THE M ICH ICGA M DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1932 dilid 0lN 0 1dSUrid tr J S YMPOSIUM OF LAW x ~encouraging qmd improving the Professs L13.ld.ypsumfrte ups o egv TO SPONSO R n by George Gratton Wilson, or of international law at rd. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MVICH-IGAN' DAILY f eachinp of international law in they i itC'.l V Wt l Others are Vnainl Con- Professor Talks at Open Forum smle olee fth onr ception ao f Interna' onal Law," on Unethical Actions sponsored by the Carnegie founda-1 "CodMcat iofTinternational Law Lion, will be held here this summer !With Spca eeececto Diplo- Sin Profession. for the first time-. math' : T1 e2 adIm'm!it fies," _Fifty pee;ae rom as many col'. y e7 s S )>ve,Co rfso Dishonesty, unethical conduct, leges have beeunappointed to attf of AnI _ and incomrpetence among lawyers the, intensiv pog acating fo CjJlisiuto~hr vadicsdbyPo.EBlte June 27 to July 23. Ax busy mnhtrrt~p n piaino n was discussed by rof .Bltoof ,round tale discussions,,se minars tra in a i CloAorcr Sta, .son, of the lawr school Sunday at and lectuire is planned for the vis- Cunr s"by ;,, .Dikns- an open forum at the Unitarian iting educators, according to Prof. profe"ode o urc awinte LawiSgaool: F I r church. Jesse S. Reeves of the political sci tional Law," by Georg~e A. Fin~ch, Professor Stason has lor* been; once department. managing editor of the '.m-rican active in the movement to incor- In order that thae group may be Journal of International Law borate the bar in the state of Michi-. kept together and to encourage dis- Pub lie lectures on topics related ig .n and is in close touch with the cussion, the, men will reside in two to the symposium will also 3 e given. pi oblem of making lawyers live up fraterinty houses, while the v-,omen - to the ethics of their profession, will be housed in a dormito y. The most serious offense,.;forl The courses a n cl instructors forRESLPT which lawyers are made to a-_ sw er{ which. have been announced are uet incude misappropriation o _' Ynds "The Classics o f International ueth and the 'perversion of the ends of Law," to be 'given by James Brown justice through dishonesty, P. ofes- Scott, president of the American i. r ACS I ri t nsor Stason brought out. Put -> society of international law;, "In-e= IE ment for this sort of offens is bes ternational Law and the Constitu- 1, effected by absolute disbar ment tion,' "Codification of the Law with through action of the court. Regard to Territorial W4ater s," andD4 1 Offenses against the general kred_""The Colnpetence of the Courts of this wichth le~ Iproessonwith Regard to Foreign State," to I . L l is guided by are generally hnbledc through the bar associatLion in which the individual lawyer, is en- rolled, he stated. ents, too vigorous a prosecution of a case, or th~e over' eager solicitation of business which some members. of: the bar resort to are some of the common violations of the legal code' of ethics upon which bar associa- tions are accustom-ed to take action, it was brought out. This action may take the form of complete disbar- mient which involves court action., or it may involve merely a repri- mand from the judge. This repri- mand is made public in the more. serious, offenses, Professor Stason brought out. The' general tendency in the mnat-{ ter of honest and ethical lawyers is one of definite improvement, Pro- fessor Stasoi, thinks. -; LABORATORY m SUPPLIES CHEMICALS DRUG SPECIALTIES SUNDRIES AN 200202 E. -;_lT y STf~. ISALS I)18-1:3 "THIE MAN ,WHOiiLAYED ,GOD" QN, THE STAGE U. of M0. GLEE CLUB GLEE CLUB APPEARS AT 8:50 ONLY- Charley Chase Comedy-Flip the Frog-News / #3 H-F UHURDAY-OWL SHPW--WALLACE 'BEERY-~T"HE CHAMP" I 1 11 1 1 l 11 1 1 1 1 Mmu= MT, dj 1.. 11 Sororities, ,Fraternities, Landladies-You u'ndoubtedW. have in mind certain improvements. that you know will enhance your property. There is no better time .c aMake alterations and repairs than winthDin the nexct few weeks. Thease merchants are fully prepared to take care of you~r spring needs and o'ffer their facilities to questions you may have. . a! M" } t HAVE HOUSE CLEANING DONE Spring 1w si We Are Amply Prepared SEE US FOR Lawn and Gardenh Supplies fj p AD l- We have/ in stock a corn- ~plete line of BOY DELL PAIN'TS, VARNISHES AND ENAMELS. CONSULT OUR c L A N I Let Us Call, for Your CURTAINS -- DRAPERIES - RUG$ -- TAP- Vigoro-B one Meal Sulphate Amoni' -Lawn Seeds -- Gar- den Seeds - Lawn fencing. I jplement CO*, PAINT DEPARTMENT YOUR NEEDS. 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