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March 25, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-25

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VOL. XLII. No. 127



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11 Ann Arbor Churches
to Commemorate
Good Friday.
Business Houses Will
Close From Noon
to 3 o'Clock.
Good Friday, the day on which is
commemorated the crucifixion and
death of Christ, will be marked
today by services in 11 Ann Arbor
churches and by the closing of the
stores from noon until 3 o'clock in
line with the proclamation of Mayor
13 Wirt Newkirk.
The 11 churches which will hold
special services are: St. Andrew's
Episcopal, First Methodist Episco-
pal, St. Paul's Lutheran, Zion Luth-
eran, Trinity Lutheran, Bethlehem
Evangelical, Calvary Evangelical,
First Presbyterian, St. Mary's stu-
dent chapel and Church of Christ,
Disciples, and St. Thomas Catholic.
Dr. Page at St. Andrew's.
The Rt. Rev. Herman Page, D.D.,
bishop of the Michigan diocese of
the Protestant Episcopal church
will conduct the three-hour Passion
service at St. Andrew's Episcopal
church. from 12 noon to 3 o'clock.
Special anrrangenents have been
made to have the choir boys pres-
ent for this service. The Rev. Henry
Lewis will assist Bishop Page.-
At the First Methodist Episcopal
church, Good Friday will be cele-
brated in a three-hour service of
adoration and a sermon from 12
noon to 3 o'clock. Stainer's "Cruci-
fixion" will be given by the choir,
with Arthur Hackett and Hervey
Lyon as soloists.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, the pas-
tor, will preach on "The Modern
Cross," a forecast of Christianity
judged in the light of the ideals.
the courage and the insight shown
by Jesus at the time of his trial
and crucifixion.
Tre Ore Services at St. Thomas.
The sermon at the Tre Ore serv-
ice this afternoon at St. Thomas
Catholic church will be given by
the assistant pastor, Rev. John M
Lynch. The special services will in-
elude the solemn mass of the Pre-
sanctified at 8 o'clock this morning
and stations of the cross at 7:30
o'clock tonight. At the special serv-
ices in the student's chapel this
evening, Rev. Allen J. Babcock will
deliver the sermon.
The sacrament of the altar will
be administered at services this
evening in the Trinity Lutheran
church, with the Rev. H. O. Yoder
preaching on "The Redeemer Cru-
cified." The two weeks of services
at Calvary Evangelical church will
conclude at 7:30 o'clock tonight
when Rev. F. W. Kim preaches on
"The Master's Sacrifice."
"Joseph's Tomb" will be the ser-
mon topic of Rev. E. C. Stellhorn,
(Continued on Page 2)
State Duletins




Jack L. Spencer, '32E, and Miss Antoinette Briggs, both of Orchard
Park, N.Y., who will, lead the annual engineers' Slide Rule dance, which
will be held in the Union April 1. Miss Briggs will come to Ann Arbor

from Elmira, N.Y., where she is a stu

dent in Elmira College.

