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March 30, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-30

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VOL. XLII. No. 131




WEATHER: Rain Wednesday.


Faculty Celebrities Quake Inwardly
as Oil Can Ghost Walks Once More
0NEW UflThe Oil Can, badge for nearly a each declaring that the name of the
decade of the faculty man selected man who will get the can this year
annually by Sigma Delta Chi, pro- had been procured from "an inside
fessional journalistic fraternity, as source," and each concerning a
be3tfitting the epithet "Loquacious different man, were rife last night.
Lubricator," threatens again to de- Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon, of the po-
scend upon the Michigan campus litical science department. Vice-

Opposition Is Foreseen
as Independents
Enter Race.
Washtenaw and State
Parties R9ally
Serious opposition to the State
Street and Washtenaw political
parties in the election to be held
today of four sophomore men stu-
dents to serve on the Student
Council, was forseen last night
when three Independents, backed
by an Independent party, threw
their hats in the ring and had
their names placed on the ballots
by submitting to the Council peti-
tions signed by 600 men endorsing
Richard Briggs, '34, Washte-
naw, was placed on the ballot by
petition. Briggs was endorsed by
619 men and lead all other candi-
dates in the number of signatures
on his petition.
State Stret, Picks Four.
In the meantime, Washtenaw and
State Street political parties called
out their forces and told their
members which candidates to sup-
port in the election. Of the five
State Street men nominated by the
special committee of the Council,
William Bohnsack, George Lam-
brecht, John Deo, and Charles
Burgess were officially backed by
their party.
Washtenaw decided to back Rob-
ert Carr and Hugh Stevenson, men
named by the committee, Richard
Briggs, placed on the ballot by peti-
tion, and Bohnsack, a State Street
Independents Back Three.
The men the Independent party
is backing are Albert Quarton, Gra-
ham Quarton, and Benjamin Van
The balloting will be conducted
from 9 to 12 o'clock and from 1
to 5 o'clock today in the Union, in
Angell hall, and at the Engineering
Identification cards will be need-
ed for any student to vote, accord-
ing to Edward J. McCormick, '32,
Council president. Everything pos-
sible will be done to prevent
another illegal election similar to
that of two weeks ago.
Norfolk Minister Is Optimistic;i
Says Lindbergh Requested
,Continued Effort.
NORFOLK, Va., March 29.-(1'-
To expressions of nope that they1
might bring about the early return
of the kidna.pped Lindbergh baby,
one of three Norfolk negotiators]
today added the assertion that Col.-
Charles A. Lindbergh had requested
they carry forward their efforts.
Returning from a trip to the
fllier's Sourland mountain estate,
the Very Rev. Dean H. Dobson-Pea-
cock told reporters "all I can say is I
that things are satisfactory so far.+
We want to keep on with our work.]
We are still optimistic."
Dean Dobson-Peacock added that
Colonel Lindbergh had requested]
that he, together with John Hughes1
Curtis, Norfolk boat builder, and
Rear Admiral Guy H. Burrage, re-
tired, continue their negotiations,

but he declined to answer all ques-
tions as to details of the plan on
which they are working.
Replying to specific questions as
to whether or not he and his as-
sociates had any means of definite-
ly identifying the kidnapped child
and whether he had carried an-
other of his kind on his trip to the
Lindbergh estate yesterday, Dean,
Dobson-Peacock said: "Leave that,
to me."1
Poetry Society Names
Morris as President

