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March 25, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-25

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ing his fire extinguisherVand doesn't show up at the
ball park till the eighth inning. Of coures Joe goes
in and wins the ball game but he does it in such a
Plished every morning except Monday during the University glorious way that nobody minds it a bit, and to make
rear by thec Board in Control of Student Publications.I
luember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. the picture a complete success the fire extinguisher
The As:ociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- makes good, Joe marries the rightgirl from the old
tpublication of all news dispathes credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news published herein. home town, and is made an honorary Battalion Chiefj

only in selected and specific cases
that we can be confident of their
value. This selection requires most
careful and accurate diagnosis and
the treatment should be adminis-
tered under the direction of a phy-

,iT~, WmwFRIDAY.1

om~ipt Y ineatly z
o'rir own shoip by cnetent
o rators a de aerates.
6. D. M 0R RI L L,
~~l4 $.Sat t.,An Abor.

itntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, MIichigan, as second
Class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Wichigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
News Editor...................................David M. Nichol
City Editor ....................................... Carl Forsythe
Editorial Director.............................Beach Conger, Jr.
Sports Editor ..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton
Women's Editor ..........,...............Margaret M. Thompson
Assistant News Editor.......................... Robert L. Pierce

of. the St. Louis Fire Department. Best spots: Smokey
Joe Grant's windup; detaching a mustard plaster
from Joe's hirsute midriff; Earl Combs swinging hard Editoria Commen t
on a high fast one, inside; Joe getting acquainted
with a pretty lady on a train; a fireman breaking CULTURED?
windows with a big axe; Guy Kibbee as a big league {Purdue Exponent
manager; all the baseball shots. The comedies andEx
short subjects are well below average. "Havana Cock-. What is an engineer? Is he mere-
tail" is terrible except for three girls who sing, and ly a super-specialized skilled work-
the Mack Sennett comedy is just a Mack Sennett work-
comedy, but the feature picture makes up for any man, or is he really a professional
number of trashy short subjects. j. S. M. man and worthy of the distinction,I
--._ -real or imaginary, that goes with

Practically the entire student
body attended the bargain matinee
at the Michigan yesterday after-
noon. (The admission is only ten
cents if you get there before two
o'clock). The regents will probably
put a stop to this kind of thing if
it continues to draw so many schol-

._. e. _. -_ _ ._ _ _ _ _ - _

Direct your cab to

Frank B. Gilbreth
Roland A.
Brian W. Jones

J. Cullen Kennedy . ames Inglis
Goodman Jerry E . Rosenthal
Selifert George A. Stauter

Stanley W. Arnheim
Donald F. Blankertz
Edward C. Campbell
Thomas Connellan
Robert S. Deutsch
Albert L. Friedman

Sports Assistants
John W. T. 'homlis
Fred A. Ilitber
HIarold F. M1ute
i o + :Var sh all
Roland "Martin
Ienry Meyer
Albert ?l. Newman
E. 7erome Pettit
Prudence Foster
Alice Gilbe-t
Frances Manchester
1;lizabeth Mann

Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritehard
Joseph Rerihan
C. 1-art -Sehaat
Brackley haw
Parker Sn der
Glei R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Beverly Stark
Alma \Wadsworthl
Josephine Woodhans

Txtrs d in thi Ico shlId not I ,cosred a
expinssil te i tuiatl opinion of T'he )aily. Atnoli1unas com-
municatins will hg <lisr ordL. The naes of communticants
will, liow ever, be raired t as confidential upon resuest. ( ontrih-
utors are asked to be brici, cOnhiuing themselves to less than o300
words if possible.
An Independent View on Politics
To The Editor:

it? When we come to Purdue we
come with the intention of pur-
chasing a course leading to an en-
gineering degree, whether in Home
Economics, Agriculture, Science, or
the other branches o1 engineering
offered. We find ourselves imme-
diately immersed in a "suicide"
schedule of twenty lours or more
per semester, and see that most of

Miriam Carver
Beatrice Collins
Louise Crandall
Elsie Feldman

There has been a great deal of comment, both it is of a highly technical nature.
facetious and earnest, on the fradulent conduct of No time is left for the study of
the recent Student Council election. Most of the those subjects related to liberal

Telephone 21214
CITARLES T. KLIN E.............. ....... .. Business Manage!
NORRIS P. JOHNSON.....................Assistant Managet
Department Managers
Advertising. ........... ...... ...........Vernon Bishop
Advertising Contracts............................. l arry R. Begley
Advertising Service............................ Byron C. Veddei
Publicatiois .................................. William T.' Browt.
Accounts ...............................Richard Stratemeit
Women's Business Manager...................... Ann W. Vernor

blame has been heaped on the head of the president
of that worthy body, but if one looks beneath the
surface it is clearly evident that much of the fault

arts, except the few hours assigned
to English, Modern Languages, Ec-
onomics, and other such subjects.

