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April 03, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-04-03

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VOL. XLIIL No. 135



WEATV HER: Cloudy, Possibly Colder



$620,000 Bond Issue Proposed;r
t.n iversity Will Carry
Share inl Cost.
Of-ficers to Be Chosen for Eachj
Ward; Abbott, Paton Also '
Are Candidates.
Voters of Ann Arbor will --o tor
the polls tomrriow to elect super-1
visors, aldermen, and constables
for cech of the seven wards in theciy a dt de rm n wh h rt e
proposed $620,000 sewage disposalr
plant and down-river sewer will ber
So n s truc t ed. Polling places{
throughout the city will be open
fromn 7o'clock in the morning un-
til 3olock in the evening..
The highlight of the election is
the bonid issue for financing theI
seaedisposal plant. Electors willz
be acked to authorize the issue and
sale of bonds worth $450,,000 W(
cover the city's 70 per cent share ,
of the cost of constructing the;
'Lie Th remaining 30 per cent will
be borne by the University, which
will share in the use of the new
facilities. The University also has

Federal Agent Gives 'Inside Story' f[U MBIA~I M National Chaiii1
of Long Battle to Convict Capone; ULIV I-LIU--II
WASHINGTON, April 2. - (it') - Johnson testified thait he wis [11111 L1P EL LE Ii1
ofAl aoind hi sy fCha o ngwer"embarrated" b nt haeem n t eLIJ RIl
ofAln e a nd hi s hiagothe gpower sibrjecd 'b hnt hebgunnt e-~uR
sters, told by the man whio finally hieve himself that it way, a, "'istai ke"A LII(I O

made them surrender before the
strong arma of the federal govern-
ment, was made public today by a
Senate committee.
It was the inside story of the
gm~om ernUn's long battle against
Caponc arnd his g,,ang as told by
District Attorney George L. Q.
Johnson, of Chicago, to the Senate
:judiciary sub-committee consider-
ing. the norination of Judge James
ff. Wilker-son' to the circuit cour-t.
Wilkerson sentenced Capone to
11. years in the penitentiary after
overturning an agreement by John_-
son to recommrrend two and one-'
half years, if Capone would plead
guilty. Ini his testimony at an exec-
utiv-e session of the committee on
Tuesday, Johnson revealed what lie
saidl were the true circumstances
of that agreement for the first timne.
He said Judge Wilkerson approv-
ed of thle apy-eement but later over-
tuned icit aftem Capone 1himrsel f Iad
shocwn Ihi s "unibel ie-vablearrogance"
by iakiig the ter-ms of the ag ree-
nent public.

and flt that 'vilkcr(:Soii"had t 1,
done anything judicially improper."
The most ainazig r,'p ttl of John-
son's s('nsational I estip,;enry was his
description of the powel.-ofi 111(g-
landl, tihe in iimidatic of wi tisC(..s,
andI (1h LIf oi-eecs the g} ovemuiiiien U bad
to overcomle ill piosee Hltiii g power'I
lli raketeers.
Johnson deserihe IJhow (,L u
ernmnent hlad Ifinally Vgui tenCapn
by rtwokn on his atss (.ia tes
and puttig then1illin l.u.

Reed Harris Is Remroved From
School as result of L..ong
p~eiod of Strife.
Footll Editorial Last PFa lI
f ric f Editor's Many
j Disputes.



