"THE MICHIGAN D AILY SATURDAY, MARCH 2G, 1932 Published every morning except Monday during the University, year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by 'T'hird AssistantI Esther London, a young member of Moscow's Anglo- American school, and written simply so that those to whom it is addressed may have no trouble in under- standing. In America today most of the workers are un- employed so that their children cannot have a good education," continues the article. "They cannot give them good food, and so the children suffer. Without jobs the families lose their homes. Cp itol News By lTv oIOOVER Special Daily Correspondent E4 II , PostmasterGeneral._ __"With the rich in America, it is different. They Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 have fine automobiles. They have food to eat, books Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, to read and nice new clothes, while the workers and Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. their children starve. EDITORIAL STAFF "In the Soviet Union, children are given a real Telephone 4925 good education. Instead of learning about George I l , Washington circles have been discussing the recent rumor that Vice President Curtis will be re- placed by Ogden Mills, Secretary of the Treasury, as Hoover's next run- ning mate. We cannot as yet tell how far such a move will be car- ried. Certain members of the Re- publican National Committee be-- T4 C Davis & Ohnge PROMPT PRINTERS Dial 8132 D109-11 astWashingto RED ARROW SHIOP b ' ' JUST'LIKEHME-- -the finest food -deliciously prepared, and You'll Enjoy the CHICKEN DINNERS ON SUNDAYS MUSIC WHILE YOU EAT ~a eIal I vr MANAGING EDITOR RIC1IA1RD L. -TOBIN News Editor ................................... David M. Nichol City Editor .4 ...................... .........Carl Forsythe Editorial Director ............................ Beach Conger, Jr. Sports Editor..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton Women's Editor.........................Margaret M. Thompson Assistant News Editor.......................... Robert L. Pierce Washington, cooking and sewing, we learn about socialist construction. We learn, too, about the lives; of workers here and in other parts of the world. We are taught how to become useful citizens and rot l frank 13. Gilbreth Roland A. G lKarl Se Brian W. Jones Stanley W. Arnheim I)onald F. Blankeriz Edward C. Can bell 'Thomas Connellan Robert S. DIeutsch Albert L. Friedman Miriam Carver Beatrice Collins Louise Crandall Elsie Fldnan NIGHT EDITORS J. Cullen Kennedy James Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal ciffert (worge A. t:t Inglis Sports Assistants Jolin W. Thomas REPORTERS Fred A. Huber liaild F. IKIate lohn S 'Marsall 11ry Meyer Albert 11. Newman ,lf. leroime e1',ttit Prudence Foster Alice (Gillbe-t Sranees M anehester l'lizabcth Mann Clmrle6 A. Sanford John W. Pritchard JosezhR)'aetvihan C. il grt 5ciaf 1rctk y Shaw' i'arker Snyltr Glenn P. Winters Margaret 0' !'rin livcrly Stark Josephine XWoodhamns just a part of the machine . .. as the workers' child- lieve that such action will insure a ren are in capitalistic America. wet vote in the east and a sure vote "When we leave school in the Soviet Union we from the large financial interests. can either continue our education and be paid wages while we study, or take up any work we wish. We can be engineers, even diplomats, if we are very am- If Vice President Curtis should bitious. dislike the "boot" with which he is "It seems to me that the only 'free' people in being presented he could turn his America are those who have plenty of money. attention to the statement made by "Here, workers can buy clothing below cost; their a certain C. C. Mayer--who claims children are given hot lunches free in school. that President Hoover is ineligible "Only the air is 'free' in America, and I read that to the position he now holds. the bosses want to tax that!" According to the Constitution It is not the moral question of who is right and (Article 2, Sec. 1) the candidate for who is wrong that bothers us here. But it is through President should have "been four- such articles as this that we can see what the Soviet teen years a resident within the Union is manufacturing out of her raw material. Of United States." BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. KLINE........................ Business Manager NORRIS P. JOHNSON...................... Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising.................. . .............. ,.... Vernon Bishop Advertising Contracts...........................Ilarry R. Begley Advertising Service ..........................Byron C. Vedder publications ..................................William T1. IBrown Accounts ...............................Richard Stratemeir Women's Business Manager...................... Ann W. Vernor __: _ . : :. course, all's fair in war, but is there a war? Not yet But here, plainly, are preparations for war. Here is a nation's youth being trained to look at us with cool, unrationalized hatred in its eye. Students, propaganda is the Jabberwock we must fight against. We must learn to rationalize, to think intelligently. We must learn to keep from allowing words to blind the facts. And the place to train our- selves is here! The time to train ourselves is now! Our prompt reaction to press pictures showing six youths on a March swim off Belle Isle is to ruri downstairs and shake up the furnace. There's no lack of political leadership. It's just ,olding Iff till the results of the Digest poll show which way the parade wants to be led. Orvil Aronson Gilbert . Bureley Allen Clark Robert Finn Donna Becker Maxine Fischgrund Ann' allmeyer Katherine Jackson Dorothy Laylin Assistants Arthur F. Kohn Berna.rd Selnacke torafton W. Sharp Virginia .