THE MICHIGAN ) A I LY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 3, 1932 D mold A-iinu,,.a.& enHouse ms ILL PLAY IL TITLE CAMESl ,9 FOURTH ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE Time Event Place Tennis, Wrestling, [ Volleyball, Swimming, tov Feature Event. perts to Compete in All Forms of Intramural Activity This Evening.. By Charles A. Sanford Mehigan's fourth annual Open ouse activities will keep the In- amural building humming tonight ith its widely varying and inter- ting program of tournament and xhibition play. A rapidly moving ird starting at seven and continu- g until ten this evening has been yawn up for all visitors. Class "A" fratcrritv basketball iampionships., while lu t on. the rogram tonight, will be the main ature, with the Alpha Sigs and ie Betas coming together again as iey did last year when the former on out. This year it looks like a versal of form, however. Independents to Play. Class "B" play rests on Delta Up- Ion and Chi Psi this year, while le D.A.E.'s and A.K.L.'s will fight otit for the class "C" title. The =maining basketball encounter set- es another title, that of 'the Inde- endents, with the -Physical Eds id the Falcons tangling for that tramural honor and cup. But three other 'campus cham- onships will be settled tonight. ennis singles, with the scrap be- veen Corey and Nisen, each a top- Vtch court man and representing n even match, is one of them. restling crowns of All-Campus as ell as the various All-Campus encing titles will be at stake, and ough many novices are entered tion is guaranteed. Swim Show Carded. Headingthe exhibitions will be Bach Matt Mann's usual ' wim- ing show, not actual races, but erely an interesting exhibition of e Varsity members and several of e intercollegiate stars that are Dw in town. Degener and Raike il stage again their popular bur- sk on the highi board. Gymnastic exhibitions by the arsity squad will be well worth' iyone's time, for they will perform Z the parallel bar, sidehorse, flying ngs, and mats in the main gym-, isium since the swimming bleach-' "s close the Auxziliary. Another ex- ibition of note is the volleyball .me between the Chinese students id the Filipinos; and another fac- ty winners vs. Y.M.C.A. Some of the state's leading hand- .11 players, including the state amploris of he last two years, etroit's title holder,aand the K of high main will be here with e K of C and Plymouth. P u r 1 1 i J l IM1 y, } 7:00 to 8:00-Gymnastic Exhibitions on the Paralels Side Horse, Flying Rings and Mats. by Members of the Gymnastic team ...... Large Gym 7:00 t; 8:00--Badminton Exhibition matches .......... Large Gym 7:00 to 8:00--Codeball Exhibition matches .. ... .....Courts 2, 4, 6 7:00 to 8:00-Squash matches-by Student players...Squash Courts 7:00 to 8:00-Tennis Singles Champi.nship Corey vs. Nisen ...........................Large Gym 7:00 to 8:00-Volleyball Match-Chinese Stuients vs. Filipinos .................................Large Gym 7:30 to 10:30-Wrestling Championshiips--All Can:- pas...........................Wrestling Room 7:30 to 10:00-Fencing Championships-All ,Campus Epee, "Foils, Sabre .......... ....... ..'. Auxiliary Gym 8:00 to 9:30-Swimming and Diving Exhibitions by Michigan Swimming teams and collegiate swvimming champions ........................Pool 8:00 to 9:00-Basketball-Ind. Championship Phys. Eds. vs. Falcons ................ ...... Court 2 8:00 tv 9:00-Basketball--Frat. Class "B" Championship-- Delta Upsilon vs. Chi Psi .................. . Court 1 8:00 to 9:00-Volleyball---Y.M.C.A. vs. FacuiIty...........,Large Gym 8:00 to 9:0Q-Squash-Detrot Athletic Club vs. Mich. Students and Faculty playcrs ........Squash Courts 8:00 to 9:00-landball-Plymouth vs. Mich. Phelps vs. Aslind.........................Court 12 TLundberg vs. Dworman ..................... Court 14 Lance vs. Baker ...........................Court 10 Cohen vs. Smith ..................... .....Court 8 j K of C squad, Detroit 9:00 to 10:00-Basketball-Frat. Class "A".Champ. Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Beta Theta Pi..........Court 2 9:00 to 19:00--Basketball-Frat. Class "C" Delta AlphaEps. vs. A.K.L. ..............:"°.. Court 1 I I C [ 'LEFT DWORMAN WILL COMPETE Basketball Titles nET I IN HANDBALL EXHIBITION Will Be Decided at FYRIL nN ]-.[[L Lefty" Dworman, Detroit city ,Riley, who has hd th.c champion-T ni singles charmpion and four times ship of Michigan no ls than four psight " National doubles champion, will times is a member of this team. - lead a team of experts from Ply- Dworman will play Lundrber - mouth againt a picked group of All-Campus title-holder, in wha Cinals with Delta kUpi carded to Delta to Take Second in Michigan students 'to feature the promises to be one of the ture play Chi Psi in the Intramural Annual Track Meet, handball competition in tonight's contests. Phelps, Lance and Cehen Open House activities this evening. A u Ta eeOpen House festivities at the Intra- are also inc1ded in the Michigan Delta Upsilon starts with Coqk at mural building. delegation. right forward, Bartholomew at left By capturing only one first anc In addition to the Plymouth ag- Competition in this spor t Will be forward, King at Center, Goodier at several seconds and thirds, Alpha gregation, the K. of C. handballers of a more o less infornl 1 natu right guard, and- Morrison at left Kap pa Lambda's highly touted will be on hanc. Included in this with mrmburs of the varou, te md guard. Chi Psi will play with Kmp track team succeeded in taking over group is Joe Bathey, state chai- meeting members o the faculty t right forward, Westover at left the fraternity track meet title in on and Cht York last year's and Michigan student body. Among forward, Traynor at center, Waring state champ. Kelly. K. of C. cham- others on the K. of C. team are Yost Field House Monday night. pion, will also be on 4hand. "Doc" Larry Dowd. Vin Joyce, F. H'ughey, guard. Theta Xi barely nosed out Phi Beta - Ed Burke, H. Sullivan, Tom Dowd, Alpha Kappa Lambaa, defeated Delta to take seend place. while Field Narrows Down Lou Jabson, and Chas. Ou ornei. last year in the finals by Sigpma Chi. Sigma Phi Epsilon and Pi Kappa '.-- will meet Delta Alpha Epsilon in Alpha tied for a poor fourth. ! as Mural Foils en Chinese Will Defend the title playoff for class "C" 0-yard dash-Won by First The line-up for Alpha Kappa (Phi Beta Delta ; 2,' Eickmeyer Fight First Rounds Volleyball Laurels Lambda will probably be Irwin' (Sigma Phi Epsilon); 3, Cohen (Tau ;---_-right forward; Clarke, left forward: Delta Phi). Time, 0:06,.3. Intramural fencing swung under Two volley-ball games will be on Steigerwald, center; Friend, right Mile run-Won by Whitsit (Sig- way Monday afternoon with the' tap tonight as one of the features guard; and Ayers, left guard. Delta ma Phi Epsilon); 2, Steigerwald 'first clash of foil on foil as the pre_ of the annual Open House program, Alpha Epsilon's line-up will be: (Alpha Lambda) Ferr iminary bouts of the All-Campus At 7 o'clock the Chinese students Miller, right forward; Spencer, left (Theta Xi). Time, 5:06.5. fencing fray were decided. The first. will clash with the Filipino stu dents forward; Law, -center; Langen, right High hurdles --- Won b y Allen nine of a series of 37 contests were in a game that will see the latter guard; and Blackwell, left guard. (Theta Xc: 2, Eidred Alpha Kap- gI trying to tke away the aur'- The Physical Eds appear to have Elded(AlhaKap 'fought off in the Intramural build- outfit tyn o,' pa Lambda) ; 3, Brown (Alpha Kap- ing, narrowing down the numbers els that the Chinese have held for a slight edge over the Falcons and pa Lambda). Time, 0:09.3. and the chances of the amateur the past two seasons. At 8 