THE MICH4IGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1932 HOLIDA9Y SERVICES TO BE HELD TODAY (Continued from Page 1) Rev. Alison Ray Heaps, pastor of the First Congregational church, has as his sermon topic "The Soul's Invisible Surmise." Services will start at 10:45. V ARI ED AND AT T RAC TIV E PROGPRA MS ARE PAANNES FOR EASTER SV '7. (Continued ron Page 1) rection of Jesus, at 7:30 p. m. in the A program of Ea;ster appreciationi First Presbyterian church. At mass- music will be given by the' Lutheran es at St. Thomas, the junior and senior boys choir will sing Gregor- student club at Zion Luthleran par- 1i. n ymusic. ish hall at 6:0 p. m. An instrument- The singing of Easter wlong l wib 1 rn m l l ic n trih' taf t ht Work o~f Con gres c zr t The American Constitution, while an effective check on the wiongdo- ings of our representatives, also" prevents them from doing much good, said Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science deoartment in a radio speech last nighi. Because of the limitation on the - - __-- _ WANTED--Piano to practice on during the week. Call between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. 2-3281- ioom 433. TOST LOST-Black and white Boston -. r TYPING- Grad. tieses a specialty., ncr on campus, Saturday. Phone M. V. Hartsuff. 9087. . wad li ---*- 526c i? x52 NZ DYKE ail trio win a so conr rULO n u e it program. A religious drama in three acts, provide the service at.:sii of the1 Epworth League. The special music will include a solo by Miss Mat-1Ld Nr>TTC 0 Orlet~' 'A'ntBazaac 2 2 ~ ~.'L '. iJ^315 E St. Paul's Lutheran church will .1 "Saint Claudia " the dinma by Mar- Srh u r and 1 dueitby Mis SClau- powers of Congress, Professor Pol- U1I.;c z {:pUaC shalluNL.thrnhurwhichr and Miss Marret lockexplainedour ebuy birthday and wd img have two sermons, one at 9:30 in reshall N. Goold whichreceived irslock explained, our representatives German and another at 10:45 in prize in the religious crama contet. A program pr' sent d i.y l ~are often incapable of doing vhat English. The theme of the second of the Drama: League of America in ginners, primary and jumit h neka rf- WANTtr servce will be "The Angel at the 1924, will b .73en 0 : )clcc1 ments of the Sunday school of the they think is best for the country.ANTED Open Tomb.' this evening in the First Mothozlisi. Calvary Evangelical church an d "We must remember,' said he, church. consisting (f :eeitations and music I "that our government is an old 1789 jGQMi Tit wanted. ?leas Zion Lutheran churchwilreh ei, will preach At the First Presbyterian curch. wl gvn th 10 ock, te Sndaymodel which has been re-equipped room near carmprs. '.50 or the Easter service at 10:30 on-"Our the church school, at 9 a.m., will. school hour.fThe Christian Endea v-with innumerable safet devices xchange for light work. Living Hope.' An Easter apprecia- present a damatization of the r asacred conc t at thecen i aninnumerable brakes, andwhich x ne. tion program will be given by stud- events accompanying the resrrec- give. The concert at te evenig ents at 6:30 p. m. tion of Christ. This prograjt will service. The concert will b: given is faith'ully endeavoring to carry a - - "Reality 'is the sermon topic of be given in the church auditOrium by a newly organized mixed choir load which has been made increas- LAUNDRY-Soft water. 2: Rev. Frederick Comm, pastor of and will be accompanied by an Eas- ingly heavy by the demands of an Towels free. Socks drnei ter service by all church depart- iAcappella chorus of 16 voices, unthinking public."i the Church of Christ Disciples. The ments met.;under the direction of E. William *- - --______ service will begin at 10:30. His eve- Mrs. Anne Miller Greenquis dra- Doty, will present a proyram at niGrgsermon at 7:30 will be an "Th matic reader, will give a, read fg of 7:30 o'clock tonight in the First Gardener.,Urban Nagle's play, "Barter," a re- Baptist church. Mr. Doty willb b Two services are scheduled for ligious drama featuring 11 charac- bhe soloist for a gront of numbers Trinity Lutheran church, the first a ters and dealing with evenits lhad- which consists of an Easter orator- sunrise service at 6:30 and the reg- ing up to the crucifixion and resur- io in Bach chorales. ular worship at 10:30 on "Joyous_ - Easter" by Rev. Henry Yoder. Holy; communion will be given at this service. * I . -- e tU 55: GIPL wanted to learn millinery designing. Preferably living with prents. Apply Tues. 7-8:30 p. m.I _ The Hat .Box. s.I FOR RENT AN UNUSALLY desirable office for attorney, doctor, dentist, or eng4- neer. Now available in First Na- tional Bank Bldg. For informa- a tion call bank office. 11 ; FOR SALE LOST--Writing half of Parker pen. Reward. Dial 3052. LOST-One Elgin pocket watch-- white gold case-also chain. Re- ward. Box A-26 care Michigan Daily. 545 forRESULTS use the0 CLASS IFIED mfkA san r h Ca IC 21 554 REPOSSESSED CARS-Buy from Finance Company for balance 044 due. We sell all makes of new cars at a discount. Investigate. ?7lc 311 W. huron. Phone 22001. 235c Plan Hillside Services. Weather permitting, hillside ser- vices at 6:30 o'clock will be held by Calvary Evangelical church, Rev. Frederick W. Kirn has announced. At the second service at 11 o'clock, a reception of new members and the sacrament of holy baptism will be held in addition to the sermon. "The Power of the Resurrection." At Bethlehem Evangelical, Rev. Theodore R. Schmale, pastor, will preach on "Easter Joy and Duty," at 10 o'clock, while at 11 o'clock there will be a service in German, followed by communion. A discussion of religious offices in our times, "The New Christian Or- der, will be led by Dr. Blakeman at Wesley Foundation at 9:15. At 6 o'clock, Prof. W. D. Henderson will speak on "Human Nature and the Changing Order." At the - Second Baptist church, Rev. C. W. Carpenter will preach on "Ring Out the Message." This ser- vice will be held at 11 o'clock. Three services have been arrang- ed by Bethel A. M. E. church, with the topic of the morning service be- ing "The Glory of the Cross." Following a 9 o'clock program at the First Presbyterian church, Rev. Merle H. Anderson will preach on "I Am a Heretic Touching the Res- urrection," at 10:45. -Recognition of. new members also will be made 'at this time. First Baptist church services will start at 9:15 this morning, instead of 9:30, the usual time. Rev. R. Edward Sayles will preach on "The Life Everlasting," while at 4 o'clock a baptismal service will be held.. JOHN - LIONEL together for the y nfirst time can the screen in the pic- ture which fur- nishes the irfect romantic drama- , :. : , >: r ::x ... /; . ; u~ ;,; ; w ADDED STAN LAUREL OLIVER HARDY in "ANY OLD PORT" MONDAY OWL SHOW SALLY EILERS "BAD GIR L" NOV W PLAYING! > 1 H r, , ', . e h 'G .1 l ' (l f I s' ' 1 :30 to Ip..A With Y O U N G DUDLEY DIGGES, LESLIE FENTON 3 7~3 y' "u. r" 'sue. f+v k- r +'. . L 4 t,,. . . v ,"i _- drJ I .