THE MIC HiGAN UAILY 'ITrESDAY, MARCH 29, 1932 Published every morning except Monday during the Universityx Year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all nevi dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Buriness, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 of running things to suit themselves. Not consider- l. ing their own weaknesses and believing that "Love is the Bunk" they attempt to banish men from their lives. Knowing otherwise, the men take away their hard earned victory by showing them that they wouldn't be happy in No Man's Land and that "you can't get along without love." The sets are effective, especially the opening scene which gave the audience a real thrill as the curtain rose. Bright and colorful costumes harmon- ized well and added much to the attractiveness of the scenes. Mary Phillips as the female lead, was glamorous, playing her role of defender of women's rights most riV~1.>1S h. I maIles 3.1 fhr u itiai ph nrm , arl~ Opportunity For College Man to Work Way Through School A splendid exclusive sales opportunity on a fast selling line of popular, well-advertised merchandise is now open for a man prominent in college activities. Good commissions.paid. Average earnings about $20.00 or more per week. This sales agency offers year round work, both during school months and summer in your own home town. Write for complete information, giving your home town, year in school, age, college and ath- letic activities, clubs, fraternity, and other qualifications as salesman. Limited taie makes imperative an immediate application for this posi- tion. Address correspondence to W. H. Loomis, Jr., 21 West 10th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. I WOO M1A1 5- A i convincingly. . e male ead, rKalherine Kocn, provea MANAGING EDITOR to be a devastatingly handsome man. Eleanor Riker, RICHARD L. TOBIN News Editor ................................... David M. Nichol as Sam, handled her part cleverly. City Editor........................................ Carl Forsythe Although the whole show is delightful comedy, Editorial Director .................1..........Beach Conger, Jr. Shedo CFuleronspecial mention is merited by the comic leads for Sports Editor................ ............. Sheldon C. Fullerton me io is ertdb th cmclasfr Women's Editor......'... ......I.....argaret M. Thompson their vivacious wit. Vinselle Bartlett, as Frank, and Assistant News Editor..........................Robert L. Pierce Betty Van Horn as Earnest add plenty of fun to the NIGHT EDITORS performance. Earnest's song "A Hungry Co-ed" is Frank B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis sure to be a hit. Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. RosenthalI Karl Seifert George A. Staw(er The Cheer Leaders ehorus and the football team' were grand burlesque. Parrish Riler as captain of Spin .osoh oasharlthe team was a scream. The chorus of the B. and G. Brian W. Jones John Wv. Th~mas Char s A. S;mforrl Boy; was clever and good comedy. The Blue Book, REPORTERS Blues number with its accompanying chorus of grades Stanley W. Arnheim Fred A. Huber John W. Pritchard Donald F. Blankertz Jlarol F. Klute Joseph Jevihan was original and well done. Edward C. Campbell !(11111 S. Marshall C diiart irhaaf Thomas Connellan Roland Martint racky Shaw While the first act was rah-rah collegiate with Robert S. Deutsch Iloury Meyer Parker Sny'er plenty of pep, the second act showed the more con- Albert L. Friedman Al>erte. eman G n R. Winters servative element of college life with its settings Miriam Carver Prndence Foster Margaret O'Bri'n in the chapter room of a sorority house and 4 the Beatrice Collins Alice Gillett neverly Stark J-Hop. Virginia Murphy, who sings a tuneful love Louise Crandall Frances Manchester uVa 4w dswrth,"hm, Elsie Feldman Eilizabeth Mann Josephine- Woodhams song, My Ideal," in the chapter room scene, has a - lovely voice. "Dates And Love Are Blind," proved BUSINESS STAFF to be a tuneful melody not quite true to fact in the Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. KLINE....................... Business Manage sorority house with television, and was well sung by NORRIS P. JOHNSON......................Assistant Manager Margaret Burke. Department Managers Much credit :s due to Margaret Smith and Mar- Advertising..................................Vernon Bishop garet Schermack for the well trained choruses and Advertising Contracts ............................ Harry R. BegleygaeShrmc fotewllrind hrusad Advertising Service............................ Byron C. Vedder for their own specialty numbers which were excel- SPublications............................. William l. Brown Accounts..............................Richard Straterneir lent. Margaret Schermack as "minus" in the Blue Women's Business Manager .......................Ann W. Vernor Book Blues number does a clever ,tap dance while Assistants Margaret Smith in the Moonlight Rhapsody does a Orvil Aronson Arthur F. Kohn Donald A. Johnson, TI finished toe dance. Allet .ClarkGraly nW sharp ean Lrner Miss Harriet Brazier who has directed the play Robert Finn Bernard rI. Good admirably, and the central committee under the Donna Becker Virginia McComb helen Spencer direction of Jean Botsford are to be congratulated. .1 Maxine Fischgrund Ann Gallmeyer Katherine Jackson Dorothy Laylin Caroline Alosher Helen Olson Ielen Schmude Alay Seefried E athryn Spencer Kathryn Stork ('lae Unger 7[ary Elizabeth Watts NIGHT EDITOR-JERRY E. ROSENTHAL TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1932 Paternalism IS Dean Emeritus M. E. Cooley (Editor's note: This is the sixteenth of a series of articles on outstanding members of the University faculty. Another in the series will appear on this page next week.) By E. Jerome Pettit 1 rrid Yesterday one of Michigan's most colorful campus figures celebrated his seventy-seventh birthday. Dean N President Ruthven's letter to Mr. McCormick Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley who, because of ill- concerning "the situation that arose in the health, resigned as head of the Colleges of Engineer- campus elections we find some rather highly he interesting commentaries on student government ing and Architecture four years ago, has now added of Michigan. .Were these statements expressive another series of sevens to a life which, according to of present conditions in the University there would a distinguished friend of his, has often been markedI be, we strongly suspect, much less evidence of with the lucky number. "loose .thinking" in this connection.Atteaeo20DnColywsnef77m. "The essentials of student management of stu- A h g f2 enCoe a n f7 e dent affairs are exactly the same as the funda- who took examinations for Annapolis; he was one mentals of government," the President writes. of 27 who passed. He was graduated seventh in his: This is exactly true. This is, however, exactly the class at the Naval Academy in 1878. situation which does not exist at the present time. The numerous and wide-spread activities which Only a brief survey of Michigan's pseudo- followed that graduation, however, indicate thai governmental organizations is sufficient to show other things than lucky numbers were responsible contemporary conditions. Even the Student Coun- for Dean Cooley's cil, itself, finds its potential abilities, small as they remarkable suc- are, bound and encircled by University regulation cess in the world and its jurisdiction confined, for the most part, to The first 1 the innocent direction of class parties and the months after hi supervision 9f the freshmen-sophomore games. graduation wer The Interfraternity Council is the only other spent on he U.S student organization to which even a small meas- S. Quinnebaug ir tire of self-government is imputed by the most.M e d f t crannear optimistic observers. Here again we find the waters, returnin Council is bound to merely accept or reject the on the U.S.S. Alli resolutions which come to it from the Senate Corn- ance This wa mittee on Student Affairs which, in turn, can only ; followed by sip pass or condemn the recommendations of the t months service ir Judiciary committee of the Council where the the B u r e a u o:i adverse vote of a single faculty member is suffi- Steam Engineer- cient to stop any further moves. . ;*... v.*.-. ing. He was ther If it is necessary to look further, we find the .detailed to the fraternities, themselves, under the most strict Unile rsi thy o regulation and, it is sometimes rumored, surveil- Michigan for foui lance. All student organizations of any type must years by the See have their financial affairs closely checked upone by administration representatives. The students, retary of th although many of them are of voting age and mayN At the end o now enter into the intricate machinery of national } . h his four-year staff government, find themselves surrounded by in- I here he was or- numerable restrictions, of which the auto ban and rdered to Pacific some of the rulings of the offices of the Dean