\lc(omb (aroline osher -eln Olson 1 1 len Schmude lav Seefried Donald A. Johnson, 11 Dean Turner Don Lyon Bernard 11. Good I(elen Slcaneer Kathryn Spencer Kthryn Stork (Clare [ rr M ary Elizabeth Watts NIGHT EDITOR-ROLAND A. GOODMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1932 -Detroit News. IMUN an~dDAM 1 a Depression' Politics ARAMOUNT among the election issues which 1 will face, the United States during the next eight months is the Depression. Since the influ- ences of slack business, unemployment, large debts, bank failures and unpaid taxes were first felt two years ago, politics have been tied up more than a little. In fact, elections which have occurred since has proved this point. The Democratic party, out of power since 1920, first showed it was coming back at the time the Depression became an institution and culminated its efforts by winning a majority in the House of, Representatives in 1930 and has increased its po- tentialities by winning subsequent state and local elections. Democrats have naturally, as is the case with all parties out of power when a national catastro- phe occurs, criticized the Republican party for its actions in handling distress and at first even ac- cused their rivals of causing it. It is, at present, merely limiting its attacks on the policies and atti- tudes which Hoover and his administration have shown in making national legislation on this sub- ject. In the past six months, the present administra- tion, however, has entrenched its power a little more by making federal boards which subsidize stricken- institutions and concerns and it is this factor which may cause a renewed hope in Hoover. It is to be expected, however, that the Demo- cratic party will continue its attacks and in the main will be successful. Primary elections in sev- eral states already show that the Jeffersonian party has become materially strengthened and since these primaries and preferential votes are meant to pick candidates and mainly to give an indication of party strength a victory for Democracy is not a little imminent. Just what results the Depression will have on the success of the' campaigns of both parties, ne one can really tell but it is certain that DemocratE will continue to attack the Republicans on their actions concerning it while the Republicans will await the results of their socialistic policy in hav- ing the federal government take over many of the unprecedented responsibilities in an attempt tc alleviate conditions. Economic conditions are frequently issues of election campaigns and the party out of power has usually made these issues a stepping stone to suc- cess at the polls. It is entirely logical, then, tc expect a Democratic victory on this score alone. However, there are too many other forces such as internal dissatisfaction, unharmonious organiza- -tion, splits on other issues and a poor choice of a candidate to venture a definite statement. It is clearly seen, on the question of issues, that if the Democratic party does not make any wrong moves it has a powerful weapon in the Depression and with it may be able'to again sweep into office after fourteen years of being on the outside looking in. MUSIC NOTES We learn from an announcement of the Ann Arbor Chamber Music society that the fourth andI final concert on its year's program will be the London String Quartet which will appear next Thursday night in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The local chamber music society has taken upon itself quite a bit of responsibility, for this type ofI musical presentation cannot possibly be a financialj success unless the organizations obtained are cheapt enough to enable the club to get by (which they haec not been). Chamber music has never been the mosl popular form of musical presentation, and, in fact.! is the least attractive from a box-office viewpoint It is, however, the most perfect form, and naturalIN enough, like all perfect things, is little appreciated. Countless chamber music societies have failee because of the fact that the uncolored and unindivid-- ual character of the string quartet have not brought in well-filled audiences to pay for expenses. The loca; organization is to be commended, however, in bring- ing good, if few, chamber music concerts for the notoriously insatiable thirst for music which Ann Arbor seems to have. The recitals have never been what one would call financial successes but people who.really go to hear music