0. THE MICHIGAN DAILY WAGE F'lVE THE ICHIAN DILY AGE---V i l it n M & &=I s zs-. - B. Braun, H. DeWitt, C. eesen Nominated for League Pre, idency Intramural -Interclass ES PORTS CHEDULE "WEEK OF MARCH 28. Enid Bush, Jane Rayen Will Run Badminton. for Vice-President; Polling Second round of the tournament Will Be All Day. to be played off by April 1. Oppor- tunities to play at 4:15 o'clock Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and K. KOCH SUBMITS NAMES Friday at Sarah Caswell Angell Hall; 2 to 4 o'clock on Wednesday; Jane Fauver and Josephine and 9 to 12 o'clock on Saturday McC N C dimorning. McCausey Named Candidates n Bowling. for Recording Secretary. 4 to & o'clock every afternoon at Women's Athletic building a t 5 Barbara Braun, '33, Helen De- cents a string; 7 to 9 o'clock every Witt, '33, and Catherine Heesen, night at Women's Athletic building '33, have been nomated to run (mixed at 15 cents a string). Fencing. for the presidency of the League, 7:30 o'clock Wednesday night at according to an announcement Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. made yesterday by Katherine Koch, Ping Pong. '32, present head. The elections Every afternoor and night at Women's Athletic building and ev- will take place Wednesday, April 6. ery afternoon at Barbour gymna- the balloting being held at a booth slum. in University hall. Posture. Other nominations include Enid 7:15 to 7:45 o'clock Wednesday at Bush, '33, and Jane Rayen, '33, for Barbour gymnasium. vice-president, Jane Fauver, '34,. Tap Dancing. and Josephine McCausey, '34, for 4 o'clock Wednesday at Woman's recording secretary, and Ruth Duh- Athletic building; 7:30 o'clock Wed- me, '34, and Marion Giddings, 3 nesday night at Barbour gymna-- for treasurer. sium. Nomineesrfor other positions on Riding. the judiciary council include Jane 4:15 o'clock Tuesday and Thurs- Fecheimer, '33, and Margaret Keal, day-elective; 4:15 o'clock Monday '33, one of which will be named as 'and Wednesday with class. Ar- senior member to work with Mar- rangements may be made by calling garet Schermack '33, and Mary Mr. Mullison before 2 o'clock to in- Barnett, '33, who will continue their quire if class for credit is full for present positions on the council,thtdy and two juniormembers who willh Swimming. 8 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday be selected from a list including nights at Union pool for timing for Ada Blackman, '34, Harriet ien intramural meet n April 5.I GTOFEATURE TEA Seventh League Party Will Be Held From 4 to 6 o'Clock Friday Afternoon. Further arrangements for the seventh monthly League tea, which will be eld from 4 to 6 o'clock Fri- day afternoon in the main ball- room of the League, were announc- ed yesterday by Enid Bush, '33, social chairman of the League. The affair will honor members ,of the League board of directors, all of whom will be present. The feature of the entertainment will be a fashion show of the latest spring sports models. The styles will be furnished by B. Siegel and Com- pany, of Detroit, and will be model-I ed by women students of whom Vinselle Bartlett, '33, Adelaide Sim- ons, '32, and Jane Mitchell, '32Ed., have so far been named. Maxwell Gail and his orchestra will play for dancing, Mr. Gail serv- ing as accompanist for the fashion parade, and tables for bridge will also be available. Tea will be served. from 4 to 6 o'clock, and Mrs. Gerrit Diekema, director of Betsy Barbour house, and Mrs. Florence Tousey, director of Helen Newberry residence, have been asked to pour. Members of the League social committee, who are assisting Miss Bush with the arrangements in- clude Margaret Ferrin, '33, Parrish Riker, '33, Elizabeth Eaglesfield, '33, Margaret O'Brien, '33, Josephine Woodhams, '34, Eleanor Walkin- shawe, '32, Margaret Martindale, '34SM., Harriet Holden, '33, Ruth Robinson, '34, Helen Clark, '34SM., and Ruth Duhme, '34. WOMEN ANNOUNCE WAAELECTIO Nominating Committee to Sub- mit Names of 14 Women for 7 Offices. Annual election of the officers of the Woman's Athletic Association, will be held Wednesday, April 6, according to an announcement by Dorothy Elsworth, '32, president. The polling will take place in Uni- versity hall and the booths will be! open until 5 o'clock. Only active members of the or- ganization will be permitted to vote. That is, all