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March 24, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-24

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VOL. XLIL No. 126



Weather: Cloudy, snow flurries.




Britain Remains Firm on Oath
of Allegiance Condemned
by De Valera.
President Announces Suspension
of Payments to London
From Landholders.
LONDON, March ry.-(/P)-Great
lBritafin tnnk na decisiv ct d t vie

Negro Jail Inmates
Remain in Suspense
as Andy Nears Ring
The "colored" heavyweight wrest-
ling match for the "world's title"
gained 15 minutes of freedom last
night for a sympathetic group of
Negro prisoners in the Washtenaw
County jail.
As the tinie for the approaching
"hattle of the century" drew near
between Challenger Andrew (.Andy)
:I. Brown, president of the Fresh
Air Taxicab Co., Incorpolated, and
the champion, Bullneck Mooseface,
last night, interest was running
high and the warden was prevailed
upon to permit them to leave their
cells and listen to the match over
the jail's radio located on the floor

Law Students Kidnap
Engineers' Queen;
Rioting Ensues.
COLUMBIA, Mo., March 23.
-(P--Burnis Frederick, Univer-
sity of Missouri law student, was
under $1,000 bond on a charge of
carrying a concealed weapon to-
night pending the outcome of ser-
ious wounds suffered by Frank
Luckey, an engineering student,
in an outbreak of a feud between
the engineering and law schools
here last night.
Meanwhile two investigations
-one by civil authorities and an-
other by University officials-
were under way. The shooting grew
out of the "kidnapping" of Miss
Mary Butterfield of Kansas City
Saturday night, just before she was
to be crowned queen of St. Patrick's
ball, an engineers' function.
Two other students, Jerry Cebe.
St. Louis, and Charles Love, Jef'fer-
osn City, were shot and wounded,
not-seriously, and Frederick was
s ugg.e.d.
Luckey May Recover.
Today Luckey hovered between
life and death and while the at-
tending physician said his condi-
tion had been satisfactory, he still
held only fair hopes for his recov-
cry. He was shot through the ab-
Frederick told Prosecuting Attor-
ney Franklin E. Reagan that he
fired six shots when a group of en-
gineering students pttacked him
and a companion1 as they W017C
lrin a pi tc homt. F redrici
is also in the Univeirsity hospital
wth a hicad wound.
Dr. Walter Williams, president of
the University, declared in a state-
mernt that "college pranks are in-
defensible when they degenerate
into lawlssess. ."
Dr. William-s Scores Action.
"The incidents culinnating in the
tragic occurence of last nght are
most regrettable," Dr. Williams
said. "The University will not tol-
crate either as manifestations ah
college spirit or collegiate rivalry,
such actions on the part of its stud-
ents. Those guilty of transgressing
the laws of the University, will be
sumiarily dealt with."
Miss Butterfield was held captive
nine hours Saturday night by Fred-
crick and three fellow law students
and was returned to the campus tloc
late for her corunation as St. Pat-
rick's queen.
Last night's fight was not the1
first between the two schools. The
feud has been traditional,

Organization Also Condemns Issue of Fake
Election Pluggers; Sets Future
Punishment for Practice.
William Rachor, '33, last night admitted to the Student Council
his guilt in the stuffing of the ballot boxes during last week's Council
elections. The other six men, who knew about the fraud but had
not participated in it, were exonerated by a vote of the Council.
In addition to taking action on the above case, the Council voted
to condemn the practice of issuing fake "pluggers," a practice to
which Washtenaw candidates resorted during the last election, and
to make the action punishable in the future in such a manner as the
Council should see fit.
After concluding the fraud investigations, the Council voted to
hol danother election next Wednesday. A motion to hold the elec-
tion on the voting machine was withdrawn after it had been dis-