m ith Points Out
Many Advantages
of Sewage'Pan

Traxes dill not be affected, the la-

Electin retrns my be b- bo situation will be stimulated, and
twined by telephone after 9:30 sanitation conditions in the down-
o'clock tomorrow evening byI river district of Ann Arbor will be
calling the Daily business of- improved by construction of a sew-
fice tcleplione, 21214. age disposal plant, stated Harold D.I
- -- ~- - Smith, director of the Michigan
agreed t o p a y 30 per cent of Municipal league, in an interview
the cost of maintenance if the pro- last night.
ject is completed.
Construction of the plant has "Inasmuch as the plant is to be
been proposed as a result of warn- operated on a utility basis, voting
ings by inspectors that the present on the measure merely means going
mnethod of rising the Huron river as to the people in a perfunctory way
a sewage outlet will soon cause for approval of the bond issue,", said
dan gerous conditions of sanitation} Smith. "The tax rate will not be
furflher downstream. affec ted in any way whatsoever.:
Opponents of the plan assert that "This is a novel way of handling
the finatncial burden1 is too great the project, but it is about the only
for Lt1e taxpayers under present way it can be done, inasmuch as the
economiic conditions, while its sup- University is to iparticipate in theI
porters feel that the relief the con- cost.
struction will give to local unem- " Employment will probably be
ployment condit ions will prove a" stimulated somewhat. Construction
distinct boon. to the citizens, of the plant must go through with-
Profess ors to Run.I in. the next few yea-s, and the low
Tlin-e University professors seek; construction costs make the pros-
o)ffices in the sixth ward. Prof. ouet a good time to pass the neas-
Waldo M. Abbott, director of the ure.
Unive rtiy broadcasting studio, is "The final considerat-ion is that
ruingt, for supercivisor on the Dem-'there is always the chancee that
ocrati(c ticket, while Professors Wil-I down-river property owners will
hiam~ A. Paton of the lcSchool of bus- bring suit against th6 city for pol-
jnoss ardminist ration and Oscar- J. I lution of the stream. Some suits of
Camlrpbell of he E nglish depart- this nature alr-eady have been
metrme 1the Republican and Dem- threatened."
(W'1L,1,111((, 1i'l(tiTeyfrsl 1ti '1 ldecrman rlof the ;;i117 Campus Groups File