women who have earn- ed five activity points and have paid their dollar cues. Seven women will be elected to fill the positions of president, vice- president, secretary, treasurer! pub- licity manager, point recorder, and intramural m a n a g e r. Fourteen names will be submitted by the nominating committee which con- sists of Dorothy Elsworth, Marjorie Hunt, '32, secretary, Susan Man- chester, A. C. A. C. W. manager, and Agnes Graham, tresurer. Alpha Delta Pi.1 FMiss Cone ia Burwell of Niagara Falls, New York was the alumna guest of Alpha Delta Pi this past' week. The senior class held a spread at the sorority house Monday evening after the opening performance of the Junior Girl's Play, in honor of the Junior class. Alpha Epsilon IotaI Alpha Epsilon Iota held pledging Thursday afternoon for Kathryn Hoffman, '33, of Sandusky, Ohio, and Eloise- Evans, '35M, of Dear- born, Michigan, at their home. Thursday afternoon. Dr. Margaret Bell and Dr. Helene Schust were entertained with a formal dinner at the sorority house. The table decorations were carried out in yellow and white. Alha Gamma Delta Margaret Morris, '33, of Detroit, was pledged recently by Alpha Gamma Delta. Thursday evening a formal dinner was held in honor of Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Miss Jeanette Perry, Miss Ellen IStevenson, Prof. Walter Badger and Mrs. Badger, and Prof. Walter Ford and was and Mrs. Ford. The banquet table adorned with yellow daffodils green tapers. Society Alpha Phi An initiation was held Saturday afternoon at the Alpha Phi sorority in honor of Marie Abbot and Jean Rice, of Ann Arbor; the Misses Har- riet Knight, Frances Biddleton, Winifred Pike, Betty Wunsch, Betty Fetters, all of Detroit; Mary Brown, of Trenton, Michigan; Jean Hen- ning, Winnetka, Illinois, and Mar- garet Grant of Monroe, Michigan. A formal banquet was held after the initiation at the house. GRADUATE SCHOOL WILL GIVE DANCE Students of the graduate school are planning a dance which is to be held at 8:30 o'clock on Saturday, April 2, in the Women's Athletic building. Thetadmission fee for the dance is to be 25 cents. All students of the graduate school are invited to attend, and an invitation is also extended to women students in the Colleges of Law and Medicine. However, be- cause of space limitations due to the comparatively small size of the building, an invitation can not be extended to the men students of these two colleges. 1 '. You saw Them Easter-- FUR Scarfs and 91 [ .1 ; To assist in introducing more fully to the fastidious woman of today AMBR OSIA We are offering a 50c flask of Ambrosia, sixty Couette pads and a refilling funnel and the regular $1.00 bottle of Ambrosia for- $00 Another outstanding value that we would like to bring to your attention is $2.00 value of Renauds Exquisite perfumes for $1.00. CALK INS-WFLETCHER Ji Conypny JACQUETTES by Zwerdling NOW! ALL FURS AT LOWEST PRICES Hats that are different headsizes-All colors-All the new braids McKINSEY HAT SHOP 227 South State Street {.yi _ !, .i ._ ,_ d Not only Fur Jacquettes and Neckpieces but prices on Fjir Coats. The thrifty and wise woman will select her Fur Coat now for next- season and have us store it for her free -of charge. ESTABLISHED 1904 217 E. LIBERTY ST. 28 years of unexcelled value and service I 324 S. State 818 S. State 1101 S. University i III I . .. . . I r-. -r JUST UNPACKED N)/ Gorgeous New Formals CREASE AND SLIDE RULE DANCES IVA A iii I ' 323 , f, - ~5. MAIjN 1; AFTER EASTER III Hat Sale ll' i III TODAY AND TOMORROW What if you have already selected your Easter bonnet! Have another one and give your wardrobe an added zest. This unusual clearance sale brings you the spring's smartest millinery fashions at savings you would never expect to find so early in season. Sailors, turbans, cloche models . . . some flower trimmed. Others tailored . . . all at these low clearance prices. $1.59 $2.59 Values $1.95 to $3.95 Values $5.00 $3.59 $5.59 Values $6.50 to $7.50 Values $8.50 to $10.00 11 11 411 Frocks I .7 Spring Suits $16.5O Double Date A long slinky dinner dress, sophistication itself; off comes the cute waist-high jacket and presto,-you are formal! Developed in crepe, chiffon and point d'esprit. Price? Lower than ever. 1 11 I695 !i ! II I I Gigolo shoulders Double-breasted Brief jackets III 1 III II i III 11