High hopes rose in the hearts of
faculty celebrities hitherto un-
touched when it was learned re-
cently that the Gridiron banquet
would be no more and that Sigma
Delta Chi is planning to substitute
for the traditional razz-fest a Grid-
iron dance to inaugurate the new
publications building.
Terror ran rampant in profes-
sorial ranks here yesterday when
word spread that the dread Oil Can
will find a new owner when Dean of
Students Joseph A. Bursley, last
year's "Lubricator," gives up the
token as campus leaders gather in
the publications building for the
Gridiron dance, April 22.
Previous holders o f the can,
which the 'Ensian last year termed
"a very great honor," include Prof.
W. D. Henderson, Prof. W. A. Fray-
er, Prof. O.J.Campbell, Prof. Thom-
as Reed, former President Clarence
Cook Little, Dr. Hugh Cabot, Prof.
Waldo Abbott, Prof. Fielding H.
Yost, and Dean Bursley.
'At least half a dozen rumors,
Hoover Commission Chairman
Will Discuss Problems
of Enforcement.
A season which saw the presen-
tation here of some of the out-
standing lecturers of England and
the United States will close to-
night when George W. Wickersham,
former attorney general of the
United States, gives the final lec-
ture of the Oratorical association's
1931-32 series.
The chairman of President Hoov-
er's commission on law enforce-
ment and observance will speak on
"Present Problems of Law En-
forcement," a subject with which
he is well acquainted. The lecture
will begin at 8 o'clock in Hill audi-
Amplifiers will be installed, Herr-
ry Moser, manager of the Oratori-
cal association, said.
The speaker will be introduced
by Dean Henry Bates, of the law
Eugene Kuehnemann
to Speak on Goethe
Dr. Eugene Kuehnemann, profes-
sor of philosophy at the-University
of Breslau, Germany, will deliver a
centenary address, "Goethe und
Deutschland," in memory of Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe, great Ger-
man poet, at 4:15 o'clock today in
Natural Science auditorium. The
entire lecture will be given in
Dr. Kuehnemann, who is touring
the United States at the invitation
of the Carl Schurz memorial found-
ation, ranks as one of the greatest
living Goethe scholars. He has writ-
ten a two-volume work on Goethe
in which he takes the drama
"Faust" as the basis for the inter-
pretation of the poet's develop-

President Shirley W. Smith, Prof.
John L. Brumm, of the journalism
department, and Dr. Herbert C.
Sadler, dean of the enginering
school, were running neck and neck
for the honor.
No one could be found to sub-
stantiate the rumor that any of
the "men who were popularly con-
sidered to be eligible for the Oil
Can had been selected. Members of
Sigma Delta Chi declared last
night that no announcement of the
recipient of the can will be made
until the presentation of the token.
It was understood on good au-
thority last night that officers of
Sigma Delta Chi, in order to pre-
vent a repetition of last year's ca-
tastrophe, when the Oil Can was
stolen and held for two weeks be-
fore the banquet by unidentified
thieves, have made arrangements
to place the can in a bank vault. It
is understood that the can will be
transported from its present site in
the Bursley home under armed
25 Are Initiated
at TaufBeta Pi
Banquet Meeting
Three members of the faculty of
the College of Engineering and 22
junior engineers were initiated into
Tau Beta Pi, national honorary en-
gineering fraternity, last night. An
initiation banquet at the Union fol-
The faculty members initiated
were Prof. Walter E. Lay, of the au-
tomotive engineering division, Prof.
Robert H. Sherlock of the civil en-
gineering department, an, Prof.
Axel Marin of the mechanical en-
gineering division.
The following members of the
class of '33E were initiated at the
same time: William D. Allison, Le-
Roy T. Anderson, Orville E. Bottorff,
DeElton J. Carr, Richard N. Cogger,
Thomas D. Coleman, Helmer L. F.
Enlund, Lloyd P. Frankel, Donald J.
Haefele, Robert E. Hayes, Harold
P. Hesler, and William W. Jenney.
Others are Bruce H. Maddock,
Mathias F. Matzek, Edward I. Ryd-
er, Walter J. Simons, George M.
Skinner, George R. Squibb, Lloyd
A. Staebler, Peter M. VanWingen,
Cecil C. Waldo, and Walter E. Wil-
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the po-
litical science department address-
ed the group at the banquet which
followed the initiation.
The national executive council of
Tau Beta Pi has awarded one of six
fellowships of $750 each to Marshall
Anderson, '32E., when it met last
week at Ohio State University. Of
the six winning undergraduates
Anderson took first place. He is the
leading man scholastically in the
engineering school, is chairman of
the student branch of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers
and is president of the Michigan
Gamma chapter of Tau Beta Pi.
Prof. A. D. Moore of the electrical
engineering department and alum-
ni representative of Tau Beta Pi, is
in charge of administering the fel-
lowship program here. He received
94 applications for the fellowships
and as a member of the executive
council awarding the fellowships he
reviewed applications f r o m 49
chapters of Tau Beta Pi.