"First we ceeivieted Ralph)1C~a- NEW YOI-K<, April 2.--- (I) -- Dr.
pone, then lFiraiik N-itti, who wSu.a Nicholas Murray Butler, president
partnier in t hese gainbl 11t; (enter- jof Columbia university, will be ask-.
prises,' J01m,'son said. "Ralph Cai- cd far an explanation of the expul-
pone's wolrk was5 in piostitut ion 1 lion from the university of Reed
and in selling beer and in gamiblin~g. I Harris, senior and editor of the Co-
Nitti was on the~ alcohol sale {of thec lumbia Spectator, the publication's
racket. mnanaginig board announced today.
"'I might add! their overtn was Th~le full stalf of 60 members will
very large. We, tracked a bout, $500,- meet Monday to decide their atti-
000 to Ni fli, and nearly $2,000,00 [tide in time'situation.
to Palpli Ca; ~on e. Ti"i IJ.:wck G%(iei k I Iarii, who was thraten ed with
(ase wVe proved over $1,,00)t0, dU iell iii my act ion last November-
''01 course, it is the imoney thlit whenii lc tdmairg('(liin an editorial
gives these people the power.'' that football at the university was
t2 "s{'ml iif'h lciimal racket," now
n nI says lie was exlpellee{ by the dean
I I ~ ast night without an opportunity
Ai ' I torb('heard in Iiis own defenuse.
PII~ U H _ Ioti1cTemof expulsion said ma
AS C m PA I IS liE chumitxfax loinseries ofdisc~ourt-
Sinnuendos, arid misrepresen-
Alfred 17. Smith IDenies !rumor tahois. wili ave appe)ared in this
That e X~ iilcWithdaw 1 (lpe uring the current acadlemic
ThatHe ~7ohl \ithraw year 'and ceGalled for disciplinary ac-
for Cabinet Post. Lion."
When the full s>taff' of 00 mom-
WASHINGTON, Api-il 2. ._- UP) b. ers of the student publication
Old Man Tariff and the corupara- meets onl Monday a complete review ;
of the year's tr-oubles will be made.
tive youngster ---prohibition --- are It has niot been possible to ascertain
strutting forward in presidential what the general feeling- of the col-
politics as Franklin I). Roosevelt lea-tues of Harris is, but a number,
and President Hoover corral most of students have already expressed
of the nominating delegat[es to [he:ir their admiration of the editor and
Chiaocovnioshle fearless way thatlhe has stoodicgcovtos.pfrhsolis
Developments of the last- weep u rouhthis hesptwn toub(
Sniaker s, whiile Alfr-ed 1,. ~iiith ftz-.
nished la wee:k-end lhi ghspot xvic.tl~ y 'L tm~
s ttemenit cdenying hie would with
draw his name from theic emnoc ratic Tf
convention and resoni i g report. BY-E SU Y H A
that lie would suippor-t Gov. Ruc.- H q
volt in returin for- a etabinet, appoint-
moent. il.as onsOtDfcs
Simultaneously, the Demioc rats MlsAs onsOtDfcs
lost [bei- national comimit tee tr eas- Hopes Senate Will Act 4
urer, Jaynes WV. Gerard, 'vho .resi.i- on Suggestion.
ed after hiaidlingt, the l),:zrty's Ifi-
nanices for eight years because lie iA NGoqprl2- y)
said the job r-equired nire t ie' W8IGOArl2-(/)
than lie (ouldl give to it. . (I'ri y Mlills, in a statement to-
Republican leaders loth, au-o tc.-vay,;id thle revenue bill passed by
cepted the Demiocratic ('haUll('iige c 'lt("[heouse contained ser-ious defects
lock liornis on the I lawlo'y-smnot aai discriminations, but pr-aised it
tariff act in II i c ei 'mit i aipaigr 1. as agr eat, victory for- sound financ-
Thle seniate'., l ' Fiday cOf tho ii~ principles. He said t[le House,
D7emocratic t)~Il o 0reVcik{eivlh it p)1sSI i , ; li- ecogn ized and
Pre idlen 's poiwem-to ma k~il' fi Fs')1{ib le ~d i ' h(ieess;ity of balancing
i-ate ('11dm) ges broadei ed the issut' I Lb 1'1) 01g'I ti-cothwhich princ iple
Tihe )enocrats an' ,readyto m: f Uina I ' coulhide )4 Immo, ingback.
capital out, of I he coem t Hovram t ~ ilrd ded t hiat he hoped the
veto of this bill. (1, forts iti the bill would be cororect-
The Recp tbiicans will ari-t e ~ilat ,'x iii [1li e eate and amanendments
the Deniocrats, once they gained 'iti0curein't by {.lie H-ouse.
control of the House, whe(re t ar1if' In preparing the bill, Mills said,
legislation must originate. dared not tieit hem- th e Ways and Means Con-
propose a single rate reduction. ijittee nor the Douse had before
During the week, two moi-rem-- them a concrete program for defi-
ocr-atic state conventions __ Iowa nice reduction in expenditures, and
and Maine -aolopted prohibition that such a concrete program was
subihission planks to <augmetnt [lie imiperatively necessary.
modification fomces at; the nation&a' "Thiis meansY1 that there ihust be
convention, June 27. Washington isublstant ial modifications of exist-
and Minniesota already had app~rov- iiig law a fleeting the diuties and
ed r-efer-endunm resolutionis, while obligations of the departments and
Oklahoma, Louisiana' and Arkansas independent establishments of the
Democrats ignored prohibition in Government," lie said.
their platforms. The drys defeat- "Ii view of the drastic cuts a]-
ed a 'proposed wet plank in Missouri. meaclyimade in the 1933 budget as

i.l('IIAPID K. DE Ei ER,

C onlgreg.ational Church Behind
Movement to Throw Light
Eii Race Problems.,
An unus ual atemlpt to assist in
solvinrg the Amecricain race problem
b.y fostering a better appreciation I
of thae cultural contribution -to civ-l
ilizattion by the Negro race is to be l
made by the Congregational church'
here, according to Mrs. Louise W.
Tinker, director- of student activ-
itios at the church.
Plans for two programs, consist-
ing of ai (resses and music have been
comnplet ed, a ccording to Mrs. 'rink-
er. Tbie first is to be given today,
while, another will be presented
Api'il 24. The progranis have been
arrged and wiill be participated
ini by Negro members of the Con-
regational church.
Willialm Grafysoim , a gr-aduate of
Fiske univers ity atnd a former mern-
ber of the glIee club here, will s ng
tonighAt following a dinner tatis
schleduled for 6:00 o'clock. Grayson
is al soloist wxitlh the Fiske Jubilee
Other songs will be presented by
MViss Evelyn Jones, a pre-mnedical
wtdent. Miss Jones is the daugh-
ter of a Methodist bishop. An ad-
dress by David Caninon, +grad., on
"The Cultun-al Contribution of the.
American Negro to tArt and Litera-
ture" will complete the progr-am.

