THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1932 Play inportant Part 40 ATew lE ~ ivl FABITS' OTFIASTCLOPS Red and Blue, Yellow and White Outfits Seen for Spring in Local Shops. ,! ti' r . .,- c . _ :. PAHIOlTIC TR D MA KSPOHTS PL Red, Whte and Blue Is Featured in New Frocks, Sweaters, and Jewelry. c'U Spring Styles 3IONASSUE L .. a ho::Ars, High Neckline, Trim Waists, Characterize New Modes. GIGOL7 TREND NOTED Colb s Are Dark teflecting Time of Depcrss:o1; National Shades P e ominatea For at least a week during the. ar, feminine attention is directed ward sports wear through the ef- ts of the Women's Athletic asso-x tion. A period of campaigning ' sports clothes is sponsored an- ally by this prominent organiza- n. This year, the period extend- from Friday, Feb. 26, until Fri- , arch 4. rhe campaign beganl Feb. 26 with style show which was held at 4 lock in the lounge of Palmer field use. The articles in the show, re sent from Detroit by the Pack-' )lin company. Clara Peck, '33, isted by Gladys Schroeder, '33, d charge of arrangements. k number of women on campus )eled, among them being Vin- ' le Bartlett, '33, Helen Mason, '34, riam Cortright, '32, Ruth Camp- - 1, '34, Betty Kane, '34, Pauline we, '32,BClara Grace Peck, '33, Russia Wants Clothe rriet Earle, '35, and Ann Mit- Designed for Hec ell, '35. rea was served after the fashion Style and chic cannot be coi )wing, most of the dresses of ered by the Russian designer Jch were models especially suit- a recent contest held by the for camnpus sports wear. sian State Clothing Trust, p uch a campaign was first inaug- were presented for garments ted several years ago in order to signed practical for work and iedy a situation whTch the W. A. able from a health standpoin believed could be, controlled. At the 4nouncement of the men of the University of Mich- test the trust spokesman said, n had the reputation of being United States leads the worl most formal and fastidious the mass production of clothes ssers on any college campus. they are designed without thou .ce the Athletic society has be- of practical' utility and millior a its campaigns, there has been dollars are spent annually in narked improvement. ducing new styles." Riding still remains one of the If you are the sort who swagges most active and interesting diver- around campus in moccasins . w i sions for the sports woman. Spring sa faIlhful friend to short sleeve especially is the time of year when sweaters, and who shows gozd tat riding proles most popular. in her classroom sports cl{th8 The new styles in habits makes you are in a veritable mecca th it seem still more enticing than spring, for never were suite and ever. One of the sr'artest of the omInrtably clever outdoor wear inI new outfits was seen recently in a better taste. local store. The coat was of a bright Since Washington chose to be Easter yellow in a loose weave.cot- ; born exactly two hundred years ton material. The breeches were ago, the ,ashion world goes p- white corded and the hat that corn- Irothein its fferings and all the pleted the outfit was of a soft yel! show-windows are proudly display- low felt in a vagabond style. This ing red, white, and blue comoina- seems almost a perfect combination j.tions of all sorts. There arc bell- for a snappy ride Easter morning, hop jackets wit built-up navy blu: Another outfit, quite in contrast !skirts and thin, fluffy sweaters; with thje first, was also seen in Ann there are daring red-and-white Arbor. The coat was of a bright candy stick dresses with blue jew- red flannel and the breeches were elry displayed suggestively beside navy blue whipcord. A very good- them; ere are rough lignt wooui looking ascot in red, white and blue in heaven blues, witn twisted hal-i was also shown. These three colors ters and even epaulets of red and make up one of the most popular white jersey or silk. Red, white, and color combinations that are being blue, no matter how you spell it, is s shown for this time of the year._ good this spring. With a smart navy blue beret al- Sweaters, er what pass f o r eth most any co-ed might be proud io ,Women in Majority I sweaters this spring, are entirely ride this spring in the above outf, unexpected. Purf sleeves and tight, nsid- whether a novice or a well-'exper - as Golfers, Says Pro high waists vie, with ruffles--es, . In enced rider. The best thing abort ruffles--and unusual weaves for no Rus.. these two refreshing habits is that More than 50. per cent'of the golf lice,and the colors run the gamut rizes they are both within the college lessons givenby professionals in the from unadorned white to a dark de., budget. re rrd ih elw lead suit- For women who would like to United States are taken by women. gree ed, wites t. learn to ride and wear such becom- James Roach, farous writer of Sprinhg coats follow the lead of con- irkg outfits elective riding classes women's sports, gives acompliment last year's spring coats, only more "The are held at 4:15 o'clock every Tue- for women, in a recent statement. so. The swagger coat and polo d in day and Thursday. At the same coat have taken unto themselves s but time a class is held every Monday He sys professionals agree that the e an nto s ights and Wednesday. Arrangements may women are more adaptable and pa- If you would b a well-dressed as of be made by calling Mr. Mullison , - tient students than men, due to ,sportswcman, be a dresse- pro- fore 2 o'clock to inquire if the clazs their inherent ability to assimilate veiely this Easter, but cleverly so Sfor creditisrfull for that day, the rudimentary techque.Y is st t rly ce.Your suits must stand or fall by "o . - e "It Can-pus women have turned gig-/ olo. At least hey have if the choice for their new spring clothes is tak- en into con0sideraton for they are predominantly of the'gigolo ' trend. If the fashions