Insurgents Gain Control of House
to Defeat Sales Tax, 223 to
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(A)- tomorrow proposals f o r
Seizing House control from party levies o n certain industri
leaders, an overwhelming bi-parti- round out the bill so it ma
ladfoers, ayovrcthelmingsbiarta enough revenue to balan
san force today struck the sales tax budget in 1933.
from the billion dollar revenue bill. Postpone Action on Beer
It was the most spectacular re- This embraces parts oft
volt in years. Flushed with the ministration pr o g r a m p
confidence of four previous major earlier. Unable to proceed
victories, the belligerent opponents because of the tumult in t
of the sales tax swept the pro- governable House, the lea
vision out by a teller vote of 223 both sides agreed to postp
to 153. tion on an amendment to
Loud cheers and applause from tax on beer of 2.75 per cer
members and the crowded galleries holic content and forced
reeted the decisive action, while journment of the branch ov
i White House visitor reported protests.
President Hoover was "quite dis- Despite the defeat, Speak
)ppointed" at the outcome. ner said amendments to t
Excise Levies to Come Next., the slack of about $565
Backed by Democratic and Re- would be offered by thec
publican leaders, the 2.25 per cent tee until the bill had been
levy on manufacturers sales formed ten on the floor and sent
the base of the $1,096,000,000 tax Senate.
bill and was expected to yield - --~_ _
$595,000,000. The ways and means
enue legislation, has spent three CR0SS POINTS
ionths in its formulation.
Although gleeful in their stupen-
Lous victory, leaders of the insur-
ents declined to accept Acting E__
^hairman Crisp's offer to resign
aid turn complete control over to Says Many Were Put on
them. A chorus of "No's" greeted Dole by Lloyd Geor
ais proposal that he withdraw. The
3eorgia Democrat then announced Bad Bookkeeping.
that the committee would submit
____--- Prof. Arthur Lyons Cross.
George W .W e h sor of English history, dec
GW. W ckersham a talk yesterday afternoon
Will Lec ture March 30 England at the Crossroads
"bad bookkeeping by Lloyd
The final lecture on the series of"
the Oratorical Association brings has put many persons ont
George W. Wickersham, former at- in England."
torney general of the United States, "The main reason Engla
to Ann Arbor on March 30. attracted so much attention
Better known as the chairman of she did not recover from th
President Hoover's commission on of 1921," said Professor Cro
law enforcement, Mr. Wickersham er the war, she found he]
will speak on some phase of law pendent on the outside w
enforcement, Henry Moser, man- 60 per cent of her food st
ager of the series, said yesterday. 25 per cent of her raw in
The lecture will conclude the The strike in 1926 put the
1931-32 program which presented back in her reconstructi
during the winter such speakers as gram," he continued.
Winston Churchill, Rafael Sabatini, "The reluctance of the
John B. Kennedy, Bertrand Russell, princes to federate, the st
Martin and Osa Johnson, and Sir the Hindus and the Mohar
Hubert Wilkins. over the franchise, andC
Mr. Wickersham will be intro- attitude of 'untouchables',
duced by Dean Henry Bates, of the three great problems in I
Law School. day," concluded Professor(

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Release of Part of Cook Money
to Speed up Construction
on Hutchins Hall.

Not to Be Ready for Occupancy
by Opening of Fall Term
Next September.
Release of a portion of the Wil-
1a" aW Cook estate recently will
enable work on hutchins lall, new
law clas room building, to go
ahead apidly for the- next two
months, it was learned yesterday
at the business office of the Uni-
Although work on the new build-
ing has never been completely cur-
tailed, progress toward completion
has been definitely slowed up since
the suit against the University was
brought by the divorced. wi-fe of the
late W. W. Cook for her share in
t'he estate. This tie-up along with
the fact that a large number of
the investments, which comprise
the estate, are not paying dividends
at present, will postpone the date
Of completion indefinitely, it is


Will Not Be Ready in Fall.
According to a statement of
Prof. E. Blythe Stason, who is ont
the committee in charge of Hutch-
ins Hall, there is no possibility thatt
the new building will be ready fors
occupancy by the opening of the3
fall term in September.
The appropriations which havec
been released for the work to start
Monday are enough to provide work
for the next two months and will{
see the building completely parti-c
tionod ancd provided with rough
plumbin'g and lighting layouts. Al-
though. no radical changes have
been made, there have been somel
sim p lications of the design effect-
ud since the plans were first de-
cided upon.
Market Decline Slows Work.
Whether the structure wi be
ready for use by the second semes-
ter of next year is still a question.
John C. Christensen, comptroller1
,f the University said, "It is impos-;
sible to say when the building will
be inished because of the slump
in the present market values."
Unique of the features to be in-
-orporated, in the new building will
be the loud speakers which are be-
ing installed in the three largest'
lecture rooms of the building. Seats
in the lecture halls will be con-
structed in the form of regular of-
fice desks. Each individual student
will be provided with these desks
which will have drawers and com-
partments for the student's books
and papers.
Irish Cabinet's Reply Delayed;
England's Communication
Is Not Published.
LONDON, March 24.-(.P)-Grow-
ing tension between England and
Ireland has cast gloom, in political
circles at any rate, over the first
great public holiday of the year
which began tonight and for many
persons, will last until Tuesday
President de Valera's cabinet in
Dublin considered the position to-
day and its reply to the British
government may be published at
the end of the week. The text of
the British communication has not
been published, but it is asumed
the note follows the lines of yester-
day's statement in the House of
Commons by J. H. Thomas, secret-
ary for dominions, who affirmed
the mandatory nature of the oath
of allegiance to the Crown and pay-
ment of the Irish land annuities,
both of which de Valera has said
he will abolish.