for it's sake alone atten& and as yet they have prevented any rumors of liquid. ation. The London String quartet, better than most. which means that it has managed to blend four ex-- ceptionally good musicians into a colorless and per- fectly blended group, is composed of John Penning- ton, first violin; Thomas Petre, second violin; Willian:! Primrose, viola and C. Warwick-Evans, violoncello. The quartet is well-known to music-lovers all over the country, having appeared almost everywhere o- its ten transcontinental tours of North America. It 175 London appearances prove its popularity ir. England and concerts in other European countriec- have received no small notice. All four in the organization are as well-known a; the quartet which they make up. Pennington is a noted pianist, and besides being concert-master at Covent Garden held the same position for Anna Pavlowa. Thomas Petre is a former child prodigy of London music schools while Warwick-Evans, taking a little Mayer claims that such is not true in the case of the present ex- ecutive. He argues that Curtis could point out that Hoover had lived in England, was a British sub- ject, a voter and a landowner be- fore he returned to the United States in 1920-eight years before the Hoover boom. A Supreme Court verdict might place Charles Curtis as President of the United States. Just a thought! And it might not be necessary to think on it with the presidential primaries under way. The ballot offers the citizens an op- portunity to change a number of conditions. The auestion is wheth- er they will realize it. A logical viewpoint was aired on the Senate floor a few days ago with regard to the $125,000,000 Emergency Road Building Appro- priation. Senator Hiram Bingham (R., Conn.) argued that the apropria- tion would be unjust because it would unfairly apportion the mon- ey among the states. Binghamcit- ed the "allotment to Pennsylvania would represent $5.26 per unem- ployed person, while in Utah it would be $110.97." This proved to c a typical instance and served as one of the many examples. The sales tax has caused an audi- ble rumpus in our government in the last week. We believe that the bill will pass but that it will under- go modification. With all the debate on the ques- tion only two solutions have been advanced to take its place. The luxury tax and an increased income i tax have been considered. The luxury tax was shelved because it was remembered that no one is buying luxuries. The income tax increase was discarded because it is known that business is already staggering under the depressing conditions. Canada has tested a , four per-- cent tax for years and found it practical. A sales tax has aided sev- eral of our states, several European countries, and the Philippines. Cer- ! tainly we can endure a 21,, percent tax in order to get our government back on its feet. Andrew Mellon will get an hon- orary degree from Edinburgh Uni- versity when he begins his duties in England. He should receive some recognition for "beating" the im- Corsages, Potted Plants Assortments of Cut Flowers Unidversity.lwer 606 East Liberty Phone 9055 Flowers wired to all parts of the World for Easter Funeral Arrangements All prices are lowest we have ever made them at this season D THE1 ACAE i ', longer to gain his fame, has played all of anything peachment charges made by Con- that is important everywhere. Primrose was a violin- gressman Wright Patman. ist first and has, for the past eight years, been a viola player for chamber music purposes. Russia has been more than will- Extremely active Hanns Pick and Joseph Brink- ing to listen to our engineers, to ac- Extrmelyactve IIann Pik an Josph ept our advice in regard to indus- man are again in the limelight in Ann Arbor withty dpritebinrgadvt in a piano and violon-cello sonata recital scheduled for try and to profit by our advances i Sunday afternoon in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Thes the machine world. But not once concert will mark another one of the faculty concert her one of our as. series, which, according to authorities, is enjoying her one of our politicians. a highly successful season. er," too! I- EDIITOIRAL COMMENT Raymond Morin, a piano student, will share the busy day of music March 31 with a recital Thursday afternoon in Lydia Mendelssohn. Morin, who is re-I garded as one of the better student pianists on the campus, will be making his first appearance of the year. One of the final nnisical events before vacation will take place April 3 when the University Sym-I phony orchestra and Hanns Pick combine to offer' a program in Hill auditorium. David Mattern will conduct. The Congressional Record, show- ing in printed form the daily pro- gram of the National Government, costs $50.00 per page. About 1-6 of the estimated 36,000 copies per day represent paid subscriptions. A move is being made by Repre- sentative Boylan of New York to change the present publication and to pattern it along the lines of a newspaper. { JABBERWOCKY (Crane College Javelin) "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! fe FIV~i Zl.,ZJNLI 4_ ; .. ... 'a~ . w o