Proposed Measure May Maintain
Government's Financial
Leader's Dramatic Speech Brings
Guarantee of Support
From Opposition.
WASHINGTON, March 29.-(/P)-
Warring factions of the House laid
down their arms today at the be-
hest of Speaker Garner and began
a united effort to pass a revenue
bill that is expected to maintain
the financial stability of the fed-
eral government.
Relinquishing his gavel to as-
sume active leadership in a legis-
lative chamber floundering in the
debris of a tax bill it had wrecked,
the white-haired Texas Democrat
brought an antagonistic group to-
gether for a single purpose-to
balance the budget.
Garner Explains Purpose.
Responding to his d r a m a t i c
speech that thrice brought the
members to their feet, leaders of
the anti-sales tax bloc joined Rep.
Snell of New York, the Republican
chieftan, in pledging their support
toward enacting a billion dollar tax
*Taking the floor shortly after the
ways and means committee had
approved substitute proposals to re-
place the beaten $600,000,000 sales
tax program, Garner explained the
purpose of his unusual action to
his colleagues.
Relating the consequences of the
dollar falling on foreign exchanges
and of the doubt that spread
throughout the world after the
House last week defeated the sales
tax, the Texan dramatically asked
all those in favor of balancing the
budget to rise. Only a few stayed
in their seats.
When he asked those who did
not want to balance the budget,
no one rose.
Receives Ovation.
"Try to serve your country, gen-
tlemen, and let us put through this
legislation at the earliest date pos-
sible in the interests of our coun-
try." The speaker received a pro-
longed ovation while the packed
galleries applauded.
With his appeal ringing in their
ears and the assurances of Rep.
Snell of Republican cooperation
and the pledge of support from the
anti-sales tax leaders the House in
quick succession adopted commit-
tee amendments calling for excess
levies estimated to yield $169,500,-
000. These are included in new
supplemental recommendations ex-
pected to return $523,000,000. The
remainder, includingi an increase
in first-class postage from two to
three cents with a probable return
of $135,000,000 are to be acted upon
Iowa Delegates Told
to Support Roosevelt
DAVENPORT, Ia., March 29.-(A)
-The state Democratic convention
late today instructed its 26 dele-
gates to the national convention to
vote for Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt
of New York.


Ruthven Approves Effort
tBaacSteBBrucker for Income Tax

Would Cut University's, Other
Institutions' Expenses
by 15 Per Cent.
LANSING, March 29.-(P)-Gov-
ernor Wilber M. Brucker proposed
the initiation of an income tax
amendment to the state constitu-
tion as a measure of school tax re-
lief, in hisme ssage tothe special
session of thelegislature today.
His recommendation was part of
a broad program which he said will
"provideem rgency relief for many
thousnds ourstricken citizens
and confer upon the state general-I
ly the benefit of an emphatic re-
duction in the cost of government,'
Iif adopted.
Appearing before the legislature
to read persdnally his carefully pre-
pared message, the governor recom-
mended plan after plan which he
believes will force economy in gov-
ernment, relieve counties overburd-
ened with tax loads and aid deposi-
tors in closed banks.
Plans Far-Reaching.
Many of them were much more
far reaching than had been antici-
pated. Simultaneously with the
presentation of the message, bills
covering his recommendations and
bearing the stamp of approval of
the administration appeared for in-
troduction and consideration by the
law making group.
"I do not consider the present;
time suitable for the general intro-
duction of new taxes," the governor
said. "However, I believe you should
submit to the people a amend-I
ment to the state constitution thatI
will enable them to register their
opinion as to the desirability of au-;
thorizing the legislature to abolish
some definite part; of the generalj
property tax levied for the payment
of school expenses, and to replace
these funds from the proceeds of a;
properly limited, graduated, in-;
come levy. I cannot over-empha-
size the importance of so construct-
ing such an amendment as to guar-
antee the reduction, at least dollar
for dollar, of the property tax.
"Local school budgets should be
cut at least,15 per cent below 1930
budgets. I recommend that you
require any district which desires
to make expenditures beyond this
reduced figure during any one of
the next three years to obtain ap-
proval from the state administra-
tive board or suffer a suspension of
state aid."
Return License Revenue.
As anticipated, the governor rec-
ommended that the entire revenue
from the sale of automobile license
plates be returned to the counties.
He insisted the money must be ear-
marked "in such manner as the leg.
islature may desire" so both cities,
villages and counties will share in
the benefits. He held thatrthe
money so returned must be used ex-
clusively for highway work and the
elimination and reduction of road
and street assessments including
the meeting of covert road obliga-
He asked that the cost of absorb-
ing township roads be met from
the amount returned to the coun-
ties. This would make their net
gain about $8,000,000 this year, in-
stead of $10,000,000 if the McNitt
law appropriation was met by the
Gov. Brucker asked for a manda-
tory and general cut in state ex-
penditures of 15 per cent, starting
with the fiscal year beginning next
July. He asked that a personnel
commission be created to study
state salaries and expenses. The
commission would be made up of
members of the legislature and
would make recommendations to
the next legislature.