Pretests Decrying
Negro Death Order
Concurring with students from
other universities, the Socialist club
and the Council of Religions have
sent a protest to the governor of
,Alabama against the sentencing of
seven negroes to death because of
their alleged attack on two white
ofis at Scotsboro, Ala.
Four women from Vassar and
Wellesley went to Washington on
Monday and offered a similar pro-
test to the national committee for
the defense of political prisoners.
iThe text of the message sent to
Governor Miler is as follows: "We1
protest the sentencing to death of
the seven negroes at Scottsboro,
Alabama, as an expression of race
prejudice and a perversion of just-
ice. We petition the Governor to
make amends for the grossly unfair
trial by pardoning the defendants.
" (Signed) Council of Religions
and Student Socialist club of the
University of Michigan."

First otfDour Talk; to Pe Given
for Unitaiant Services t
'This Morning.
A seris of four- talks dealing withi
the economic depression will bei
given during April at the morning
services of the Unitarian church.1
The first, to be given today, will
deal with the place of women in1
business and professional life of thet
present day. Miss Marion MClench,l
a local business woman and fmorm
president of the International Bus-
iness and Prof essioal Womens
clubs, will speak on1 this theme.
Prof. S. L. Joshi, of Dartmouth
college, will prieachlmthe formi this .
evening at the First Methodst
Episcopal church, takiung as his sub-
ject, "Spiritual Ideals in a Practic-t
al Age." Dr. Frederick R. Fisheri
will occupy the pulplit at tie mci--
i.ng service.
H-oly communion and baptism of
children will be o'ld in conjunction
with services this morning in the
First Presbyterian church. At the
Baptist church, PRv. R. Edward
Sayles will preacho:il i "Vicarious
At St. Paul's hutheraim church,
the sermon topic of Rev. A. C
Brauer- will be "The Thid Appear-
ance of the( Risen L~od," witle at
Zionm Lutheran ch ucl "Provinrg tie
Spirits'' ilt Ibe the s-uiii sibj Ot
of Rev.- L. C. St'thorn.ulI
ilililel Founid atollk i 'Vies will be
in chaigo of 1 abi ILon Fian ot
D)etmroit, Who~ will di Scus "Th'le Dei-
nition cofa Jew." Beth leemi v-
angelical church sm-rvies t hI i s
i'noriig will dl'ut('i-o "'Spiitual
Foundatioins,"' and at th- Flist
Chinch Christ, Scientist, the s'm-
fon topic is "Utnraity"
Local Y' Team s Win,
Lose in Tournaments
Aninm Arbor s entry in the national
senior Y. M. C. A. basketball tour-
namont, being held at Youn~stwn,
Ohio, was defeated 44 to 27, in the
semi-finals yesterday mnorning by
Youngstown Y. M. C. A. The local
quintet won thle right to net
Youngstown by defeatngg Ihe El-
mira, N.Y., team 36 tot:34 Fiiday, in
the quamteri---imals.
While the senior eamm was going
down in defeat, tie "Y Cubs" had
advanced to the finals ii the State
meet at Saginaw with a 19 to 18
win over- Detr-oit Northwsten.
They were to play tie Detroit Fish-
er Cubs last night. in the ehampion-
ship game.
SAGINAW, April 2..(/1') - Detroi t
Fishier branch wonm the state Yv.M.
C.A. boys basketball championship
here tonight, defeating Ann Aibor,
23 to 16, in the final game.
Expect Early Sell-out
for Publications Ball
officers of Sigma Delta Ch,, on.-
ory j ournal itic fraternity, yester-
day said, with the invitation tick-
et sale for the Gridiron dance April
22 nearly completed, next week will
probably se a sell-out of the 200
iil fc triiiinlfn+ti- af 1

