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April 03, 1932 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-03

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Aftei - oen





Diferent Playing Conditions reason, England will win the Inter-
to Handicap Aimericans. zone finals.
Britain's team, which will prob-
By Roland L. Martin. ably be composed of the same four!
Of the two countries most favo I ]len who (IelCateCd the American
ored to wrest the Davis Cup from teamill in terzone 1na klast
the French in the Challenge Round year, are all excellent tennis Pylay-
this summer, conditions seem to ers and are lamniliar wilii Eurov~ -
he most partial to the chdnces of can play.

Play Is Barred on
University Course
Announcement was made yes-
terday by officials in charge of
the University golf course that
abs 4dUtely no play will be per-
iitted Until notive is given. The
course is dryitlg out rapidly ani
there is a possibility that it will
be o,,w.2end sometime next week.

Fisher Must Find First-Sacker
to ill Iudson s Shoes;
Tompkins to Captaii.
For the second consecutive year
pitchers will spell out Michigan's
baseball chances. In former years
Coach Fisher has had at least One


Great Britain over the States. "Bunny" Austin and Fred Perry
Playing conditions on the contin- need no introduction to tennis
ent are entirely different from partisans. The astounding rise of
those encountered on the hard and the husky Perry to international
grass courts in this country. Cli- prominence is still a subject of
matic changes and the differences conversation wherever net enthus-
found in the composition of the iasts meet. Cha/les H. Kingsley,1
courts all tend to give the edge to and G. Patrick Hughes are less
those who play there regularly. well known, but worthy opponents
William T. Tilden, who has play- ipr anyone.t
ed in Europe more than any other Just why Perry was not allowed
American, says that it takes more to play in the Challenge round'
than one season to get accustomed doubles with his regular partner,
to the variances, and that, for this Hughes, last year is still a subject
'-of a great deal of controversy. The
combination of Kingsley a n d
Hughes that did attempt to turn
I back the French pair, Cochet and
nI re4 .i.in 1I $Brugnon, was swamped.

Lawrence and Susce


Malcolm Kelson, '32, ran off with
high point honors of the annual
A 11 - Campus Gymnastic in e e t
Thursday night when he took first
places in tumbling, parallel bars,
and side horse, and a second in the
horizontal bar.
Schiller grabbed two firsts, in the
horizontal bar and flying horses,
while Clay took seconds in the par-
allel bars and tumbling events.
Bill Phelps and Newt Carter ad-
d ni-ito the finals- of the handball

Austin Is Big Problem.
Austin will be the big problem l
of the English team. Since joining
the ranks of the Benedicts this win-
ter, he has not played as much ten-
nis as usual and may not be at the
peak of his game in June and July.
On the other hand, Perry has been
playing in tournaments in south-
ern Europe and Bermuda for the
past few weeks and will be in ex-
cellent condition when the Europ-
ean zone 3 competition begins in
May. The recent surprise defeat of
Austin by Marcel Bernard in the
international match between the
two countries is added proof that
Austin will have to progiess far
in the next few weeks.\

Only New Regulars star moundman to carry the mr-
den of the pitching duties.
With Detroit Squad The coachs niumber tWo trouble
.is finding .t i'o-ba ilt 11
I the shoes of Captain Roy hludson.
Only two new faces will appear I *le team also lacks a leader but,
in the Detroit Tiger's lineup this Jack Tompkins captained the team
year, according to Manager lucky in his junior year last season and
Ifarris, who recently released the will probably be the a tii g captain
list of prob.k-e first string men. this yoab
Bill Lawrence, v ho will patrol this-year.
centerlield, and George Susce, the Pitchers Working.
Slav catchei are the duo who are Tompkins, Manual, Travers, Mc-
unfamiliar to Deltroit fans, The re- Neil, McKay and Kaplan are work-
mainder of the team is identical ing out doors every day. These
with last year's. vith Harris using moundsmen have had experience
Alexander at first base, Charley with the team last year but with-
Gehringer at secundc, Bill Rogell at out improvement none of them will
shortstop, N o 1 e n Richardson at come up to big league prospect
third, rnd Jcnat an Stone, Bill class.
Lawrence, and Roy johnson, in left, Because of this weakness Coach
center, and right field respectively. Fisher has spent more time than
G<orge Uhle, veteran moundsman, is his usual practice on the new-
is harris' p:tebin; choice for the comers. Ger.sback, Tillotson, Men-
opr nci. efee, Barnet, O'Connell, Wistert,
Positiins Won by Hard Fight. Frankowski, and Petoskey are th
Susce and I.av rence won their sophomore candidates.
posiLions only after hard fights. . Starts With Normal.
Susce got the calh over Ray Hay- Special emphasis on this depart-
worth as understudy to Muddy Ru - ment has been due to the schedule
el. for Spring Vacation. The team will
Gene Desauteis, another catcher, play Michigan Normal every day
and Hayworth are still with the during the vacation and a double-
team, but nei or the ether is due header with Hillsdale here Wed-
for a rniu( r league berth before the nesday.
return to Navin Field, The schedule of Illsdale was
Lawrence won the Ify-chasing job completed yesterday with the sec-
from Jerry Walker and Joyner ond game there Saturday
White by virtue of his fine fielding
The Tigers are not due at Navin If Y011 write, we bavo it.
Field until April 8, as they still have Correspondence Stationery,
two-game series to play with the Fou i P , Ink, etc,
New York Giants, the Chicago Cubs, 'ypewriters all okes,
and the Pittsburgh Pirates, and a Greeting Cards for eve bow.
four-gamrne tilt with the Kansas City * De 1&0 R RI

