PAGE 'IO T14r mint- r#r.AN n,&Tt V rftM -QnA V TXAZf'4t-T hd 1019) r -.t r ZiR1ti'7f (iH N I r I.I-I 1'r Kv WAY, MAkt(;kl G4, IVJZ .....:.... ~Betas Outplty, Alpha Sigs to. Capture 'A' IBasketbal Title D1FENDlIG CHkMPS HOOP FNL? 0-10 Superior Ball-Handling Added to. Numerous Fouls Gives Betas Easy :Win. Root Leads Scorers With 'Total o~Six points; play NotE of Best Caliber. Bleta Theta Pi returned the defeat ' last night that they suffered at the ha~nds of Alpha Sigs last year in the fight for the class "A" fraternity basketball finals. This time they distinctly outplayed the defending champions, and rolled up a score of 20. to 10 to capture the title. Ap- proximately 2,500 people attended the Open House activities. This result, verified all pre-game dope on the teams and keeps the record of the new title holders clean for the year. Yet the team that won ,last night was not of the caliber of the cn i Uk- faced the Alpha Sigs last yea ", and as far as that goes neither squad .was up to par. The play that resulted was not as close, nor as ,interest-ing or thrill-. iny as before, but was marked with plenty of careless ball-handling and.' numerous' fouls. BEetas Are. Taller. Thk Betas had the height ad- vantage last night, but they added 'to that superior ball-handling 'and a bettre.' working offense than the Alpha' .Sig aggregation. Had they been at)'l to click on their pivot play as' \they tried to, the score alight have been twice again what it was. Pla~ying a remarkable ball- hawk game%, aided by poor, passes to Miller at tirx es, the Alpha Sig con- ter, 1Damm, ma naged to break up most 'of the, attempted scoring through Miller'.of the Betas. Jack Root of the betas took high score honors vith a pair each of goals and free tgrows for six poinits, taking the fiooz shots aftpr fast dribbling, withotit any aid. "Wally Millier and Cummings followed hime with five and .four _points m'spec- tively. "One-Hoss" , Shea of the los- ers contributed thr'ee points via one goa~l an'd a foul t6; lead' his; team, while Fay, Damm, a nd Kocs s .trail- ed wiith a field goal! apiece.' Tw A ve Prsoiuals .Called. Eightlpersonals l?y Alpha Sigma. Pi accounted' for fix' of the" jetal scores, wh~ie the. t iumphant 'five' wereaidbu tour times last, night. Losing' desperation' may have contributed to this part of the. game. Rily, lap Dspc~I DLTA ,UPSILON"BEATS CHI PSI Comic Diving Stunt FOR 'B' LAURELS; A. K. Lo. WINS icke neioaSuteanCl -Austin Clapp Autf Physical Eds Capture Title1 Slater, out-scored the Falcon five to Stafod omind t pt n hein Independent Cage lead 17-5 at the half. Despite the 'Staford cobine to~ut~n th I four spectacular shots of Bayerle of already 'famous Degener-Raike Championships. teFlos h hsclEshl EU1C me ,yUtzun' last night at the-1 their early lead and entirely. out- ; lntr :_<_al ()s n dou xse, to ire D lta Upsilon's cage outfit cap-I classed their opponents to win the aboui Itl I f ; : the imain punch tured the class ":B" basketball titlej title. in'a ehbition C;imming and from Chi Psi to the tune of 114-111 } K swee el on. wdi. ;i~ r1zogra stag'ed by Mtatt in a hard fought game, and Alpha " ,heir way to the class "C" title last . ;lln. Swimmervzs from 'both Kappa Lambda mopped up thei ye:.