Jones Discusses
Work of Hopwood
Prize G0atdida tes
Criticizing student authors who
participate in Hopwood contests for
not dealing with contemporary
subjects, Prof. Howard M. Jones, of
the English department, i n a
speech on "Writing for the Hop-
vood Awards," given last night in
Natural Science auditorium, stated
shat besides being toor remote from
the intellectual drifts and actions
of the day, the works of the young
writers often lacked the structural
torm necessary for good writing.
Students, however, hav improv-
ed in their writing over last year's
work, Professor Jones asserted, for
they have got away from the "Sex
and Psychology Cult," and the "Cult
3f Ugliness" in which they so per-
sistently worked last year. The
^riticizm of formlessness which
Professor Jones made of this year's
work was also made, he said, of the
manuscripts submitted last year.
Professor Jones divided his lec-
ture into two parts: in the first he
discussed the contest rules and reg-
ulations which the committee in'
sharge had worked out; in the sec-
and part he discussed the good
points and the defects of the enter-
ing manuscripts in general with
which he has conme in contact
Explaining the newest rules of
he contest which require that can-
idates for the major awards sub-
-nit plans of future writing activi-
ties which they intend to follow,
Professor Jones laid the current
misunderstanding of these rules on
i lack of knowledge of the differ-
mnce between the major and the
miinor awards.
The minor awards are given to
:andidates for good work in par-
>icular manuscripts alone; while
the major awards are presented to
the iiidividual writer who shows
oronise of development and im-
provement along artistic lines.
The major awards are given to
allow the potential writers who are
the winners to further their tal-
ents by markedly reducing their fi-
nancial worries for a time. The
minor awards are given to those
who have ben proficient in certain
Toronto Authorities j
Suppress Publication
"""i' al to rare Daily)
To'iRNTO, Ount., March 23.---
The annual burlesque edition of
"Varsity," University of Toronto
undergraduate publication, was
suppressed yesterday just before
being distributed. The Adminis-
trative Council cast only several
glances up and down its columns
before holding up the issue. Vul-
garity was charged.
Polling the nation as the Literary
Digest is doing at the present is an
interesting and significant way to
clarify public opinon, but will nev-
er supplant the present voting sys-
tem as a means of taking official
national elections, according t o
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department.
Fraud, irregularities, and a viola-
tion of the secrecy of the ballot
would be likely to result from the
mail system in the opinion of Pro-
fessor Pollock. "I see no reasons,
however, to suspect that there is