bine G ni oIU t ul effigy " e t IMust Meet Williams. ieLaU 2Ji j7u Kingsley and Hughes will have
berth -- - - obe raetTusayg' byav
Linemen Watched. VARSITY RUNNERS i 7W Xiliams, former Southern defeating Lundberg and Law in two the added year o experience and
In the line Kowalik and Cantrihl ifornia star now co; eting with straight ganmes. ,The final match these fou Britishers aided by na-
looked like they will be able to do CALLED OUTDOORS the Los Angeles A. C., is another which will bring them together ture, may prove sufficiently strong
a good job of filling part of the --- flat Russel vill havie to meet in hs with the team of Friedman and to again win the right to challenge
gaps that were left vacant by the The sudden change in the weath- ;c for :ain Olympic assignmei. Berkley, is scheduled to take place France for the cup.
loss of last season's regulars. The er yesterday prompted Varsity track Willims has nA. been ip to foe Tuesday afternoon at 5:00.
center berth also is a vacancy coach "Chuck" Hoyt to change his this year due to an appendicitis op- Foul Shooting. Keen Named Chairman
which is coming in for its share of original plans and call his men oute eration. With only a few more days to
attention. The shoes of the All- for the first outdoor practice of the In the final analysis Russell's run, the All-Campus Foul Shooting Iof Rules Committee
American Morrison are b & season. chances for gaining recognition this championship seems to be safely in
sought after by Fuog, Emeling~f If weather conditions iemain fa- surner depend upon the showing possession of Wally Miller, who Another honor i the wrestling
ordhtadternard. Allthese mengvorable, drills will also be held next he makes in the coming spring compiled a total of. 86 shots out of world has come to Michigan. Coach
Ford and Bernard. All these men week. Hoyt criginally planned to meets. His performance in the a possible 100. Samuelson is next Cliff Keen of the Wolverine V .-
dispense with practice until after Drake Relays will be closely watch- in order with 83 successful shots, city has been appointed chairman
periene and the task which faces Spring vacation. ed by the experts in charge of s- while Newark is third with 81. of the National Wrestling Collegmate
The .s f was divided into a The Drake Relays on April 28 will leeting the team. Al evidences seem to prove that association committee to investi-
ble andard team r yiesiteds be the first outdoor competition for Russell's home is in Rochester, N. Miller is quite a player. He was a gate and make recommendations
blue and a red team for esterda ts the Hoytmen. Inasmuch as Confer- Y. He is extremely popular with member of this year's fraternity for the revision of collegiate wrest-
scrimmage with the Blues far out~ once rules limiting the size of the Imembers of the team and his many class "A" basketball champions; he ling rules.
shining the Reds. Everhar dus squad to 15 men do not apply to other friends on the campus wish I won the foul shooting contest two Other members of the committee
turned in a good performance for this event, close to 20 will pobably him the best of luck in his quest for years ago; and he is now in the fi- are Otto Pototalik of Iowa Stte
the Blues and Newman looked the compete. an Olympic berth. nals of the twenty-first tourna- university and Coach Schultz of th'
best on the Red aggregation. -----------iment. United States Naval academy
I The Knoxville, Tenn., baseball - - -_-
Two I-M Track Meets club of the Southern association - - - -
has three left-handed men m the
Carded for Tomorrow outfield this year.
Annual Independent and R.O.T.")
C. Track Meets of the Intramural _,. ( Pi I lI

Leam of the American Association.

3L4 S. State St., Ann Arbor,.


19 Adm s Avenue Phone 5515

,.. ...,.... ...,

oT t
To the four directions they go! When school closes
for spring vacation students will start for different
directions. Many of them however are in search of
transportation mediums to get them to their destina-
tions. If you are driving an automobile from Ann
Arbor and have extra room here is an opportunity to
get the expenses paid. Place an advertisement in the
Classified Columns where students are looking for
notice of those having means to carry them to their
respective localities.


Phone or bring your

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