o'clock on the basis of scors should win Lpw hurdles-W n by Heston swordsmen who are participating' the Ann Arbor Y.M.C4.. an aggre- the Independent title. Starting (Alpha Sigma Phi); 2, Latta (Pin the finals of the Intramurals gaton that has been playing togeh- line-ups for the Physical Eds will Kappa Alpha); 3, Fischer (Tau Mod ht er for a number of yea, will meet be: Schaller righi forward; Qldt, Delta Phi). Time. 0:07.4. tl a picked team of faculty memk 21s left forward; Slater, center; Pen- 440 yard dash--Won by Roosa'Id, that have been playing in the fta- - dorfe, right guard; ana Coombe, (Phi Kappa Sigma; 2, Reed (Del- ise, if the preliminaries may be tak- ulty league throughout the winter, left guard. ta Sigma Pi) ; 3, Darrow tDelta Al-! pha Epsilon). Time, 0:55.6 en as a sign of their progress. The ph Eslo) Tm,:5..p lay in the epee class was especial- i ~ 880 yard dash--Won by Nichol- yn- -ee a e a S80 ard ash-on b Nicol-ly keen, due to numbers and ability, .< 'x son (Theta Xi); 2, Williams (Alpha and four matches in this field have Sigma Phi); 3, Steva (Delta Sigma iready been'tdecided. h dA - Pi). Time, 2:12. nthe first of the events sched-/ S Pole Vault-Won b y Plummer (Phi Gamma Alpha); 2, Ellsworth tiltd in which eahon a tries s n'ext SUNDAY (Theta Xi); 3, Tie between Kugler his luck at both sabre and epee and (Alpha Kappa Lambda)' Rosen-- wald (Tau Delta Phi): Wright (Sig- at foil in the onlydefeated Stevens, 5-2 ma Phi Epsilon); and Renick (Al- A arge choice m Ph pi n enc(A-meet played off' up to date. !k r pha Chi Rho). Heighth, 10 ft. 3 in. McMullen topped Hall, 6-5, in a ' R 'assorment of Shot, ut--Won byr Blumenfield close duel, and Rysg in turn de- I (Phi Beia Delta; 2 Salmon Theajfeated McMullen, 5-3, to go to the Delta Chi) 3, Clohset (Alpha. Kap-!semi-finals as representative of the ' ''"- pa Lambda). Distance, 41 ft. 2 in. nee s, Merri- 'GRrEETING (New Intrariural Record)Int sabre division. Broad Jump-Won by Latta (Pi man fne d off Co an, 32 Bn- N D R G A R D S CARDS Kappa Alpha); 2, Veech Alpa chat defeated Goodwin, 3-1, Cross- WT H Kappa Lambda) ; 3, Allen (Theta! man took ov er Goodwin, 3-2, and ("J .. ._foj._. yoccasil's Xi). Distance, 19 ft. 10 in. Marriman overcame Banchat3, 3-1d f C High Jump-Won by Veech (Al-'In the only two clashes yet deter- pha Kappa Lambda); 2, Blumen- mined inrthetfoil Einstein defeated L-L field (Phi Beta Delta). Height. 5 Conviser. 5-3. and Wolfe entirelyat ft 7 in mopped up Steen, 5-0. CARD BADMINTON O. D Mori-l' 'MATCH TONIGHT CLASSES RELIG OUS CTYLES NOW BEING FORMED CUTE ON O R Typewriter and Stationery Store Robert N. Shaw, '34, and Bruce I E D LY S1° .314 South State Street 1 Chalmers, '32, have advanced to the: Shorthand s R I final round of the Ali-Campus Ba'd- Stenotypy._ ------- inton Tournament, which is to be Typewriting-, building, as one of the features of' Bookkeeping pi ekOl MATMEN TO AbEETl BTSETIN CAMPUS FINAL even Matches Scheduled for Al 11-Campus Toiurnament. Finals in Class 'A' Basketball League Will Be Feature of Tonight's Open House. One of the features of the Open House at the Intramural building tonight will be the finals of the All- Campus Wrestling Tournament. Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Sigma After four hours oft grappling and Phi meet tonight in the basketball grunting Tuesday afternooi the feature tilt of the Intramural Open fourteen finalists were chosen from House to decide the class "A" cham- a large entry list of thirty-six mat- pionship.alagenrlitothrysxm- Though the Betas are slightly lmen to insure seven good matches favored, the game is a toss-up. Sea- for tonight. son records for both teams ar&. ex- One of the feature matches of the cellent, though the Beta's have the evening will be between Rubin and edge in both number of victories Koplin in the 126-pound class. Ru- and high scoring. and hgh scring.bin captured tI s Michigan A. A. U. The Betas won six of their league 'cham ud pionship in the 118 pound games and four tournament play- cla:s Saturday night at Detroit,.de- offs. They ran up theyhighest score feing Landrum of the Varsity, o'! the year when they swamped but, tonight he will wrestle in thc Delta Upsilon under a deluge of 126 hound weight. 