are Station but at the the most flagrant examples. request of the "Paternalism has become a horrid word. The Dean M. E. Cooley Bod of Rege statement is strangely reminiscent but the senti- . oardthm eger- ment expressed is true. "Actually," the President resigned to accept the chair of mechancal engieer of paternalism is rep- ing in 1885. At the same time Michigan awardec. continues, "the worst phase him thehonorarisegrseoreM.E resented by a system which gives group privileges him the honorary degree of M.E C and makes individuals responsible to a higher In 1904, he became Dean of the College of Engi- powe fo acs ofther goup" Ths i alostneering and in 1913 Dean of College of Architecture eo ler for- acts of their group.w This is almost He served the University then for 40 years with onl3 gtyheshitedifference is the negligible amount one break in service, at the time of the Spanish- gan. The chief difrec istengiil mutAmerican War. of "group privileges." mrcnWr In short President Ruthven has put his finger During the war, Dean Cooley served as the chief upon the very nub of the situationandtpointed out engineer of the Yosemite, a converted Morgan lines the greatest evil in the system of administration manned by Michigan State Naval Militia. He wa- h gwhich he is the head. He has expressed, in his attached to League Island for ten months following letter to the Council, an understanding of the prob- the war. He returned to the University in 1899, and lems of student government which has not been during the years following, undertook a large amount eident in the Administration. of appraisal work, including investigation of the evidnt n th Adinisraton.10,000 miles of Michigan railways valued at $200,- "____000,000 as well as telegraph and telephone lines, ISdplank roads and river improvements, and the valua- 1MUJS C and IRANA tion of the power plants, rolling stock, stores and supplies of the Detroit street railways. " A In 1921, Dean Cooley was chosen by the organized "NO MAN'S LAND" engineers of the United States to take up the task A Review laid down by Herbert Hoover. He was elected Pressi- By Margaret M. Thompson dent of the American Engineering Council of the Federated American Engineering Societies at a time In its premier performance to a house crowded +he+ntat ncm- farwrfram+ith mhl of-n SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY BRCWN- R E SS INVESTMENT SECURITIES idsrs executed on 04 ex. *mwg&s Accounts carried e menservative margin. ANN ARBOR TRUST BLD. 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LIBERTY AT FIFTH /} p 'l ammollo .1 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! 053' JULIETTE LIPPE ......................Soprano Distinguished star of Covent Garden and other opera companies RUTH RODGERS......................Soprano Well known concert and oratorio singer MINA HAGER............ ............Contralto Distinguished Oratorio Singer BENIAMINO GIGLI .....................Tenor A Leading tenor Metropolitan Opera Company FREDERICK JAGEL .....................Tenor Another leading Metropolitan Opera Company tenor JOHN CHARLES -THOMAS.............Baritone Americ-'s outstanding concert and opera baritone NELSON EDDY .......................Baritone Another outstanding opera and concert singer CHASE BAROMEO ........................Bass Leading Bass Chicago Civic Opera Company GITTA GRADOVA . ...... ...........Pianist One of America's greatest piano virtuosi PALMER CHRISTIAN .................Organist Another fine American artist Edgeworth? You can buy E d ge w o r t h wherever good The smoke you can call your own tobacco is sold. Or, if you wish to try before you buy, send for special free packet. Address Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va. E DG EWO RT H SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleys, with its natural savor enhanced by Edge- worth's distinctive and exclusive elev- enth process. Buy THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION................ 300 Voices THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ...........70 Players CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS....................400 Voices The "LEGENDE OF THE INVISIBLE CITY OF KITEJ" in English (American premiere) .. . ..................... Rimsky-Korsakoff The "CREATION" in commemoration of the Bicentennial anniversary of its composer .............................. Haydn "CHORAL FANTASIA" (American premiere) conducted by its composer ... . . ................... .....Gustav Hoist 11 11 1 I