ofA.A.U. "'iil"il
Michigan Sophomore Beats Riley by 14 Points
to 'Win National Championship ; Five
World, One U. S. Record Set.
NEW HAVEN, Coffn., April 2.-(E['P.-Dick Djgener, of the
University of Michigan gave a faithful performance tonight to be-
corny the national senior A.A.U. high board diving champion in the
finals of tile championship competition. He dethronedj Mickey Riley
of thme Los Angetles A.C., the (defending champion.
- The Michigan undergraduate,
X-ray Deparmentwho piled up a total of 166.04
points, brought the crowd to its
Will Reopen After feet with his running front two
and a half somersault with a tuck,
$50,000 Alteration the only dlive of the night given a
perfect score of 10 by all seven
lHavinlg expanidedl its capacity to judges.
cam-e for double the nuimber of pa- Riley, holder of the title in the
tients that it has in lie past, the low-board dliving, received 152.12
depaitment of icoin-geniology at the points and Harold (Dutch) Smith,
Univer-sity hospital, will re-open of the Los Angeles A.C., was
Tuxesdlay mor-ning, a f ter1fo u r third with 149.52.
mon th's ebuihding wor-k, inproved
to time extent of $50,000, spent for Degeners victory took the
new equipment and remodeling, high-board diving crown out of
This department at the present California for the first time in 11
handoles an amount of X-ray wor( years.
,second only to) the Mayo clinic, ac- Records Set.
cording to Dr. Fred J. Bodges, the Five new world's records and one
di-ector. Most of the wor: of re-
mnodhnghasbee don bythedo-new American record were set dur-
partment of buildings arid grounds ing the meet. Clarence (Buster)
of1 time University.iscoe Crabbe, set the new American re-
T1he' departmnentiscoe over Ord for the 1500-neter swim, with s
this week-cnd, but will be open for 'meiof 19:45 and three-fifths, and
inspection Monday afternoon. Tea n. new world's record in the 300-
is to be served visitors during the lad medley, setting a time of 3:3
afternoon a n d Dr. Harley A muid two-fifths.
Haynes, director of the hospital The New York Athletic club set
with Dr. Hodges will entertain th(e;wo world's records, in the 400-yard
board of regents, administrative of- 'elay and in the 300-yard medley
ficials of the University and pro- "elay. Two individuals set the other
Lssors of the medical school at 2 wo world's records, George Kojac,
dimmer- Monday night. of the New York A.C, in the 150-
In or-der to) keep the full depart- ,ard backstroke, and Leonard
ment functioning at maximum effi- pene, of the same team, in the
ciency a segregation of the variou' 100-yard medley relay.
X-ray services and a distribution o The individual competition dur-
attidants by means of an Blab- 'ng the fial day of thei meet p o
orate signal systemt throughout th'- luced an upset when Austin Clpp,,
department is being planned. A:)f the Los Angeles A.C; defending
the same tinme it will serve to keel hampion, failed to qualify for to-
the halls clear of traffic and permit ight's finals in the 500-yard free
(Continuedl on Page 2) 'tyle event, subsequently won by
__'_Buster" Crabbe. Clapp finished
fl L Iast in his bracket of four men in
A C ITECTS Iii.Ahe poor ieo- 602
niinnrii Crabb and Makida Kaii, each
IH91HINICH. i' cking their third championship
CHAIMEN IIULLII f the meet, led a. field of 15 swim-
ners in the trial heats of the 500-
Ten (j:otumiittee Heads Inrvoivec'ia-d free style race. There was only
wo--ffths of a second between the
in Plans, for Annual Social .imes of the two swimmers, both~
F'unction at Uniioni. nembers of the Los Angeles A.C.,
,ith Crabbe making the better time
Commnittee chairmen for til f5:14
twemnty-fir-st annmal Architects' bal Oterchanliics crowned in'
iii May were naied yesterday 'b2 the mteet were as follows:
:4 hoyd Rt Johnson, '32A., genea 100-yard free style-Maioa
chairumanm. Each chaii'nan in tur [ralili, Taos Angeles AC.
1 will select the lineibe'ship of lit 500-yard free styl- Clarence
comm ittee. Crabbe, Los Angeles A.C.
tJ.- Russell Bailey, '32A., will hay: 150-yard backstroke-George
(har-ge of the design committee Kojac, New York A.C.'
while Earl W. Pllerin, '32A., wil 1500-meter-Clareftee Crabbe
head the propelties committee 300-yard medley -- Clarence
Hans E. Sahli n, '32A., is in chargi Crabbe
of construction., with John J. White Low-board diving'-- Micky
'32A., publicity chariinah. Riley, Los Angeles A.C.
Other committee chiairmen in 220-yard free style-Kalili
cluide: Cam-h Riemenschneider, '33A. 220-yard breast stroke-Leo-
and,,Stanley B. Fleisehmake, '32A. hard Spence, N.Y.A.C.
tickets; John D. Martindale, '32A. 400-yard relay-N.YA.C.
programs; ;car-ry R. Allen, '34A., en 300-yard medley relay-N. Y.
tertainiuent; Gordon L. Tinsman A.C.
'33A.,' music; amid. Frarnces L,. Young New records established dur-
'33A., open house. ing the met were as 'follows:
Competition to decide the nature 1500-meter - New American

