PACE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1932 PAGE sIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~1JNDAY, MARC~t 27, 1932 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pu1tblicalion in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Univer,;ity. Copy received at Ithe office of the AssIstant to the Ilrt.-ident until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. lVoiL. XHTfl. SUNDAY, MARI'CH 2i, 1932 No. 129, I 7s, ivcri ;y Lituc:Pr'eOl E l K~uclhnrnain, of the Uni'versityI ofL3 Breis u, C :ifauv will t , i(crran, on lthe subject "o~h nudDentscbla I" Wd nsd yApl'i G, .. 4 :15 p.m,in, iii N In ',d w Icicce AndiiiL EIli . 1 1 ti ie P Ldi i({; curd illy iiiVi I(d. Factty, College ofei Liter'ature, Science, and the Arts: Wiiin a fewl dlays, raids,;cster 1replort Cards will t)8 (distributedI thrroughl the D((part.: mcnt. Rep)orts should be sent tom itli 1cc not later thian Friday, Apllril 8I. Instructors are requested to axirrant e Htir l'wk so that reports mnay lac 11. de by that. date. W. It. Humphreys, Assistant Dean. cellist, will give the following program, at 4:15 o'clock in Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre, to which the 'ceneravl lilicwithl the e"xception of sm"111 t'-hidren is in-vifedl:I Brahms: Soriafe e minor Opal. 3e3llegr1+ Ilnontroppo, Allegrettoq(jus~i Menuetto, Allegro) Debussy: Sonlatc {Prologue, Serenade Fantastiqule, Finale) Tchcrepnine: Rhapsodiie Ceor:.ielnne /mcldante Viva ce)Vo or- mrolen : Suit ie (1 'rel 11(1e, rvle lllet 7-1"I~t e,rl ~i){i 1)58(' '01ol lita)8 P'hyFis, C61lhnuitim: I r. J. 1). in Wy will I a] L orl ,Dine Near Infra r zed Spectra C71 dc r fwt ii ' ln'at:15 p.mi., Tued'.iay, in1o001110411 )- ast PI hies ",1,0 .1 iW (Y(. ( "o1 l- llly iIi (1h toIattll. (r thlne Vio lc of ia iui: \'i(11,y, , h4tjII t, i 7: 5t, i i i l' ILiVer- iii.(t l'," i h i .li!lv i ty lhu iiiicry i7Chfiu Mlti's Phyicu'atdulctio64mub will imc f Wedsda ~y. March 30, 7 :3() ~n hn ~e Ui on, Prole: OA tained at the office of the Summer Session or from the Director. Applica- Wesley Hall: Today at El'., Pro. Henderson will be the speaker ! tions should be made on the application blanks which can be secured of the evening and will speak upon " l-:umnan Nature and the Changing at my offfice, Room 1119 Natural Science building, from. 4 to 6 p.m., daily. Order." AL 12 nioon the re-oliar c ,L sses wi'th D~r. 1 lakein' an al Mr, Pryor George R~. La Rue, Director, lea ding- as usual. ' All Campus Foruim: 'T. Z. loo, special correspondent of the Chinese Government,, will speak on "Internal Problems of China," on Monday, M~arch 23, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditorium. Alpha Nit meets Tuesday, March 29, at, 7:30 in the Alpha Nul Room fourth floor of Angell Hall. Dr. Frederick Fisher, of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Ann Arbor, will talk on "The Facts- About India." The general public is cordially invited and those interested in affiliating withi the organizat ion are especially urged to attend. Adeiphi. The regular s cond semester tryouts for memnbership will be held at the regular meeting, at 7:30, Tuesday, March 29, in Room 4203 X.H. All who have filled out applications, and any others who wish to try out, come prepared to deliver a three to five minute tryout speech upon any subject. It is essential that all members be present. Eta Sigma Phi will meet Wednesday, March 30, at 7:30 at the Leagt:1ue. Interesting program and refreshments, Banquet fee will be collected at this meeting. Phi Delta. Kappa: Important business meeting at Michigan Union, Tuesday at, 7 p.m. All members are urge-ntly requested to be present. Drama Section Monday at 8 p~im., in the Palmer Field House, #Architects' Bal Committee: Ini- portant meeting of all committee heads at a luncheon Monday noon at the Dien. All concerned are urged to be present on time and to have reports ready.. Tau Beta Pi: Initiation at 5 p.m., and dinner at 6:30 p.m., on Tues- dlay, March 29, in the Michigan Union. LATE LEAVE AT STANFORD Senior women in their last quar- ter at Stanford University were granted special late leave privileges by the A. W. S. Conference. The re- quirements axe that the womien have good health and. a scholastic record not below D minus for the preyvious quarter. The