The executive asked that the
pay of all employes and officers
whose salary is subject to legis-
lative egntrol be cut 15 per
cent, and that a similar reduc-
tion be made in mill tax appro-
priations for the University and
Michigan State College and for
all special state purposes.
The proposed cut could not af-
fect constitutional, elective officers.t
The governor estimated the 15 per
cent slash would save $4,000,000 a
year. and stated that if other nolit-I

Says University Should
Assist State During
Diffi cult Times,

taxes became delinquent in 1930 or
1931 to pay off the debt in install-
ments of 25 per cent of ethe total
each year. He would cut the inter-t
est charge for delinquency from 91
per cent to 6 per cent.t
The governor suggested that per-1
sons whose property was taken by
the state in the past two years be
allowed to redeem without being re-
quired to pay subsequent penalties
at the same time. The legislature
was asked to cut "substantially" the
100 per cent penalty for redemptionc
of tax sold property. The governora
asked that tax sales set forth thisC
year, because of the delinquency ofe
1929 and 1930 taxes, be extended
until next year or 1934.
Banking legislation recommendedr
by the governor provided: That 85
per cent of the depositors of a clos-
ed. bank be permitted to petitionj
for a reorganization under the di-
rection of the state banking com-
"This amendment, if properly ap-
plied, will furnish the basis for the
almost immediate reopening of a
number of banks all over the
state," he said.
Lull Exists in Political Situation
With April Elections Less
Than Week Away.
With the April election less tlia,
a week off, Ann Arbor's politica 1
situation continues to maintain th
temporary calm that has prevailed
since the primaries a month ago.
Having defeated the municipa
court amendment at the latter elec
tion, the voters will now be face '
with another project of greate
magnitude in the bond issue for th(
construction of a sewage disposa
plant. This will involve the raisins
of $450,000, two-thirds of the cost
of the plant, the remainder to bf
paid by the University.
Ward officials will occupy the re
mainder of the election. Aldermen.
constables and supervisors will be{
chosen with a few exceptions in
every ward of the city.
Two University professors, Wil-I
liam A. Paton of the school of busi-
ness administration and Oscar J.t
Campbell of the English depart-
ment will seek election, on the Re-
publican and Democratic tickets.l
respectively, to the sixth ward
alderman post left vacant by the1
recent death of C, C. Freeman.
Racketeering by pseudo-salesmen
in fraternity houses, which mem-
bers of the Interfraternity council
claim has reached a peak this year,
will be stopped if the plan consid-
ered by the council becomes effec-
On several occasions, the council
charged, salesmen have defrauded
men in fraternity houses by receiv-
ing from them down payments on
books, Magazines, and other arti-
cles which the men never received.