Commends Body for Uncovering
Election Irregularities
as Important Step.'
Describes It as Horrid Word;'
Worst Phase Found in Group
Privileges, He Says.
Gratification with the activities
of the Student Council in connec
tion with the fraudulent campus
election March 16 was expressed
yesterday by President Alexander
G. Ruthven in a letter to Edward J.
McCormick, '32, presideit of the
The letter, in which President
Ruthven commends McCormick for
the manner in which "the situation
that arose in the campus elections"
was handled, says in art:
Dislikes Use of 'Paternalism,.
"Paternasm has become a
horrid word. Too often it is
used as the antithesis of license.
Actually, the worst phase of
paternalism is represented by a
system which gives group priv-
ileges and makes individuals
responsible to a higher power
for acts of their group."
President Ruthven declares in
the letter that there is evidence of
"much loose thinking" in general
talk concerning student govern-
ment, and asserts that student
management of student affairs is
based on the same principles that
control government in general.
"It still remains true," he says,
"that the University belongs to so-
ciety, that laws and loyalty are ne-
cessary to maintain a just equilib-
rium between protection and liber-
ty, and that one cannot have priv-
ileges without assuming corres-
ponding responsibilities."
Says Members Are Responsible.
The responsibility of individual
members is pointed out by Presi-
dent Ruthven in the letter as being
an essential to the maintenance of
order in a group organization.
The president terms the action of
the Student Council in seeking out
and exposing the election irreg-
ularity "an important step in stud-
ent government." In this connec-
tion the letter says:
"In insisting that it can handle
student affairs and in demonstrat-
ing an ability to deal with its own
problems fearlessly, honestly, and
justly, the Student Council has
been responsible for an important
step in student government at the
University of Michigan."
Chinese Deny Reports
of Execution of Ken
NANKING, March 24.-(P)-Re-
ports that Col. Wang Ken, Chinese
graduate of the United States mili-
tary academy, had been executed
for treason were denied today by
Chinese military officials.
Col. Wang Ken in 1913 attended
the University. He was enrolled in
the College of Engineering, but left
at the end of the school year to
enter West Point, Robert K. Suez,
Spec., president of the Chinese club
on the campus, said last night.

Associated Press Photo
Three University o f Missouri
students were shot, one seriously, as
an aftermath of the "kidnapping"
of Mary Louise Butterfield (above),
who had been chosen queen of the
engineers' dance. The shooting
was blamed on rivalry between law
and engineering students.
Trometer Defeats Felker in Best
Bout of Evening to Wni-n
Middleweight Title.
By John W. Thomas
Gus Trometer successfully de-
fended his middleweight crown last
night in the All-Campus boxing
finals by coming from behind in
the third round with a late rally
to nose out H. W. Felker. More than.
750 fight fans crowded into the
special bleachers in the Intramural
building to see the nine fights.
Dave Golden received a close de-
cision over Eugene Wayland in the
lightweight division. In the first
round Wayland slid most of Gold-
en's shots over to his arms but
started to absorb them, in the sec-
Harvey Bauss was taken off the
card after Dr. Lyman made a thor-
ough examination of his strained
internal lateral cartilage. John Bol-
lock substituted and gave Jack
Kirby a close fight in the headline
bout of the evening, although Kirby
won the title.
Short-armed Andy Taloniek won
the welter-weight title from Lee
Shaw by hitting hard and often.
The rugged Kalonick had things his
own way until the third when Shaw
started a rally.
Harold Hirata beat Dave Gallup
by punishing him on the in-fight-
ing to win the bantamweight
title. Howard Bressler towered over
Bob Custer but lost to the veteran
in the third round as Custer rallied
and piled up points. The feather-
weight title was at stake.
Gus Glueck drew with Jack Yuen
in the opening exhibition bout.
Later Carl VerBerg and Saul Bol-
ner drew in a newspaper decision
in the second exhibition affair.

Michigan will play host this aft-
eroon and tonight to the greatest
aggregation of collegiate swimming
stars that has ever been gathered
together in one place, when the
preliminary rounds of the ninth
annual swimming championships
of the National Collegiate Athletic
Association get under way in the
Intramural pool at 2:30 and 7:30
The meet, which will bring to-
gether 70 athletes from 21 differ-
ent universities, will see Matt
Mann's tankmen, victors in the na-
tional meet last year, defending
their title for the first time in their
own pool. An added interest has
been given to the meet because it
will also serve as the tryouts for
the Olympic games which will be
held at Los Angeles this summer.
Strong Teams Entered.
With many strong teams enter-
ed in this year's meet, Michigan's
chief competition will probably
come from the powerful tank team
from Stanford University, which
promises to press the Varsity na-
tators for the title. Princeton and
Northwestern have also entered
strong teams, while the remainder
of the entries from various col-
leges and universities promise to
put up game fights for the individ-
ital honors.
Among the individual tank stars
who will be battling for points in
this year's meet will be Walter
Spence of Rutgers, the world ree-
Prices for this afternoon's
j events will be 25 cents general
admission. Reserved seat prices
for tonight's events will be
$1.00 with 75 cents being charg-
ed for general admission. To-
morrow night'srates will be
$1.50 reserved seats, and $1.00
general admission.