resolution granted unlimited 12 o'clocks and three 2:30 o'clock's a week to those eligible. Poet-4y Interpretation Contest: The Interpretive Arts Society will hold a contest in the oral interpretation of lyrics and other short poems on MVay 25. Preliminaries will be held on April 27 and 28. Each con- testant will be allowed twelve minutes.I This contest is open to Novice Mvembers of the Interpretive Arts Society. Membership in this society is openi to any person upon evidence of special interest or ability in oral inite rpretatdion. Try-outs for membership will be hield Monday, March 28, from 4 to 5 o'clock in Room 302 Mason hall, or by appointment with All Camipus Track meet has been changed from Tuesday, March 29, to Monday, March 28, at 7:30, Yost Field House. Entries will be taken at the Intramural building until 4 p.m., Monday. Notice: Will the gentleman who borrowed a six-foot T-Square belongling to the Mechanical Engineering Department please return it at once to Room 325 West Engineering building. There is an urgent need Tor tis particular T-Square. Oppraitunities in Recreational Work: Dr. Robinson of the National Recrceation Association will be in A. E. Wood's office, Room 208 Economics bul~ildingt, Monday from four to six o'clock to interview men students who have had sociological training, and who might wish to consider the possblty of taking further training at the Natonal Recreation School h-, Ne(w York City. OrgaXleital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the, following ,program, Wednesday, March 30, at 4:15 o'clock in hill Auditor- iumn. Thie genieral public with the exception of small children is invited' but is respctfully requested to be seated on time. t:Ginn-;ant: March religieuse; Saint-Saens: Prelude; Elgar: Medita- tion; Sinow ey: Ch-oral prelude on the hymn-tune "Rejoice, ye Pure in Ifea rt"; Rinherger+ ; : Vision; Gauil: Easter Morning on Mr'. Punbidonx. COU)NCERT TODAY Faculty CoLet'rL : : Joseph 13rinkmani, Pianist, and B-anns Pick, Violon- Congregational Student Fellowship: At 6:30 this evening, Prof. H. D. Curtis, head of the Astronomy department, will speak on "A Scientist Looks at Religion." All students are cordially invited to attend the lec- ture and the six o'clock supper preceding. At 5:15 this afternoon an Easter Vesper Musical Service will be given in the auditorium of the church by Everett Jay Hilty, organist, and SZilphra Lewis, violinist. This is the, second of a series of musical programs conceived with the idea of presenting the public good music which, hocw- ever, is within the musical appreciation of the average layman. Presbyterian Young People's Society: Easter Morning Sun rise Break - fast and service at 7:30 am., at the Church House. Social Hour at 5:30 and Student Meeting at 6:30. Mrs. Allison Heaps. is to give readings and scenes from "The H-ouse Beautiful." Special MMEOG USPIING czar shoT) W 3r teat D. M 0O I LL, t ;! a 5W, or. Dcutsclicr Zirkel mecin, 8 pxm. 'Tuesday, March 29, in the Miechlgan League. Mr. W. F. Striedieclc will ~speak on "Handwerk hat goldenemn Roden." A musical program will bej offered and refreshments will be Music by Mr. Potts and his orchestra. ' r9 } . _.. iI ;-, i 50 BARGAINS 5swfC0 in REFii' E.CEBOK If iudyi (i, of v'iuies on inem y ub jel s III . i I I! I I " h '' 2 I( I 4 :': ffl li 1 7 I ' IS9e r +' :, a F }y r.: :/ t i"T+r "hr fi . } }+la.. i. - ' ^- t..:F' +r, i 'tt v tai ,, 5 .3? , P.+,r.. k4" . MICHIGAN UNION Apl 1 . y CASA LOMA ORCHESTRA Ti~ckets on11Sale tit All Caips ihok.'orcs i . BOO STORESZEE ,j y niiw /sYRnaa a +EVSin e.- : ~ n.a~ ' ofal .wrf W tla l M 1 w vs a Z iv' 'Nn e!1i-(1*, aa]1a a .M ~Y]:+ IS!ta E Nt7+°". Awl r... s i ,tr. r r ;;. r ,,,i ,XJ y f: r . t+ . 1F,, ° ' i : ifF; " F, S2 + 4 s, ll ' kA 4 i Ff1 , . ,t 1 .4 --- -- ----- -- i i featuring baked swift's prentiuun ham featuriNO roast genuine spring lamb fi ge I .operatedrestauat dance ton'ighl: 9 until 11 temu vifti: lien i a no cower eh a r no wek-eatI intrease iJ~jn ri no fingerle operated restaurants -- -- - - 1 I'4 II fill 7II tAK i II iii r t r n ', /~v APROOM SU( D AY NIGTI S i i I I it .I at the U 'I) T.PC(N I r -- ------------------ .... ...... __ _ ,I # -t ---- --- ------------ .. . ..... .. ... ........ 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