were to be de- scribed diagrammatically, a trian- Sle could ai oi ately be drawn for the shoulders are to have a broad effect. th1: waist, high and trim, and the skir fill t close to .the figure. A high necIline and a short detachable jacket character- ize "la mode nouvelle.' Sleeves are wide to the wrist wit a tight cuff and large brass buttons trim the S__typical outft. One dress seen was SWEA TERS WORN of navy blue cre e with blocks of red and white set in a bold design. UNTIL TEA-TIME It had a detachable jaoket of navy blue. with an ascot of diagonal Variety of Weaves Distingui4h Grades of Formality. "In this year 1932 you will see sweaters everywhere during 'che daylight hours," say the editors of Vogue in a recent issue. Sweaters of every color, knit, and style of sleeves and neckline are "scheming little climbers that have wangled their way into every so- _-- i i Ado r Can Cure That Easter Fever Called Glad Ra iseasc Do you iric el ike going completely haywire? Do you wat T;. UA'- NDS of starding new dress? That's the %j ' disease." Spring causes it. We can f,,, 9-° , J ,- _..--.y.__,t ., ; ; ,,. ,, , r .a ' f--. ;s I t __ rcur.C 1", intoxicating tenics that -aris cables r havei ag about. For instance: For $5.00 -- c nIitced dresses with high necks and \' L igFor $9.95-soft-as-down angoras, 2-pc as, wool crepes, boucles. And the silks } s t at AN . $1 owWeDope It Out: 9 DRESSES.. WTiny Jackcts High Waists, ., _ Gigolo Jackets Broad Shourdens Contrasts Puff Sleeves Capes Side Cosngs A' fi Dots. Prints. Stripes & ('bfl ) , r 1~ £4 A ftf * , A- 11 - A / / SUITS Military Fur Trimmed r ese NEW EasterFocs J.ckets . short, but not too fhoft! iitted frocks cut, oh so carefully, on the bi- ,st would your figure to new lovelnss. Sizes 14 to 20, 38 to 44. J their material and cut, and can not ciety." They are all very short and' be eccentric or overdone. sometimes topped by sleeveless, $AEES ANCE."double-breasted jackets. They vary !SD "from the roughest of wool for sport Sophomores of the University of to the most finely woven of " silk! Wisconsin iv roduced a novel f thread for the formal teas. "Dateless Dance" Friday, March 11 So popular have sweaters become at which they presented the can- that women have been known to didates for class officers. Sopho- form clubs for the sole purpose of mores were admitted cn presenta- making them according to their tion of fee cards. own ideas of chic. .: hj . . h % 1 bands of red, white, and blue. If one should trace the fashions, one would see that contemporary events easily influence the trend. The bicentennial exposition has had a decided effect, for the alleged color combination is rd, white, and blue, not only insdresses and coats but also in jewelry. Military lines are important as can be seen in the newv crossed lines on dresses, the I brass buttons down the front of the polo coat, which remains popular, and also epaulets. If all of these features were analyzed, one would I find that the cross straps are char- acteristic of the West Point uniform and the brass buttons follow the mode of the uniform worn in the Spanish - American war. Generals were honored by epaulets. One of the- frequent exclamations of women this year in selecting their spring outfits is that all the colors are so dark and strangely enough, according to stylists, the reason is the "depression," for wom- en's fashions reflect the tendencies oif the time and during every period of this sort, the dark side of life is predominant in all things, fashions included. The dressy afternoon outfit is dis' appearing and in its place is the tailored. The smart woman changes from her severe, dark street dres.s either of military cut or of "gigolo" trend into the decollete dhner ',own of soft materials and light- shades. COSMFTIC CHART SELECTS SHADES Brighter Colors More Popular for 411 Complections. To aid in the proper selection of cosmetics to go with the new spring c utfit s see beauty' house' has put out a revolving chart, an ingenious device that shows the' shade, of powder, rouge, lipstick, and eye make-up that sets off. the individ- ual coloring with each change in frocks. There are fewer shades in powder this season and the dark shades are not as popular as they were a year ago, the movement being to- ward the lighter and brighter shades, regardless of whether one is a blonde or a brunette. Rouge is losing much of its or- ange,.tone. Many shades are some- what lavenderish but they must be carefully chosen for each costume. It is difficult to suggest an eye shadow, one must experiment to get the right one. PATTERN fora COLONIAL PARTY Try it this bicentennial year. Two or three tables of bridge-a New England luncheon-old-fash- oned hospitality and charm! T e pattern is closely followed when ydu have your party at Dearborn Inn. This real l4ew England Inn is truly Colonial in atmosphere. The Colonial tounge provides space for bridge tables. The Early American Dining Room features delicious "down-east" menus, which follow famoustraditions of cookery. -i / / '-I Jr, *' ; , . r Vevre Br mning With B'ti $ll95 to $5 You'll love there in rough straws, shiny straws and m ilans. , :' , , ~ .. ? Y , t - / -TkeVOGE SOPPS-e i 203 East Liberty Street It I Be Your Most Charming Sel on East er - T.hat's the day above all other days that you'll want to look your level best. And nothing will do more to accom- plish this end than a new dress. " We'll Help You! We'll show you the newer and smarter dresses, emboding the details of style which have crested sensations in style centers this spring. And you'll get so much more for your money if you buy now! Choice of noonday ' luncheon menus, $1.25 and $1.00 a plate. Dinner, $1.50. A la carte service in the English Coffee Shop. Recrei tion Room. Transportation provided for groups. 'Phone Dearborn 1810. m / \ u I III III I