Orvil Aronson
Gilbert E. Bursley
Allen Clark
Robert Finn
Donna Becker
Maxine Fischgrund
Ann ,.Gallmneyer
Katherine Jackson
Dorothy Laylin

Arthur F. Kohn
I ernardI Scatmarlke
Grafton W.. Sharp
Virginia McComb
Caroline N'osher
Hlen Olsoni
I (dlen Scemude
May Seefried

Donald A. Johnson, II
Dean 'urner
Don Lyon
Bernard if. Good
1clen Spencera
Kathryn Spencer
IMairy EStorh
Claire Uir<"er
Mary Elisaheth Watts

lies in another quarter. We have from time to time convo-I
The large body of independent students who us- cations at which we have the op-
ually take no active interest in such matters are to 'pority to hear for required
,reading. We enter into conversa-
a large extent responsible for this hoax. They have tin w enfrom libera a
lion with friends from liberal arts {
declined to use their ballots, wherein lies their po- schools, especially those in the East,
tential power, for so long, that the fraternities have and are shocked to find how fine
ceased to regard them as worthy of serious consider- music and fine speakers. Few if
ation, and have taken to cutting each other's throats any of us have the time to read
books other than .those assigned il-
while dividing their easily-won spoils. At the present
literate we really are. Books, mu-
time the large mass of highly individual, and hence sic, religion, politics, all are very
disorganized men on the campus have practically nearly alien to us.
no representation in student government. These If, instead of this system, we
men are not puppets under the sway of political could enroll in a five year course,
the first two of which would be
bosses. They are individuals who have elected to go sent in an intensive study of lib-

ars away from their books. Let us
all rejoice in the new theatre pol-
icy while it lasts. We hear that the
same system is in force at the Ma-
jestic but we wouldn't pay even a
dime to see that show. The Daily
reviewer went over to see the pic-
ture and then flatly refused to write
a review on it for fear of having his
pass lifted.
The Northwestern Swimming
team is in town. We saw a lot
of the boys parading around
the Union last night wearing
beautiful purple "N" sweaters
("N" stands for Northwestern).
We thought of interviewing a
few of them for this column,
but decided that we had heard
enough about the women at
We feel it our duty to warn our
fellow students against an insidious
gang of necktie sellers which has'
swooped down upon the campus.
There are ten women who are mak-
ing the rounds of the fraternity
houses in pairs, purporting to be
working for a scholarship in some
woman's school in Massachusetts.
Each necktie they sell counts for
so many votes and so on. We
thought for awhile that we might
buy a tie to help the girls out, but
we found that the minimum sale is
five ties. The babe that was work-
ing on us even tried that old gag.
about betting she could 'tell us ex-
actly how many birthdays we had
had (had), but we were too smart
for her. We've heard that one be-
fore. But what we particularly ob-


assisted by
Laura Littlefield and Thelma Lewis, Sopranos
Marjorie Zoller and Annis Dexter Gray, Contralto
Wassily Besekirsky, Violinist
The public is requested to be seated on time and to
refrain from bringing "small children.

Lunches .
Dinners .

FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1932


4 pHREE Missouri Men Shot int
One May Die" reads a head
day's Daily. Apparently college pr
going to be responsible for the deatl
It was with a feeling of regret
the account of the outbreak betwee
engineering students at such a large
the University of Missouri and cer
could sympathize with the participar
Of course, no one blames Burnis
student who is allegedly the causec
key's serious injuries. Naturally in
that ensued between the two grout
intentionally attempt to kill. It is, ho
the whole system of "college pranks
up in arms.
Back in the days when going to
rather hap-hazard affair and stude
alone pretty much as they pleased,1
and childishness which characterize
was well-hidden under the term "co
anything serious that might haveI
excused because of that.
The better class of universities
however, led by more civilized a
more mature student bodies, havee
idea that hazing, continual fights be
and general horseplay that alway
injuries as well as deaths and the ge
of the majority of undergraduates in
is that such things are only repre
barbarian and uncivilized era in uni
tion, unexcusable in modern institut
education. .
We realize, moreover, that there
all colleges, Michigan included, an
believes in such occurrences as tha
pened at Missouri Wednesday. For
ever, this element is more and mor
smaller minority and will eventua
become entirely extinct.
The enforcing of traditions such
ing, class games and professional riv
sities are always dangerous when the
,be enforced and that is what is pr
universities which have such traditi
forcing, under such circumstances, b
menace and a danger which should b
At the University of Missouri,
utterly un-called for shooting which
the "kidnapping" of the "queen" of1
ball is an apt representation of what]
the rough-house element in a unive
rough in its "fun." College pranks
when they are such that .they do
atavistic element which turns prank
ry. We agree ,however, with Dr. Wa
president of the University of Misso
following the occurrence: "college pr
fensible when they degenerate intol
1iOR0' MonE I~WLEC
For the first time in many moons
has gotten hold of a picture that ha
it beside~s .Joe E.Brown. "Fireman Sz