52-6. Th e match between Sweet and The Alpha Sigs won five of their 'Freedman promises to be a hun- league games and dropped only one, dinger. Each has defeated the oth- Phi Lambda Kappa beat them 12-j er once before and tonight will be 10. In the tournament play-offs,' the deciding bout. however, they bowed to the victory-' Heavyweight matches are always bent Alpha Sigs. The latter won full of interest and the one to .ght. four of their playoffs but made no betwen Bauss and O'Brien"will be big scores. no exception. Lauss is bothered by The Betas and the Alpha Sig's a sore ankle but will be in good met in the finals last year. -That shape by tonight. Bauss won his 'encounter resulted in a win for the qualifying match by the narrow Alpha Sigs of 22-18. mergin of 47 seconds. The probable lineup for tonight The rest of the wrestling program follows: is as follows: Fiero and Hirata i i Beta Theta Pi Alpha Sigma Phi the 118 class. Paine and Harrod in Cummings R.F. Shea the 145. Klein and Brodkin in the Wills L.F. Fay 155, and Duxbury and Finch in the Miller C. Damn 165 pound class. Root R.G. Heston Arnold L.G. Buderus , Ei the I-m open iHouse. Gnaw anti Chalmers are the only survivors of a starting group of thirty-six men, and a closely contested match be- tween the two is expected. IANflEfLI WANTED 7 1 1 r t '1 ........... . 516 East Wiiihm St. DINNERS .... ..... 30c nd 43c LUNCHEONS. ...... 30c and 45c We offer a Special 45r Sunday Dinner. Calculator Dictaphone Secretarial Training DAY AND EVENING Hamilton Business College State and William Streets Ann Arbor, Michigan Phone 7831 I I --'; iI _ _ _ -. _ : ,m -- -- mm.. . mY a.r mia. ..e+rr.a, r+ " .ur..a ., a# 11 i!I)I Fred Sington, former Alabama football ace, and now assistant to Wallace Wade at Duke, will play baseball with the' Atlanta Crackers this summer. c BARGA,,,-'S C I G-Grad. theses a . Hartsuff. 9087. specialty. 526c1 TUBE, super - heterodyne ilco Radio. Automatic control. icticasly new and in excellent tcdition. Very reasonable price. c 'details phonie 9149. 543 1 FOR RENT, TI in REFERENCE BOKuS ?ED man and wife want po, n as cook and porter. Fur- good reference. Phone 7583. 542 Centrally located office fac- ilitits for professional men. Ready for immediate occu- pancy. FOR SALE j POSSESSED CARS-Buy from inance Company for balance! ue. We sell all makes of new ars at a discount. Investigate. 11 W. Huron. Phone 22001. 235c FORPRENT ST FLOOR APARTMENT, of ro large rooms and bath, for 3, or 4. 500 Pickard. 541 NICKELS ARCADE David Willets, Mgr. Dial 8313 i ,i WAIHR',STB STSTOES STATE STREET ON THE SCREEN II ''I _ _ .. W =_ ___ -_ - - _ --- { r77 r - - - _ - - ,. .. _ """ , ___-__._ _ _ _ -. _ _,.______ ___ . - - _ _ . _.. _ _ v .. - ,d!1 I E 8th ANNUAL JUINIOR GI'P9AY o I i ,I iii,' t l I ,; . I . _ mK ," MEN IGHT SPOT 802 Packard St. .1 DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS. SHOULD WOMEN BE ALLOW- ED TO HANDLE CAM P U S AFFAIRS? COME AND SEE ! ! I I WOMEN YOUR CHANCE HAS COME. THE CAMPUS IS ! IN YOUR HANDS. CAN YOU RUN IT? Today, 11:30 to 1:30 Fillet of Haddock Hamburger Steak Roast Pork Carrots and Peas O'Brien Potatoes iili with Grilled Cheese Sandwvich Prune Whip Coffee, Milk 5:30 to 7:x3a Soup Baked Stuffed White Fish Fried Oysters I V I ZAZU PITTSP PREEASTER SPECIAL PARA- THELMA TODD MatALL ,WEEK MOUNT IN Matinees until 2 p.,in. SOUND "SEALSKINS" All Seats 100 NEWS ON THE STAGE RIGHT OFF THE AiR, ONTO OUR STAGE AN' RARIN' TO GO' DON'T MISS "6 A N'S ND" Iill I I I