>" but their hup-s wereu shattered uiciga and other universities Delta Alpha Epsilon squad, 13-9 for xvi h m Sit i_ Chi's nipp°d their ftI~Ou too'.. a part in ,thie exhibi- tecas""ron hene- lead and ultimately peek "eted the tion which drew the biggest pendent tilt, the Physical Eds van- championship. crowd that watched any event qiiished the Falcons by a 29-21 Sigmra Chi won the honors in the on last night's prog'rani. margin. class '"E" tournament last year as _____________ Chi Psi jumped to an early lead well as in the class "C" division. in the first struggle of the evening. They defeated Sigma Pi for the? but the Delta Upsilon cagers surged title. I Jto an 8-4 advanitage at the half, Trhe Independent league title ofI which they-managed to hold. in the Ilast season went to the Lawyers Tthe brilliant attack of their for-; in the finals. yards, staged a desperate rally, but__ _ -- F [~TIJ D[ MAT DO V their opponents held fast and came C M U E CN Bartholomew Stars. CHAMPS CROWNED Large Crowd Witnesses Finals DnBrhlmw ei pio in All-Camipus Tourney; forward, led the scoring with two i13astSCHl, nd M rmn Bauss Forfeits. field tallies and a foul to becomeI Win Individual Titles. ____ individual star of the fray. __ Three hundred of the large crowd The Alpha Kappa Lambda squad!I After a week of elimination the of Intramural Open House visitors, outclassed the good aoffeseof mttcaosi the AlCmu ec were treated to one hour of wrest- wiuln thelclass "C" laurels. Overcom- ing tournament were decided last ling in the All-Campus finals. Therei ing their rivals' early lead, the F ig~ht at the Fourth Annual Open was not a dull moment in the six Alpha Kaps led at the half, and House of the Intramural Sports bouts, as the grapplers were evenly. with the aid of Clarke's three netE building. Bassett won the foils with matched and in .fine condition. shots and two foul line throws, thcy !Wolfe, Morrow. and Steen tied for evenng*held a steady lead till the final nthbetbuofteiwhistle. second position. Hall won the sabre Koplin held a time advantage over Cliff Friend, Alpha Kappa Lamb- and Buhl placed second, losing the Rubin, Michigan A. A. U. champion, , da guard, took honors as outstand- final ma tch 5-2. Merriman won the! in the 118 pound class, to win the! ing player, and Miller led the Delta epee by defeating Bauchat, who decision in the 126 pound class. I Alpha Epsilon team with four° placed second. polngv ieehbto fpoints. "The winners will furnish me Koli gv afie xibtin fSlater Plays Center.{ with :sine material for the futuref bar-rm rdingto eep ubintie In the contest between the Phys- engagements," Coach John John- lp. ical Ed quintet and the Independ- stone said after seeing the favor- Freedman rnjnne~d GCix in2'9 to l Pnf: ai nc oh,,11, lorl fl-a ovflAs emerQpvicrious- iand h I NISEN WIN PS TITLEI IN TENNI1S TOURNl~EY! VISITING DETR~OIT HANDBALL S TAR'S DOWN VARSITY MEN IN EXHJBITIQNS D worman OverwhzelmsM'Carthy in T-aurc Mch. Defe'ats Corey in Fotir Sets "Lefty" Dworman, Detroit hand- to Capture All-Campus ball champion and four times co- Net Camp inshiholder of the national doubles title, lO~c' Ch~ostole the show in the handiball ex- Cb lc~iseils, th'e runner-up in hibitions at the Open House pro- f h fieshm an tennis tornamt rent graml last night as he e~asily van- I'year, Won the singes csham- qluished McCarthy, of ,the Detroit pir"I ship by (c~featint, John Corey Knights of Coluniuts team. 21-7, 21-9. The powerful corner s~hots of iii a hardl fought four set match.theAuto City tteode ethis -3) 6,_7-5. 7-5- opponent from plia-gtiip-an INisen took an early lead in the Points, vwhiln' Dwornian vas easily first Coet and won it with' ease, in able .to tak~e caire of an chaincO s the s,(cond syet it was fust thle Opp;- tmat -T'AcCrthy gave hinm. sitLe. Corey mixed his shnots beauti- nthe' othter Sian dbatl exhibitions. fully and cn "several oc"casiohn left Grebory defeated'Bak~er, of ' hePlv-r Nis;:n unable .to 'reaIch thpe return. , ~- Tefspaeof ,the second set mothte n, f76 nd 1-7, Dowd, semdto tell on .Core ' d Niseni) i'eg ined the accuracy of .his serve,. whch bin a ti'ca arty Lfast, hove- : LU T I T Corey unable to 'retur'n at P. aup. J~I times. anti\ Was able to lbieak t~hrough Corey's serv e eniough to 02 Packard St. f win 7-J. 'Tediy. 