- l CuszL'AJJ1 Vu .iave s anu Loay Wh en the time was up, the color-
- - _ - against the announced intention of ed prisoners evinced their disap-
Eaimon de Valera, president of the pointment, but they were told they
Irish Free State, to abolish the oath could "listen in" until it was con-
DEBAT RS T MEE Of aliegiance to the British Crown Although Andy was booed and
and to withhold payment of the hissed as he entered the ring, the
lrnr Irish land annuities. majority of the inmates were "pull-
IOR TOIISpeaking in the House of Com ing for him.
Omons, J. IH. Thomas, secretary for
dominions, asserted that the oath ROOSEVELT LEADS
Conference Season Will Close is an integral part of the treaty' GEORGIA PRIMAR Y
With Vrsity Affirmative which established the Irish Free
Team on Platform. ment of the annuities constitutes a ATLANTA, Ga., March 23.-(IP)-
bargain between two peoples which Unofficial reports from four pre-
The Varsity affirmative debating England is determined shall not be cincts in various parts of Georgia.
team will close Michigan's intercol- violated. gave Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt a
legiate debating season when it A formal communication to this big lead in today's Democratic
meets the University of Iowa at 8 effect will be sent to Dublin imme- Presidential primary. His opponent
o'clock tonight in h-ill auditorium.(diately. is Judge G. H. Howard, who a-
o clck tmghtin Hll aditoum.nounced that a vote for him was a
This debate is one of the two con- Treaty Provides for Oath. vote forhSpeaker Johm.a
ference debates held each semester. The Irish treaty provides for the vote for Speaker John N. Garner.
Michigan will be represented by form of an oath to be taken by all County, went for Roosevelt 83 to 1,
Howard Simon, '32L, Victor Rab- Free State office holders. De Valera said a telegram to the Atlanta
inowitz, '34L, and Nathan Levy, '34L. contends that, although the form is i
M y r n . G r s n , 3 4 i s a l e r a t e s i p u a t d , h e t r a t y d o s n t a k e 1 toJo u r n a l . R o o s e v e lt h a d a le a d o f T e h e e u a e a e s o h n o t a d t r . D r n h v r H w r n t e o l
Myron R. Gerson, '34, is alternate, stipulated, the treaty does not make 10Jor1l ove Had in thed oly
The three regular debaters on the an oath mandatory. During the preinct reported in Ware County.
team have had much experience. recent Irish campaign which ended peit _prd _WrCuny
Howard Simon, who is debating for with his election as president he
Michigan for the last time, has been asserted that one of his first offi- I P DON DESCRIBES
a member of one of the Varsity de- cial acts would be to abolish the
bating teams for the last seven oath.
years and is well known for his The land ainuities amount to 3,-
clear analysis of the questions and 000,000 pounds a year. It is money
also for his ability to put the case collected from Irish farmers in re-C
clearly. paymrent of loans made on their be- .__
The debate toniglht will be c n the half so that they could buy out N
Western C o n f e r e nce Debating their landlord& whi t Fe State Johns Hopkins Professor Names
league question: Resolved; That all was set up. Under President Cos- Attributes of Successful
W o r 1 d W a r intergovernmental grave the collections were remitted Scietist.
debts and reparations should be to London. Dc Valera says he will
cancelled. dbsIrlr.lal Wiiorsitll Ire J hI o. ol d those pymensahou gi-
Prof. iray "ki er, Spoech pro- lthcollctios will continue, until Book knowledge, bo;:k ability,
lessor at Detroit City College, will England establishes the justice of creative instinct, and enthusiasm
judge the debate. Prof. J. M. 0'!. hier' claim to the money. 1 are the four principal attributes
Neill, of the Speech department, Government Supports Policy. which go toward making a success-
will act as chairman, Cheers from most of the members ful chenist, declared Dr. Neil E.
during and after the declaration by Gordon, professor of chemistry at