Campus Feud;
line in yester-
anks are again
h of a student.
that one read
n the law and
institution as
rtainly no one
Frederick, the
of Frank Luc-
the outbreak
ps, he did not
wever, against
" that we rise
college was a
ents were left
the barbarism
d student life
)llegiate"; and
happened was
and colleges,
nd seemingly
eliminated the
etween classes
's resulted in
eneral attitude
these schools
sentative of a
iversity evolu-
ions of higher
still exists in
element that
at which han-

through school as their own masters, and have fore-
gone the opportunity of joining organizations in
which thought, speech, dress, and even the matter of
voting are pleasantly standardized. Following out
his habit of thinking for himself, the Independent in
the past has seen no reason for going to the polls
on the day of an election and casting a ballot for
one of the two traditional Fraternity-dominated
parties. No matter which way he votes he is helping
some fraternity boy into a nice, well publicized, poli-'
tical job, which it is customary not to take too
seriously. Hence the unattached men on the campus
have slipped into a habit of apathy toward the
yearly propaganda of the established political par-
ties. Small wonder then, that the selection of the
governing body of the school has become an occasion'
for cheap, high-school pranks, when the large ma-
jority of the students have no interest in making it
a representative body.
Just so long as the Independents, who could elect
any candidates they chose to support with their con-
certed vote, are content to sit placidly back and leave
the running of the school to a strongly-organized
minority they will fail to be represented, and campus
government will continue to be a plaything of the
fraternity men. H. H. {
Health Educationf

eral arts, and the last three in pre-
paring for the technical part of the
engineer's work, would we not be
far better prepared to take our part
in the society of professional peo-
ple? The first two years could be
run on the plan used at the Uni-

versity of Chicago or in the Eng- j ject to is the way they take advan-
lish universities as explained by tage of our freshmen. The pair
John Langdon-Davies. that dropped in at our house at.
Under such a system the student three in the afternoon (and stayed
would obtain a solid foundation in for supper) told one freshman that
the knowledge of cultural things he had small feet and great big
now demanded by society. He would muscles in, his arms.
not be perplexed, as many were, by
the vocabulary, poise, and general
knowledge of a man such as Lang- x
don-Davies, but would have those
graces for his own. In addition, he x x
would be well versed in the tech-
nique of engineering. He would be x x
able to carry on an intelligent dis- x x
cussion of the elements of our civ-G
ilization and not be required to al-' x x
ways "talk shop" or sit back mute.
It is a long step forward, but the
day is surely coming when the en- x x
gineer will be required to be a gen-
tleman of culture and when the en- x x x x x x x x x
gineering schools throughout the "Mouse"
world will be required to include I
the elements of a real education in You cannot see the pretty,
I their curricula, instead of being The furry little mouse;

Serve one of these desserts for
No fuss or bother just call 22553
Individual Moulds and Decorated Slices
Lily Rabbit Egg
Chick in Egg Cupid Rabbit in Auto
Rabbit in Cabbage
This week-end specials:
Chick Center Brick Red Raspberry Sherbet
Caramel Black Walnut Salad
Ann Arbor's Best Ice Cream
Phone 22553 436 Third Street
For Easter
Make someone happy this Easter.
When you think of your home and
call to mind some good friend,
don't you just naturally think of
Easter fowers too?
We have a fine selection of cut flowers, Lilies, Daffodils,
Tulips, Freisia, Iris, Snapdragons, -Sweetpeas, Gardenias,
There are also lovely plants.
Lilies, Tulips, Hyacinths, Hycrangcas and Rosebushes
Come in or just Dial 6215.
We Telegraph Flowers