Spence, Clapp, Riley,
Schmieler Lead
Meet Will Also Serve
as Tryouts for
By Sheldon C. Fullerton.



curd-holder in the 200 yard breast
stroke; Mickey Riley of Southern
California, national intercollegiate
and national indoor A. A. U. diving
champion and a member of the
United States Olympic team in
1928; Austin Clapp of Stanford, the
national intercollegiate champion
in the 200 yard free-style; Frank
Booth, the Pacific coast backstroke
titleholder; Wentworth Lobdell of
Iowa, the Western Conference div-
ing king; besides Michigan's own
Johnny Schmieler, Taylor Drysdale,
Richard Degener, and the other
stars who have lead Matt Mann's
team to another Big Ten champion-
Stanford Favorite in Relay.
Stanford's 400 yard relay teartl
rules the favorite to take that
event, withNorthwestern, rating the
second choice. Michigan a n d
Princeton b o t h possess strong
teams, however, and may press the
With Spence swimming only in
the free-style events, Johnny
Schmieler of Michigan rates as the
likely winner in the breast stroke
event, while Clapp, Bowman and
Drysdale all loom as strong con-
tenders in the back stroke. Clapp
is the probable winner of this event,
but Drysdale, who went on to win
the Conference title in record time,
may dispute the decision.
In the 400 yard free-style race
Austin Clapp of Stanford, Spence
and Cristy of Michigan all rate as
possible wnners. Cristy is only a
sophomore and has not had as
!.1'1113h ,a, an 41 av" n mSef nill a. nman

DETROIT, March 24.-(AP)-Fol-
lowing the resignation of Dr. Ru-
dolph G. Tenerowicz as mayor of
Hamtramck today, the city council
of the suburb appointed Peter C.
Jezewski to fill the remaining 15
days of the current term.
ST. CHARLES, March 24.-(IP)--
Vowing they would not return to
classes until the school board offers
Superintendent Travers Austerhout
a contract for next year, 230 St.
Charles High School students stag-
ed impromptu street parades and
mass meetings today. Only 20 at-
tended classes.

NEW YORK, March 24. -(-(
Paul Whiteman wonders whether
he can be as famous at 187 pounds,
six ounces, as he was at 350, net
The jolly "king of jazz" looks
upon his shedding of 162 pounds,
10 ounces, (a round hundred of
them in the last year) as one ex-
periment to determine whether-
success has anything to do with
popular notions.
"Why," he asked today as he
stood on a fancy little scale in the
dressing room of a Broadway the-
ater, "should advoirdupois have
, any bearing on fame?"

Broadway. A giggling girl who
passed me turned around and said
to her boy friend, 'that guy almost
looks something like Paul White-
man, doesn't he?'"
But Whiteman has a theory
about fame-he thinks celebrities*
are born, not made. One of hisl
mottoes goes like this:
"Luck can put you on top of the
pile, but it can't keep you there."
He thinks certain men and wo-
men are predestined to be success-
ful and nothing they can do will
keep them from it.
"Now - about this fat business,"
he continued, "I weighed 185 when

Avenging a defeat of two years
ago, the Varsity affirmative debat-
ing team gained the decision over
the negative team of the Universityr
of Iowa last night in a Conference
debate at Hill auditorium, termin-
ating Michigan's intercollegiate de-
bating for this year with a record of
three victories and one defeat.
It marked the final debate for
Howard Simon, '32L. Victor Rab-
inowitz, '34L, and Nathan Levy,
'34L, the two remaining members
of the team, added their experience
to see the debate to a successful
The debate was on the regular
Conference question: Resolved;

ed to more, and were more import-l
ant than the national ones.
In answer to the assertion that
Germany would be able to pay her
debts when normalcy returned, theI
affirmative showed that even be- I
fore the war Germany did not have
the economic surplus necessary for
such payments. The surplus that1
Germany possessed consisted only
in foreign services and merchant
marne trade, and since these have
been removed by the Versailles
Treaty, she is entirely incapable of
paying the debts.
The challenge forwarded by Si-
mon in his rebuttal asking the neg-
ative team to show that Germany


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