READINGSTO OPEN Mr. Thomas. indicated that the gov- Johns Hopkins University and edi-
ernment has a majority behind it
-- to suppert its Irish policy. orin-hief of The Journal of
p fefore he went before Parlia- Chemical Education, in an address
inerican 1Pilosophical Society Fment, Mr. Thomas talked the issue yesterday before student and fac-
to Hold Tlree-Day Sesson, over with King George and met ulty members in the Chemistry
- other members of the cabinet at building.
The readings Friday afternoon Prime Minister MacDonald's house di.
Dr. Gordon described his chem-
will be probably the most interest- to prepare his statement. ical education experiments at Johns
ing features, from the lay public's A Hopkins and presented a list of
ing of the western division of the rirnecessary for a man who desires
American Philosophical Society toH!!!LgL 1 success in either chemical educa-
be held in the League building be-1tion or industry. Included in this
ginning today and lasting throughT O R IIK HI I list, besides the traits already men-
Saturday. tioned, were executive ability, ex-
There will be two parallel see- ,perimental skill, faculty of obser-
tions of the meeting at two o'clock Appeal to British Authorities vation, health, intellectual hon-
Section A, in the Grand Rapids Auesty, common sense, perseverance,
room, will be devoted to problems as Opposing Army Is Said personality, and will power.a
of epistemology, while section B, in to Be Advancing.
the committee room, will have Griffin Will Lecture I
tion. SHANGHAI, March 23.- (P) - A to Literary Students
threat of new fighting arose today
Sociolokists to Brave as the peace parley between the I Students in the Literary college
. M .i . Chinese and Japanese broke up ov- who anticipate entering a profes-
COat M.LYistrtcts er a difference in rank between the sional school of the University will
Negotiators. be given an opportunity to learn of
NEW YORK, March 23 .- (/') --;neg I os the type of work carried on in each
Warned at a mass meeting to be- The Japanese said the Chinese of the schools. c
ware of "Kentucky chivalry" 40 troops were edging back toward Beginning March 30, the first of
New York students, including 12 Shanghai inside the 12 and one- series of lectures on the work of
women, climbed into busses today half mile safety zone and that the the various professional schools on
and set out for a visit to the coal Japanese were preparing to take the campus will be given at 4:10
strike districts of eastern Kentucky, tsrong measures to prevent any en- o'clock in Room 1025 Angell hall,
to do "sociological research." I croachment upon that limit. Dean John R. Effinger, of the Liter-
~ Japanese said they were informed ary college, announced yesterday.
by observers that the Chinese had ?ahy tlkll bnuedivesytean.
VEVER SUPPLANT crossed oochow Creek atsChi-a reEta k wil be giv he Shool o
ING, SAYS POLLOCK awantgmiao, within the zone of Business Administration. He will
Uevacuation described in G e n. speak on "Education for Business."
that the presumption is in favor of Japanese officials asked British
the reliability of this one, providing consular authorities to request the LECTURE BY WORLE
always that previous methods of Chinese to withdraw. A spokesman
sampling the voters, or even better id t ineseawere digng ANNUAL SPRINGI
ones, are being used in this poll." themselves in with the apparent in-
The method used in selecting the tention of remaining. "The Antiquity of Things New,"
! voters for the Digest straw votes The pessimistic situation was an informal, illustrated lecture by
has always been shrouded in secre- deepened by the failure of the Prof. John S. Worley, of the trans-
cy, Professor Pollock said. In this'Nanking Government to appoint a' portation department, will be one
connection he stated that it would I dele o trreavl n1ractorn of the Friday afternoon features of
w t~..t. j~an features of -~