11:3o to 1:30 After a rest the boys t c]in' back Blreaded .YVeal Cutt toftle court and 'Corey too k tfle Meat LoaM,!'?Mu'shrom i ravy, Peas first game, lost the second, won the Hain and Cabbage third, lost the fourth, but wonI the Mashed Potatoes fifth to Reiad.3-2; but attain 'the fast Chop Scey i ith' RiceI pace which hie had set ;began to toll Custard with Fresh Raspberries on himn and Nisen won the next Coffee, Milk th2e games to lead 5-3. Corey_ 30c ,)ioke through Nisen's serves and 5:30 to 7:30 na ian tied it up at five gaimes each. Su Nisen then braced and took theSop Liver and BaconI next two games for the deciding set Hamburg Steak, Fried Onions and match. Sirloin Steak, a la Creole Nisen replaces Snell as campus Breaded:' Pork Chops' ndoor tennis champion, and should 'Roast Veal, Dressing be in the scramble for the places Roast Beef and fpork on the Varsity tennis team this Mashed or Baked Potatoes I sruring, according to Coach John-' Pies, Leftce,: Salad, &eets stne 'Bread and .Buitter ' stone.Cherry Pie, Ire Cream, ,Fruit Dessert Cake' . Lance Richbourg, traded to the Coffee, Milk, Tea Chicago Cubs by the Boston Braves, 40c. was once a ec llegiate star at the University of Flor ida. of. K. of, C., downed Lunberg, 21-12 and 21-15; Sullivan (KC) nosed out Braly, 21-20, and 21-19; Jabro (KC) defeated. Lance, 21-I7, 21-17; Joyce (KC) upset Cohen, 15-21, 21-9, 21- 20; and Hough ly (KC) downed Pont 12-21, 21-13, and 21-19. EPhelps of Michigan gained a de- fault over Burke .of the' Knight of Columbus in another game that scheduled 'for last night's program. 2. GLASSFU71LE [9 . t , a i 'I { .f .; f TYPING-Grad, theses a specialty. IM. V. Hartsuff. '9087. 526v NINE TUBE, super - heterodyne Philco Radio. Automatic cotrtsol.. Practically new and 'in cxceAl cii' condition. Very reasonable pricy. rFor detail~s phone 9149. 543 COLORED man and wife .want po. j.sition as 'cook and porter. uc jnish good reference.' Phone 7533. MOE LAUNDRY 204 North Main Phone 3910 Men's shirts are our hobby- try us and see, 20OG ____ ,)MaR.SALE EPOSSESSED CARS-Buy, from Finance' Qompany for balance due. We sell ' all. makes of" new cars at a discount. Investigate. 311 W. Huron Phone '220 01. 235c, FOR RENT. FOR RENT-Bachelor apartment* or suite of rooms. Rent. very reasonable. 507 So. Division. .EASTER is next Sunday A large choice assortment /of -CARDS for al1 QCC Oj fl ,at 0.0.MURRILL'S Typewriter & Stationery Store 314.,South wState '.Street x x utxa~t 1111 A %,al JAil. ,aa t*J W win the award in 'the 135 pound class. Gary, who was substituting for Sweet, was no match for Freed- man but put up a game fight. Harrod was another grappler to win by a fall, pinning.Paine in 3:05 in the 145 pound class. ' Duxbury had Finch on the verge of a fall several times in the 165 pound class I but could nog pug on the finishing touches. Hirnada defeated Fiero, irunner-up in the .Michigan A. A. U.' meet, in the 118' pound class. In the 155 p ound class Klein pinned Brodkin in_ 5:40. .Bauss was forced to for- feit to O'Brien in the scheduled heavyweight match, as he sprained his ankle in the elimination bouts and was unable to compete. ChineseYQlIey-bl Team Beats Filipinos \'l~u ra C.k.AZ, ocn±tU 11ia Lne ym1 outfit with four field goals to ai safe victory. The Falcons led early in the fray, but the Physical EFds, led by their brilliant colored center. Shaw ,Beats. Chalmers for Badminaton 'Honors i uI'-) Lii* 8 Ju~l) IiK ), Ulu ~I IV added, "this elimination ,-ourna- ment is probably the best possible way for the boys to develop." I About fifty boys participat ed in i th e tournament, which is an un- , usual numhber considering the shortilS L iie the sport has been on thel SPRING SUITSI p'g .All shades $2000 BOX SCOIUE ]Beta Theta Pi G Cummings, rf......2 Wills, If.............1 Miller, c .......... ....2 