H Smere trade schools. It is impossible
ervic'to stand still, we must either pro- For he is in the kitty,
One of our most precious assets is good health. To gress orsdecline; and Purdue can And the kitty's in the house.
preserve it we are constantly seeking to find means accompls te evoluion of progress Anthkiy'inheou.
of preventing and overcomirig disease. It is natural. slowly and evenly by starting atd
therefore, that we should inquire into the value of nce. The University must protect hWe wish we could lay claim to
sunlight as a factor in accomplishing this purpose.- herself from the decline. the authorship of the above but we
In discussing the matter of exposure to sunlight years ago and we resurrected it be-
it must be considered from the standpoint of the yarseawoanikerri
healthy person and from that of the sick. For the JUST TAKING TURNS.
well person to lie in the sun until he receives a burn.
is not of value as a health giving measure In fact(

dLwll~llu - VVAYAI+CO is .AA1bVA1- A1 1: iAi LAi4, {FAME CMSTO r TH 11E J. G. P.
tunately, how-it frequently causes harm because the sunburn is so' Even the worm has its turning. FAMErb mithaTOfi nlEosus h e r ccr
e becoming a intense that the normal functioning of the body is Of course, that reference is scarce- . We hear from excellent authority
lly, we hope, upset. Growing children are undoubtedly benefitted ly apt, but at least the administra- that the New York Times has been
by the effects of sunlight which they receive when tion has put a "fast one" over on making long distance telephone
as pot-wear- at play out of doors. The exhilarating effect of the the student body this time, and, ac- calls to Ann Arbor to negotiate for
airy in univer- open air and the exercise are also important in cording to a regular procedure, it pictures from the Junior Girls' Play
ey do have to assisting the development of their bodies. is the students who think they are to run in their Sunday Rotogravure
evalent at the For the healthy adult the action of these rays on getting away with anything and ev- Section, (we don't know which Sun-
ons. The en- the body does not seem to be as important. It has erything in general. day). Honest to gosh, these tabloids
ecomes a real been found that there is not much change in the Everyone has heard of the wise will run anything!
e avoided., body mechanism during the winter months that can one who reports, "Why, I didn't
the silly and be attributed to a lack of the ultra-violet rays, there- even crack a book until midsemes-
h grew out of fore, we have no proof that such an individual needs ter, and then did I ever work?" "Paternalism has become a hor-
the engineers' periodic exposure to them during the entire year. This time the administration put a rid word," A. Ruthven.
happens when We frequently see people who have had a smaller trick over on the wise ones, because "Especially on the end of your
rsity gets too number of common colds since they have been it really is not midsemester, regard- cigar," J. Chuck.
are excusable treated with the rays, but out of a large group these less of the fact that the professors
not need the are the exceptions and not the rule. It appears that are being so unkind to act as if it
s into outlaw- only a certain few actually received benefit while were and are giving tests of all va- GRIDDANCE VICTIMS
alter Williams. the rest had either been improperly treated or were rieties. ID- ,
uri, who said, not amenable to treatment. In the case of people I Evidently this Easter vacation is The captaincy of the hockey team
ranks are inde- who are ill the correct application of the rays may to be hard on the students because 1 has become one of the most erratic
lawlessness." be of great benefit in certain instances. The decision the administration did not feel that i jobs in U.M. athletics. Last year
as to their use, however, depends entirely upon the they would be capable of taking Jack Tompkins was captain of two
- type of disease and the condition of the patient. This midsemesters afterward. At least, different major sport teams, and
is illustrated in the treatment of tuberculosis. In that seems the only obvious expla- this year Emmy Reid and Keith
some forms of the diseate, such as tuberculosis of nation for the fact that the exam- Crossman have been given a co-
the lung, its use may greatly increase the spread inations are being given at the end captaincy. In order to secure cer-
of the infection. In some other forms of this same of seven weeks instead of nine as tain representation at the Gridiron
disease it is often of benefit in hastening recovery. usual. Dance all three have been given in-
Joe E. Brown Prolonged and thorough study of ultra-violet ray That, in a way, is taking an un- vitations. Thomas "Pink-toes" Cool-
s something to treatment in tuberculosis has led us to these con- fair advantage. How can a student ey, and Alan Petruchio Handley are

Become Fatigued
Drink Ann Arbor Dairy
Chcolate Mil
A After a few tiring hours of study... try a gla
' cool Chocolate Milk , you'll be surprised h,
z refreshes you .. Have some delivered to
Dial 4,101

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