While The Daily does not in
the least condone the practice
of stuffing the ballot box in
Campus elections, the frank ad-
mission to. the act before the
entire Student Council, thereby.
exonerating not only the Coun-
til itself but several students
implicated, speaks well for
Michigan's student government
and for Mr. Rachor in particu-
lar. The amount of courage it
required to come before the
Council last night needs no
Not only loes the final set-
tenent of this disgraceful
election clear up a rather hazy
political situation on the Mich-
igan campus but it augurs well
for the future of student gov-
ernment. The Council, unlike
most of its predecessors, went
after the situation with vigor
when the fraud was made
known last Wednesday. That
accurate publicity at the pres-
ent time and in the future will
curb crooked politics at Michi-
gan is the belief of The Daily
and the Student Council itself.
No other form of punishment
--political probation or other
indefinite means - will ever
clear up Michigan's political
It remains only for the Coun-
cil to put over a decent, honest
election next Wednesday to re-
insure a rather firm opinion
that perhaps Ann Arbor's stu-
dent government can stand on
its own feet and take care of its
own troubles.

The admission before the entire
Council last night was the culmin-
ation of an investigation which has
been carried on by a special com-
mittee ever since th fradulent
election. What the Council was par-
ticularly interested in was the
method used in stuffl ng the ballot
boxes last Wednesday. This method
was described in detail by the guilty
party and conformed exactly with
the assumptions made by the com-
mittee and the Council as a whole.
Ballots Obtained at Noon.
Rachor stated that he obtained
ballots while heiping at the Angell
Hall polling booth, and marked and
inserted them in the box during the
lunch hour Wednesday. The reason
these ballots were on the top layer
in the Angell Hall ballot box was
explained by the fact that the vot-
ing machine was used from noon
on at this location.
He exonerated any candidates
from participation in the matter.
When asked by a councilman the
motive for his actions in stufm ,
the ballot box, he stated that he
"did it to assure the Washtenaw
party's victory in the election." He
also stated that lie did not even
know, personally, the candidates
whose names appeared on the
fraudulent ballots.
The Senior. ball budget was ten-
tatively approved, as well as the
date of May 27 and the price of five
dollars. Other Council business in-
eluded the appointment of a com-
mittee to check up on the Senior
ball budget, one to make plans for
the annual Spring election, and an-
other to make plans for Cap Night.
Will Visit Industrial Plants of
State; to Be Gone From
April 11 to 15.
*The twentieth annual spring va-
cation trip for foreign students
through tl h e various industria
plants of the state will be held from
April 11 to 15.
1 This tour is a yearly occurrence
and is under the sponsorship of the
advisers to foreign students, Prof.
J. A. C. Hildner, of the German de-
partment, and William B. Palmer,
of the economics department.
The trip will include the break-
fast food factories at Battle Creek,
the paper industries at Kalamazoo,
the furniture factories at Grand
Rapids, the Oldsmobile factory and
state legislature at Lansing, and the
Michigan state prison at Jackson.
The only cost incurred is the bus
nfee of ten dollars. Lodging, meals,
and other expenses will be paid by
the industries visited and by the
Ihosts in these cities, mostly alumni
of the University.
Althoughthe entire quota has al-
most been attained, there are still
a few vacancies that may be filled
by foreign students interested.
Anyone who wishes to take the trip
I should see Professor Hildner.
Prof. Cross to Discuss
Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the his-
tory department will discuss "Is


Graduating Body Needs
$500 to Carry Over
First Reunion.

$450 to

Funds amounting to at least $4501
to $500 must be left to keep a grad-
uating class in operation until its
first reunion, T. Hawley Tapping,
secretary of the Alumni association
of the'University, said last night.
"Any class which leaves without
these funds is handicapping its
future," Tapping stated.
Fred S. Randallsecretary of the
Class Officers' council, added that
"five years of experience has shown
that the class must have this money
to function. Should they fail, it is
a distinct loss to the individual and
to the student. This is particularly
true of reunions."
In addition, the class must pay
dues to the alumni council to aid in
its operation. These charges, with
the further cost of fixed class ex-
penses and the possible cost of a
memorial, make the collection of1
dues essential, he stated.
Although the collection of senior
literary dues has only continued
for two days, the number of stu-
dents, who have paid has been un-

Student Poetry GroupI
to Be Formed Tonight
Plans for the organization of a
students' poetry society will be
made under the direction of Prof.:
R. W. Cowden of the English de-!
partment at a meeting to be held
at- 3 o'clock tonight in room 32121
Angell hall. All students who are
interested in forming a society are
invited to attend.
Professor Cowden said that therei
has long been a definite need for
such an organization and that a
sufficient number of students are
interested to warran, the formationI
of a society.
"The aims of the society will be
to encourage the writing and study
|of verse by students," Professor
Cowden said.
plete but according to committee-
men will include many interesting
features. Chief among these will be
the annual cap night ceremony
which will be held on Friday night,
May 6, at Sleepy Hollow, and a dual
track meet with TIllinois on the fol-
lowing Saturday afternoon.
' There will be special displays in
several of the more important cam-


be difficult to properly evaluate the place Gen. Chiang Kuang Nai, who
poll because of he impossibility of walked out of the conference com-
learning the mMthlo(1 Ot vote diSti-11 plaiing that the Japanese had
bution---a matter obviously of vital I ent Gen. Kenkichi Uyeda, who was
importance. Previous Digest polls,! only a lieutenant general and be-
-, AA Ir - ,, -, -nP ,I - - - , . A.

the annual Spring Homecoming.
The homecoming is being spon-
sored by the leading student organ-
izations of the University who are
working in conjunction with Joseph

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