Root, rg............... 2 Arnold, Ig............0 Stone, rg...........:...0 Robert N. Shaw fought his way to the all-campus championship in bazdminton last night with three ;straight victories over Bruce Chal- Imers, 15-4, 15-6, and 15-4, as one of- the features of the Open House program at the Intramur'al build-R, In the finals of the all-campus Codeball championship, vi ct1o ry went to Edwvard Groth, of Roches- f ter, N. Y., who downed Alvaro Trelles of Peru in two out of three! clashes. Trelles gained a 15-13 wi,- in the first game, 'but fell before Groth in the next two battles, by a decisive pair of 15-6 scores. The squash matches that were, scheduled for the Open House pro- gram were not played, as the team representing the Detroit AthleticI Club failed to put in an appearance.I The Newark Bears of the Inter- national b,) cball league will train this spi ing at Lakeland, Fla. ORD)ER NOW FO'R [-ASTE'IR C. DOUKAS 1319 South univ .Siy J" f2 2 J 2 \ " '- K IL- 7: I Again S Let, Us Remind You 7' ~ ~ 7' I , W A '''+n, 1 2 1 << ':. p 0 2 0 0 2 0 T 4 2 5 t2 That it is much easier to prevent a cold and its possible disastrous out- come than it is to cure one once contracted. One of the best ways to' avoid cold germs is to drink PURE WATER--ARBOR SPRINGS WATER! We can also supply you with chemically pure distilled water. Totals......... Alpha Sigma Phi Shea, rf.......... Flay, If .......... Damnm, c ....... 'Kocs is, rg ........ Buderus, lg ....... ....7 6 4 20 .....I l I 3 . 0 2 . 0 2 . .4 2 8 10 The Chinese successfully defend- ed their volley-ball title which they have held for two years by routing the Filipino team in three games. In the one-sided mat-';. the scores camne out 21-2, 21-4, and 21-4 for 'the Chinese. After dropping the first game to the Y. M. C. A. sextet 7-15, the Fac- ulty volley-ball squad rallied and camne through to defeat the "Y" team 15-4, 15-4 in the two succeed-z ing tilts. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER 41.6 West Huron Co. 'one 8270. Pr SlU ITis H- ATS N r. .F ... i I. L:; "You Can't Get Along Without Love"~ , Now 'Playing! This Week Only Daily Matinees l~c to 2 p. m. See "NO MAN'S LAND" Totals ......... T OPCOAT:~S An u uual slectipn of sprinig 'Styles fr om HartScha fuer -t-. . ., . , e , ,,. .:: ^+, lyy y.'i f ' S:'M;^. 1.i. 1. .:;' tr 'tA ,,. - I Mail a Box. ry o f Delicious OLD TIME HOME MADECAN DIES t for EASTIER Mary Lee Easter Specials are delightful ! Remember mother, wife, sweetheart or sister with a special East& Gift Box. For'the children, wholesome chocolate Bunnie~s. Butter cream, fruit and nut egS, mad^~ in our own studio. Wev handle mailing details for you. New, Low Prices Cor.. State and Liberty 108 East Washington Mail You~r Easter Candy Today! I l _. GOOD FRIDAYMUSIC Hill Aud itorium, March 25, .4:p1 PALMER CHRISTIAN assisted by Laura Littlefield and Thelma Lewis, Sopranos Marjorie Zoller and Annis Dexter Gray, Contralto Wassily Besekirsky, Violinist The public is requested to be seated on time and to 'l refrain from bringing small children. *11111* I wi~hbares ARRELL Marian Nixon" Minna Gombefl- William Collier, Sr. FROM THE PLAY BY JOHN GOLDEN; & Marxs R - EXTRA ADDED -A T 'hey'JEt e d ressiesit.and most for thissprifig. fasi~o a d~ I HARRY LAUDE R JOHNNY BURKE COMEDY HIT HEARST NEW.S I COMING SATURDAY EDWARD ROBI NSQCN «THEHAT CHET Suits $25 si~ No Admission Charge 0 "e 0 .4 * ' ,. , - K , - L 1+ Extra .trousers .$.., 5 ,e s m -sremines ch,~.5 arac. ter ?er to fall 'across the* screen! Com.e to this store and save money Buy for Less-'Sell for Less SOCIETY BR AND SUITS A v~ y: Topcoats . Berg Ha~ts , 0 $ 2250 $350 $500 I 0 l in the alarm four, five, comedy six- riot Lec~qring $335 With txtra trousers - 4 KYr 'SU R T CRAFTZ' .kUHIT$S T S' $ ~rin~AA A ; sl n 9-% S l 7 I ' ;; i