six -THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY FRMDAY, MARCHI 25, 1932 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLE TIN Publication in the Buletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. VOL. XLII. FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1932 No. 127 NOTICES Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Within a few days, midsemester report cards will be distributed through the Depart- mnents. Reports should be sent to my office not later than Friday, April 8. Instructors are requested1 to arranffe their work so that reports may b made by that date. W. R. H-umphreys, Assistant Dean. Badminton 'Tournament for Women Students: The draw for the Badminton Tournament is posted on the bulletin board in Barbour gym- nasium. The first match game to be ployed by March 26. The telephone number of each player is written Opposite her name. Birds to be pro- vided by the players and may be obtained from Moe's Sport Shop. Frosh Frolic Favors mwust he called for by Saturday noon or they will be forfeited,.Theylin~ ay b btaI) ~inedIatBM f01r's, 1103 S. Unriversity Ave. Independent s: More :gi+,iatOres are needed to nominate the three Independent.s who are seeking a chiance I o reprsnt you in the coming Student Council Plections. lfreip them oit by sinhing the Nominaling Petitions at the desk in tihe Tjii(JiI LJobby. University Bureau ofT Appointments and Occupational Information: The Bureau has received notice of the following vacancies: Associate Dairy Husbandman, $3,200-$3,800 a year (3 yrs. experience in research) ; Instructor in electricity, Correctional school for boys, California. Institu- tion Hog Ranch Operator, California (experience in farming and some knowledge of animal husbandry.) Students wishing to sign application blanks for Camp employment for the comning suimmer may do so now at Lane Hall. This does not guarantee employmen t, CONCERT TODAY Organ Recital Good Friday 'Music: Palmer Christian, University Organist, has arranged a program to be given this afternoon, at 4:15, in Hill Auditorium. Hle will be assisted by Laura Littlefield and Thelma Lewis, sopranos, Gwendolyn Zoller and Annis Dexter Gray, contraltos and Wassily Uesekirsky, violinist. It is requested that there be no ap- plause and the public is particularly urged to be seated on time. ACADEMIC NOTICES Geology 130 will meet this morning. Geolog'y 31: Bluebook today. Mathem leus 2, r, 36: Mr. Shirley Field will not meet his classes today. Hlistory 12, Lecture Section I-Midsemnester Examination: Monday, March 28, at 8 a.m. Mr. Long's and Mr. Manyon's sections in Natural Science Auditorium; Mr. Slosson's in Room 1035 Angell Hall. The period covered will include the years 1648-1792. EVENTS TODAY Educational Film: Representatives of the National Machinery Com- p any, Tiffin, Ohio, will present a film demonstrating the latest machines for hot and cold forging. The film wil be shown at 4:05 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditorium. All interested are invited to attend. Spanish Plays: Notice of tentative casting has been mailed. Those notified will please attend the reading of the plays at 4 p.m., in Room 403 R.L. Rehearsals will begin Monday. Tryouts who were not notified may be called in at a later date. All Campus Pre-Easter Meetings: From 12:30 to 1 o'clock at the Congregational Church. Today the Rev. . A. Halmhuber, the Methodist District Superintendent of the Ann Arbor District is the speaker. The organist Is Thane MacDonald. First M.E. Church: Service from 12 to 3 p.m., Good Friday. Dr. Fish- er's topic is "The Modern Cross" and the choir will sing Stainer's "The Crucifixion," Arthur Hackett and Hervey Lyon, soloists. St. Andrew's Church: The Right Rev. Herman Page, D.D., Bishop of Michigan will conduct the Good Friday Three-Hour Passion Service from 12 noon to 3 p.m., in St. Andrew's Church. Faculty Rifle Shoot at 7:30 p.m., R.O.TC. building, All faculty mem- bers are cordially invited. COMING EVENTS Girls' Swimminig Club will meet to swim at the Union on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. All new girls intere~ed are urged to come. Craftsmen meeting Saturday, March 26, 7:30 p.m., at the Masonic Temple. Rehearsal for Alma trip. Wesley Hlal-Open House: There will be an open house Saturday evening with music and entertainment, commencing at 8 o'clock. Lutheran Students: Meeting of the Lutheran Student Club in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall Sunday evening at 5:30. Fellowship hour, lunch- con and forum. Program of Easter music given by members of the club. Liberal Students' Union: Sunday Reverend Allison Ray Heaps, of the Congregational Church will give a talk illustrated with slides on the *modern drama "Outward: Bounid," "at 7:30 p.m., in the Unitarian Church. CAPONE TO APPEAL TO SUPREME COURT Gang Czar Granted 30-Day Stay Pending Perfecti on of His Plea. CHfiC'AGO, Mtai (h 24.