Favorable comment for Gov.
Wilber M. Brucker's proposal to
curtail state expenditures by re-
ducing the appropriation of each
department sufficiently to allow
each to bear the burden of a 15
per cent cut in the state budget
in proportion to the size of its
allowance, was heard yesterday
from Pres. Alexander G. Ruth4
Governor Brucker's plan, as
voiced yesterday in a message to
the state legislature, includes a
15 per cent cut in the budget for
the University for the fiscal year
beginning July 1. President Ruth-
ven, questioned regarding the
probable effects of the governor's
proposal on the University, de-
Glared that though reduction in
University operating costs will be.
difficult, the move will not bring
about a disastrous situation,. be-
cause a return to normalcy will
eventually be accomplished.
He made the following state-
ment :
"It has been the understanding
of educators that the University
should prosper as the State pros-
pers. The corollary to this view
is that the University should ex-
pect to assist the State in balanc-
ing the budget during difficult
"Governor Brucker's attempt to
balance the budget is wholly ad-
mirable since it does not discrim-
inate against any unit but asks
each one tocurtail expenditures
by the percentage necessary to
bring the total of the appropria-
tions within the assets.
"While it will be exceedingly
difficult for the University thus
to reduce costs of operation dur-
ing this emergency, the result will
not be 'disastrous since rehabili-
tation at a future date is not
made impossible."
Parole Breaker Gets 1-2 Years
on Charge of Issuing
Bogus Checks.
Harlan J. Foster, alias Raymond
Foster, was sentenced yesterday to
serve one and a half to two years
in the st : prison at Jackson by
Judge Georgc W. Sample in circuit
court, on a charge of issuing a fra-
dulent check. Foster was paroled
from the state prison Dec. 10, 1931,
to Chief O'Brien.
Early in March police discovered
that he had violated his parole by
marrying and leaving the state.
When he returned.on March 16 po-
lice went to his home to take him
into custody. They found that he
had left a few hours before their
Police officials of Lexington, Ky.,
captured Foster last Friday and re-
turned him to Ann Arbor. Yester-
day morning he waived examina-
tion when arraigned before Justice
Harry W, Reading and was bound
over to circuit court where he was
sentenced in the afternoon.
'No Man's Land' Hits
to Go on Air Today
Songs from the Junior Girls'
play will be broadcast at 2 o'-
clock this afternoon over the
University radio station. All
principals, a large number of
the choruses, and Reuel Keyon
0"Alac vrh cf TA1 ,_r"at"

Bates Approves Brandeis Ice C ase Opinion

The dissenting opinion in the
Oklahoma ice manufacture case
handed down last week in the Unit-
ed States Supreme court by Justice
Louis D. Brandeis is correct, in the
belief of Dean Henry M. Bates of
the law school, as expressed in an
interview yesterday.
The case in question involved the
manufacture and sale of ice in Ok-
lahoma, with the dispute concern-
ing whether or not the state of
Oklahoma could place restrictions
on individuals and companies en-
gaged in this pursuit.
The opinion of the majority of
the court was that ice manufacture
is a private business and a common
calling, that the right to engage in
it is one of the fundamental lib-
erties guaranteed by the due pro-
cess clause in the Constitution, and
that to deny this because necessity
for it was not shown, as was done in
Oklahoma, was a deprivation of
liberty and property in violation of
the fourteenth amendment.
Justice Brandeis insisted, in his

"Myriad examples may be cited,"'
he said, "in which laws have been
passed depriving individuals and
corporations of what they might
term their liberties. The owner of
an automobile may not drive it in
any fashion he pleases, anymore
than a corporation building sky-
scrapers may erect them mindless
of general restrictions passed by a
legislative body and upheld in the
"In making any decision regard-
ing rights and liberties or the de-
privation of rights and liberties,"
continued DeanBates, "the courts
must balance the liberty of the in-
dividual on the one hand and thej
aggregate of good to the commun-
ity on the other.
"We are at present in the throes
of financial depression, which may
have been-probably have been -
caused in part by overproduction.j
By permitting states to experiment'
with economic regulations, as the
state of Oklahoma wishes to do
here, a remedy for the situation

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