W or s
I II ANS, NLIVYORK, Feb. 17. -)-
Generahy Espeaking; the official
-- reaction to the changes made in
Coach Keen Wil Send Altered the playing code by the na~onal
Linup Against Eastern foot bal rues committee tas been
favorable but there have been
Grapplers Saturday. dissenters enough to make the
-- -- ebateinteresting.
Michigan will enter the ring deTe new and liberal 7ed sub-
against the Tniversity of West Vir- s'itutes rule ai d the move to-
ginia mat team this Saturday with ward makiug euipment safer
a line-up considerably altered from nOt only for the wearer but his
the one that encountered North- opponents as well met with al-
western on Monday night. -n--r
F00P0 5 d'lA Y.:FrLL
Vii e1 Mcnzke and Weight Map
Sexton Arc Favorxed ~o
Break Marks.
NEW YORK, Feb. 17 -"(:)- Twc
record smashing performers, Gen
Venzke and Leo Sexton, bid fair t,
give the home club a major sharec
;f the honors in the annul New
Yoik athletic club indoor track and'
fieid meet tonight.
Venzke, the brightest star uncov-
ared in an indoor season that hasl
seen full of stars, tops a great fieldj
in the Baxter mile and is considered
almost a sure bet to win. The ques-
tion before the fans is whether he
can better his owh indoor mile
mark of 4:11 1-5.
Sexton, who heaved a 16-pound
shot for a world indoor record last
Saturday, is another outstanding
.avcrite with only Ferman Brix, the
big Califcrnian who formerly held
the mark, to challenge him.
If Venzke can't come home ahead
of the fine collection of runners
who make up the field for tonight's
!ace, another runner who wears the
N. Y. A. C. colors is rated as second
choice. He is Leo Lermond, who
chased thenPottstown, Pa., young-
ster to his new record ten days ago.
Challengers to their supremacy are
Carl Coan of Pennsylvania, who
won the Baxter cup last year, Frarpk
Crowley of Manhattan College and
Glenn Dawson, University of Okla-
homa speedster.
Heading the list of "outsiders"
who hope to win -from the N. -Y. A.
C. contenders is George Spitz, who
apparently has not found his high'
jumping "ceiling" and doesn't know
where it is.
Fraternities Start
Bowling CompetitionI
But Wisconsin Place who teams at guard with Joe Hoffer
rST TdiATMc alon, First Twelve Men. on the Buckeye quiitet, is also in
the chosen few, while Eddy, in ad-
Blointn ilBeScn f Joe leiff continues to hold the dition to Johnny Wood'en, has
o gton Will Be Scene of ring lead in the Big Tenhbasket- reachedtthe charmed circle in as
Trio or Outstanding ball race. With the season three- Purdue uniform.
WrestlingMeets. quartersrover the stellar Wildcat Besides Moffitt and Daniels, lone
-__qatr representatives of t'he Iowa and
(i''=aI rrurr, forward who led the scorers in 1931 Michigan court s dho aLicht of
j3LCOMTNGTON, Ind., Feb. 17.- has amassed 78 points in defense of Minnesota, Suddith of Indiana,
e awarding of the national in- his crown. Chuck Bennett, lanky Illinois for-
tercollegiate wrestling meet to In- He boasts a lead of 12 points over ward, and Stephenson of the lowly
diana university, March 25-26, com- Howard Moffltt of Iowa, sophomore Chicago team have taken their
pletes the program of three wrest- flash, who has eome to the fore this places among the pace-setters.
ling championship meets which will season. Norm Daniels, Michigan Reiff, in addition to holding the
be held at I. U. in the near future. captain, is setting the pace for the scoring lead, has also dropped the
The series provides the greatest: Wolves, holding third place with 64 greatest number of field goals, thir-
arappling program ever held in the points. Fourth place is occupied by ty. His nearest competitors in this
3tat. The evsnts, in addition to Johnnie Wooden, Purdue's great field are Moffitt who has sunk 25
,he national meet, are the Indiana guard, whose magnificent scoring and Daniels who has meshed one
ate high school team and, indi- spree of Monday ran his total to 61 less.
'idual championships, and the Big markers. Joe Hoffer, Buckeye guard In free-throwing Johnny Wooden
Ten individual, champicjnship meet. is in fifth position, with seven less heads the list, 23 of his 61 points
Formally Named. scores. having come on charity tosses.
Dr. R. G. Clapp, member of the Twelve men have registered "Ver Reiff has speared 18 free tosses, and
National Intercollegiate Athletic forty points to date and only Wis- Moffitt, Daniels, and Eddy, the iat-
Committee, wrestling division, made consin has failed to place at least ter a team-mate of Wooden's, have
the formal announcement early one man in this group. Ohio State, been successful sixteen times from
this week that the national inter- Northwestern, and Purdue each have the penalty line. Of the leaders,
collegiate tourney would be held two players in the select group. Be- Licht of Minnesota has the most to
.ere. It marked the successful cul- sides Reiff the Purple five has John- show for his basket shooting ability.
mination of negotiations- which son with forty points. Mattison, (Continued on Page 7)
have been caprried on between the
Sfficials of the association and the
utiversity for the past two months.
This meet is to serve as a semi-
final to the final Olympic meet at
which the selection of the team will
be ma'de to represent the United
States in the tenth Olympic next
August. Selection of men to come
to the meet here will be entirely
by invitation and only about the
106'best men of the country's col-
lege teams will appear in the meet.
Title Goes Carded,
The Big Ten championship meet
has been scheduled here for March
11-12. The state high school wrest-
ling tournament, held annually at
Indiana university. will, come, off SA ° s
Feb. 26-27. About 18 Indiana hi-h
schools are expected to enter this
tournament. Entries. will close
Monda, Feb 22.Society Brand an~d Other
Monday. Feb. 22. O
All three meetings will be held in
the I. U. men's gymnasium in- spe- goo I a'es.
cially constructed arenas and pre-
parations are beint made to hold
thousands of spectators. Furnishings at a discont
Fraternity bowling is getting
started this week on the Union
bowling alleys. Each house has
'oeen sent a card for five players
and those that show up and bowl
this first round will he set up in i
a regular tournament to contcst for
the regular Intramural trophy.
Team totals will be taken as the
basis for drawing up this meet and
the pairings will be made accord-
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