---(11') --.Two reasons why "t'Siearce Al"' (:i poe, the j ailed PAIIif( , In; in to the newrs today. Tfhe United States circu it court of appeals, refusing to listen to hli- plea for rehearing on his eonivic -ion for income tax evasion Wedne.)day removed him 30 more days froin:a federal penitentiary by gruntint; him a stay pending perfection of an appeal to the supreme court. A; request of Caponie coon iisel fo r {(t da~iys of gra:vce was d(cII~e(L 'POdaiy lie b ." til le ie sth m-Oiii h of 11i4 incarcera tion ill Co ,k Co ontyj Jail. Just five nionths ago today the burly gangster was s n tcnic(d t(3 11 years imprisonment and fined $50,- 000t by Federal District Judge Jaxmes 1I1. Wilkerson for dodging Uncle tam's colhectors.l Those five mionths didn't coun1t l onl his sentence because he chose to1 remain in the count~y jail while his1 appeal to the circuit court be-i ing argued. AIR TOURISTS BELIEVED LOST TREES ARE DESTROYED BY RABBITS ON SCHOOL'S EXPERIMENTAL FARM Rabbits may be the delight of come too trko ublesome. In past, hunters, but to the School of For- years the farm has waged a sue- estry they are nothing but pests- cessful war against them.. So far and harmful ones at that.j this year, five have been trapped. Professor O'Roke believes that At the experimental farm of the the natural enemies of the rabbit school, on which there is a planting serve to keep the number down ef- of 1,192 Corsican pine trees, rabbits fectually. On the farm, they are chewed offi: he tops of 22 percent preyed upon by ntk, weasels, dogs, of 4,1e(1tree s. Unless a "wet" urd land Iiteofllsae. itier f'ollows, they will probably (lii, lthogh tliarn ic ams P'rof. l 4arl C;. ()'Ruke, of thte for'estr,1y m found here.,1ProfessoCr O'Rke s1Oi alsaid.-'1, the rabbit~s arey aftlicted almost Although the rabbit is a protect- 1100 pcer cent it the fall and early cad animal, the forestry farm is per-1witer with taenui. pisiformnis, a. mnitted to trap them when they be- larval form of the dog tapeworm. Mid-Week Dancing and Entertainment Wednesday 8:15-10:15 1C 5UBB3S Ann Alrbor's largest RestaurantI FRIDAY 9:30-12:30 SUNDAY 9:30-1:30 SATURDAY 6:30-11:00 Sunday Dinner--Continuous Service 12:30--7:30 P. M. A La Carte Service 7:30--11:00 P. M. Two titled air touirists, Vicomte and Vicorntcss Jacques.tie Sibour, are believed to hbe lost in the Africani interior. They were last reported at linear in Sencegal. The French igovernme nt ha:s ordered a earch. '.1'he Vitcoitess de Sibour is the daugtht.>r of it. Gordon 'SelfridgeC, American- byc a n vwer of a well -known Y ta iitito t dcar iiesit ,sto e. Brown Leac s to Read R te,,Y for Mgrs. H'owe Paper at New Orleans: 'to Be Held S at urdacy Prof. G. G. Brawn, of the cheer- Private funeral services for Mrs. ical eng;ineering department, will Ella M. Howe, 80, who died Wed- leave Ann Arbor today for New Or- necsday night at the home of her leans vvhere he will deliver several, daughter, Mrs. Allen S. Whitney, palters concerning liquid paraffin 930 Church St., will be held at 11 hydrocarbons as they are related to! o'clock Saturclay mnorning at the motor fuels,.I10 will return next rsdne week. _.___----- r a Ili II 1 - - ___ .______.__ ------ _ _ tlie -fingerk's unique state street restaurant-for good food served courteously at all times ~dancing every afternoon except Sunday - every night except friday and saturday to the tunes of don Loomis' incom- parable bands... the tavern -fingerke's new modernly equipped cafeteria . a tasty rneal served from the tijer- motainer counter under personal supervision of c. j. is truly a revelation... tk e -fingrl's unique east canmpus restaurant. for a quick breakfast -a tasty luncheon- a leisurely dinner-the (en cannot be step assed. J' 59 uw0"'kARGAINS 50 REFERENCEBO S Hundreds of volumes on. many sub jects STATE STREET .w. !-" _--. --.- --- --mill~ III onniju and his in their third consecutive appearance Saturday Evening 9 till 1.2 Perfect Dance Music A Popular Leader III i I II A Superior" Entertainment --dancinig every cveaiiyt; except Friday and saturday to the tuncs of don loomis' band in the club den. All these factors cominie to insure you of an evening of enfltertaiinmett andu relaxaion that cannot be surpassed inr Anti Arbor. Make your date' for "I'ihe.cagtie f(or tomorrow night. You can depend on the inusic at the League _. _ _. _.._._ ._..._ - ..__._.w.... ._..W.. ._._.._....__.._...__ __. .... ..... ._..,... __. _ _ -- --- - _._.._.........V.. ...... Fin genle operated The Michigan League Ballroom Jr L _______________________ SHE SA YS; 1932JUTOR GIRLS' HIE SAYS; "YOU CAN'T GET ALONG WITHOUT LOVE"I ""LOVE'S THE-BUNK", Present THEIR MUSICAL ROMANCE 46 19 4 MARCH 28 To APRIL 2