of the decorative scheme is being record of 19:45 and three-fifths,
held over the week-end in whict by Crabbe
the entire student body of the ar- 150-yard backstroke - new
chitectural college will participate world's record of 1:371 and two-
Pr-izes will be awarded the winners fifths, by Kojac
The winnimng design will be an- 300-yard medley-new world's
nounced immediately after t11hc record of 3:3£j and two-fifths,
spring vacation, by Crabbe
-- --V!0-yard breast stroke-new
IScret ary Stimson world's reco ird of 2:44, by L.
to Sadl Wednesday 400-yar-d relay-n-aew world's
- record of 3:31 and four-fifths,
'WASHIINGTON, Apri. - (t) by N.Y.A.C.
S"ecm-etaxry Stimsoni of the State do- 300-yard miedley relay-new
j !)a rtitcnt will sail next Friday tc wvorld's record of 3:01 and one-
Iasmmehis position as c-hairnian of fifth, by N.Y.A.C.
the American delegation at the Ge- 71 7r
neva Disarmament Conference. VARI T~IY SINGEDK
Stimson plans to remain in Ge- TO GIVE CONCERTS
ieva only two oir thriee weeks an(C
will not enter inito 'any (iscussion &vlchgan Theatre to Be Sceiie
of debts. of Varied Programs.

Bodyguard of Diamond
Is Killed in Speakeasy
NEW "YORK, April 2. -- UP1) - Jo-
seph Burke, bodyguwn-d of the late
Jack "Legs" Diamond, died today.}'of
wounds received shmortly after mid-
night t night whmeni1he was shot,
downitims an aillege,(d Brooklynm speak-



lresoted to Congress amounting to
$370,000,000, there is but little fur-
ther- room for- large economies
tIhri-ih aiministi-ation chang es
Plant to Feed Carp
on Supply of Corn
(iLEN WTOOD, :Minn.e, Api-il 2.-(/P)
-Fdatteiming fshm for- m-arket is a
late idea.
Corn -fed o'a-p caxebeinmghprepar-ed
fomr Eastern markets in an. isolated .
slough near her-c. The carp wore
se-ined dutrinig tihe spr-ing and sum-
mer-, thmen put on a four-mnth diet
of shelled cor-n.
T1hie camp a3,,, shipped east alive
in sp'ci'al tank cars.
Iowa Museum Has
Mysterious Animal'
IOWA CITY, Apr-il 2. - (11') - .A
i ystem-icus be'ast which a few
months ago roamed the woods near

Vice-P rcsident to Be Eulogized
in "Encomia'; Junior Girls'
Play to Be Reviewed.
With the coming of the squirrel
equinox and all its beauties appears
the Spinlg number of the Gargoyle.
In the issue, which will come out
next Wednesday, Spring is thor-

time br-hugs to the, attention of the
campus thme Uiiiv( risiy's vice--pi-esm-
dlent, an amimazing expose o~f whit
goes' on behimd the closed door-s at
a faculty meeting, and ti-i trimly
definitive review of thlie Junior- Girls
Play written posthumously by :Dai
Baxter in response to time sp(cial
request by time J.G.P.publicity cde-
partument to) time effect that lie be
prohibited fr-cm hiaving anything to

IAfter a sur-vey of conditions hnc
will return to this country, and
Hfugh Gibson, ambassador to Bel- t

The Varsity Glee cluib wll pre-
sent; a var-ied pr-ogram of college

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