Education
To The Editor:
There are hundreds enrolled in this University
who find it impossible to enjoy some of the prime
benefits which higher ecation in tlyis cultural cen-
ter offers them. Professional schools always face the
problem of the elimination of the unfit, and their
best solution seems to be the piling on of work until
j the student is allowed scant time either for his eating
or for his'sleep. The hurried eating and the lack
of sufficient sleep ffect,his health in amanner that
depresses him mentally, and if he is honest and
assumes his burden earnestly the load becomes un-
bearably oppressive. Even the thought of enjoying
any of the concerts or lectures which one can hear
almost any day in Ann Arbor soon is obliterated from
his mind. Participation in any of these extra-
curricular delights is practically as impossible as if
he 'were already settled in the small town where he
will go when he is graduated frm here.
However, the greatest evil of the systm is not this
dull apathy toward thee surrounding opportunities,
but rather the attitude that it engenders in those
who find themselves victims of unfair task-masters.
In many cases the only way one can possibly do the
amount of work required is by -practicing the system
of cheating invented by others who -have taken the
course before you.
The result may be a certain sharpening of the
wits, accompanied by a very definite corrosion of
moral principles, and a loss of that respect for one's
teacher which is the best foundation of a fine educa-
tion. A. J L. '31D.
Undoubtedly there are enough dramatic situa-
tions in "The Man Who Played God" (now playing
at the Michigan), tomake a pretty passable play, but
as a motion picture the drama somehow becomes
melodrama, and not very convincing melodrama at
that. Even the skill of George Arliss is insufficient
to lift the film from the limbo of mdiocrity. The
plot is principally concerned with a famous pianist
(Arliss) who loses his hearing through a combination
of a hereditary homzygous trait for deafness and an
atarchist's bomb. Deprived of the solace of his music
he becomes utterly despondent and after a few reels
of bitter invective against the Supreme Deity, he
learns to read lips and amuses himself by peeking
at people in the park through a pair of binoculars
from his skyscraper apartment. After saving about
four people from crmmitting suicide in the park he
decides that therejs a God after all, and the picture
ends with the deep vibrant tones of the pipe organ
which he has erected "To The Glory of God, and the
Memory of My Mother." Some. of the scenes,-one
in which everyone stands arouhd for ten mites
laughing at everything George Arliss says,-and three
others in which people pour out their life problems
to each other on park benches, are pretty bad, and
the scene in- which the blonde heroine kisses the
handsome young New York Playboy is even worse,
but the- picture is not without its entertaining mo-
ments. Arliss playing the piano, Arliss playing with

This is a, graphical representa-
tion of our emotions Sunday morn-
ing after discovering that after we
had dragged poor old Oscar The
Wonder Horse away from his warm
study-room to write a paragraph
for us, the moguls Who put the pa-
per together had mercilessly cut our
column to ribbons, adrditly leaving
out Oscar's efforts altogether. That
wouldn't have been so bad if we
hadn't made a promise in the first
paragraph that Oscar would appear
in the 'column that very morning.
How disappointed, all of our read-
ers must have been! We ca beg
forgiveness only on the grounds
that we couldn't help it, ^which we
think is a pretty good excuse, At
any rate, Oscars' contribution ap-
pears today if we have to kill
someone to get it in,
* * *
By John Clarke.
* * * .
Synopsis: Jack and his Uncle
are on their way to Treasure Moun-
tain. Jack found a dead man near
a spring and his calling cards iden-
tified him as Jasper A. Goldmen,
Vice-President of the Amsterdam
Diamond a n d Emerald Works.
Among the -other contents of his
pockets was a clue to the secret of
Treasure Mountain. Now go on
with the story:
S"My, it's hot," said Jack's Uncle
wiping his face with a big handker-
chief, "I should think the treasure
would melt on a day like this."
"Duck, Uncle!" screamed Jack
Jack's Uncle did so and -if he
hadn't Mr. James M. Woodhall
would have been laid in an African
grave. It was a knife that Jack
had been hurtling through the air
towards his uncle. It buried itself
to the hilt in a tree. The knife was
the same as the oh n which had been
sticking ;into Jasper A. Goidmen's
back with the initial of "M" carv-
ed ip.the mother-of-pearl handle.
Jack's tncle thanked him heart-
ily for saving his life and ^Jack re-
plied, "We're square, now, because
you did! the. sme for .me once."
"There is certainly somebody who
wants to have this place for them-
selves, first killing Goldmen and
then missing me by an inch," said
Jack's Uncle.
0"Look," said Jack, "there is one of
the negroes who went to the spring
and he is all excited."
"What is it, Alr?" asked Jack in
the same breath.
"Two men, they bind and gag me
rnd tell me to give this to you,"
panted Alar,
It was a cocoanut which they
could see had been split open. Jack
opened it and found a piece of pa-
per.' What did it say?
(To Be Continued)
t Yes, what did it say? Find
out the strange contents of the
split cocoanut in tomorrow's in-
stalment of "The Secret gf
Treasure Mountain."
- * * *
About this serial. About a thous-
and people to gate have accused us
of writing "The Secret of Treasure
Mountain" ourselves, so, for the
thousand andfirst time we'wish to
make it plain that even if we want-
ed to we couldn't write a story with
the freshness and ingenuity that

this one has if\we tried all week.
The story was really written by a
twelve-year-old school boy in Sault
Ste. Marie. One questioner wanted
to know whether the story was
meant for satire. Gee whiz. The
sophistication of some of the peo-
ple in this town is'a caution to cats.
Anyone who\pcan drag satire out of
that story ought to be on the Gar-
Latest reports from the invi-
tations comnuittee announce
that Jack Wheel4r and Ivan
Williamson, both famous all-
campus football players, and
Golfers Bob Montague a n d
Jack Lenfesty are slated tod ap-
pear at the opening of the new
Press Building. This gives the
"M" Club nearly a hundred per-




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